Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 44

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44 LUEJ& no *va> pteaba. il, 193A CHRISTIAK SCIENCE SERVICES "«Matter" will be thesujc at the services in- First -Church of Christ, Scientist, in, Wilmùette Sunday morn- ing, September 23, at Il o'clock, heldi in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday, ichool .convenes -ait 9:45 odock. Mrs. William Whittier,. 51 Kenil- worth avenue, bas returned to Kenilý- wortb from lier summer home, Idle- wild Camp, at Sawyer, Wis. Her son, William,,wbo had a seven weeks' tour in Europe, spent the ,nemainder of bis vacation witb bis mother. He bas a position in the laboratory of the Pure 011 company. William received bis B.S. at Northwesterni in June. Mrs. Paul Casterlinie, 811 Forest avenue, bas returned from bier sum- mer home in the island at Fox lake wbere sbe spent three months. Sept. 20-21 Jean Parker-Donald Cook "Most Preclous r eThieg inULif e" Set. Ommly Sept. 22 DOORS OPEN 12:30 Jack Oakie-DBen Bernie Alison Skipwort h "SHOOT THE WORKS@u Sot. Matines Onlyl Frankie Dmo li *"BU RN 'EM UP DARNES"- SUD., Mon. Sept. 23-24, "B3ABY. TAKE 1A 10W"a SHIRLEY TEMPLE (James Dunn-Claire Trevori Tues. Only Sept. ZS Cary Grant Geeviive Tobin Edward Evereit Horion "OKUSS AND * MAKE UP" Wed.., Thurs. Sept. 26-27 Una May Oliver Bilie o urk--Reginaid D.nny Marion Nixon. 'WVE'RE RICH AGAIN" Do't ]KIss5 the New Cbapterr o Sertl Thriller at ma.Matineet "BURN 'EU UP BARNES" Tb1ree Wilmette Girls, Enrolled at Rokfor.d Three Wilmette girls, one of whom is a new freshmnan,, are entering Rockford college this fal. The 'neW student is Miss Marjorie Hecht, daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. M. C.. Hecbt, 1042 Greenwood avenue. Returni ng to resume their upper- classman stuclies are Miss Margaret Ebeling, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Ebrling, 726 Ninth street, wbo. will be a junior this year, and Miss Katberine Tbompson, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Tbompson, 1311 Asbland avenue, a sophomore. Wben Rockford opened its doors Monday, September 17, for its eighty- eightb year as tbe leading college for women ini the Centrai West, stu- dents found that significant changes in both the college staff and the buildings had taken place on the campus during tbe summer. Tbe most important development was the appointment of six new professors to tbe faculty, the flrst step taken by the new president, Dr. Gordon K. Chalmers, in bis plan to make the college staff the finest west of tbe Allegheny mountains. Two college halls bad undergone extensive remodeiing, one, tbe new music hall ini whicb small concerts andrecitals will be given; the other a recreation bouse for reading, browsing, and serving tea. . Miss Les- ley Frost, daughter of America's forFemost poet, Robert Frost, will direct the iiterary activities of the latter hall. Odd Fellows Preparing for Roll Cail Session A. T. Sherman. lodge No. 892, I.0.0.F., already is making plans for its Roll Caîl meeting to be held Tbursday night, October 18, at the Odd Fellows' bail, 1213'Wilmette ave- nue, Wilmette. At this meeting an effort is made to bave every member of tbe lodge present, and close to a 100 per cent representation is ex- pected. Tbe local lodge, wbich bas members in ail of the New Trier township villages, was represented at first district meeting of the fall Mon- day night at Libertyville. The dis- trict meetings are heid once a month. Miss Helen. Rathbone, 523 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, returned Sat- urday from the University of Illinois1 where she went to belp witb rushing1 of Delta Gamma girls. Helen was a sophomore at Illinois, but will :iot re- turn this year, enrolling instead in the Vogue school where she will study costume designing and styling. -o0 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Green. 221 Sixteenth street, and Tommyv have returned from a week's vacation trip spent at Chagrin Harbor Beach, Ohio, -and with relatives and friends lun Norwalk and Akron, Ohio. .0- Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Hecht and their daugterMarjorie., of 1042 Greeni- wood avenue, left Monday by m0tor I or Rockford college. where Marjorie begins ber fresbman studi.es. COMMUNITY 'Iliciltre Fri, & Sat. Dirk Powell I.nger Ro<gers Pat O'Iiriemi ln 4'20 Million Sweethearts" Wiîmnetka Tue. & Wed. Wn. Powe l Edna. Best Colin Clive idTIi. Key" Lillian Roth M emorles"' The next Infant Welfare clinic will be held Wednesday,1 September 26, fromn 2 to 4 p. m. at the Healtb Center. 