WILMETTE LIFE September 20, 1934 We are now featurigbyr special arrangemen[t w ith our artist Thrlee mad Ornfe je i5i7 djvo4- 8xtO Painting. in.au De TOLOFF STUDIO 518 Davis Si.. Evansfon Phone UNI. 2178 C4RCHS7,-EV ---------- L'Terminal Body' Resumes Meetings The"L Terminal Business associ- atian, Harry A.- Dornbos, president, and Aider R. T.ighe, ývice-pres.ioit, lias announced that the regular meet- ings wiil be resumed ini the nea r fu- ture, and that plans are being laid for an active season. The "L" terminal residents are proud of the improvements to their business sections that have gonle 011 iu the past few months. and are re- alizing the efforts of the dlean-up campaign to have a neat and orderly business district for the convenience of north shore shoppers. The asso- ciation reports that the free auto parking lot which it provides at the "L" terminal has become a necessity for' north shore motorists. Recetiv% there bas been an average of a huni- dred cars daiiv ini the parking lot. The association expresses its ap- preciation of the orderly manner in wvhich viliagers park their cars. and 1w' so doing make room for others' who, might wish parking space. The "I." terminal people cali particular attention ta the fact that the park- ing lot is for the motorists of the en- tire north shore. Sea Scouts Inaugurate Yacht Races Saturdayl Movie cameras wiil click1 as the the present Westerni Open cchamion.«cl Sea Scout Snipe class yachts of thé whiie Armour holds the. Catianl N \orth Shore Area council inaugur- Openî for 1934. ateannuai campetition for the Gom inodore Cup at Wilmette harbor 'Through Nature to God' Saturday afternoon, September 12 Sermôn at Temple Sunday at 2:~30 o'clock. The compétition for the hiandsome tropliy, donated by W. 'Through Nature ta God" will be H. Williams of Kenilworth, Sea subject of the sermon ta be given by Scout commodore, wiil be supervisedRabbi Charles E. Shuiman at Nortii bi' the racing commnittee of- the Shore Congregation Israel temple, Sheridan -Shore Yacht club, .iJncoln and Vernon avenues, Glen- coe, Sunday morning, September 23, The Sea Scout. Schooner Aba- at 11 o'clock. Music for the services tross," skippered by John Betak of is announced as follows : Giencoe and crewed by nine Win-, Adon Olom ...... netka Sea Scouts, wilI also be on Borchu ... ...... ......andsnian hand for the Saturday' events. Shena ................ ... Shesinger M ichornocho .. ....Thateher Tzur YisoelLandsnaxn Kedusha ....... ...............ril CIRCLE TO SEW May the Words. .... »... ....... Binder 'rheNorh Ed crcleof he on-Antheni-"By the V#Aaters of Babylon- The ort En' crcleof he oli- !Daniel Protheroe gregation-al chiurcli will have an ali Solo-Miss Lueille Long day sewing meeting Monday, Septem- Va'Anaehnu........... ......... Binder ber 24, at the home of Mrs. Herbert Laro..nu ........... >SPrka Mulford, 835 Eimwood avenue. Co- Eoeu..........tr hostesses wiil be Mrs. Bruce P. Owens, Mrs. C. A. Eldridge, and Mrs. Donald I. Gallie. Noel Statlîam of New York arrived Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris, 944 Sheridan road. I R E O 4L E-£akb LAKE '~ .r.a. a IIG eoM ICH.r~ I A N FIREPIMOOF WARIEHOUSESsLleTrs Evonsion - Winmet'ka - Highaumd Park Our 3 warehouses are couven ientIy Iocated to serve this territory. Phone for èestinmates UNI. 9300-WILMETTE 1332 WMINNTJA 13lm-IGHLAND -PARK 181, WINS SCHOLARSHIP Janet Katbryn Wright, daugliter of '.\r. andMrs. George F. Wright, 1432 Forest avenue, Wilmette, lias beexi awarded a schoiarsbip in music at De Pauw university, Greencastie, Ind.. where shielbas gane ta study. Miss Wright, who was graduated from New Trier High school last june, lias had ail of lier piano work under '.fiss -Anna Chi-aIund. RESUME ART CLASSES The Nortli Shore. Art league classes in sculpture and paintings %Niii be resumed thig fali' ii the league's studio. in Winnetka Community Hanse. ', Here the classes, under the direction of higbly capable teachers. will meet in the morning at 9:iQ ci'clock'beginning the week of Mon- day, October 1. Mrs. Frank McCullin and Miss Jean McCullin bave returned ta their home in Pasadena after spending about four weeks in Chicago an& visiting on the nortli shore. The McCuliins at one time lived on Maple avenu&e -o0 Mrs. Percy DeTambie, 1232 Green- wood avenue, entertained fier bridge club for luîhcheon on Tuesday of last week. Champ Golf ers to Compete Su,àday atý India nHilli Club LaWson Little, holder of botb the American and British Amateur cham- pionsbips, will. team . witb' Johnny Goodman, U S. Open' winner la>st year, against Tommy A'~iour and Harr ' Cooper, prominènt profession-' ais, in an 18-haie exhibition match a the Indian Hil1 Country club, Sundav afternoon, September 23, ýat 2:30 o'ciock. The exhibition is a charitv affair. ail i)roceeds going to the "Chick.Ev- anis Schoiarship Fund for Caddies" at jNorthwestern university. Outstand- ,ing caddies from clubs afiliated wvitlî the Western Golf association are aid- ed through the- university by thi, fund. Chick Evans wiil referee the match. Holds Two Tities By winning the U. S. Amateur. la'.t Saturday, Little became O-e third golfer ini history to hoid t r in~aateur chanmpionships of both the U. . and England at the same time. liobhy- Jones was the only other goifer to accomplish this feat. Goodman became famous several years ago .when he defeated Joiies in the first round of the U. S. Amiateur. To prove this was not a. freak. Good- miaî captured the U. S. Open titie at North Shore iast year. Against these two amateurs. flic professionals will send Tommy Ar- miour and Harrv Cooper. Coe ------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SepterInber 20, 1934 WIL:METTE LIPE