Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 1

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ILMETTE LIFE Pùliéàed weekly by LLOYD HOLLwYRxu Ise,13-26Ceta vneWim.Iln. Subscription pri. a a yea. Entereçi a@ second laos-.matter March 13, 1924, ut the. Post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the. act of Mardi 3, z879. \,Ol.. XXIII, NO..20 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS HALE REPORTS TAX SAVING2 TO PROMPT PAYERS Township Collector Takes 19321 General Taxces With Penalty Reductions 'Sanborn Hale. Xeiv Trier teovn- 4hip tax collector announices that lie will acceltt up.to October I.. payment of the first instalîmient of the- 1932 general taxes %%vtli onlv 3 î>er cent p)enalty added. instea(l of the previ- ously annotmîîced 4 per cent. wvhie on the second instalîmnent there %vill be a petialty of ofly one and one-hiaîf per cent, instead of 3 per cent. The attention ef taxpayers is called to thec fact that iaIl lots comning under the classification of 1 to 1P). (proljerty- iniprove(l ilihresîdences) are uc! Subject te an%- penalty on the secondl istallînent. How~ever. a cost et 2() cents per lot is a(l<e(l te-al nl)ai(l irst instalîniients. Those who hiav'e îot p)aid tlieir 19.31 taxes. it is exîlained. niay also save considerable ini the way cf penalty liv gettîng in ttoucli witlî the collector at Regardîig the anticîpated exten- sion ocf a hive 1per cent saving to al taxpayers, which wvas oltained recent- Iy 1w large taxpayers thronghi suits whîch l)rouglit ab)out the voi(lîng of Certain levies for 1932, '.\r. Hale %varîîed taxipa% ers not to be carried awav bv jQy in anticipation cf such reduction. This question is now utp for adjudi- .ýationii i the courts. and MNr. Hale feels it is verv uncertain of victorv tliere, and(. even if it shonld be de- ci(lC(lini favor of the taxp)aver. lie asserts, the reduction ini tax bills. witli the exception of those around $1,(Kl0 or more, wvould be SO sînaîl as to lie cf littie consequence. Most of the court rulings so far on tlie objections, he explained, applv prinicipally only to Chicago. -Cleaning Prices Revised Upward Revi.sed cleaning prices in niorth shore ,(WVilnîiette te Waukegani) establishiment,. were agreed upon at a meeting hield Tuesday of tlîis week Toncurrently with the settlement of the cleaning lockout and strike in the Chicago. district, inicluding Ev- an ston. The standard prices te prevail on the shore*will heniceforýW'be 75 cents (including insurance) for plain cash and carry garnients, anîd 90 cents, (ini- cluding insurance) for cash on ide- livery of plain garments. Prices for *more delicate garmielts will be pro-t portionately higher, it -is announced.1 The north shore communities,t other than Evanston, wvere flot direct- ly concerned ini the recentlv settled lockout, except that it brought about a. slight revision i11 prices upward, swinging into luxie several so-called chain establishments whose, prices were considerably below the uniform prices observed by the independentc concernus.f A sk Business Men to Give Parking Space to Shopper A plan to have ail parking space possible available to shoppers was presented by A. C. Wolff at the first faîl meeting of the Xilmette Cham- ber of Commerce. held "Mondav eve- ni-g Septemrber 10. at neeks' dining r o o m . This wvas the first session s 1i1n c e last M av when adjournient %vas taken for the Ssummer. Nîr. Weolff *who lias nmade a chîeck of the park- -ing situation rec- ommended that A. C. Wolff )usînesnmen and emproyes keep tlieir car., bleind the stores so that slioppers , vill be ab)le to find more parking space along tlîe business ,s treet s. A. C. Pearson, Jr.. vice-1resi(ent of the Chainber of Commnerce. thenl ap- poiuted the following conimittee to keep a constant chîeck 0on the piarkiing situation: A. C. Wolff, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Freund. A. E. Nord andl Henrv Kraft. letters calling attention to the problem are te be tyritten to busi- ness mcen. '1wo other factorsi, discussed'as es- sentials to brask autumn business. were attractive window displays and the carrying of ample stocks at the riglit prices. Accept New Members Another way of getting ready for attnin %%as the acceptance of new inemnbers. Reinistated miemberships of the following were appreved: E. B. Knuidtson cf the Knudtson Mortgage andl Loan company: _Mrs. Ethel Man- nernid of the Ethel 'Mannernd Hosierv shlo. and E. K. Egan and WV. W. Stewvart of the North Shore Chevro- let. Sales. Tivo inewmnembers were accepted: ice Mlarty, Jr.. of the Xilmette Music andl Radio shep. and Mrs. G. «M Rossiter of the Xilmette Electric shop). iNrs. Rosster us succeeding, Patil Randlev who. nevertheless. is retaîning his Clianîber of ComimerCe menîl>ership. M.fr. Parson, vice - president, wvas chairinan of the mieeting., in the ab- sence of the president. Bradlford L,. Keeler. Legion-Auxiliary WiII Sponsor B»enefit Bridgec Plans are heing formtîlated by the wavs and( means committee, Mrs., N. Deumo. chairmnanl, for. the annual Fal Dessert Bridge 'party to lie leld under the auspices of the Wil ette Legion Auxiliary unit at the Wilmette Masonic temple Friday, September >21, begliî- ing at 1 :30 o'clock. There wil, bc tahle and door prizes. Refresluments will lbc serve(l buffet style agid the table (lec<Jrate< iii heautiftul fail colors. 