Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 41

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~Ur 9rI Mr 22 s v - -*M. WA.gI3 M TELIPE41 Hunters. Here. Are Raies Governing The 'following, regulations wbich- wilgovern the taking, and bag and possession limits of migratory game' birds in the state of Illinois during the 1934 season, based on the procla- mation of the President of the United States, have just been issued by C. F. Thompson, acting.director of the Illi- nois Department of Conservation, accordiag to Thomas J. Lynch, inspector for the department in Cook and Lake counties: Waterfowl, rails, coot, gallinules, Wilson's snlpe or Jacksntpe and inourfi- ing doves, may be taken eacb day-from sunrise to sunset (except waterfowl on [ baited premises). during the open sea- sons prescribed therefor in this regula- tion, and when so taken may be pos- sessed In the numbers permitted (turing the period of ten days next succeeding said open season, but nô such bird shall be possessed in a state, territory or'dis- trict at a time when such state,. terri- tory, or district -prohibits the possession thereof. The open season for waterfowl (ducks, brants, geese), snipe and coot, shall be as fohtows: October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20. 21, 27, 28; Xovember 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25; December 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30;1 .lanuary 5, 6, 12. 13. Rails and gallinules (except coot) - The open season for sora and other rails and gallinules (except coot) shalt be f rom September 1 to November 30, h<th dates Inclusive. The open season for mourning doves, which opened September 1,, will close $el)tem!)er 30, the latter date inclusive. Daily Bag and Possession A person may take in any one day* during the open seasons prescribed therefor, flot to exceed the following j nuinber of mlgratory game birds, which numbers shall include ail birds taken by any other person who for hire, accom-1 panies or assists him in taking migra-:, tory birds; and may be possessed In the numnbers specified as follows: Ducks (except eider- duck, wood! duck, raddy duck and bufflehead! duck)-Twelve in the aggregate of al klnds, but flot more than five of any one, or more than 5 in the aggregate of; the following specles: canvas-back, red- ý head, greater scaup, lesser scaup, ring-1 neck,- blue-wing teal, green-wing teal, cinnamon teal, shoveler and gKadwall J and any person at any one time ma:, possess flot more than 24 ducks n the aggregate of aIl kinds, but flot more than 10 of any one, or more than 10 In the aggregate, of the followîng species:. canvas-back, redhead, greater scauP, les.4er scaup, ringneck, blue-wing teal, green-wing teal, cinnamon teai, shov- eler and gadwall. Geese and brant-Four in the aggre- gate of ail kinds and any person at any fene time may possess flot more than8 geeâe and brant in aggregate of al kinds. Rails and gallinules (except sora and' coot)-Dahly limit, 15 in the aggregate of ail kinda, but flot more than 15 of any one species. Possession limit, 30. Coot-Daily limit, 25. No possession Wilson'3s nipe or jackisnipe-Daily limit, 15. Possession limit, .30. Doves (mourning)-Daily limit, 15. Possession imit, 26.. Mrs. Fred E. Crawford, j r., 1249 Maple avenue, was hostess to a dozen guests for luncheon and 'bridge on. Tuesday in honor , of Mrs. Hugh Crawford of San Francisco. Miss LiIlian, Frances Noyes of 331 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, is leaving Friday to begin bher. sophomore studies at Rýadcliiffe college. 0o Charles H. Knapp, 633 Forest ave- nue, left last week for Middletown,, Conni., to begin bis sophomore. year at Wesleyan college. LI[BER1TY LOAN Auto t cmonuPOAloN P. r$onal Tel. Qi'Onlesf 18693 Fumitura INJURED IN CRASH Joseph V., Stixrud, 607 Willow road, ,Winnetka,, was taken .to the Eva ns- ton hospital . oll owing an, automobile collision at, Seventh ,street and For- est avenues Iast Friday evening about 7:40 o'clock. The car Mr. Stixrud was driving collided witb another driven by John O'Malley,4456 Lowe avenue, Chicago. Stixrud's right ear was cut, and be suf ered o'ther injuries about. the head, according to the police re- port of the accident. TEA PFOR MOTHEAR Mrs. William H. Frawley of Eau Claire, Wis., is the gueit of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Rydely 1018 Tenth street. Mrs. RydelI will bebostess at a tea tomiorrow fromn 3 'clock until 5 in honor of ber motbher. Donald* Holway of Tulsa, OkIa., will arrive. the end of the week to visit bis unclé's family, the A. S. Holways, 1227 Elmwood avenue. Mr. Holway will attend the University of Chicago. ýHOME PROM. MICHE A-N Mms William Balbatcbet, 725 Tenth street,1 is, returning today f rom Sprmg Lake, -Miei., wbere she was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Trippét formerly oif Wilmette.. '11 à~ftt6~ Lt Il CALL YOU FEg As young people leave for college in the early fali, Mother and Dad feel a pang at thoughts of the, long separation that stretches ahead. And'the clilidren, while they. look forward eagerly to beginning or, renewing the pleasaut ties of school life, may, be a littie saddened at the same thoughts. But there need be no completre separation. The ELIel@SUnEL L telephone can bring parents and children together for intimate, satisfying voice vits visits that banish thie loneliness for the par- ent s and bring cheer and counsel to the children. Rates. from any distance are moôderate and there are bargain Station-to-station rates every evening after 8:30 P. M. voice visits are.real visits. TELEPE*1~'E c.. September 20, 1934

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