Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 16

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INEWS 0FT1HE CHURCHES 01thodist Churcoft n etipb EoflihhLuthenaL'ake avenue is presidnt, willbe host- R1e. Oscar Thonmas (>Ison, 1) P., iiinister soloist. This service Is at Il o'clock. Sevenith street at Greenleatf aveulîe iWonln's Fe.iiowship) Thursday and Fri- TheRtv.H~aceO.Smth DD, lf Sndy e'eîn w hae uryongWilmette day, October, 4 and 5. The visjtjng The get raer Sithe Dwilte epeSun ahereings. Thae oih h 1 1 A os o osbi"women wiii be entertained over night In be -tegetpechri h imet epesgthii1.Tehihsho h ev. David R. Kabele, pastor. the homes of this parish, and at lunch- Parish church this Sunday norng. His group meets at 6 o'clock in the Guild icn iuradatatat egvnat sermon themle wili be -Homesick Folks." roomn at the church, with Verna Archam-. SUJNDAV SERVICES the church. Airs. M. H. Me'ilien ofi The ininister wili be the guest preacher bauit and lier Devotional comimittee con- ud1 eol............ 9:45'.. l. 1010 Linden avenue is chairman of the at the session of the Noî'thvest liwa ducting the exercises. Refreshînents and Morninýg worship .............. Il a. M. FHospitaiity committee, and Ms Richard vonference. a social hour wiil foi iow. The Sunset S teen of 1-5135 Spencer it,'eitis1 chair- club aiso meets with'the planning of the Tnorweeig- -i asotto oiite Theinuie or he orsil)seiicethi yersdisussonsandsoca civiie9 o'eio('k the Womnan's society is sponsor-: on Thurisday evening, at i -;3 p). in. the- Sunday norning wiil be as follows h efore the mienibers, Ie l,,-b Joei D.ickin-1 ing a Faîniiv, Night for ail the moînhers 1 meeting wlih dr'seib 1 <l organ P-eliude-"Chor*ai son. This group nieets at 6 :30. and friends. A motion picture traý'elogThleod(ore I [lime of New E~aî ('on- vin plhonit Ile" Dgl of the Bia.ck Forest in Gerrmany and mur- gregationai ('hurch, Ci.;.Ri ul.- Milss 'Marie Briel 'lhle Vomeî's group imeetings- beginrun ontrwt omit oails Je<t is "A W'ord Of 11o01b- in a 'World of Atutli'mi l>- the Qutitet-"Fear, today, Thursday, with Linik 4 gathering; of the voyage ivili be featured inl the (Dha.." 1)î'.hume ha,; iust 'e1urne-,d Nol, () lsr-ael" .Spicker at. the honme of Mrs. George D. Conlee, Tieriograrn. -odill Inrot"trtMeue Courage. 729 Greenwood avenue, wvhere the assist- mvted. Lord'* .... Bachin îg hostesscs are Mrs. E. O. Anderson,. Choir rehiear-sai this e%'.ening (Thurs- i Oft'ert<'ry Solo- Nrs..J. D. Dingie, a nd, %rs. Goorg.' day) at 7 :30 o'cioek. 'l'lie ('l1nIl r'Ischool lias (icj)i,'il m"ns Organ otld "ieii" Faikes Green. Tomiorrow, Friday. Link 1ilmeets aiî lse o i gs tîîvs' at the home o! Mrs. Arthuar Scott, 176 The Confirmation ciass ivil iimeet dur- isunîday niornings at j.,10 o*eloc.t.I Next The Church school moeets each Sunday liuller lane, Winnetka, with Mrs. A. ingth udysolhurnxSna ýSidyvlleRlyd. 9,lthtine miorning at 9 :30 o'ciock. There are ernas-tg;Lk2,iet wh morning. Those wishing to enrol In this foi' fltt day is : 'The ' 'al "f Illeai. classes for ail agos fron tt- Nursery, to Mrs. R. J1. Laselles. 