Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1934, p. 10

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lu w v.Pi - il. -air W I I TF in etm er2,13 N NEWS0F,. T HE CUCE First Con gregational, John G. Hindley, minister -A Falth That Sings" will lie the suh- jeet of the Rov. Mr. Hi»Mdley'a .ermon at the il o'clock service next Sunday morning. The musical program for~ this service follows: Prelude: "Choral Prelude of Rejoice, Te Pure ln Heart".. . Leo Sowerl>y Anthieni: -i Souglit the Lord"- Stevenson Contralto solo: 'o Lovely Are Thy Dwelllngs"..............Matthews Postlude: "Organ Fanfare'...Shelley Mrs. Ethel Heide Wishover, sololst The Church sehol meets ln al departments: Prlmary, Junior, -Inter- mediate and Senior at 9 :30 o'clock; Beginners, il a. m. AIl classes have advanced a grade, and ail scholars should bie on hand Sunday for the beglnnlng of the new courses of Instruc- tion. H. A. La Roy bas been elected general superintendent. Whitney Elias has taken the superlntendency of the Senior departmnent. Many new teachers have jolned the faculty. The Cozy Corner circle wili iieel. Thursday, September 27, at the home of Mrs. Frank C. Huffman, 1311 Maple avenue. Luncheon will bie served at 1 o'clock. The asslsting hostesses are Mrs. William Hoyt, Mrs. Ipavid Antier- son and Mre. B. W. Hull. 1 The meeting of the North End meiree wil be held Monday, September 24, at the home of Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue. Luncheon wvlll be served at 12:30 o'clock. The assistiiig hostesses are Mrs. B. P. Owens, Mrs. C. A. Eldridge and Mrs,. D. M. Gallie. The East End circle wili, meet with Mrs. Charles S. McCoy, 785 Wiliow road, ,Winnetlea, on Monday, September 24, at 12:30 o'clock; Mrs. J. N. Macalister and Mrs. D. J. Davis assisting. Mrs. William T. MeUveen blas been appointed church assistant, and the office of the church is open mnornings and afternoons except Saturdays. Cub Pack 63 meets on Saturday at 9 :30 a. m. at the chur(ch, and will pro- ceed to the big fali assemblv of Scouts and Cubs in No Man's land. TrooP 2 meeting at 7 :30 p. ni. Tues- day. Trooip 1 meeting at 7 :30 p. nm. Wed- nesday. Girls, choir rehearsal at 3 :30 p. iii.,. Thursday. Boys' choir rebearsal at 4 p. in. Thursday. Senior choir rehearsal at 7 :15 p. mi., Thursday. Girls' choir rehearsal at 10 :30 a. mi.,i Saturday. Boys' choir rehearsal at il a..mi., Sat- Ajoint meeting of the boards (dea-i cons and trustee-.) will be held Thurs-1 day evening. Wilmette Ba>tist Wiimette and Forest avenues Rev. George-D. Allison, pastor Anew cam; called the "College Class," wilil begîn work Sunday morn- ing under the, leadership of B. W. Shearen. joining ln the Church school worship at 9:30 a:nd having a lesson dis- cussion :it 10 o'clock. Ail members of the Sunset club are invited and any others lnterested. The Sunset club It- self resumes meetings Sunday evenlng st 6:30,st the home of. Winifred Dingle,: 324 Prairie avenue. Congenial Young people are, Invited .to its, -fellowship meetings and social life. The Church school isnow fuâlly organ- ised with classes and interests for al ages. New pupils should come now to benefit by the full course ofstudy. The Aduit class Is using the "Twentleth Century Studies ln the Christian Life." Dir. Allison and George B. Williams are the teachers. Iu the mornlng worship of the churcli at Il on Sunday., he pastor will preach on the theme, "«A Changed World for Changed Men.", Miss Lydia Koch willi direct the music with the eniarged cho- rus choir. The second of a series of nildweek conferences will bie held on Wedne,$day next, in charge of the board of trusteeÈ, C. V. Clark, chairman,. and members wlll find It worth while to be onhand. The treasurer reports a balanced budget ton operating -expenses.- A rqlecial fund is being raised to handie mortgage requirements. The 111gh Sehool Young People's un- ion was launched last Sunday and meets during September at 6:30 Sunday eve- nings. Officers are: Eleanor Williams, president; Rowland Dayis, vice-presi-: ident; David Haas, treasurer, and lino gene Kaufman, secretary. The, meet- ings are handled. by four commissions. as foiiows: Devotional, Verna Archanm- bault, chairman; service, Howard Jones;. feliowship, Jinii Lamnb, and[ stewardship, Jane Blaylock. Pastor George D. Allison is speaking1 in Wisconsin on the forward campaign of the Baptist churches, addressing groups of ministers and leaders at New Lisbon, Bar.bo and Juda this week. St. A ugustine's l1ý.jubert Carleton. D. C. L., rector. Sunday, September 23, will be the sev- enteenth Sunday after Trinlty. There will bie Holy Communion at 8 A.M., Church schools and Bible classes