Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 51

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September 20, 1934 VILMETTI LIPI i 'lu IRRCLAIMING SKOKIE VALLEY I photos by William B. Mathews U"ppcr* pictitre of .Skokic draiunage and rcclo,îuilion work was takept. just atler Conîstruction. wîs slorled bv lihe National Park service, 2,800 feet north,, lony th- cisannel of thje norlh branch of flie Chicago river, f roin Lake a-;enue. in ti section jusi soulh of flhc area sho-zn in flhc pictures which fi/pcearedii luis pa/'cr las i week. I.oucr phloogra.ph wlas taken after the Coin /lefion nip ftiese oi-k. (excepi fli- secdisig) ini lie section 2.800 feet uiorti,. aloi,:gte channel of the North brandi of flic Ch icago rieer, from Lake avcnue. The zvork here shown zwas donc entirely by hand labor by the boys fron oin ap Skokie Volley, Civiliautn Couservation corps. Optimist Club Resumes Autumn,Wint er Program Thie \ilnîette' Optimist club) met this week at Shawnee club, and now lias restline(l its regular Tuesday noon meetings. Plans were laid for an ac- tive season, and the prograni coin- niittee has promiseci to obtain speak- ers on interestinig topics of the day throughout the winter meetinigs.,Last Tuesday the club received the report on the.Optimists' Ladies' day picnic which was held-on Septexnber.12 at the sumfmer home of the August C. Pearsons on the Fox river, north of McHenry. Fifty Optimist, members, their Wives, and guests were enter-, tained nearly the entire day. The af- ternoon was spent in outdoor gaines, fishing. and swimming. and, follow- ing dinner. cards were played. The clubi extended a vote of thauîks to Mr. and Mrs. Pearson-for their hos- pitality. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolpb F. Wolff, 1142 Oakwood avenue, spent last week-end with relatives who reside on a farmn northwest of, Racine. BACK FROM SAUGATUCK Priscilla Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Evans, 2822 Blackhawk road, returned Friday, September,7, froni Sauigatuck, Mich., where she spent lier vacation with hier grandÉlother at the Iatter's suin- nier home., Mrs. W. D. Mallard, 1721 Forest' avenue, entertained Chicago fr *iends at- a birthday luncheon on Tuesday ini honor of bier mother, Mrs. Anna Johnson, Who makes bier home with lier. Mrs. C lara Righter Drake and bier daughter,- Miss Aimée Drake, 1221 Ashland avenue, recently- returned from a visit to New Milford, Coun., and Newark, N. j GLASS 0 PENNVERNON "A" Quality for clear vision Mille. Hardwa*re Co. 1219 Wilmetto Ave. Wu. son you have this directory of big money-saving bar- gains in flot for you. It is for people Who wunt the mont in quality merchandise et fair prices . . . prices which represent real savings. Such people find real buy- ing opportunities in the messages of OUR ADVERTLSERS ADVERTISER Are M star Satles .... AIIrlht mi auty ParItr. A rt, Furniture Co .... Beyrer Elertrir shsp.. filan Pharmary..:. Book 'Mark. The ... Blook Nook...... Boulevard llbrug Store Brauni Bras. 4>11 Co. ;2. E hs m m ier' N e w . . . t'hllopcs, Nortil shore & llIllwankee R. a ..... <lavr, F. 1). Nurseries Coffey Auto Itepair... <atnimunity Theatre... ('o.Op. The.... . ... <ullîsoui Motor Co. Cyrille Beaut> Slsp .. leavis SI. Aquarim... Dle Bourge, Elizaberth PAGE ADVERTISER .13 .15 . 1:, 9 42 12 15 ('<,ver I ~7 ... i2 o- ~.1 PAGE Marshall Field & Co ...17,31 MrGuire & Orr...............13l Milien Hardware ..1 ... 4, IN, 14, 50, il, à* Murine (Co. ....42 3lurphby-.1iie-s 011 Co ........... 24 Natîsmmai <allege ofEdUcailon 17 Nelon mLaun4iry ........ %c rtia Shore Danre Studio ....46 North .Shore Lanmber Dlealers ('over 111 %firth shore Quiity Lansidries 29 Nreftliwesterit Universi. ......1là 40 l'garo . ee >. . .. .. .. .44 nbudg Hotel 35 42 Ilumusyiallia 011 t'O. ..........20 Personal Fisianre Consiuni-...12 :, l>illipNtborn. 1M. F. & Ca ....38 Poaet>rk, Jessie L. . 17 Pulublie Service (Co. 39, 43 lu lEvanstois Fireproof Ware-bause Il i:v'auastosi Nasi Cos. ......... ....s I'eltnanu & ('nrme..... Flore. Chbas., Nurseries First Clinreh of christ, seletist, Glencope.......... Fîrsi ('hurrh ai Christ, ýseelutist, Milmette ... Fîrst <'Iureli ai christ, Slt.tWinnetka f.ordiau; Book Shop <4rat tlutl &PaelIfr Tea. CO. - fhalin, 4. for stnrps .22 ffat Ilix. The.............. . 1 Heîtin g Servire Ca ............ 3 11111. D. Nursery ... ........40 filill'.ervile Station.........1 fflmaîn Bras 3... ....U Houselsold Finance Corporation IN Rab, The ...... .............. 2a Illinois Bell. Telephboue Ca. . . .... Indigna Sate-Way Lines ..... 9 .l iredale Storage ........ It Jefferson Grill .. i Jewel Food Stores ............ il Liberty Louna(Corpoaration . .... 41 Llnoigtrom's Loch shop .... .46 Lord's . . . . . '*'-«.. *28, 2-, Lyman Pharmaey ....... , 9 finmmlaan & "l"Sais llfnnierkar [)rug Coa. ...... 9 lieinseii Warebouse..... .. 49 Ritlge %veisuepiaarnhary .... 9 Srhltaesser's . ,. ..... 21 sebsal of )IaSlIPHIArts aHil] (raits . . ..ý1 I seott ,WM. H. . Caver TV Tawwee rs . ..... .14 82 ulerCaelDrug store 9 Sî.anisbl Kandly Kuphoard 12 12 Steve.ns. Eduar A. Tuse. 3 Tatman .... 14 TolaW 1 Towti*end, Mis . E. ....... Visienia Theatre.ý........ ... .44 Vanis eusen's ................. 4 Varsity Theatre........... 44 Village Cleaners ..............5 Viole. Beréuice ........ .17 Vague Sehool ... ...17 Whitaker, M. 10. & Ca ... . 33 Wiebodt's ~ ,2,3 Willnette fleauty Sbop . ..... Wilinette Coul & Manterlal Varil Cuver IV Wilmnette ('onfectionery ........je Wilmette State Bank Cover Il Wrilmette Trheatre .........4d W orthen's ... ........ -September'20, 1934 WILMETTE. £IPE

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