Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 18

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WILMETTF I1Fu Seotember 20. 1934 CURS PLAkN HIKE The Kenilwortb Cubs, boys under scout age,. were disappointed las: Friday wben il was found necessary, because of the inclement weather, tc Postpone the first hike of, the scason. However, Robert W. Townley, direc- tor. of physical* education at the Jo- sephi Sears scbool, wbo has charge of the-Cu bs, stated this week that the hike wilI be held on Friday, Septem- ber 28. About 60 boys'and from 15 to 18 of the fathers are expected tc go on the hike,. Mr. Townlev' said. Chippily ridge will be the destination. HOSTÈSS TO CHAIRMAN Mrs.- Elliott V. Youngkberg,. 419 Washington avenue, entertained a dozeni chairmen of the spokes.of the Woinan's, societyr of the. Baptist ,church for lunlcheon last WVednesdav. James Kingsley of '529 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, left last Friday for Ann Arbor, Mich., where he wilI be a freshman. He graduated last june from New Trier.'1 U*t Ou# 0f WiiI a cash Then * Loan P loan hflp are ava: refinance house,, to mal your debtsl? mentsc natures bandandwife. Quick, court Reasonable cost. Visit, wri 2nd FI., 1737 Howard St. west of "CL", Chicago Phone- Greeiikeaf 2550 rGeorge F. Meighan 19 tTaken by Death Moniday George F. Meighan, father of Mrs. H. Rutledge Coleman, 2112 Chestnut *avenue, ilied -on Monday: at his - orne, 554 -Sheridan square, Evans- *ton, at >the age of 59 years. Mr. f Meighal, who for fifteen years had E been traffic manager of -the Ringling -_Brothers parnum and Bailey circus, 5had be;en .sufering from a'hea.rt ail- ment. His widow and the dauighter in Wilmette are the only survivors. The funeral services were held Wed- nesday afternoon at a chapel. at 92 9 Belmont avenue, Chicago. Donald Cooke, 355 Kenilworth ave- nue, Kenilworth, left on Tuesdav for Mercersburg, Pa., to attend Mercers- burg academy. His brother, Dicker- son, left two weeks ago for, Lehighi university, where he is to be a senior. J. W. Thomas of Baltimore was a week-end guest of the George Beni- sons,. 210 Meirose avenue, Kenil- iworth. ThoRed consîder the Household Plan. Loans of $30 to $300 aijable ro families keeping Who hav e sufficient income ke regular monthly repay- Sover 20 months. Only sig- - required are those of bus- rteous, businesslike service. rite, or 'phone the offices of mms CORp@- ali. 14th FL,I105W. Madimon Chicago Phonme: Franklin OMS5 ECONOMY SHOP NEEDS Dmcas oHl Economy sb-6p needs anything A Golf Evýent,ý Dinner, and everytbinig that can'be spared aldygl oraetsat oisnot needed in.,y.our own men- - s age. The constant cal for clothing, ing t 10 o'clock.in the morning, withi furntur an hou ehod n eds dinner at 7, is. announced by the New kee>ps the stofe rooms bare ini spite Trier Township Democratic organi- 1 of genierous contributions. Please zation ta be held at the Glencoe Golf yhenclub Tursday, September 27. remnember Economy. shop we The affair is in the bauds of Dis- sorting out worn articles !-Mrs. A., rc edrTomsJ yc n r .Gini, himn the thirty-one 'precinct demnocratic Note: Economy shop is conducted co iteen by the Woman's Club of Wilmette. The event wiIl officially open the __________________________New Trier campaign of Walter A. Rooney of Glencoe, democratic can- Mirs. Anna Burbach, 89, didate for county commissioner, Mr. Lynch announices, and wiIl afford, an Chicago Pioneer, Dies opportunity for voters to meet demo- Mrs. Anna M. Burbach, 89 years cratic candidates for various other old, died on Monday at the homne of offices ,vho have accepted anl invita- i er son, Henry J. Burbach, with tion to be present, it is explained. whomn she had lived for the past The principal speaker at the dinner twenty-four years. -Mrs. Burbach %vill be Judge John F. O'Connell of had been a resident of Chicago and the probate court. Other speakers, its suburbs since 1853, corning to this it is announced, ivill be Emmett country froin Gerinany at the age of Whealan, president,ý Cook County eight years. She was born at Ulm, board; Fred Brumnmel, member, Wittenburg, Germany.1 Boar d of Appeals, andi Countil Re- When the Civil watr broke out M'rs. corder Clayton F. Smith, candidate Burbach was 16 years old. She took for president of the- County board. an active part in making clothes for is The event is open to'the public, it announced. Tickets may b)c ob- the Union soldiers. Many events in tained from ans' of the precinct coin- Chicago's historý, including the great mitteemen; Henrv Klauke, 1148 fire wer failia to er.Scott avenue, Winnetka, treasurer of Besides the son in Wilinette, she is the organization; Mrs. Maude E. survived by another son, George E. Kehl, .415 Maple avenue, Wilmnette, Burbach of, Chicago, and by a sister, secretarv, or Mr. Lynch. Mrs. J. V. Steger, also of Chicago. The funeral services were beld William Alford, Green, WVednesday afternoon at the son's residence, 1020 Linden avenue, with Church Leader, Dies the Rev. John G.