Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 30

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WIit es ln ,TE octaelembrlé s.93 Social irclè 1 B JANTEN BROECK. Wednesday Is Da'y of.Annual Party for Economy Shop The annual card. party of EcoInoxiny siol is to 1)e held at -the clul)hotise of the Xoman 's. Clulb of Vilictte on Xedes- (lay. Septembher 26. at 2 o'clock. This is tiot -just another card party." It is the one and onlv effort of liconomy Shop in this direction for *the entire year and is a fine opportun- ity to entertain a group of friends at a moderate cost-about the price of a theater ticket for the entire table- and give the Sbop a boost. &frs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman of the Shop. has appointed a competent corps of women to make a success of the party. Mrs. Walter J. Gough, 619 Maple avenue has charge of arrangements; Mrs. George Conlee, 729 Greenwood avenue, is ticket chairman with the entire personnel of Economy Shop workers as b 'er helpers;- Mrs. John J. Milîs, 400 Park avenue, is taking care of the refreshments, and Mrs. Henry Cutler is Iooking after the prizes. Prizes will include one for each table. Tables will be set ini the lounge for those wbo prefer it to the main room, partners will be found for those who corne singly and sonxething of interest furnisbed for those who do not play cards. Any prefermed gaine of cards may be played. Evemy effort as being made to furnish a pleasant afternoon for those wbo come. Economy Shop is a pmoject of the Xoman's club but belongs to and is supported by the whole community., It is well Worth a helping band. -E. G. W. Hostess to District Missionary Groups The Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Wilmette Parish Meth- 1odist church will be hostess to the societies of the Chicago Northemn district on Tuesday, September 25. The momning session opens at 10 o'clock. Luncheon will be semved at 12:30. .The afternoon session at 1:30 is an open meeting at which Mrs. Earl* Tweedie wiIl give the address. Mrs. Edgar A. Fellers of - ilmette will sing,1,1 accompanied by Miss Marie Briel. Delegates are expected froni the MVethodist ýchurches on the north side of Chicago and f rom the suburban churches north to Waukegan and West to Barrington. Tea for Division The third division of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will have its opening faîl meeting and tea on Thumsday,ý September 27, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. J. Chapman, 2214 Chestnut avenue. Assisting hostesses are to be Mrs J. D.* Cox, Mrs. Clifford Ives, Mrs. R. W. Hick- man, Mrs. John D. Kinnear, and Mrs. William Reinhold. To Wed Wilmette Man Delta Gamma Alumnae Fali Flowers Form Luncheon S eptember 24ClrShmea Mr. and Mrs. John î Wisiiiezcski o1 Cinton, Ind., announce the en- qiageinen t and apfrro a-ch iiginia r- niage of their datighter,, Mar3, 10 Walter T. Bcni-piqihaii, son of .11rs. W4alter P.. Berninghani of To Serve as ýHosfesses a+ College Board Booth Connecticut college will open the coming week in the W'oman.'s College Board booth at A Century of Prog- ress, sending four hostesses Sunday, Miss Elizabeth Archer o f Evanston, Miss Ernestine Hei«man, Miss Ruth Hawkins, and Miss Dorothy Johnson. Elmira college bas its day Monday. and is to be represented by Mrs. G. E. French, Mrs. W. A. Hopkins, Mrs. T. C. Patch, and Mrs. W. R. Hoag. Tuesday's bostesses, al'- Goucher alumnae, are Mrs. Stanton Meyer of Winnetka, Mrs. Benjamin M. Phil- brick of Evanston, Mrs. Russell H. Burns, and Miss CloydStiffler..1 Mrs. E. D. Bueil of Glencoe, Mrs. José M. Alonso of Evanston, Mrs. Charles S. Reid of Oak Park, and Mrs. W. A. Eaton will be on duty Wednesday, for Lake Erie college. Four Milîs, women are to be, the hoste.sses Thursday, September 27. They are Mrs. Herbemt H. Matthews of Glencpe, Mrs. Fermont B. Hitch- cock of Highland Park, and Mrs. Edwin E. Voigbt and Mrs. Samuel W. Willson, both of Evanston. Milwaukee-Downer is to supply the bostesses for September 28j and- Sat- um day, Septemb.er 29, Mount. Holyoke is sending Mrs. Philip Well, Jr., Miss Helen Milîs, Miss'Margaret HoUston, and Miss Agnes MeNary. Episcopal. GuïldMeefs Today The Women's As sociated Guilds of St. Augustine's Episcopal church openi another season. officially today (Thumsday) with