1639 WVainut ave- class wili please be present at that tie. the Aduit department. nue, with Mrs. 1,. E. Jaistroin, Mrs. (ti ak6 etn ' aî'aya Toay, Thursday, is Division day. The lianis, (.oissh stiiOnModa, Otoer , hewom, 1 ':30o a. 1n). at tilt- 'hurt'h. Ail te .:. o<f 9, I assising ilîk 3. leets ;Witli tag for the Chiidrein's Benefit associ-1 î lvatso ieaeivtd foilowing divisions are meeting : Mrs. .1. C. Biayiock, 1224 Forest avenue, a-Ian]iyerofgtt-elv FIRST-12 :30 1.m.Lncen-r.Il with Mrs. E. R. Phelps, MNrs. Fraýnk gettio.Touc h int staege il lasn, C. Kinnie, 1324 m.lnhodaenu.rde nd-Mrs... r-iasitgin Thosehwishing 10Getage vL ase . .ieii,;t tt ip.n. Eimoodaveue. Gutride, nd rs.H. . Ovis itss- Wilmiette 1234. The hours for- tagging Tîî, îy SECONI)-10 :30 a. ni. --- Mrs. %I. C. ing. Ail groups mieet at Il a. 1n. 1l <rder are front 6 a. nm. to 4 1). ni. î< *tî<î 'ha~a t4p >,'hus THIRD-2 P> . . W. .1. Chapmnan, charitable work. ThCoa'lsceywl hl hi ay. 2214 Chestnut avenue. OcToerometng oneThursday, octoer senior ' choir .iu,'e t7:1p.H, FIFTH-12 :30 p1.) . .I. Sî,rilger, tbrmeigo TusaOtbrThur.sdai'. 4.10 ~ij avenue. First Presb.vterian 4, at the parsonage at 2 o'cîock. Mrs. BoslIli reuîea.aî aI 11) a. Ili.. Frank Htayson wiii preselît the topîc, Nlnth street at Greenleaf avenue "The Oriental* in America Status, and i îy T'l'i Philitllt»'iï ,i.ss ili i ,îît "iusd.,v James T. Vefieklasen, minister Chief Occupation." Girls' Ch'ioir î'eliarsa1 I 0a . Il.. evening. Octoher 2, a t SXo'ioc n the Satu,'day. WT rn'o'<<ni. . Ourî' moriing w0xshiIî ser'vice ili 1w On FrldayOctolier 5; the voîen %vill held at 11 o'clock. It will lie a Fait ]lally sew at th, Womiah's club beginning atStsi g stn ' A, "Fit'eweii" foi- D". OOlut tfl< i USÙSnday, and we hope that every inemrber 10 o'CIO('k in the inoîrning. Garments S .Au u tn - fainily %viili e heid Wednesday, October and friend o! the church wili be present. wvill ho made for the ('hildren'.sý Receiv- 11111-11ii I(X'aletonl, D.4C. JL., 'u' 3, aI s *'lo'-k in the Woman's i'0()Ii. The pastor will preach on the themne,ling Homie, Maywood. Lutnchieon %vill li Th oinsI(-le"Are American Homes Christian?" WVe served at the club. Stî<Iiida, Setîteniher 30, -wili II.t'ilt. I<igli- TheWomn'si Iî.e .1, (. -~Y~< Invite vou 10 worship wth us. 1 tenth Su îîday after Tri nity. Thevre will c<ety of (.7hicago Northern lDistr'ict w~ili -'Services next Sundlay nmorning ill b h it'I ioiy CillmiIIlion :t x .5Ln i .;4hî'i mnetîFî'iday, Septemiber 28, aI tlie' Ji'viiig The mnusical program jîrepared 1Wy Onducted on Centrai Standard time. sho laid Bible classes :ît 9:45, aloi Il'ak cîrh 3801 Nor'th )I<eele-r avenue,. Miss Erma Rounds, director, is as foi- îlîoî'îliig î>îay-'r and sermon a t il i. :t 10 ou'tlock. Philip Lee, Ijastor of the iows: prelude, "Ave Maria," Arcadeit- Ciitese ('hurch, and F. A. Lax;înmn Liszt; anthem, -My- Faith Looks l to St. John's 1.utheran i .tu(lLy itt'rlibe'r 24, wii III.~ ~ liastor' of the Filiîuino chuî'ch, wil l hive Thee," Schnecker; solo), '"In Thee, O1 'Wiimette and Park aventî.-~ l~~s andiAUXii Ajges' day. Thiere- c-harge (o! dev'otions. Orientailiflusi('ians. Lord, Do 1 Put My Tr~ust," Frey; Ipost- 'ilt14oîînîinatSil Miss Ethel Harpst, superintendett'Iflude, "Coronation Mrh.irtthn'.J. 1H. Gockel, pasto)r' i ii lk .Ill a Ethel .Harpst H-omie, Cediito.wtt, Ca., ,w'il lethe speaker. At the Sî,ndaîv ga.hna<l session . (ji-MOSERUVICES IThe 0î'sIt 4)'i'ê fti lie G4 ix, "Veste (Choir, rehearsal is heid eaeh Thurs- tlay night (beginning tonight) at 8 o'cIoc-k'undor the direction o! Miss Marie Brit'i. Ail miembers are urged 10 be present and on Uie. New voices wil w'cicomied. Theîre vil ho sowing for Lake Bluff at the Woman's t'iub on Tuesday, October 2: chairmnan: Mlrs. A. F. Hooper; lunch- t'oîî thairmian: Cîs.