1901 Schiller street. Theéaîext Chest clinic will be beid Monday. October 15, from 1 to 4 p. m. Dr. Jules Novak, medicail director of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. is in charge., Is there anyone ini the community who bas à baby lied that is iiot in use? If so, the Health Center would like to borrow it for a wortby family. Please caîl the Center, Wilmette 2402, lie- tween 1 and 2 p. m. Rebekah Lodges Plan Cabaret Festivities Rebekab lodges of District No. 3. comprising the north shore and west north sh ore area, are planning to hold a cabaret party Saturday night, September 22, at the Wilmette Odd Fellows' hall, 1213 Wilmette avenue. The Wilmette Rebekah lodge, No. 610, will be host to the visitors. Those ini attendance ait the party will be seated at tables, and. between dances there will be vaudeville acts. The public is invited, it is announced. There will be a nominal admission charge. MOTOR 10,504 MILES Mr. and, Mrs. Harper E. Osborn,î 715 Linden avenue, with their sons, Hairold and Pbillip, have just return- ed fromn a six weeks' motor trip of 10,504 miles through the west. They went by the southern route,. visiting the Grand Canyon of Arizona and'j Agua Caliente, and. came home i through the north, visiting Grant,î Sequoia, Yosemite, Crater Lake, Mt. Rainier, and Glacier Naitonal parks and Lake Louise' and Bainff in Canada. Allen Rossman, -1130 Cbestnut ave- nue, left on.Tuesday of last week for Grinnelt college. He ieft early for football practice. His sister, Sara, a senior at Grinnell, ieft last Tuesday. Miss Rossmnan and Dorrance Ny- gaard, also a senior, wvere in charge of. a fresliman car going to Ginneli. A meeting of the work chairmen of the five guilds of the Chunch of the1 Holy Comforten, was held Monday at the home of «Mrs. Cornelia A. Keith 310 Warwick avenue,Kenilwortb. Ti,,,. iV alencia Features Edna May Oliver This may be getting abeadof.the, schedule. but the preciewer just cani't resist givingr first mention this week to a merry marital madhomeknown as "We're Rich 'Again" and scbeduled for, presentation at Il * the 'Valencia the-. a te r .Wednesday and Thursday, Sep- teml)er 20 and 27. around a family's attempt to marry off Joan Marsh t Millionaire R e g i- nald D) e n ni y. But the country cous in., Marian Nixon, ar- rives to, mix things Edna -May Oliver up generaily. Right ini the midst of the action is Edna May Oliver, the polo-playing grandmother. Plenty of other stars, including Buster Crabbe. add to the funi. Getting back to the present, this previewer notes "Most Precious Thing in [ife," the Valencia feature Thursday and Friday of this week. Jean Arthur's superb performance is the highlight of the interesting lit- main story. .Saturday, September 22, hnings "Shoot the Works," with Jack Oakie aind Ben Bernie in the leading role, of a top-notch story set to. music., Yowsah! Hene are the heartaches and rib-tickles of the "show business."~ Little Shirley Temple scores again -this time in "Baby Take a. Bow" at the Valencia Su*nday and *%oii(a-,-. September 23 and 24. She is seen a> the daiughter of an ex-convict (James Dunn) accused of -stealing the Tuesdaiy, September 25, **Kiss anid Make Up" will offer plenty of latighs Swhile Genevieve Tobin divorces Ed- !ward Everett. Horton to mairv heauty -pecialist Cary Grant who' reaIN- adores Helen Mack. RETURN FROM CRUISE Mrs. Gordon Wilson, 415 Ninth street, and Mrs. 4,orenzo C. Streeter, 302 Central aveàue, have returned from a two months' Mediterranean cruise. They saied fnom New York on July 8, on the Excanîbion, and wvhen they returned Jerry Wilson met bis mother at the boat anid to- gether they visited the Otto Koegels.' formerly of Wilmette, on their beau- tiful estate ini Westchester counity. N. Y. Last week-end Mrs. Wilson with ber niece, Miss Helen Staley of Evainston, drove Jerry to the Uni- versity. of Wisconsin, where he will bce a sophomore this yeair. Aniderson; 'aiid-Whitebotîse. wili1 opel,i Mr. and Mrs. Fraink P. Collyer. October 1. 730 Ninth street, retunned last week -o- from Moose Lake in the north wvoods Charles Williainis, son oi Mrs. of Xisconsin, wbere they bad l)eeil 'Walter Williams of 1306 Gregory1 guests for ten days at a bouse party avenue, returned necently from visit- given by Chicago friends. ing ini Detroit, Clevela.nd, «and, New - - York, and will leave for the east Mnr. and Mrs. Charles Hastings of again September 20, to enter Prince- South Bend, Ind., will spend the ton uiver.sity. %ýeèk-end with, their daiughter's fami- -o- ly, the Albert Websters of 1601 Tenlth Dr. and Mnrs. G. A. Stone, l(À)9stet Sixteenth street, entertained six MnsI)de gu sait cocktail panty ait tbei 'frsa two Taylor left X\e<nesdav guests a wmeeks' rest and vacation ait home recently, followed by dinnen at 'the 'Sacred Heant sanitanium in NI iP- the Vista Del Lago. Tbe party was waukee while. awaiting ber. retiirn to given ini honor of Mn. and Mns. Eule eow hmeiKnlor. H. Myrland *of Wilmette, who left be0w oei eiwrb laist week-end for Florida. u uv2fnteiMWiet. WEATHERSTRI P *NU-METAL ALL COPPER for Years of Wear 0, Easily Insta lled Millen Hardwaife Cool 1219Wilmtt& ve. WII. 3(04 who attended Ohio Wesl eyan last year, is, tnansfening to Northwesterll for ber sophomore year. -o- jack Langtry' of D. C., was a guest last Robent P. Whites, 1334j nue. Washington, week of the A'hlaind ave- .!ýeptember 20,,1934 l'se Mon. to "t to 0 je ip Doon open futuré 25C »veulme and atter 1:80 Pm Sundays WILMETTE LIPE

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