WILMETTE LIFE 4 Septemb~r 27, 1934 I à "FALL FOOD FESTIVAL"I An event that brdngs ou many big svlngs lni food@ f0 uad*f bigger appetites created b! thie criep, cool faui weather 1 LU BBY'S Tomato Juice .41i sdÀ 25c BAKING POWDER Calumet . . . *k24c LIPTON'S ORANGE PEKOE Black Teci. . 20c Log Cabin Syrup T4?NE 19c ANN PAGE Pork &Bearm .4 lz 9c PREMIUM FLAKE Crackers... ROBERTS JUSTRITE Boied Haim HILLS BROS. Coffe. . . .. ao.9c PKG. HALF 9 POU NDO9 SUNNVFIELD FAMILY FLOUR 24V/2-LB. 88 S-LB. MAO 22c PILLSBURY'S FLOUR 241/2-b. $1.09 5-lb.-27c gag gag GOLD M£DA.L ont CERESOTA FLOUR 241/2-1b. $1.13 ,527c LB. WRIGLEY'S Chewing Gum 3 PKGS. 1O PAUL .ION ES. WINGS OR 20 GRAND Cigarette. CA P 95c Rinso .2 p'jqij39c BULK Brown Sugar GOLD MEDAL Dlisqulck e0 a QUICK COOKING OR REGULÀR Quaker Oais PILLSBURYS Pancakie Fleur JUICyCAORI VALBONCIA ORANGES SIZE 252 DOZ.23 SUIE 200-2169 DOL 29c GREENING COOKING Apples 5 Les.. 5 c DRY YELLOW On>ions 10 >:. 13c, 5 LS.25C 30-O 23e 20-OZ.1U PKG. RED CIRCLE Rich and Fulsodied Cof.. 2ILBS. 43C NUCOAL MARGARINE 2L2S,9c IVORY, 8OAP 4 - OL 9 SUPER SUDS 4 REG.2 5 Fr. deal offer. You buy thr.. paciegs-.af 2e and rcoive orne FitEE malring four pack- I Upfr ictitre of Skokir dr-ainiage anid retanationi work affordr a vtenc' hwokig uth aîiionlg the Nor-th brantch of flitc Chicago river, 300 fect inortit of I.okc avenuellf, bef are ai work uw. doiie, by thte Aationial Park .çerî-ce. 'ihe I.4e avenue bridgqe is showz j,, iite fore qroupid. Lower /'ieture of the saine' sectionit i.the /'rojecz' shows the -work cviii pied. zrlî ie exceptuon of seedin;g. The proqram at this tinte carnies thej, work (o a poinit about 900 feet soti of Lake aveeu-hel4zre it 1nhers nn t.-. reqîdarlâi chamnel of the NTort: branicj z.1 care suficienitlý'htqihto p/'r-'Z'eii ihi' tiird of a seru's of picturi's siiawîi volley rgiHi j VISIT IN WILMETTE Mrs. F. S. Magili and daughter, Anne. of Chambersburg, Pa.,, were zuests of Dr. and Mrs. George P. Magili of 1011. Lake avenue from Fridav until Moidayý. f. S. Magili, w~ho ks a brother of Dr. Magili, is head master of Penn Hall School for Girls. After spending several days atA Century of Progress, Mrs. Magill left Monday night, in the ,zapacity of chaperon to thirty girls from Illinois and adjacent states who are returning to Penn hall for the schol year. The Party occupi ed two special Pullman cars. Joe Swan, 932 Lake avenue, return- ed last Monday froni a three months' European tour. He was accompanied by Ben Schram, a classmate at Ken- yon college, where the two boys graduated last June. Charles H. Feltruan, 800 Sheridan road, returned Monday of last week1 froni a business trip to Boston and. New York, and Ieft again SÙnday, on. athrbusiness trip. --,. . . .ggur.a.,.gtFile -h of te Chicago river, the batiks of t fioodiiîu i of priz'ate I>roPert3y. Thisç is ngl tlhc reciaîuîation zwork iii lihe Skokii' * World Traveler Returns Prom Trip in Norffhwest A. N. Janes, 2040 Orrington ave- nue, returned recently to Evanston after a two months' trip through Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Da- kota, where he visited many popular lake resorts, the Menominc 'e, Chip- pewa and Winnebago Indian reserva- tions and thé open pit iron mines -at Virginia and Hibbings, Minn. Mr. Jànes bas traveled extensively.. in 1920 he visited the headwaters of the Amazon river. in eastern Peru, and. in 1928 he worked isà wayr to the head waters. of thé Nule at Ripon Falls in the aiorthern edge of the Vic- toria Nyànza lake in central Africa. This year llç traveled to- the head waters of . Mississippi at Lake Itasca in Northern Minnesota. On thisý year's journey Mr. Janes spoke nineteen times in Methodist, Baptist and Congregational churches and at Lions, Kiwanis, Cosmopolitan and Elks' clubs. He spoke in Duluth, MîIwaukee, La Crosse and Madi.on. a. .RECLAIMING SKOKIE VALLEY' 5eptember 27, 1934 WILMIETTË LIFE Photos by Williani B. «Mathews - e