S ~~~~WILMETTE, LIFE Spebr 0 94 NELSO0Ný gioes modem! introducing JIU -Way Cleaning to the north shore 0 We are proud to be among the first in the country to introduce this new clean- ing method. It is indeed an innovation and the resuit of our continuai effort to give our friends every benefit of better cleaning and greater. satisfaction. It is anothereffort to keep our work always "vo to a standard ... fot down to a price.".. 7l REASONS why discriminating peo pie entrust their wqrdrobes to NELSON'S Nu-WAY CLEANING 1The Nst-Way method. is guaranteed to be IL 100% ýODORLESS! 2. COLOR FORTIFIER ... NO FADING! Irestores the newness .. lustre and life to your most delicate and prized garments. 3o. Wav NEW CLEANING PRICES It PRESERVES the fabric. There is Iess wear and tear upon garments by the Nu- method of cleaning. 4Garments STAY CLEAN LONGER. Gar. 40ments are returned free from the oîly film that attracts and absorbs dust and dirt. 50. vflur BRING & CA 90re delivered forca MOTH EXTERMINATOR! It rmvb moth Iarvae without boiling. or abuse to garments. 6 IT IS A BETTER CLEAN- eING METHOD! Because of thorougb and rapid qualities of penetration it cleans not.only the surface but every fibre aIl the way LLL through. 7The Nu-Way m e th od in- 70creases efllciency. and ELIM. INATES SHRINKAGE possibil- ities. It keeps the germent in rSh shape and does flot dest 'rov the S/sizing of the finest apparel. NELSiON LAUNDRIY &DRY CLEANING SYSTEÀM 1210 Central Avenue Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1800 E~ATZJ "Olne montent, pleaie!" says A4don1is "Di R,ù" oesch, son of Mr. aind Mfrs. Thilo Boesclî of 2351 Lake avenue, Wihnette, îcho zvas snappe'd while he preparcd to do a bit of photographv on his mon hook the other doav. Pcrhaps he's headed. for a Hollyw'ood job, who knousf Photo submitted by bis parent s. Miss Virginia French and Miss "Libby" Townsend Announ~ce thse opeping on Oct. i of t/si,' NURSERY SCHOOL' at 1-337 Ashland Ave., W!Irnette Phone Wlmette 924. Finqer 'r'Powder Wavi ncgBlendirn iBeauty Culture in ail ifs Branches 37 CETRALVEli birZOViE WII L -A m ........ . ....... .......... . ... .. .......... Movie Censorshi> Here Gets -Afproval1 of Village Board (Co'ntinued f rom Page 1) one gasoline pump, on the property at 1238 Central avenue owned by, A. E. Wolff, 1937 Wilmette avenue. The ground floor of the building on thi property, which is zoned residential, is used as a storage room for taxi- cabs, while the second floor is used for residential purposes. Approve Police Appointe. Trustee W. C. Farrar. chairmail of the police and lire committee. re- ported that bis committee, in accord- ance with instructions received from the board,' had held examinations to select two new Wilmette policemen and that Cullen C. Branscome, 1930 Birchwood avenue, was one of several men ' vho had successfully passed both the mental and physical tests. Mr. Farrar recommended his appoint- ment to the police force on a three mo nths' probation. The recommenda- tion was concurred in by the board and the appointment authorized. Thé committee will report later as to the appointment of the second new police- man. Get MiIk Inspection Trustee Clinton B. Cochran, chair- mati of the public service committee. presented a report f rom Dr. Martin H. Seifert, Wilmette health commis- sioner. concerning arrangements made with the North Shore Milk inspection service for inispection of Wilmette's :nilk supply at regular intervals for' a sum of $85 a month. The report stated that the inspection service in- cludes weekly checks of aIl milk sold in1 Wilmette for hacterial and butter fat content, as well as monthly'inspec-. tion of the dairy plants where the milk is bottled. Provisions are also made for regular inspection of the individual *f arms where the milk-producing cattle are raised. One dairv company, whose milk was found to be not up to stand- ard. was.denied the privilege of selI- ing its product in Wilmette. the re- port showed. HOSTESS TO SPOKE Mrs. C. . Keller, 820 Greenwood- avenue. will entertain Spoke 6 of the WVilmette Presbyterian churcý at onie- o'clock luncheon Tuesdav, September 25. folloived by sewving and a program. The Spoke. meets the fourth Tuesdav of everv morith. 11r. and Mrs. Rov' E. Knauer, 166 'Abingdon avenue, Kenilwvorth, eniterý taiiied their bridge club at dinnier Tuesdav. -First Ch.lj'jurcli of Christ, Scientist TenteStreet and Central Avenue Wilmett.e, 111. SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING--8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9-:45 A. M. SEPTEM BER 23, 1934 Subj*ect: "MATTER" READING ROOM-1148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. . to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized - Christian Science Literature May be read, borrowed or purchased at - the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORI)IAILIY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCI- SERVICES AND visrr THE READING ROOM r Septembér . 20, 1934