Robes'of FlanneI lun Aulumnal Toies 100%/ all-wool flannel fash- ion robes of rich càloring wit h smart contrasting trim. Complete range of regular sies, generously çut: navy, red, blue. rust $5.95 and green..... Keep Warm In New Snuggi.s 59C Yests and panties of silk-and- wool are.renforced at al ponts of wear and corne in. tearoie tint; small, 'medium and large. Lingerie-Second Fl1oor Lead 0otwear F'ashions Pumps Straps Ties '4 IHere and there a frim of gleaming paient leather givs atefingac- cent to the rick duiness of t*e mode. Black end brownI ar* faàs h i on 's c ho i ce fo r Autumn. Seoe our compre- hensive selection of spo.nsored foot wear et this delightfully I o w price. Footwcear Salopi-Street Floor Ride thie Crest of F as h ion's Wave à $4.95Regular . e.ýg,$5.95 Quai itY For evening, for daytime . .. to lend dignity to the taîl figure; and heigbt tfo the shorter one . .. to enhance ,the. graciousness of 'ma- furity end the piquence of youtb ..ladies, wear a coronet braid! We cen match your own keair. The quality and. worlcmanship, meet our very high standards. Beaufv4aKoon-Second Floor, West Accessories After th'e Fact Tukway Bags wlth thoir convenisal bock pock.t core ne s,çothor grained leathors and charmin, new shape ........... Studded Métal7 . . . fashions modem Iewelry in old-f.mhio.d motifs.. New FOU colorea ellabu. to. Gleaming Satin . . . contrives doeoctable bits of, froquently throoded ln gold, 60 is the model $225 shown..........ý Sleek Kid Gloves . n bleck, brown or white, offer a choice of slpon Or clesp stylos, plain or novolty $29 frimrn.............. 29 Ringless Chiffons ;ý 'of truc Franchotto beauty and quality in codei rotteour and smo&o&nif. EÉiquiiitoly '.he.. andý farhioned............. 69c Accetorie--Strert Floor WJEDOLD»T9S-EVSTON On Davis Street DO VOUR FAUL SHOPPINGS WITH A CHARGE ACCOUNT 1WiImette 1100 SEPTEMBER 2ô, 1934 - mR&1