Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 32

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UT!! ulDrrD I !~P September 20, 1934 UW *~8V8~ S A - ~CC - Owen - WiIIiamson Wedding Event of Mid -September The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lernuel F o ulikes Owen, 725 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, was the scene last Saturday afternoon of the mnarriage of their daughter, Miss Jane Eliza- beth Owen, and Charles Mobr William son. The wedding service was- read at 4 o'cloclk by the Rev. Johin G. Hindley. pastor of tbe First Congregational church,, Wilmette, and was followed by a reception. The bride wore an ivory satin gown-witli a yoke of lace and a square train. Her veil was fnger-tip lengtb, and ber bridai bou- quet was of wbite roses and lilies of tbe valley. 1Tbe brjdesmaids, Miss Medora Brighit and Miss Betty Mulford of Wilmette wore turquoise blue cbif- fon velvet witb capes banded witb ostricli, brown turbans, and brown ac- cessories. Tbe littie flower girl, Diane Downie of Glenview was ln a long frock' of peach net made princess style. The bride's mother wore aqua- marine blue lace and a shoulder cor- sage of orchids. "-t Mrs. A. T. Downie, pianist, and Donald MacGilvary,, of. Maywood. violinist, played the wedding music including the Lobengrin wedding mardi. Howard Hanford of Wauke- gan, a fraternity brother of tbe groom, served as best man. The house was decorated in green and wbite, and the fireplace ini the liv- ing room was covered witb wbite roses, white gladiolus and woodwar- dia and Boston ferns. After a brief boneymoon Mr. Wil- liamson and bis bride will return to reside at 1200 Simpson street, Evans- ton, wbere tbey will be at borne after October 1. The former Miss Owen is president of the junior auxiliary of tbue Wom- an's club of Wilmette, a gradtiate of Knox' college, and member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Williamson. vho is the son of Mrs. Jobn Everbart of Van Wert, Obio, is a graduate of Nortbwestern university and a i-nem- ber of Lamba Cbi Alpha. Smith Club Meeting Tbe Evanston-Nortb Shore Smiith club will meet at tbe borne of Mrs. Dwigit H. Ingnam, 1284 Sheridan road, Lake 1Porest, on Wednesday. September 26, at 2:30 ýo'clock. Jamei T. Nicholson, who is director of the Cbicago ciapter of the American Red Cross will give the program, speak- ing on, "What a Relief."e The co-bost- esse s will be Mrs. Donald Jones, Mrs. Everett Lothrop, and Mrs. Harold Fish. Plans Rummage Sale« Members of, the Nortb Shore Catholic Woman's league bave beeni asked to collect articles for the an-i nual nummage sale, plained for early9 November.9 Sepliember Bride* Wears -Heirloom Lace Mary Crane League Membership Tea DUbois Photo Koehne Photo lei her dress of ivorj satin, tuith A ap of heirloom rose point an, ifs 1-oke of lace and square train, duchesse lace zcats zworn by AMiss Miss Jane Owen tuas inarricd to Al!aiy. lHouston ,Iai-Caiighev, of Charles Mo/ar Williamtsonir ast Sat- Ke,îu'lzorfh zwhen sire becanie flie urday affernoon. The Iride and bridûe of Johni Jacob Schreiier of bridegrooen ?cill live in i Evanistoti. Cliacapo oit.Safurdav. .Septfembre- 1, afftle hoine ofliep- parents, Illr. and Airs.. Bre&1. .UacCai ihr v..53 J! arwicL' road. Alice Edmonds Wears Mothers Wedding.Dress ~ ;~R+ -~ Ali ce Woodhead Edmonds wore lier mother's wedding gown of white satin, fashioned along princess lines and with large puffed slceves, when she becanie the bride of Norman Ellsworth Dally, Jr., of Winnetka last Friday evening. A wreatb of .white bride's roses was ini lier hair, and white asters and lilies of the valley were made into hier sbower bouquet. Miss Gretchen Collins. of Chicago, the maid of honor, was in blue crepe, with a wreath of pink flowers in ber hair, and wit h pink and lavender as- ters the flowers she carried. The bride's mother was dressed in black georgette with a corsage of lavender orcbids, and tbe mother of the bridegroomn wore purple velvet with a corsage of similar orchids. Leonard Happ of Winnetka acted. as best Man. White asters and gladioli carry- ing out the color note of. pink and lave nder were very ' attractively ir- ranged at the altar for the seven o'clock service read by the Rev. tir. Hubert Canetton. 