WILMTTE IFESeptmbe A7,193 am w m UU-jis u - arday Only '/Lg Friday and Salorday Lîn of Sprang / L Pattie, lb . . . . . . . . . . 5 1,7 1/Friday and Saturday swe and juicy, 3 doz. 69c 6th - 7th cut,29 fDates, Royal Seal, 2c Ciknlbi.ers.. 45 f2-lb. pkg . .....29 ce lb c/ / It's Pancake'l ime i^gain! 4 davand Saturday Pancake Flour, o, Armour Star, Swîtt Pillsbury, pkg . .Norma. j f Prinm or Miller- 9 Ta-.btle ru2Aut oCa artesLivedr3,bs 99 Maple or Cane, 29 aesLvr Ta-z.b le .......at, lbced3 .b. . ...... 5 Prunes, Santa Clara, 1 Friday OnIv extra large, lb. Ic 1 Lake Superior 3 Salerno Butter Cookies fWmeFai b Saltnmes, Grahamn&, lc/ resb Halibut, 32 11.pkg . ...lb. c 2 IBah., a real value, r Friday Only Chips. or Chips. lb................ 29c, 29c Fresh Jumbo Pereh,23 Keailworth S592.3 Kenilwrth 197-8 K"enilwowth Gvooevy &Maket J. C. Anderson Walter BrIseoil 507 Park Drive Kexilworth i i nnouncea T&etn Ovoean igt Starter Generator Ignition Service CD .*4 I EMEMBER THIS BUILDING? Renrmlbcr this fumonus Jf'ilmnette building of another day--not so long ago, eiher- f Il occu/pied the site of the stately Shawnee Country club at Lake and Michigan azmeiues. Mlalterof lact, il ivas the Shawkwe club, anzd prior to that for iaany years, the Oiliettc Coiuntry club. Phioto submitted by Grenfeli Older of 1026 Elmivood avenute, Wilmette. Sh11ows Steady Growth of Home Loan System The Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, of whicb A. R. Gardner> is president, announces that on the sec- ond anniversary of its establishment- Septeauber 15--$265,695,485 of the home lending resources of its district, comprising Illinois and, Wisconsin, were aligned with the reserve sys- tein. It is added that 315 building and loan associations in the two states are now 'stockholders ini the bank. One of these is the First Federal -Savings and Loan Association of Wilmette. "Substantial suins of savings capi- tal which would otherwise, be lost to home. lending fields will be re- tained through the operations of the bank," the announcement states. "AI- ready we have begun to see surplus funds comiîîg into many~ building and boan associations which are menibers of: the Chicago Hoine Loan Bank. Their Iending operations are limited bv' the boan demand ini their own communities, and ini former times they wouid have had ho alternative to refusing the surplus investinents or paying off maturing shares whether the investors desired to with- draw their funds or not. This pro- cedure. would certainly be contrary1 to aIl current' efforts on the part of the governinent to expand home- owner credit through private funds."., The local association, of whichi C. E. Ciifton, Jr., is secretary, affords an excellent opportuinty for invest-i ment, as well as for savings, it is said. Therein wiii be foünd an ele-s ment of absolute security, an es-1 sential in present day, investinents. Itj also has funds availabie for desirable boans, and, Mr. Ciifton is prepared to excplain in detail the advantages it off ers..' ONE FIRE CALL The Wilmette Fire department made oniy one run in the week ending Tues<Iay, September 25. The fireinen were éalled to 830 Lake avenue at 2 o'clock last Thursday morning to extinguish *a telephone pole blaze started by a smoldering rubbish fire. EASTERN VISITOR Miss Marion H. Drake of New York City is visiting ber brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyinan Drake, 933 Lake avenue. She caine to attend the funeral of ber father, Manley Drake. KENIL WOR TH GIRL SCOUTS On Monday, September 24, aIl the Girl 'Scouts and Brownjes of Kenil- worth were assembled to witness the ceremony of what is called "Flying Up." This ritual takes place when the girls in the Brownie packs are rea(Iv to become Girl Scouts. And, siiice the first Brownie packs were formed just last year, this is the first time Kenilworth girls and mothers have witnessed this performance. At its conclusion, each candidate who had fulfilled ail requirements was given emblem wings and she left the Brownie circle to join the Girl Scouts. The following girls "flew Up"': Nancy Bouchard, PoIly Kuby, Sally Robertson, Alice Slappey, Catherine Tideman, Edwina Fuchs, Martha Ann Lodwich, Phyllis Osterstruin, Anni Strickland, Nancy Starrett. Sears Sehool Grid Team Opens Season October 13 A teain composed of joseph Sears school boys weighing not more than 75 pounds is scheduling football gaines with other groups of north shore boys in the saine weight classifi- cation, according to Robert W. Town- ley, director of physical education at the Kmnilworth school. The first gaine will be on October 13 with a teain rcpresenting Fred J ohnson's play club in Evanston. Otl'er teams desiring gaines with the joseph Sears boys have been advised to get in touch with Mr. Townley. GUESTS FROM ST. LOUIS Mrs. Charles Caàvanaugh of St. Louis was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Newton, 306 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. SEND US A PICTURE If you have an unusual photo- graph of the baby-of children at play-of family pets--of individu- ais or groups-in commemoration of important events-of local his- toric value-of old-time residents or scenes-pass it along to WIL- METn LiÉE and if it is published we will pay you one dollar and re-, turn the picture in perfect condi- tion. w __IMJEATS f Friday and Sl iHouffld Butter, /2 b.roll or brick They will be ready, on Monday, October lst, to do business in their NEW LOCATION 732 TWELFTII STREET Rear of Herbon's Garage W HEN you bring your car here you are sure of the best service obtainable. You can be.sure that no detail will be overlooked. Our work is gusrsnteed, our low prices are your invitation te, stop. in todmy.. -y fpý AUTO REPAIR Sept ember 27, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE