Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 18

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I GRER TS PRESIDENT IN HA WA III Plan to, Present.Mass And so great bas been the interest 1 Dra aatTehnyMisin aroused by the oHà draa that, even A significant contribution to the had been doubled, the.requests ' were ob o hservance opheHly Year has i numerou s enough to elicit the. pro- been offered by t. Mary's Missionlmise'of.a new seriesofý presentations House at lhYè ,Ill., west of Win- fe te.epnn of the semninr netka in the revival of one of Cald- I last fali..11.11 eron's aImost forgotten reiigious1 More than 8,0-00 people f rom Chi-1 plays, "The Mysteries of the Mass."' cago and the adjoining towns, eYen as far as Indiana and Wisconsin. mLenTPo~noeL ' took advantage of the opportunity T /COO!and witnessed the presentation oi INAMEICA ~~jff the Mystery play. A @oNP/ IET 1 Due to the many. requests received EUcHARACTERt from the clergy and the people, the MMPRIE/ToiG superiors at Techn>, finally, decided to have this play staged again on Sunday, October 7, 14, and 21, res- pectiveiy, at 3 o'clock. As in past >%i performances, the Scholastics will Sc Ri 4) «) LS present the play. Ail performances will be given, in, *COMMERCIAL ART SCHOOL, Inc. the auditorium of St. Mary's Mis-' AdvertioliÊ Art. Layout. Lettering. Design. 1i *VOGUE SCHOOL of Fashion Art sion House located on the Waukegani and INTERIOR D E C 0OR A T10N road. Pres Design, Stv1ing, Fashion Illus., Ent. Dec 0 RAY SCHOOL 0F PHOTOGRAPHy GUILD TO RESUME Lavout, Lighting, Operation, Deelpng, Etc IMs .'.Agro lno i *RAY SCHOOL OF ADVERTISING elnho ots etMna Ad-Writinit, Lavout, Markets, 6M)eerchandhstssnet oing t ENTRANCE DATES - October 1.8-15 the Anderson guild of the Churc.h of 116 S. Michigan BIvd.. Chicago. Depi. S the Hol3- Comforter. This is to 1w the first meeting of tdie niew season. Tii.: rec'nt :'isit of President Fr-anklin, D. T<oç',Io the far-off isiand oi IJaw~aii is of parlicular interest bI il,'tcalid the niortlî shore', for aînon.<, thos,' rt'(<'ninyhiiu-eni,', l'isiteil the,' ZolcapHo. K iiaue,'as Idward G. Ili>iqale, soii-iin-iz7i of ti'he hii~ .11. Singlei~tonîs of 110-i Forest avenue, ll*iiinù'tt'. Thie Prc'siden'is car mi its tour' stop pediin tfront tpf tihe'ni s,'uii ini tl~' qz ,'>n mntpa'k wIzili,'tii,' ordfalmno li iot/Cai i 4( it. 1Pr. Tho mas Ja~~~slandiin<; oaithi.iriht. ttil'kiui i ',,aii <ioit abu t U', iuis,ii'sùrlics tb 't Pri'sid,'nt. .S'(lin lnb'sid,' tih' car ' thie lef t oiflhepicture j: 1Mr. W'in- </at<'. t'io. as superint<'ndcnt of.,lih' park. arts ais a Jiost to ail the' distin- iniishi-,d diqn itarirs and que!s i zisit it.. 11r. 1l'inqat<' is froi R 'atshipt.ttoni, Il. C. Ilis z.if1' is 'ii'fonu' lii,li th inîi,'lon. SORORITY PLEDGES ýWill Speak on "Liberty The following niorth shiore girls w ho, and Social Philosophy" are freshmen at De Pauw universitv. Greencastie. mnd., hiave been pledgcd hEdvard C. Lindeman, profeý,or to the various sororities: Phvý-llis 1psy chology at the NeW York School Carleton and Betty Smith of'<viî- of Social Work, will give a talk at mnette and Mildred Mullen of Glencoe. the Lincolun schiool, Greeni Bav road Kappa Kappa Gamma; Janet WVriglut and Lincoln avenue. Higlîland Park. Of Wîlmette, Kappa Alphba Thieta: on Tuesdav cvening. October 2. Hij«' Dorothy Raggio of Kenilwort.h. Betty subject will be "'LilhertN- and. Social Phillips of Wýilmette, Alpha Chi One- Philosophy» The Lincoliu SchoI ..ea; Betty Herrick and Katlvn Hol- Parent-Teachers' assoc iation and t1hr way of Wilmette, Aiphi Phi. Highland Park League of \Vomiei Voters have joined in sponsoring thi.. J ecture.iii the belief that 't vill be of MARRIED1 exceptional interest to everv thinking Richard Osgood, who liad residel )ro1o henrhsoe w vitli the A rthur Seibolds, form er resi -_______o__te______shore (lents of Wilmette, was niarried tt< PLAY VOLLEYBALL Miss Mary Larned of Grand Rapids GTirl> of tiie Jose'ph Sears sciooI :11 at the bride's honme on August 4. Th>le Knlw-h ae beeti playiflg volley- inewlyweds are now residing in 1.- bail durng tlieir reces.; I)Cri(l, and anston. after qchool is distnissed in tilhe after- i ioon. Manv of the older girls have, Mr. and Mrs. iCharles S. Drake ofl heen attend'ing the Girl <cout inect- Wichita, Kas., came tliis wveek to at-, i ings. which started this v eek. There tend the funeral of Mn\l. Drake'., are three troops at joseph Sea.rs and father, Manlei' Drake. whiclh was held ail of tliem m et. vesterdv. o Mrs. E mma Frye of Oul City and Sliaron, Pa., is the guest -of ber nephew and family,' the William J. iWilliams of 211 Eýssex road, Kenil- worth. Mrs. G. A. Richardson and daugh- ter, Miss. Mantha, have neturned from their summffer home at Little Island. Mainîe. Miss Martha left last week for Boston to enter ber senior year -it Simmons college. You are, Invited to Attend during October THE SECOND ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT arrang.d in cooperation with the University of Chicago under the direc- tion of Professor Frank N. Freemnan of the. Department of Education This exhibit includes play material, books, clothing and hobbies for ebjîdren. Accompanying the Exhibit is a series of lectures for parents by Miss Ethel Kawin, Psyehologist of the Laboratory Sehools of the University. Mondays and Fridays at 2 p. M. Oc aober l-""PIay as It Develops froni Infancy Through Adolescence" October 5-'ýA WelI-Balanced Diet of Toys" October 8---Toys for Infants and Children of Pr.. School Age" October 12--Play Activities of the Young School Child; Âges 6 to 10" October 5-",,Play Activities of Later Childhood; .Âges 10 to 13" Octoher ig--Educationai Recreation During Adolescence; Ages 13 and FoIlowing~ october p2-.--Toyis for Children with Special Needs" Qetober 26-"éThe Significance of Play in Personality Devloýpment"9 Fourth Floor, South, WVabash STATE *WASHINGTON *RANRDOLPH *WABASH MARSHALL F IE:LD., SO.M-PAN'Y, CHICAGO 'Woolen FIroe:ks If unusual colors pleaseý you ..If painstaking details miake you feel, better dressed . Our new Fail collection of street and sports woolen frocks wil surely please you. Priced from $12.75. JANET SCIJUR SIoP. Ince 1605 CHICAGO AVENUE, EVANSTON (North Shore Hotel Bldg.) Op>en Sauurday Rvemiligs September 27, 193'4 WiLMETTE'.ýLiFE

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