'l'lie tnaiil pr(ijects of the L.egiuuî Auxiliary are Americanism,- child welfare, com- nmunity service. and rehabilitation, al of which derive their financial support f rom the ways and means committee. TrusteesApprove Movie, Censorship in Village IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VOTERS Ail voters are required to reg- ister anew to enable them to vote at the eleçtion to be held Tuesday, November 6, 1934. There will be two days of reg- istration for this election, viz., Sattîrdav, September 29, and Tues- dlay. O.itober 9, 1934. The places of registration remnain open on both of these days, from 6 a. m': to 9 p. m. Applicants for registartion must appear in person at their respect- ive polling place to register, but persons who are ili and unable to register ini person and those persons who will flot be in Cook counnty on either of the registra- tion dates may apply to the Coun- tv clerk for a registration blank for registering by mail. The' blanks wvhen filled out and sworn to, must be returned to the County clerk, sçp that same will be on file ini his office flot later than October 8, 1934. Robe>rt tM. -Stwetter, 4'ouniy Cle 'rk. Lew Fonseca to Speak .at Masonie Festivity Lewis A. "Lew" Fonseca, former manager of the Chicago WVhite Sox, and now a special representative of the. American Ieague of Professional basebali clubs, will lecture and show his motion pictures "full of major league basebail action,"' at the- birth- day party, of the Wilmette Masonic lodge Thursday evening, *September 27, at the Masonic temple.* Mr. Fon- seca cornes at the instance of WTil- liam Harridge. president of the Amer- ican league, wlio is a member of Wil- mette Iodge. Because of the great demand for his appearance before college and high school groups throughout the American league circuit, the Wilmette lodge lias 1)een singularly fortunate in securing '.\Ir. Fonseca for this oc- casion. Th e meeting on Septemiber 27, will be astated meeting of the lodge, be- ginning at 7 ý30 o'clock, it is an- nounced. In This Issue Pages Amusement Directory ..4 Aviation ................22 Book comment ..........42 Boy Scouts... ....... 20 Chu rch News .... ..01 Classifieci Ads .........46-49 Editorial--News-Comment 28 Home and Garden........ 40 Home Modernization . . ... 38 Society Pages ... i..... 30-36 Yachting News ....... ..52 Back- Unofficial Inspection by *Womçn's Groups Combined in Better Films Body The WVilmette Village board on Tuesdav' night placed its stamp of ap- proval on the unoficial censorsJhip of motion pictures exercised by the Better Films groups of the north shore, including a number of organ- izations such as the Woman's Club of Wilmette and the various parent- teacher associations. Mrs. Robert G. HaIliwell, 1133 L.ake avenue, chairman of the motion picture committee of the Woman's Club of, Wilmette, appeared before the board on behaîf of the Better Films group. The occasion for ber appearance was the receipt of a let- ter from one of the producing com- pallies demanding to know by what authority the Better Films group make its recommendations concern- ing pictures to be shown at local thea- ters. The letter ivas received after the group objected to a picture that was schedùled for showing here. Off er Suggestions. Mrs.-Halliwell pointed out that her committee does flot act as an officiai, censoring body, but that it previews 1ictures and makes recommendations as to which films it considers suitable for showing locally. The committee works with the local theater opera- tors in 'this respect. After Iistening to Mrs. Halliwell's presentation of ber case, the board voted to support ber and hier organ- ization. The film producing company will be so notified. Deny Permit Plea An application from the Braun Brothers Oit company for permission to construct a gasoline filling station on the south side of Linden avenue east of the elevated station was denied by the board. Erection of such a sta2ý tion at this location would be a viola- tion of the Village zoning regulations. the board explained. B lraun Brothers also asked for per- mission to rebuild, a filling station which they have acquired on Lake avenu 1e a short distance west of Ridge road. The station has beeti operating as a non-conforming use. The request for the rebuilding permit was referred to the streets and alleys committee, of which Trustee Arthur Lee is ehair- man. To this comimittee also was refer- red a request for a-permit to instail a. 500-galloni gasoline. storage tank and (Continued 'on Page. 8) NEED CHILDRENS. CLOTHING 'l'lie \Wilmette Welfare bbard liasti.atl% re quests for shoes and clothînig for children of grammar school age. Articles may be lrought to the \V'elfare office, or, ii donors telephone WVilmette 2550. the clotlung will t)e called for

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