Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 49

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September 20, 1934 pou BALE-NOus.. BRICK HOME NEAR THE, LAKE, Duteh Colonial Tyqie. Beautiful -frst floor',a rrangement, 4 bedroomas, sleep- ing porch, 2 baths on 2nd floor, nervanto, rooms and bath on 3rd flor ill1ardý room, H. W. (oit> heat, 2-car garage. Lot 78X175. 718 Vernou Ave. Phone Glen. 777" ask for 3«r. Tucker. FOR SALE-VACANTr BUY THIS 4 ACRES Near Sunset Ridge Golf club. S large elnîs. Fine location. We will help) you finance and build. Lewis- T. ]Dotdds, Winnetka 1111. 1700 Willow Rd. I l4LrN20-1t<. CHERRY STREET WINNETKýËLÔT 50xN0 ail improvernents in - $1,700. Phone Glen. 777. 114LTN2-te FOR *ALE-CEMETERY LOTS 8 G.RAVE LOT IN MEMORIALPAK Cemetery. Will divide, and seil at substantial discount. Phone Kenilworth 3425. 120L90-ltp REAL ESTATE LOANS \te Desire Application .FoRt FIRST MOPTGAGES IN AMOUNT $2,500 to $10.000 on North Shore l's (lences, Evanston té Lake Forest. Own- ers niust lave on premnises. We have t'unds available for Immediate. commit- ments. MCGUIRE & ORR Over 40 Years (of Dependable Service 5:M I)avis S t. Gre. 1080 127A-LTN2O-1 tc RENOV1ZE! MNE LY 15 NOW AVAILAIILE FVo1t iia k irig.thlenoderiiizîîîg uiatige!4you w; itn your home. We %Vi1i Oc jileasecu tg) ,-uggest improvements and estimiate the cost on any type oif iflteriîîî or extê'rior changes. There as no <ililj"ttjoi. NORTHWESTE RN REALTY & BUILIýiNU co. 52' L;t~îsStreet tme-m~~O First i\ortgage boans AMUtTZEi VEII A '1itl (I. years w-lt h ea-sv pay'nwnts: 'I¾ii svirviceat a low cost. Fuil information given by calling our. ban department. SMART & GOLE E, mne. 1564 Sherman Ave. univer.sity o02s3 127A-1,TN20-1tu* EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE \Vest Side Suburban Iloinc for North Shore BI-,et"IFLL 'L(I-EI)N NEW EN -i land l .on(lialt, i railleandi stt-'t cl- s lu, l-tiopt ni lIli omis, 3 baths, ait- con-1 dit b pîî ing ;-ca r garage, ieetr ail acrel of, feiited woo<ded l gîtuîi<t.1 Jo,-;îlt arti I l tie of the best resaeliîtîal1 st-ýe-t i. ,its (,f te esteri l uib. Fuît' <et.t t! UrIilished #)I reitnes;t tg, Mr. E ri k so n. 'fH EBL LLS R E A IY. '1e 52.) Davis st., Eanlsùîi U leîtitf I16tWitînettu. 3740. 12bSLTN2)0- lte Exc ffH AîïL7 -.S %Ï-A LL CO0T TAÀÎE, .Naglè andl lliggIaîîs IRd., Chiceago, for Illortgage, vat'-aflt lot, or. boUse. A<dress -detaits 507 Park Ave., W,%iliiîette. 12SLTN20-ltp FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 7-P1C.B it3-4Y APLE BI)LR. .iet, kitchen cabinet, tabl' ange, Bohzî Syphon 100-lb, cap. refrig. Girl's biecle, also Ilise. 'gardcît tools. coliwùer Elect dish wvosl and baby lied. lîte Thurs. ait day or Fr, îNii, Tues. A. %I. Wilitiette 2608. 129LTN2-te mAIl. II.", SUlIuJNÀI.1, 1(01- case, sininions. twiîî beds complete, antiqlue wainut sofa, UnderNvood typ)e- writer -No. .4, Windsor chair, inatson fruit jars. Very reasonable. Ph. WiI. 1001. 129L'l'N20-I tg JEWEL-CR-OWN GAS STrOVE,LAG cabinet model with double oven. White enainel finish. Looks ýlîke new. Vry cheap if purchased at once. J>hrite Glentcue 1953 for' appt. 129L20-ltp ENTIRE 110 USE1101LD 0(F HIUII class furniture at low prives. Shown in garage of home at. S. W. Corner, Cary ave. and Sheridan Itd.