- Hindley of the William Alford Greenî, Who liad been First Congregational church officiat- living at the home of bii- son, Reginiacl, ing. Burial wvas at Memorial Park 707 Linden avenue, silice last April, ceinetery. dîed at the Evanston hospital, last Fnidav. He was 82 years old. Deposit Box Holders Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector of S+. Augustine's Episcopal clhurch, offici'- Cet' Removal Deadline ated, at, the fuiieral services, whiclî H-olders of -safe deposit boxes in the were 'held at the son's residence iin First National banik building were WVilmette MXondas' morning, witlî notifieti by registered mail last week burial at Greenland . cemetery. that the contents of ail boxes must Mr. Green long had been active in be removed and the keys turned in the Episcopal church. For twenty within a period of not more than years lie as a vestryman at St. James thirty days. The boxes were rented pro-cathedral in Chicago. He was a with the understanding that. the keys former president of the Lincoln Park coulti be called in at any time and Boat club, having served in that capa- notification gîven for the removal of city for many years. the contents of the boxes. Holders of, Surviving hiîn, besides the s;on iin the boxes who fail to remove the cor. Wilmette, is a daughter, Russet Mary tents and turn in their keys within Green of London, England. the time allotted have been advised that a charge of 4$ will be made for BABIES FRIENDLY RESUMES drilliîig the combinations and replacing The Babies Friendly Society will them with new combinations and the resuîne its faîl activities on Thurs- necessary keys. dgy, September 27, at anl ail-day. meet- ing to be held at the home of Mrs. ANNOUNCE TROTH AT TEA James Carruthers, 1535 Walnut ave- The betr'othal of 'Miss Constance nue. Mrs. Clifford Butler wili be Wallerich Of River. Forest and Ed- assisting. mund Leavenworth McGibbon, son of Mr. andi Mrs.> William. McGibbon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scfloenifield of 201 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, and their daughter, Dorothy, former- was announced at a tea last Saturday ly of 517 Cumnor road, Keffilwortb; given by Miss Wallerich's parents, have moveti to St. Paul, -Minn.. Theý Mr.* and Mrs. George . alerc Arthur: K. Lees,foeryo 32 at their home in River Forest. Miss Sheridan road, have leaseti the Scho- Wallericb attendeti Northwestern enfield home. where she was a member of Kappa Kiappa Gamma sorority.. Mr. Mc- Mr. andi Mrs. Jacques de la Cha- Gibbon is, a. graduate of Dartmouth pelle.of 132 Abingdon avenue, Kenil- and of. the Northwestern university worth, returned. on Friday from a Scbool of Law. He is a member o two weeks' vacation at Lake-of-the- Psi K~appa Psi.. Noôaebsbe Woods, Canada. Dr. adMr.Vn set fr th weding.cent OConor of Winnetka accom- ~et fr th weding.paniedti tem. Mrs. Leon M. Allen, 258 Melros e ~veueKenlwothentrtanedber Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woltz of Evans- uncheon bridge club of t weîve mem- ton are being congratulated on the bers____on ________________bîrth of a daughter, Barbara, weigb- ersonTusdy.ing seven pounds, born at the Evans- NU CA Kton hbspital SîdaySeptember16. *Not "eheap" grade1 -D *Comples w1th Government Miss Alice Eb,1i4g ofEastn speencgonsformerîY of Wilmette, left last Mon- 'Mille, Hardware CO. day for ber fresmac tuis tGrn NASH PRICES. REDUCED NASH-LAFAYETTE MODEL-$585 AT FACTORY EVANSTON NASH CO. 1735 Denson Ave., 1 V2 BIks. N. of Davis 'V' Statmon Friday and Saturday only FRUIT.FILLED COFFRE CAKIE Assorted fruits; 2 freshly haked. ......... ASSORTIED BUTTER COOKIES l For te«, luncheon or dinner, Lb..... 21 FRUIT ALMON - FUT....S2 cTORTE .....35r ASOf.tTED -DONNER ROLLS2 Varying sizes and kinds .......... 2d 9 *AKCD LIMA BRANS. Pr.paredwuhb sait pork, Lb ...... .l13e REFRESHING SALAD Garrot, Pineapple and Apple combination. ... 21h.27er Bake Shop--Street Floor WIEDOLDT9SME1ANSTON On, Devis Street WiImette 1100 - 1 September 20,1934 WILMETTE LIFF.

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