Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 43

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September 13, 1934 WILMETTEý:LIFÉ 43 secu, bi' -.re. r ia eýý and, efficient semces.ln your home _HELPWANTED-FEMALE Pauline 's-Wilniette NýOW 11. THE TIME TO %IAKE, A change if ýypu are looking for. a good, permanent position. Register now. NO REGISTRATION C'HARGE CEIïN. SECONDS COOKS COUPLES Pauline's E mp. Agency 11h & Linden. Opp1. '"L-.'Ter. 1 Blk. Linden St.t. N. S. Une ___________il____ ITNI9-lte DOM ESTp1 %IC HEl--IP (lood Openings at O(nt- 141lgrefl Einip. .gency Estalished 2.5 years )-]li Wi. ~inn. 1017 \ VE N LIL D H EJ1,P! <couple.s, Mlaids and 2nd Mtaids. Kxîwiened. With good îeferen(es. 'al in 1'ersxî Only. Carison Empi. ;Mrency SO C aSt-. Ni nnetka ':,328 ~~,'A'I'E > t'XP (1. I111.L FOIGEN. housewor k, i'îotu*.tant, letwveen '20 anîd :5Yrs- of* (9- 'lust lie goond cook .and fond of' child ceNo laundry. ( wn 'om n ad baith, gi e d Nwaigts. P hone Vnnka1015. 71 LTN 19-1 te (COMPUIIITENT WHITE HELP WANTBD with good references. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663, Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN13-t.fc WANl'I)-NA".CAPABLE WM-1 an ifoîr general housework. Must' be good iplain cook and Iaundress. Adults. $11 per week. Write A-165, Box 40, Wil- mette, III. 7ILTN19-1tc. NVH ITE, I'HOtiEST'A.NT, LIVING ATl home, for gen. hou.sework, hours 9 to 6. Refs. required. '%W«ages $8. Write A-173, Box 40. Wilmette, 11i. 71LTN,19-ltl) W11ITE MAIl>, 20-35 YRS., GENERAL housework. Exper., for care of one child. 3 in farnily.Ow room and bath.. P-hone Wilmiette__864. 7iLTN19-lti> WANTI'ED- RSI-ONSIBLE PERSON tmm stay with children. 20c an hour, 75(2 an evening. P'hone Wilimette 3366. 711LTN1I9-lte ~VAN I'ED-X P. H ITEGRGN housework. Nlust be good cook. $8 to $I0 week. Phone Wilmnette 3375. 71LTN19-ltc- WOM*%AN, 35 TO 45,YEARS, TO CARE for three children ages 2, 4, 6, in Hlighland Park. Write A-164, Box 40, IC'XPER. PRiOTE:STANT WHITE GIRL unde, 30 years. Gen. housework. Good plain eook. 4 adults. Refs. Phone WiI- inette 1129. . 71LTN19-ltp 4GIRL FOR GEýN. HOOSE-WK., NO washing, stay nights. 701 Lînden Ave. 1'hone Wilmette 4069. 71LTNi9-itp WVHI'PE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSEWK. Go home nights. Phone Winnetka 1349. 711LTN19-ltp NVANTED A H-OUSEMAID. SMALL wages. WiIl give home. Phone Wil- niette 1509.. 7lL19-itp %HITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HSE.- work. 3 in family. No laundry. $6 week. Winnetka 2126. 71L19-ltl) HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED - EXi>1ER. WHITE COOK WITH A-i REFS. PAULINE~S EM- I LOYM ENT AGENCY, 421 FOURTH ST-, VILMETTE. OPPOSITE "L" TERMINAL. 72LTN19-ltc HIELP wANTEDg-mALE AND FEMALIE 7 coeuples with excellent references. 1 AT $100, 6 AT $75 AND UP. 2l('OOKS...... ....................$15 31 GEN. MAIDS ...................... 12 6 GEN. .. ..A. .. .. .. . 