*, Ilîghtand Park. ,129L20-ltp DOUBLE BEL) WITI-1 SIXIMONS JN- ner spring mattress and box spring, bought less than a year ago for $92. WilI sell at less than haîf. Phone Glencoe 997. 12DL20-1tp WIT, 15 rrv àW& lit$£ JL.iri!1 FrOR SALE-HOUUHOiLD 000De MUST SELL AT ONCIE! BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE,0 N L Y one year old, ineluding Kashan rug (16.2x1.6) , hand-carved radio cabinet and desk, bedroom suite, unusuai 9-pc. walnut dîn. rm. suite. Must vacaté Sept. 25. Gre. 2663. 129LTNZ-ltp DINING RM. FURNITURE, PORCH chair and table, $5; davenport, $5; 2 small rockers and tables, .$3.50; desk, $2; rugs, andirons, eu t glass decantérs, glasses, etc. Lawn mower, wheel bar- row, garden tools. Wanted to Buy-Studio coucli. Phone Keniiworth 1865. 129LTN20-ltp G REEN DECORATED *JUNIOR BED- iooni* set (wardrobe, dresser, bed, fiîîest box sprîltgs and mnattress) like new, ý$35. Ivory kitchen cabinet, $12. Must see to appreciate. CaîIl at Rensch, 521 Main St., Wilînette, or phone Kenil- worth 474-d. 129LTN20-Ilp COL. MAH. TWIN BEDS, DRESSER, comPlete $85. Solid mah. rope bed, .omp)letr* $50. $175 doniestie elec. sewing maichine, 50. Like new. Chef style gas range, $35. Typewriter, golf clubs, old trunks, mise, articles. Phone Win- netka 2067. 129LTN20-1 tp GAS STOVE 4 burners, oven, and broiler. 1Good condition. $10. 903 Oak St. Winnetka 2090. 129LTN20-ilp COMPLETE FURNISHINGS 0F HOME, ineluding 'A. B. Chase piano and Hupmobile 8 sedan. Leav'îng state and niust selI. Shown Iby appoilîtment. Phi. jWilnîiette 413. __ 129LTN20-1te ALMOST NEW DINING ROOM SET, 2 bdrm. suites, davenî>ort, odd chairs, writing desk, occasional table. Phone Winnetka 156. 129L20-ltp MAGIC CHEF GAS STOVE. INSU- lated oven. Lorraine 'heat control. Perfect condition. Almost new. $80. Phone Glencoe 373. --12-2L20-ltp LGE. THOR WASHER AND IRONE~i, also Airway vacuum cleainer. Chea;> ft>r cash. Phone (;reenleaf 4646. 'Pt)ICH FURN. 9jxl2 AND 7x9 RUGS. Book-aîses, chest, draperies and odd liee.Reas. Phone Glencoe 1.520. __________________ 129LTN20-Iliii FOR- SALE - HOUSEHOLD- GOODS, Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 24, 25, 26. Susan Northam, 731 lth St., Wilmette. 129LTN19-2tp) FOR SALE-M ISCELLANOUS RUMMAGE SALE - I I S., SP.27.,S8::'0 A. .-]1: .% affIe Av'e., arourid corner fi hît i. t St. *L",,station. %Iens w(-nen's- chil- drnswa-nt clotliing, shoes andtihouse- ('UITAINS, DRAPES, tHtL'EID bige chair's, lîieyvle4, bird cage siics, wo rk lwich, accord tan, n'îvie 1;1"9jet-4-t r with filii., Iir d b athi. Icl- laiieous articles. 1096 Lauirel Ave., WVin- - BICYCLES 1 mnen's 28 inch, 2 girls' 26 inch, 1 ladies' 28 inch. Att in perfect condition; réas. Cati at 545 Monroe St., Glencoe. l31L20-ltp INFANT FUùRNITURE INLDN buggy, kiddy koop, l)asifiet, hîghi chair, etc. Also inetal eioth evenirtg Wvrap. Phone Kenilworth 2135. 131LTN20-lp ORIENTAL RG,10x12, %I .t* îSi- t ;tt co:ît, size If;, $10>. ( 'bih 'mît; Size ::;,$5 hmie %Wiiitetk.t ;,878. liai-ley liavidson MNOTORC YCLE :1-1-71. I1934 fenders. FuiIy eutitlîlîe<i. $165. Winnetka,1400. ,131LT.N20-lti V*oîtSAL OR TRIADE--GOOD)I SUIR- strilîtial duîg bouse, also piair n men .