at 9:45, and Mornlng Prayer wlth Sermon at il A. M. Tomorrow (Friday) will bie St. mat- thew's day. There willl be HoIy Com- munion at 8 A. M. Our, Church schools have reopened and are now going in full swing. Chli- dren who have nôt already enrolled. should do so quickly In order to start each course at the beglnnlng. There are three divisions: pre-school and primary, up to and includlng the third grade; junior, fourth to elghth grades, inclusive, and senior, aIl high school grades. The primary school assembles in the Club -House at 9 :45 arn! has a church service in the church at 10:15. The-juniors and seniors have their church service in the 'hur@h at 9 :45 and study period at 10 :15 in the Parish House and. Club House. There is stili need for a few more teachers. The East ciýcIe of the Women's Guiild held a bridge luncheon at the residence Of Mrs. 1. K. Stover with about 75 in attendance. The Women's Guild will hold its flrst meeting for the tseason lu the Parish House today (Thursday) at 10 A. M., with a special luneheon at 12 and busi- ness meeting at 2 P. M. 'The Guild had a very suocessful year last year, and ac- complished muclt not only for the good of the parlsh but in the many agencies in the diocese lu whose activities we bave- a part. They are looklng forward to accompllshlng even more this year and every woman Is urged to attend and1 do ail she can to helpl Thiere are openings for new .boys in nur Vested choir. Boys are accepted1 from the ages of 7 to 12 years, the vounger the better, as there is more time -'o train and develop their-voices. New4 'nys shouild corne to choir practice Tues-1 days at 7i Ait girls of the fourth grade and overc aire eligibie for our Girls' Vested choir ivhieh sings every morning, in chiurch at 9 :4i o'clock.ý The last collection àf BishopjVs Pence cans amounted to $90. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Rev. J. . Gockel, pastor 9 :5 a. m.-Flrst service, 9:390 a. nî.-Junior and Inteî'mediate Bible classes, 10 a. m.-Senior Bible class. Il a. m.-Second service. MEETINGS Sunday school.-and Bible ciass, teach- ers, this evening at 8 o'clocék. Junior Walther leaguers, Friday. at 8pi' mi. Classes for Christian education of .children, Saturday at 9 :30 a. ni., TIues- day at 4 P. ni. Choir reheai'sal, Monday at 7:45 p. ni. "Almoat Persuaded", wiil be the sub- Ject of Sunday's sermon, based on the story of Paul betore Pelix sud King Agrippa In Acts 26. Wvhat kept Agrippa from being -more than oniv ly"lnmo t per- suaded"? If you have n ot- yet beeliý able. to decide to accept Christianity, You wlll be especially lnterested ln this sermon. Youhave a special invitation tio hear.it. The Children'.s circle of the Ladies' Aid wilI serve a dinner In the Sunday sehool room next Thursday, Septeniber 27, at 6 :30 pý. ., to be followed by a, prograui of entertainnient. English Lutheran .Seventh street at Greenleaf ".A 1-buse of Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor ~UDYSERVICES s'na ehool.............. 9:45 a.i «.,foiniig worship . .... 11:00 a.Y T'le Wnm1ani's sOcietY Wili meet this- aifteri's>,ît at the home of Mrs. E. B. Ktiulfron>i, 1140 Chestnut avenue, at 2 o'cloek. Choir reheaî'sal Fr iday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. The regular class work in the Sunday school will be resuîned next Sunday. If there are any chîldren lu your home who do not attend Sunday school any-i where we -invite them. to attend ouir school where they will receive a relig- tous education. Resetwe Friday evening, Septemiber 28,î and plan to attend the '"Family Night" which is. being sponsored by our Won>an's society. The pastor is now enrolling the Con- firmnation class for 1935 and wiii be glad to confer with . those interested in a thorough religious Instruction. Methodist Church ltev. Oscar Thos. Oison, D. D., minister The niiniter's- sermon theme for the li o'clock worsh il service next Sunday nmorning will be "The Higher Loyalty." The inusie for ';sttd«t> morning is as follows: Organ prelude: "Pastorale"! "Andante c-on mioto" (Pastoral So- nata) .. .. ..... Rheinberger Miss Marie Briel Anthein by the quartette: "Father, In Thy Mysterious Presence"- J. Sebastian Matthews and H. Alex- ander Matthews Offertory solo: "In Native Worth" (Creation) .- .