'In the Parish house immediately afterwards, a reception was beld. Later. in 'the evening the wedding party and members of theý families gatbered at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wil- liani Edmonds at 1935 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Dally and bis bride are motor- ing around the lake. When they re- turn they will be at borne at 503 Cbestnut, avenue, Winnetka, after October 1. Many N. S. Hosfesses, Under tbe direction of Miss Har- nret I.eonard of Xinnetka, Radcliffe college lias again tbis year maintained its own booth in the Social Science building at the Fair. Miss Helen Shortaîl of Cbicago, Miss Rutb Keizer of Riverside, and Miss Florence Baumrucker of River Forest bave as- sisted ber as regular attendants at the booth. Among the volunteer hostesses have been Mrs. -Walter Fisher, Mrs. Hey- liger deWindt, Mrs. Harry Dunbaugh, ,Mrs. William A. Magie, II, and Miss Marlon Daughaday, of Winnetka; Miss Josephine Pridmore of Glencoè; Miss Margare t Priceof Lake-Por- est;. and from Evanston Mrs. Ed- w.uar,d McDermott, Mns. Raîpli Cran- dall\,Mrs. Walter Crowell, Miss Jane Cove, and.Mrs. Benjamin Bills. T.he.bootb has been maintajned as, beadquarters for retunning alumnae, andý for, supplying information to pros- pective students. Wrangler Board fo, Meet Mrs. Ricbmond M. Corbett of Win-, netka, president of. the Wrangler auxiliary, is calling' a meeting of ber board, to be beld Friday at. the Wrangler bouse on tbe Nortbwestern university campus. lie auxiliary's ,flrst fali meeting mdll lie beld at the same place Friday, October 5. Includes Program Mrs. Burt J. Deninan is opening ber beautiful home at 21 linden avenue. Minette, for a nmember- ship) tep andI programi Fridav, Sep- teml)er 28. at 2 o'clock. spotisore<l lwv the M.\aryl Cranie leaguýe. A program of ballads wilI be given by Clarissa and Adella Anderson. Miss Edna Dean Baker, president of tbe National College of Education, and ber sister, Miss Clara Belle Baker, wvill give brief talks on tbe Nursery scbool at Hull House, and the origin of the league, and on the college's work ini educational fields at Hull House. Miss Nina Kenagy will be at the tea and be introduced as the director of the Mary Crane Nursery scbool. The league's new president, Mrs. Alonzo W. Peake of Wilmette, to- getiier with Mrs. Conger Reynolds of Kenilwvortb, program. clairman, will pour at the tea table. Mrs. Paul Fleer, its inembersbip chairman, will receive with Mns. Denman.- Tbe Mary Crane league announces the dates of its Rummage sale as Wednesday and Tbursday, October 3 and 4, at 1610 Orrington avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Wilfred Sbaw of Wilmette is cliairmlÎan, ber committee încluding Mrs. R. H. Scbmidt, Mrs. Roy Dodson, Mrs. Robert Fellingham, and Mrs. L. D. McSbane. The commit- tee is now at work collecting articles for the two-day benefit. Several of the. league's chapters bave cbanged nanies. The Motlier's group is now tbe Jane Addams cliap- ter, absorbing witbin it the former Central group; Mrs. Fellingbam's group is now tbe Nina Kenagy cbap- ter; the South Side group, tbe Myra' Lane chapter. The Kenilwortb and Winnetka cbapters continue. Women Vofers Defer Mrs. Wrigjht's Talks Annouipcement bas been made by tbe Wilmett« League of Women Vot- ers that a Current Events class under the leadership. of Mrs. Quincy Wright would be its first event this faîl, on October- 1. Owiùg, bowever, to Mrs. Wriglit's departure for Europe, the class will lie deferred un- tii the. flrst ol January, .irnmediately after ber return. .Mrs. Wright, wbo two or tbree years ago gavesucli an enligitening' and delightful talk on 'international aif airs'at a luncheon meeting of the league, is cbairman of the depart- ment of government and international cooperation of, the Nati .onal League of Women Voters. She is a populan speaker and is ln great demand. On- September 24, at 10 o'clock in tbe morning, over station. WJJD (1130). tbe emergency relief bond is- sue referendum-wilI be presentéid and explained by Mrs.' Mitchell Dawson. co-chairmanl of the department of government and economic welfare of tbe Cook County'Teagqe of Women Voters. Wecliins +8nqgemnts+ Ntices. Bg JEAN TEN BROE.CK 32 w il. 4w. r- à à e IL. A req - m - September 20, 1934

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