(. A. Lundberg. The WVonans Aid society ý ill hold ils i- e g i la t' monthiy meeting Thursday, Octobeî' 4. At 10:30 Wüo'(ik there wiil be genei'ai aid sewing and the exectutive comnrittee meeting will ho held. At 12 o'clock luncheon wil ho served by the first division. Business meeting and pr~o- grain at 1 :30 p. ni. ,Te Girl Scout troops eponsored byr thiîi church wili meet Ibis week as fol- lows:. Troop 1-( High school tiroop) -Thiuisday evening at 7 :15 P. uM. Troop' 2-Thursday afternoon at -3 :45. Troop 4-Tuesday afternoon at 3 :45. iThe announcement concerning the Brownie Pack wiii ho made at a later date.. Wilmette Baptist Wilinette and Forest avenues 11ev. George D. Allison, pastor On Sunday .morning we resurne, stand- ard time, and at 9 :30 we expect 10 have a beaulîful service oif Christian worship ln every- department, of Our Church school. Be on lime and ready 't co- operate wlth otheérs. Ail o! the classes will have able teachers and the new courses o! study Lre unisutitiy %-inteî'est- Ing. Send the children,- no, btter corne With theni! Our Aduit class is woî'thy o! any man's oi. wom'i.t's lime and thought. On Wednesday, October 3, the mîd- week service is in the hands of our 'hurch sçhooi leaders. Lot every teacher and worker ho present for vonyfereîxce and for a reai Iinspiration. The Morning Worship Sunday wiil be in charge o! Dr. Ailison, with a message On I"Christ's Cati 10 Spiritual Joys.1' Miss LYdia Koch directs the music, aided by o'ctock, promotion exercises wiil be held,f 9:15 a. m.-First service. the gî'aduates from one departmenî be- 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday scehool arie ing received int the next higher. These and Intermediate Bible (lasses,. are always interesting exorcises. The .10 a. m.-Senioi- Bible class. parents and friends of the schoiars are 11ia. m.-Second service. coriaiy nvita L to epitat'lt. The Aduit Bible cla-ss will study as Its lesson for Sunday, "The Youth and Training o! Pýttîl." The cissIeets at 10 o'ciock. The, Tuxis so('iety, the high school grouP Of Young i)eoffe, xil hold ils first meeting att 5 :30 o'clock. Refreshments will lie servedi first, and the meeting1 wiii foliow. Sydney Stafford will lead thej meeting, with the topie, "Some Aims for the New Year." Al Young people o! high si'hooi tge are Invited. The Forum group, Young peoplle <if coliege and post-college age, will pî'oh- ably resumne their meetings Sunday. .iii fi 1<11 MEETINGS Christian educatlon o! chiidren, Satur- day at 9 :30 a. mn., Wednesday at 4 P. in. Choir rehearsal, Monday at 7:45 p. un. Church council, Tuesday at 8 p. ni. "Keeping the Unity o! the Spirit" wili 1)0 the subject o! thtero next Sun- dayv. What constitutes spiî'ituai uîîity ini the church? How k il (1istui-het? How is il, preserved or' restoî-ed?. Tiînely questions-as long as <)itward divisions exist within the Christian church and as long as individual congî'egati 'ons are t'omposed o! Iiperfect niortais. This evening, at 6 :30, the Chiidren's oirtd.U- of thé- socieîy witt seî'te aLi dnner in the Sunday school* Boy Scout Troop No. 5 wilt meet at the chureh Monday evening. The Session will meet at the .'hurtvhiIf you havîe no church home, you have Mondy evningaI 8o'clck. i ctordiali invitation 10 corne tbSt. John's, .