> sh<e-atr e hockey skate-s size 9. Phone WViliînette 2165. 131 LTN20-1 te FOR SALE - BOY'S IIKE MOTOR foi- attachment to front wheel, îper- fevt condition, $15. P'hone Winnetka 2932. ___ 311,TN20-ltc RAY VIL ItRE,( >MPLE 1TE, wi0th controîs, ini lerfevt conidition. .Phone Wilmlrnte 39943. I:1 'N2-c COMBINATION POOL AND' BIL- liard table. Cost $600. 'Sacrifice $75.1 Phorne Kenilworth 3425. 131L20-ltp TAIBLE VICTROLA AN R]ECOR.DS.' MUST 1B13 REASON- able. WrIte A-l70, BOX 40, WllmeÙtte,: Iii. lSLTN2-ltPý WANTED - FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT for 12-yr.-old »boy. Must lbe reasopiable. Address A-185, Box 40, WIlmette, III. lS2LTNSO-ltp Mr. and Mrs.' Carleton Banker, 810 Lake avenue, returned last week- end from a fortnight's visit with Mrs. Banker's brother and wife, Mr. and Mlrs. S. M. Smallpage of New Orleans. --o- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexander of Hollywood, Cal., who are staying at the Evanshire hotel in Evanston, were dinner guests last Saturday of .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bull, 574 Maple avenue. 0o Tom Antrim, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Antrim, 1136 Ashland avenue, left last Sunday for Dartmouth, where he is to be a freshman. He graduated last June from the Cranhrook Pre- paratory school near Detroit. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Behnke and their children, 524 Maple avenue, haîe returned f romn a vacation at Post lake, Xis. Their son, Gordon, entertained twelve boys at- lunlcheon Mondav in honor of his seventh birthday. -o- Miss Eileen JeweII, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Roger JewelI, 115 Laurel avenue, who graduated from Newv Trier in june, is now attending classes at the Chicago Art insti tute. - Mrs. James C. Murray, 433 Cum- nor road, Kenilworth, came back on Tuesday of last wveek fromn her sumn- mer home in Linconville, '%ainie, whiere she had. been silice M.\av. George Benson, Jr., 210 Melrose avenue, Keiîlworth, is leaving today for Princeton where he is to be a' freshman. liHe finished Lawrence Prep school in june. --o- M rs. Dan Burrill of Chicago ne-1 turnediast Tuesday from a visit with friends at the Burnill cabin in nonth- cru Minnesota. Mrs. Burrili is the former Marie Wecker of Xilmette. -o- Mrs. Hope Thompson of Nules Center, formerly of Wilmette, enter- tainied at a bridge luncheon at Shawvnee Countrv club on Tuesday of last week. --o- Miss Kathiyn Holway, 1227 Elm- %îvood) avenue, left on Monday of last %veek for- Greencastie. Ind., to enter I)ePauw uiniversitv. She finislied New Trier in J une. 0o Mrs. *L. G. Lawrence, 1007 Lake avenue, has returned fromn her sunii- nier home at Saugatuck, Mich. Her .sisterý, Mrs. Sparta Seebree of lui- d a.napolis, is visiting ber. WTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUS $$ OLD CLOTHES $ $ Will buy men's used suits, shoes, overcoats; also fur coats. Best pnices.' Prompt service. A. MARTIN UNI. 0347 132LTN19-tfD) Goldman-Junk Dealer Hlghest prîces paid for junk. Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720 I32LTNS-tfo Mn. an d Mns. Newman Baker, 619 Fifth street, neturned Sunday fnom a two weeks' visit to Portland, Seattle, $an -Francisco and ,r1eturned hy way of the Grand canyon. 0o Mary Hvid, 621' Elmwood avenue, is leaving today for Ithaca, N. Y., whene she will enter hen fi eshman yean at Conneli university. ,Shie is a ,ewv Trier graduate. -o- Mn. and Mns. Charles Henry Brown, 809 Lakeý avenue, were recent week-, end guests of Mn. and NIrs. Walter Gannitt Smith of Evanston at Green Lake, Wis. Barbara Jane jBull, daughten of Mn. and Mns. Gordoni uli, 524 Maple avenue, bas net rned f rom a two weeks' visit wvith cousins in St. Louis. Saturday Art Classe Anounced by'Acandemy -Special Saturday mnorning art classes. for yoeung people, catering to students in grade. and high schools, will enroli September 22 i the Chi- cago Academy of Fine Arts, 18 South Michigan avenue. Illustration, comn-, mercial art, cantooning, and dress de- sign will be taught by the acadeniy's regular artist faculty nembers. George, McVicker, illustrator; Waldo Proctor, cartoonist,, and Marie Schmidt, dress designer,- are sched- uled to conduct tfie classes which, though directed to the younger group, are modeled closely after the- courses studied by prof essionals. The teacber's methods claàs under Miss Edna Wetton, district art super- vison of'the Chicago public 'schools, will also ennoîl September 22, for its reguilar Saturday morning sessions. Mrs. W. H. Smythe and her daugh- ter, Dorothy, 43 Kenilwortb avenue, left Kenilworth Tuesday, motoring to Mt. Carroll, Ill., where Dorothy will enter the Frances Shimer school. -0- Charles Bemis, son of Mr. and Mns. Anthony J. Bemis of 337 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, bas entered Pbillips An- doyen academy in Andover, Mass. He left for the east Monday. Caroline Clark, 620 Forest avenue, left Tuesday for Godfrey, Iii., to enter hier freshman college year at Monti- cello academy. She was graduated from New Trier. 0o Mrs. John V. Rathbone, 523 Abbots- f ord noad, Kenilwortb, bas neturned home and is convalescing fnom a. ma- jor operation at the Ravenswood hospital. 0o- Mn. and Mns. John Nuveen, Marga- net, Anu, and Jimmy, 520 Warwick noad, returned to Kenilwonth Monday of last week from their summer home at Sylvan Beach, Mich. 0o- Frank Carpenter of Evanston, formerly of Kenilworth, left last Sun- day for Port Deposit, Md., te enter the Tome school. Dr. and Mns. H. B. MilIeu of New Haven, Conn., are the guests of Mrs. àMillen's aunt, Mrs. George P. Nicb- ols, 519 Warwick road, Kenilworth. Mns. Judson Lange, 1942 Thorn- wvood avenue, was luncheon hostess, tii her bridge club last Friday. Mns. George Upson, 607 Washing- ton avenue, will ententain ber bridge luncheon club today. .james (Bunt) Krafthefen of 90 Oak- N ood avenue left last, week to begin his senlior studies at Notre Dame. Wilmnette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Resppnuibility. with its Moving, Packing and Storage Services, Estimates Furnishod Without Obligation Telephone 521 Main Strect4 WiImtte Phones WILMEra H32 UIV1 STY731 7 M jý il -, u ip ir + ip ' ir . iÛR

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