September 20, 1934 Kenilwýortk Union Keniiwortb -avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert.L. Wiliett, minister Dr. Wil 1lett's. rnibject, for S1unday, .Sep- tember,23, wiil be-,"Nature's Messag e."t The church service ls at Il oe'ciock. A cordial Invitation ls extended to, -those flot attending church eisewhere to corne and worship with us. This ls a union church. Its membership ln- cludes people from varlous, denoniina- tions. It proclaims the essential truths of the Chrkrtlan faith.' It desireB to provide for the cornmunity the service of worship, religlous education and so- cial fellowship. It weicomes the co- operation of aIl people of good will who wish to promote the welfare of the neighborhood, the realization of ef- fective rnethods of philanthropy, and the extension of the Gospel Into ail the world. The Sunday school will meet at 9 :45 with departrnents for ail ages between kindergarten and the high school. Registration for the dance classes conducted by Miss Alice Stade is be- ing extended another week, or until _____ - Monday, September 24, and the class- es-will resume on Tuesday, Septem- ber 25. If any were unable to regis- ter at school on Monday of this week they may stili do so by calling either Miss Alice Stade (Wilmette 2838) or Mrs. R. D. Qilar (Wiltnette 3676). These classes are sponsored by the Logan-Howard P.T.A., and the profits are, turned in te the welfare fund to takie care of the medical and dental expense incurred by those whose parents are unable to pay for this care. Mrs. R. B. DeVinney, our new president is calling our first meeting Tuesday, October 2, at 2:45 o'clock, earlier than the usual hour. Please note the time and save the date, for Mrs. DeVinney promises an interest- ing program. The, Pr~Adp1~nt~tudy gxroup wiIl meet with, the ,;Adolescent ,Study, group on Tuesday, October. 9, at 9:30 a.m. in the Howard school. At this, the first meeting of the year, Mr. Lowell Todd will talk on "The School's Contribution to Character Education,",using the Howard School as an example. On October 9, also, the.Pre-School circle will hold its first meeting in the library of the Howard school. These meetings are held at 8 p.m. The Babies Friendly is to nîeet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Carrutbers at 1535 Walnut avenue, on Thursday, September 27. Ordain Three Priests' at Techny on Saturday On Saturday, September 22, ,the Most Rev. William D. O'Brien,, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, will elevate three members of the Society of the. Divine 'Word to the Holy. Priesthood. The solemn services of ordination will be held at 8:30 o'clock in the morming, (Central Standard time) in the Holy Ghost church, St. Mary's Mission House at Techny. Those who will receive Holy Orders are: The Reverends Andrey Dorf- meister, S.V.D., Chicago; William Fitzgibbon, S.V.D., Loogootee Ind., and Bernard Le Frois, S.V.D., Roch- ester, N. Y. Their First Mass will be celebrated simultaneously Sunday Sep- tember 23, at 9 a.m. (Central Stan- dard time). The Rev. Gruno Hag- spiel , S.V.D. wilJ preach the. sermon for the occasion. W1LMETTE LIPE. Il V&fy ~CAME INTO /76'JE.WEL FOOD STORES LAST MONTH Did you ever heur of a group of grocery stores grow- ing in popularity at such a rate.? W. think ft is probably a record. Why?: Stop in tomorrow at your neighborhood JeweI Store and you'Il understand! ROSEDALE SLICED Pi neapple "Jiewei Special" LARGE NO. 2% 1uPC 0 9 Be IZE CAN FEBCO-TREE RIPENED "JIewel SpeciaP' O EWSEASON'S PACK LARGE A 'rIcots FINE QUALITY NO. 2%U@ SIZE CAN DOLE Pi neapple Juice "Jewel Special- 2NO. 22# SIZE * CANS SWEET VIOLET FANCY NEW YORK STATE "le-el Special" NO. 2 Bartlett Pers.. SIZE 1 3c LARGE SIZE -)ewel Speciai", 1-LB. 2 Sunsweet Prunes. 9PK, PAUL SCHULZE ,. Jewel Joy Cookies . 00 .. A dainty and deliclous cocoanut bar Speciai" 15C PAUL aSCHULE "«Jewei speciar, Raspberry Creams a LB. A jpure chocolate covered raspberry cream cookie NEW ANI) IMPROVED VJewel Special", Educator Crax **2PK.25C A delicious nracker for ail occasions WarfeldCocos.. A 19 BREAST 0' CHICKEN "Jeweli Speciai. PER i sC Tuna Fish .. 0 CAN Selected fancy quality aill ight meat Jfewel Special. 14 OZ. Ruby Catsup.. 2 BOTTLES 19C A realiy fine catoup at an attractiveiy 10w price Cake Flour *JeweI Speciai", PER é a a 0 a PKG. LAC AUk manager about sPecial offer THE FAMOUS Blue Brook Cofee ILB . 19C Positively No Finer Coffee Anywhere at ThIs lew Pries PASTEUEUZED Dromedory Dates. '7jewel Specia>" l Na.15se SUPER SUDS 1 PKG. FREE 4 PKGUl. 25c Free Deal-Witb every .3 packages of Super Suds we wtli give an extra one free-whicli means 4 packages for oniy 25e BUY FOR QUALITY Jlewei S,.cîar Octagcon S@Ip . .. 6 BR 25C BANISHES TATTLE-TALE GRATY 'Jewel Specia>" Fels-Naiptha Soip . 103mw43c ROYAL 'JeweI Special" LEMON, CLEÂNSER 1 CANFREE 3 -ANS 10Oc i'ree Deai-Witli every 2 cana of Royal Lemon Cleanser we wiii give an extra one fre- wbich means 3 cana for oniy.lOc KCeep that 1SCHOOLGIRLtCOmMXON '.wel SpeciaRr' Palmolive Soap *.417C ARGO".ewiSpecial Gloss Starh ..2pliLB. 15c FINE SELECTED - MINNESOTA Garden Fresh POTT.@OES .15*...... 2 FrissdThese potatoes -are unusuaiiy fine, grown in rich, black soi], wifl. littie ornowse GOOD QUALITY RED RIPE FINE QUALITY VALENCIA V egetables Towaoes .a0 .. çEROranges .*Sîî 15e !LB. ]Pull or Juice - NE VER sold item the street. where îusti dirf, sua FANCY LARGE FANCY CONCORD 2nd wind de s t r oy their 4 . .KETîS freshness. Greeiiuig les.4LB.1 SC Grapes 0,0 BASIT1S IHAVE YOU FOUND THEMT Look~ for the Yellow Price Tickets Maàfrked "Jewel Specia." Tliey_8iguiftr "ixtra Savings" i15 Central Avenu11el for you. Al Items mr-'- - Jmwel pecial" on saue util next Wednesday ight. Sept. 2&. SHPI1 Serve Yourself and Save jWTN