%Iodayevénng t 8 'clck.which is 11determined not 10 know any- Ourmideeksericewil hohel onthing among you save Jesus Christ and Wednesday evening at 8 o'ciock. This Is iiicuiid an hour o! study and devotions. We are studying the propheci- es about the Mes- ' siah. This wee k we will have as our irst I..oflregational topie, "The Healer-Miracle. Worker."' John G. Hlndley, minister WVe invite you té spend. Ibis hour with us., "~The Challenger" will be the subject Girl Scouts, Troop No. 5, will meet at oif the Rev. Mr. Hindley's sermon at the the church .Thursday afternoon at 4 I o'ciock service next undy or'in o'clock. we h cmuinsrndcay nmngo wen ed cmuinsric.ilh h The Chicago Ilres)yteiial society wîlisev. hold1 its first meeting Friday, October 5,0 at il o'clock at Edgewater Presbyterian The musical prograni for this servie church. Reservations for the luncheon foliOws.: must ho made with. Mrs. Frank Eager, Prelude: "Elevation" ............. Elgar 1312 Eimwood avenue, flot later than Anthem: . Even Me"........... Warren Tuesday evening. Solo: "Consider and Hear 1Me". .Wooler Postlude: "Piece Heroique" -.. The choir will rehearse at the church~ Cesar Franick Friday evenng at 7 o'clock. Mr. Carman Learn, soloist. On Friday evening we wiil have our Fati Get-Together and Social at the church at 8 o'clock. Ail the memnbers, and friends of! the church are urged 10 ho with us 10 renew acquaintances and .Pend an evening o! ontertainunent and fun together. The Senior choir Is. coilecting maga- zines 10 ho sold as oid palier. They will use the mnoney earned ln Ibis way for nlew music and hymun books. The members of the Woman's gulld, of whieh Mrs. W. A. Richardson o! 1233, S'aturdaiy, Steptenibt'i 29, t9:ua MisMary Mlickey Ihasac, Idti position o! choiiir lea't'agirîId witl» b. pr- T1he Boys' Vested î'hoiir practiqhes a'i Tuesdav eeîît-iiing t 7. ..Nýew boys seeking H(idiissioii shoutd i>e enirollud iîickiy. AI norimal sehool for the trtai ninîg o 'lîurt'h schoot teachers ivili begin t ' daty evening, O<'tol>ei 15, at 7 :30 ini Christ Church Parish Flouse, Winnetkai. There ivili ho two periods o! 50 minute'. ea<'h. The sehool will meet foi- six 'Monî- daty e%'eings. Ail attending iny one c-ourse for fivýe even'ings 0of the six wili ic(eive one credit towards a teacher's di- îl«mat. Courses ivili ho given in' "Thte t'se o! the Bible by Church School Teachers," "The Use of the Prayer Book by Chut-eh School Teachers" and 'Prin- ciples o! Teatching." Any cour'se wvil be. inost helpful to anyone teaching ini a <'hurch school. St. Augustine's t eachers shouid ho well represented. The West circle ofthie Woine's' guilgi will mieet tomorrow (Friday> at 1 p. n. for luncheon at the home o! Mrs. Harry, B. Johnston, 1511 Gîreenwood avenue, with Mrs. S. K. Jorjorian as Joint host- Oas. Kenilworth, Union Dr. -Herbert L. Willett, Ininister Dr. Williett's subject for Sunday, Sep- tomber 30, wili be, "The Bruised Heel.*" The church service isa aI11l o'clock. The Women's Guild >wiil hold ils firit meeting of ýthe sea *son Monday, October 1.. Luncheon wiil be served. The memnbers are asked to corne in for as unuch time as they can devote to this work. The Sunday school wilI meet at 9 :45. There are classes for cilîdren between the ages o! kindergarten and the high school. Visitors are weIcome. AID BABIES *The Bab ies Friendly is- meeting with Mrs. James Carruthers, 1535 Walnut avenue, today (Thursday) for luncheon. Mrs. Cifford Butie'r wil be assisting hostess. Septeinber 27, ý1934 1 1 WILMETTE LIFE

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