September 20, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE. PropertyOwerswth .sale or!rentai vcancisçh CLSSIFIRD AD VER TISEMENTS Camdlfed advertlsemente wil be charged onlY Gafferai Noie-to rouldenta of tho district from EvanSton tO Glencoe.,Inclusive. whose names appear in the telephone directoriO, or Who ane regular subseribers to elther WIMUTTE IFE, WINNETKA TALK or. GLENCOM NEWS. 25 cents a Une. Advertis e uum In aIl three papere. Rats- MiNImiffumcHAR&GE ONU DOLLAR. Average of lave wordR t. thelino. No black face typeused. 80% dimeosut On a11 cash advOrtise- monts wben brought to our offie at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 581 Lincoln Ave., Wlnuetka. 10%b diserina on ail advertlSements run tour consocutlvo issues Deadline for lnsrtio -cnaeous- padveTtiemeyuts wi ho e- WILMETTE LIFE or ail tbree paPers; WendaY 9 P.. for wiNNETKA TALK and Thursday 6 P. M.L for GLENCOE NEWU. Telephones:, Wilmetto 4300, Wlnneltka »M0 (Wlnnetka 500 atter 8 P. ]IL), Grooflloaf 4dmor shldrake lai-Mi. LOOT ANDP OUND DREUSMAKINS GREY VEST LOST BETWEEN ARDSLEY ROAD and Elm street. Winnetka 3189. 3LTN2-ltp LOST - SMALL POLICE DOG, PART- ly gray, breast white. Has licenso and muzzle. Lost lu Wilmette Sunday ove. Uni. 1499 or Wilmette 754. ÉLTN2-ltp LOOT - BLACK COCKER SPANIEL puppy. White throat. Child's pet. Anyone knowlng whereabouts, phone. Wlnnetka 2692. Reward. 3LTN2-ltp REWARD. LOST-WIRE HAIR FOX terrier. White; two black spots on bock. G. Laudon, 324 Vernon avenue, Glencoe 1697. .3LT20-ltp LOST - CHILD'S WHITE GOLD glasses between Howard School and Forent Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2046. 3LTN2O-lte amILOINS ND CONTUACTING CEMENT CONTRACTOR ALL.1 KINDS 0F CEMENT AND brick work. Loaky basements re- paireti. Masonry and plasterwork. JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 16LTN2-4tp *USINESS SERVICE FOR SALE:. HARDWOOD FIRE- place log-asplit and eut ln 2 ft. lengths, other lengths by order Samplos to ho seen at 614 Blrch St. $8.00 ton de- livered. A-i Black soil-45.00 3 yards-samples at same atdycas., Compost manure 38.00 4 yards. Rotten cow manure $10-00 4 yds. E. G. HAGLUND PHONE WINN. 2108 16LTN2-ltp irU R N ACE AND SHEET METAL work. 25 years' experlence.. We elean and repair ail makes of furnaces. Agents for Waterman and Waterbury furnaces. SIMCOX BROS. 6021 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Chicago« Newcastle 1290 16LTN2-tp 1 WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO M'Y North Shore frientis my new telephone number la Wilmette i131, and my, shop directly acroas the alley from Wolff- Grifi Hardware store ln Wilmette. Arn now well equippeti to make ailing furni- ture well, including re-flnishlng and uphoîstering. Charles Miller, 1124 Green- leaf Ave., Wilmette, Il. 16LTN2-2tp CARPENTER WORK. NEW WORK, ALTERATIONS AND repair. Fred. C. Sehur. Wilmette 1587. ILoeN2-tfc HARDWOOD, $8 TON, DELIVERED; black dirt, 3 yards, $5; sot, 4c a sq. foot. GUST ANDERSON 435 RIDGE RDý Wilmnette 452 I6LTNX8-4tp Plastering and Stucco GEORGE A., THVRSBY 1716 Highland Wilmette 3387 16LTN7-4tp Rats, Roaches,, Etc. P. 3. UBDELHOWPEN. EXTERMINAT- lng engincer. Ph. Wilmette 3867. I 6L1N1 5-tfe FOR BRICK, STONE AND, CEMENT WORK Phono Winnetka 2864. H. Hartwell. 16LTN 20-1 tp UPROLSTER1ING IN IY OUR HOME. .Davenport rewebbed, $6. Chair $2.50. Seut references. Write A-169, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. ISLTN19-Stp COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Gowns-Wraps--Suits--Coats Original--Copied-Rýestyled-Altered 833 Elm St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN19-4tp GARDENINQ PETER VOLE WELL ]ROTTED COW MANURE, SOD, black diit, and garden work done very reasons>by. Phone Highland Park 3223. 27LTN19-4tp EVERGEENS, SHRUBBERY AND perennial plants. Planting anti design- Ing rockerles. Complote landacape serv- ice at reasonable prices. 3 yds. dirt $5.00. LeRoy Dumni, artistic gardenlng. Kenllworth 4797. 27LTN20-ltp BUY YOUR LARGE HEALTHY perennials and shrubs at reasonable prices from Hlbbard Road Gardens. Laudscaping. Manure. Soil. Ph. Win- netka 2053 eveninga. 