«......... Haydn Mr. George Anderson Organ postlude: ".Fugue", (Pastoral Sonata> .................R4heinberger The Church school'resumed Its ses- sions last Sunday morning. It Is hoped that ail members will be, present rext Sunday morning at 9:30 and that mnany new ,ones may be added to the roll. There are classes for ail ages froni the Nursery to the Adult departmnent. The Woman's Home Missionary soci- ety nieets today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock in the Woman's rooni. This is Guest and Dues Paying day. Subject: "Leadership.", Dr. Robert Stephenson of Halsted Street church will opeak on "Woman's Leadership In the Church." Devotions: Mrs. L. W. Jones. Ail menibers are urged to attend this mneet- ing today, The Sixth division meets Tuesday, Septemben 25, at 10:30 a. m. at'the home of., Mrs. W. J.. ÉM'th,, 500 Hawthorne lane, Wlnnetka. The annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Mlssionary society of the Chi- cago Northern district wilI be ;eld In this ýchuroh Tuesday, September %25. The opening session will be held at 10:30 o'clock. Luncheon at 12:30. ,At the afternoon session Mrs. ]Mari Tweedy, a very fine speaker, will give the address. Make reservations for luncheon wlth Mrs. M. H.]E Bickham, Wilmette 1225. Everyone la invited.. The Frlendly circle meets Tuesday evenlng, Septeniber 25, at 8 o'clock. Current events and summer highllghts. Mrs. Thomas H. West will give a book review. Hostesses: Mesdames Ambuhi, Matson, Tubbs, Pearce. Thursday, September 27, ls Division day. The divisions wIll meet as fol- Iowa: First-12 :30 p. m.-Luncheon at the homie of Mrs. Hl. C. Kinne, 1324 Elmn- wood avenue. Second-1O :30 a. m.-Mrs. M. C. Greiggfl 727 'Central, avenue, hostess. Mrs. Elbert I-erlocker and Mrs. B. W. Hess, co-hostessées. 1. Third-2 p. m.-Mrs. W. J. Chapman, 2214 *Chestnut avenue, hostess. Fifth-10 :30 a. m.ý-Mrs. L. B. Spring- er, 430 Maple aven 1 ie, hostessz. Miss Hattie Lathamn, co-hostess. The- choir will meet for rehearsal Thursda,.y evening, September 21, at 8 o'elock, under the direction of Miss -Ma- rie Briel. Ail members are urged to be 'present, and. new voices wlll be wel- comed. A "Far-eweil" for Dr. Oison and bis m.1farnily will he lield W'ednesday vveining. M.1Octnl;er 3. The Girl Scout troops sponsored by this ehurcli will meet next week as fol- lows: Troop 1 (High scbool gli-ls)-Thurs- day at 7 :15 p. m.-Miss Liliie Mae Hum- phnies, captain. Troop 2-Thursday at 3 :45 .1).m- Mrs. L. P. Denoyen, captain. TroP 4-Tuesday at 3 :45 1).n.-is L1111e Mac Humphnies, captain. iFirst Presbvterian Ninth street at Gneepleaf avenue JTames T. Veneklasen,. minister Oui- worship service wiil be held at il )'l)k The communion of the Lord'.s Supper will be observed. New members wili be received. The pastor will give the comimunion address on the theme, "Silent unto God." We cordially. Invite vou to worship with us. The session wlll meet at 10 :30 Sunday nîorning to receive those who wish to join oun churcli either.on confession of their falth or by letter.s froni other churches. The musical programi for the morning service will be as foliows: prelude. "Prelude", (f rom "Holberg's Time"), Grieg; anthem, "oO Lord, Our Gover- non," Gadsby; solo, "The Mighty God Hath Spoken,"1 Case, Edward Otis, solo- ist; postlude, "«Postlude in A," Faulkes. Miss Erma Rouinds is pianist and diree- for. Ouir Bible school meets, every Sunday morning at 9:30. Many of the seholars were back in their places last Sunday. We hope to see aIl of theni back next Sunday. Our Aduit Bible elass has resumed Its sessions. A new series of lessons on "The Life and Letters of Paul" will bé- gin next Sunday. We Invite you to study with us. The class meets at 9 :45. Spoke No. 6 of the Woman's; society will meet Tuesday, September 25, at 1 o'clock, wlth, Mrs. C. A. Keller, 830 Greenwood avenue. Spoke No. 10 will meet Tuesday at 1 o'clock wlth Mrs. Randoîpli Lamprey, 730 Washington avenue. Our mid-week services have begun. We meet at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening for an hour of,*..tudy and devo- tions. Our study for neit Wednesday will be on «'The God-Man." We Invite you to meet with us. The choir wvill meet for rehearsal Fni- day. evenlng at 7:15 o'clock. The Tuxis so ciety for high echool students, and the Forum for the college and post-college group, will resumne their meetings Sundi4Y evening, ýSepteni- ber 80. A church social. and get-together wiIll be held .Fniday evening, October 6. Our members, and frlends are invited to spend this evening wlth Us.« Memberships1'n the Howell Neighbor- hood auxiliary may be had durlng the month of September from Mrs. H. McCormick, 519 Washington avenue. Spoke .12 of the Flrst Presbytenian chtWch will meet Tuesday, Septemober 25, at the home of Mrs. Frank W. Allen, 1100 Ramona road, at 12 o'clock. Mn. and Mrs. Edward Kraacke of Montclair, N. J., formenly 'of Wil- mette, were recent guest,5 at 'the Fdgewater Beach hotel. .Septeniber -)'0, 1934 W ILMETTE LIPE

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