an aIl-day meeting. This season marks a change in theé day of meeting from the Fridays of other years. l'he North Shiore Alumniiae associa- tion of Delta Gamma is lhaving as its first, meeting of the new vear, a luncheon at the home of MIrs. Alvin Percy Bradley, 587 Lincoln avenue. Glencoe, Mondàay, September 24. Miss J uliette Barker, hierseif a mnember of Delta Gammna. and a well kniowvn radio entertainer, wvill give as lier program, character sketches f rom modern poetry. Miss Barker is a graduate of the Northwesterni uni- versit), school of speech.. Reservations for the meeting are to be made with Nfrs. Wallace B. Behnke, Wilmette 2471, or with MNrs. Bradley at hier home ini Glencoe. Mrs. Ralph Stoetzel ()f (lencoe is president of Nu Signia Alunae chapter; Mrs. Williami Aldermian is vice-president; Nlrs. \V. Stanlev Strong is secretary; Nirs. Norman Ingerle, treasurer; Miss Lucille Hart, correspondent for -Anchora": Mrs. Wallace 'Behnike, social chairman; Frances Halsted, Panhellenic rep- resentative; Mildred Moore, histori- ain; Mrs. William R. Nielsen, pub- licitv chairman. Woman's Club Benefit The opening dinn er and evening programn for the Womatn's club of \Vilmfette will be held Thursday, October 2, at 6 :30 o'clock under auspices.of the 'ways and means com- inittee of *the club. Arrangements for the programi are tiot yet com- plete, but will be announced later.. 'l'hie proceeds of the party ivill go to- wards the building fund.. Mrs. George 1). Conilee is chairman of the dinner. To Pour at Tea, .1 Photo by Demnie Mlrs. AIonuo W. Peake of Wil-' inettè, /'residing, off icef of the M1ary Crane league which gives support to the Mlari' Craite Nurs- ery sclîool at Huil Hiouse, wil pour at the inembership tea the leagu i1 having Septemnber 28, at the Burt J. Deinani homie in Wüinelfe. Stern -Bo wen Wedding Flowers of autumn wvere in the chapel of St. Luke's Pro- cathedral iii the Evanston hotel 'for the Nvedding of IMiss Cecile Stern, of Evanston and Le%%,- ell-vn Bowen of 809 Elnmivood avenue, W\iliiiette,>last Saturday a fternoon. After the service at 4 :30 o'clock. at ivhichi the Rt. Rev. George Craig Stewvart. ihp of the Fpiscop.îl I )1*- cease of Chicago offlciated. MNrs.. E1 Sw,%av-ne Stern, lier (laughiter, anid MIr. Bowen and the memibers of thec bridaI party eceived thieir friends at the Evanston hotel. Heavy white crepe <vas made int-o the bride's dress %vith its short train. A tailored headdress hield the short veil ini place. White asters weme made into the solid round bouquet she car- riecl. Hem only attendant %%-as lier rister, Mrs. Laurence Qliphant, Jr., of Chi- cago,';o-wned in a yellowv crepe drcss witlî a short train.- Her accessor'ces weme browvn and lier bouquet, fomnîied. like the bide's. was of. chrysanthe- munis of autmn hue. 1 Cromwell Bowen served his brother as best mnan. Thomas Hardwick and Hugli Campbell of Wilmette, ivere uishers. Laurence Oliphant, J.r.,, gave his sister-in-law in marriage. A motor trip to L\ontreal, Quehec and New England is the lioneymoon after which the bride and bridegrooni will hive at 2050 Ridge avenue, Evans- ton.- Mrs. Bowen was graduated froni Northwestemn univesritv in 1934, and' .a member of Kappa Kappa Gamima. Tlhe University of Kentucky is Mm\f. Bowen's aima mater, and S igma ýNu the fratemnity to \-vhiclî lie belongs. Plan Care for Children At last Monday's meeting of t he .Wilmette center of the Infant WXel- fame society of Chicago projects for furthering the work of the year were discussed,' and great- interest was shown by many in the time that tbey should go to the center to came for the children. A lovely table was armanged for the tea hour, decomated with bouquets of flowers fmom Mrs. Henry W. Dmucker's garden. Each member was umged to collect pennies ini order.,to hasten the completion of the "mile of pennies." lea for Son's Fiance. Mms. Felix Lowy,. 140 Sheridan oad, Winnetka, wilI be hostess at a tea on Saturday afternoon, September 29, ini honor of Miss Lorraine Meistem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Il. Meister of 803 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. The betrothal of Miss Meister and Mrs. Lowy's -son, Alfred P. Lowy, was announced- in june. Septieinber ?0, 1934 WILMETT£ LIFE

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