27LTN420-ltp INTRucTION REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERT- enceti teacher. Elementary and high uchool pupils brought up to grade anti taught how to study. Miss Mae Schriber, telephone Wlnnetka 3303. 3LTN19-4tp 1MUSICAL INSTRUCTION ANNA W. CHIINLUND TF.ACHER 0F PIANO In studio Mon. anti Wed. 2-6.; Sat. 9-1. 627-llth St. Phone Wilmptte 3612 31LTN19-4tp ACCORDION- GUITAR - VIOLIN Instructions. 5 privato lessons for $5.00. Fred Smith, studio 1215 Wil- mette Ave. Phone Wil. 3000. 31LTN2-ltp EDI'PH RAY YOUNG Teacher of Piano. Private and Curtis Class Instruction. Chiltiren accepteti as young as 5 years. Studio 1133 Cen- tral Avenue. Phone Wilmette 3651. 31LTN2O-4tp PIANO TEACHER. AMERICAN CON- servatory graduate. $1 per lesson. Miss Eisendrath. Winnetka 479. 31LTNI9-4te LAUNDRY WASHING AND IRONING TO DO AT home. Calli and deliver. Gooti refer- onces. Glencoe 189. 34L20-ltp 3 TREATMENTS $5. Cabinet bath, massage, needle shower, Ultra-violet and Infra-reti lamps. 627 Grove St. PhoneOGre. 1642. 38LTN20-tfp PAINTINQ ANPDECOnrINe Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $31.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaneti, $1; bathroom l= eld, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. 6 rm. lrae. washed, vamnlshed, $0. Stucco finIsfi, outuide painting, porches $15. 'Windows, 50c. Rots. Free estimates. bfattprials fuminshod MEL VIN Wilmette 3413 42LTN20-ltp CeiIinz Calcimined, $1 Up RM. PAPERED, $3; KIT. PAINTED, $6 up; wall paper clnd., 75c; bath rm. enam., $5 up; glazed walls wshd., stchd., $2.50: ext. paint. with pure lead and oil. Refs. furn. Louis Skolnlk, WII. 5034, Winn. 2511.1 42L20-ltp CALCIMINE ANY CEILING . $2 Rang paper, 40e roll. Wash kitchen, $3. Paint- windows, 30c each. Phono Glencoo 1931 42L20-ltp 7 - PETS For sale- ENGLISH BULL TERRIER, 7 months old. A.K.C.,registration. Wlnnetka. 1832. 44LTN20-ltP WANTED--GOOD HOME FOR FULLà grown male German Shepherd police dog. Write A-180, Box 40., Wllmettei Iii. 44LTN20-ltp PIANO TuNiNci Pianos Tuned & Regulated WOnk GuARANTER F'actory, Dealer, Acoustie Laboratory experience; good references. E. I. VAN HABLINGEN Wilmette 1323 Wilmette'Ave. Wllmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Loweli Ave. Kildare 8642 4SLTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- ering, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view, Park Ridge 699-R. 4SLTN17-4tp SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES A N IfV AC U UM CEANERS. ALI, kinds repaired. Established more than ffty years ago. Now located in Wll- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfc WEARING APPAREL FUR. COATS. LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repaira, but uncalled for; Black pony coat, $18; brown caracul, $24; gray caracul, $28; leopard est, $32; American broadtall, $26; black caracul, $34; raccoon, $34; Hudson Seal, $58; genuine mink, $160; and many others Worth four times their.price. Also 20 jacquettes at $13 and 38 fur scarfs at $4. Economy 'Section, Miller Fur Co., 166 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, open evenings. 59LTN19-2te BROWN TWEED SUIT WITH RAC- coon collar In excellent cond., aize 15. Fail sport coat, practlcally new, aise 16. Seli reas. Phone Wilmette 2895. 59LýTN20-1te FOR SALE--CLOTH FUR TRIMMED winter coat. Day and evening dresses. Gray skirt, sweater and knitted coat. AIl size 16. Phone Kenilworth 4743. 59LT20-ltp FOR SALE-SEAL COAT, 36-38, INi very good condition. Also faîl short jacket suit without fur, size 16. Phone Glencoe 1123. 59L20-tp LADIES' BLUE. FUR TRIMMÇED fall coat. Also tan fur trlmmed win- ter coat. 38. Man's overcoat, 40, reas. Exc. cond. Wlnnetka 1205. 59LTN20-Itc BOY'S GRAY OVERQOAT. $5. BLUE serge knicker suit, $3. Both aize 12 in excellent condition. Phone Wilmette 3010. 59LTN20-ltp BUSINESS OPPO>RTUNITIES SHEET METAL BUSINESS FOR sale. Reliable man wanted. Ex- cellent location. Store, shop, and living quarters for rent, with business 'or separately. Tel., Mrs. Frank Smith, Winnetka 593. 61LTN20-ltc LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN *CO. State Bank Bldg., Evaýnston. Gre. 320o 65LTN36-tfc ISITUATiON WANTED--FEMALE Carl son's Emipi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WTNNETKIA 3328 RELIABLE HELP Ail1 domestlc positions NO CHARGE TO EXPLOYERS 6RLTN1 R"fe, OUR MOVING MARES AVAILABLE our competent,. trustwrorthy niald. Clored woman of mature years, and spflendid. cook. Caîl Randolph 6430. 6SL20-ltp BRIGHT CAPABLE GIRL NEARLY 15 attendlng New' Trier Hlgh achi. wlshes to assist with hswk and children In exehange for board. and room. Phone Kenllworth 5515. 6LTN420-ltc WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY or cleanlng, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday. $3 per day and carefare. Mar- tha Brown. Uni. 7613. 68LTN20-îtp WANTED - DAY WORK, LAUNDRY or cleanlng. Refs. Phone Davis 8178 evenlngs. 68L20-ltp HIGH SCHOOL GIR~L WILL STAT .with chlldren after 3:30 or evenings. Cail Wilmette 3915.. 68LTN20-lte COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WEff INVESTIGATE REFERENCES. WB ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agency SWILMETTE 2171 Fourt.h and Linden Opposite 'VI Ter. 68LTN47-tfc EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic help. ail nationalities. No charge to employers. References in- vpstigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agzency 748 Elm St. Wlnnetlca 33»0 rb18TN25-tfc GERMAN GIRL. AGE 26, WANTS PO- sition. cook and general. Excellent ref s. Rreasonable wages. S-H-A-Y EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 109 E. Oak St. 1 W. Washington Superior 6608 Central 9800 68LTN20-ltc GOVERNESS, CAPABLE 0F SUPER- vislng household. 15 years exp., where trust andi responqlbfllty Is recured. Unincumbered. Excellent rets. Phone Diversey 6188. 1007 Webster Avo... Chi- cago. 168LT20-ltp WANTED BY REFI'NED LADY SIT- uation as lnfant's nurse or nursery troverness. qpeakq Frenrh. Best ref- erences. Phone Village 7604-J. 68LTN420-ltp EXP. GERMAN WOMAN ÂGE 45 wlshes gen. hswk. on first floor, cook- ing in aduit famlly. N. Shore re-ference.. Phone Wlnnptka 607. 68LTN20-ltp HIGR SCHOOL GRADUATE WISHES work carlng for chlldren afternoons andi evenings. Tel. Winnetka 2132. 68L20-1 tp ESTELLE ANDERSON, COLORED, wlshes day or %~ day work. Reas.' Highest refs. Caîl mornings, Davis 7674. 68LTN20-1tp COLORED GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Caîl Gre. 4754. 68LTN20-ltp EXP. MAID FOR G'EN. HSWK. BEST of refs. Phone Glencoe 73. 6SLTN20-1 tp Garden and Hiswr WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or hour. Phone Winnetka 1552. 69L20-ltp EXPERIENCED ALL 'ROUND MAN wants odd jobs around house. 20 vears' exp. on N. S. as chauffeur. Phone Wilmette 4207. 69L20-ltp SIT. WJTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COLORED COUPLE, OVER 20 YEARE4' experlence as cook, chauffeur andi trardener wishes position. Best of refs. Careful driver. Do own smali repairs. Phone Leroy Lloyd, Glencoe 1288. 7OLTN2-ltp THE« BETTER CLASS COL. GIRLS and col. couples for general house- work can bce obtaineti from Johnsons EmPi. Agcy., 1428 Wilmette Ave.. Wil- mette 4144. 70LTN20-ltp COLORED COUPLE, N. S. REFS.. man careful driver, 14 years' exp. Laundry If small family., Wlfe gondi cook. Phone Glencoe 1288. 70L20-ltp Pauline's-Wilrnette Experlenceti domestic help wanted. 1NO REGISTRATION FEE Couples - Mali - Seeontimaitis. REGISTER NOW. Paufiie's Empi. Agency 4th & Linden 'Opp. 44L" Ter. 1 Blk. -Linden Sta. N. S. Lino chilren and13. 71LTN20-lte NURSE - GOVERNESS -, WI ITE, 2 chldrn 7and13.Splendid home life for proper per .son. Reply fully state age, references, religion, educa- tion, former positions. salary expecteti. Experlence Dot necessary, but Intel- lizence requireti. Write A-178, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. 7ILTN2-lte WHITE GIRL. EXPER. PROT. Gen. housework. No laundry. $8. Caîl mornings, 916 Greenwood ave., near Tower roati. 7L20-ltp GIRL FOR GEN. SW K., WUITE. Own room andi bath. Rofs. $7. Phone Glencoe 1538. 71L20-tp