10 - OTHER.S AT $5 TO $8 Ilegister now so that we rlay help you to secure the best position you are diualifed to fi11. FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY S N. F irst St. Highland Park 2520 Ove,' Walgreen's 7ILTN19-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE COUPLE: woan good. cook andgeramn lutîer. hseman., chauffeur. 4 in famiîy. N. S. Refs. State wages expected in rePîY to A-163, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 73L19-ltp YOUING, EXPERIENICED WHITE couple for general housework.. Phone ,Wnnetka 929.* 73Ll9-Itp i. FOR SALE-AUTOS FORD SEDAN $250, FORD PANEL* DELIVERY $225 Studebaker Sedan, good tires.... $195 .NEW TRIER 'MOTOR SALES 664 'enter St. Winnetka 2950 77LT19-ltp FOR RENTr-ROO)MS LREFRONT ROMý, 1ST F LOO1C)R, private lavatory. Use of bath, pantry, kitchen, ice box, phone. Near stations. $35 n. Phone Winnetka 415., ' 82L,19-1lp ArTTRACý(,TIVELY FURNISIHED ROOM. in private home. Oil heat. Near sehlools -and trans. Garage and board optional. Phone Glencoe 1719. SINGLE, ROomI OR SUITE WITH slpg. p)Oreh and p)Iivate bath. Garage. llousekeeping if desired or will share niy home. 815 Forest A.ve., Wilîmiete.l 82LTNI19-It 1> 2 Ft'I'N. R.Nili. NWITII LRIVATE EN- trance. Gon)d for ight housekeeping. $18 pier riionth. Prefet' emliloy*ed people. 2117 Lake Ave., Wilmnette: Ph. Wil. 3434. 82LTNI9-ite 1-i'11RENT-ROO-N AND SLEEýPING Prhfor 2 nien. 2 blocks fron-i sta- tion. $f; wet'k. 514 Birc-h' St. 82LTN1!9-1tlp orated. 'Modern conveniences. 3 blocks to Elm Street stations, Winnetka. Phone WtVnnetka 415. 82LTN19-itp LARGE, PLEASANT ROOM, ALSO single room, near N. S. station. Light housekeeping if desired. Reasonable. Ph. Wilnette 3206. 82LTN19-ltp 3 ROOM'% APT. ON SECOND FLOOR, living rooni, kitehen with pantry, closed poreh. 730 'entrai Ave. Phone wilmette 299. 82LTN19-itp H-OUSEKEEIPI-N; -R-xS. FOR SMALL family. Near schools, desîrable East Wilmette location. Phone XiI. 965-R between 1-7 p. ni. 82LTN19-ltp) ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM inicluding fireplace and lav. Ce ntral location. Phone Wilmette .2399 or 2427. _________________82LTN18-4tp W65~ A SHINGTON AVENUE, Wl L- mette. Nîcely furnisherî ronîn, gentle- man Ireferred. Phone Wilmiette 3480j 82LT'N19-1te NICEL .Y FURNIS9HED>AIRY ROOM0.NS with kitchen privilege. 1137 Forest Ave., Wilmett ,e. 82L,19-lti) FURNISHED ROOM NEAR TRANS- portation. 893 Elm ýstreet, Winnetka. Phone '%Viinnetka 17i9. 82 L19-ltp ONE OR TW()1 LARGE. LIGHT RMS.,' close to "L" trans. Kitehen privileges. Phone Wili-ette 3152. 821,TN19-Itp1 ROOM FOR 2 YOUNG MEN NEAR Winnetka and New~ Trier se-hools. P'hone Winnetka 2767- 82L19-ltp FôR RENTr-ROOMU LARGE ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS and private bath. Unusual and attraç- tive arrangement. Near C. & N. W. and N. S. trains. Phone Wilmette 3856. 82LTN19-1te TWIO LARGE, PLEASANT FRONT roomns suitable for couple or small family. Kitchen privileges. Reas. 1416 Is.ibella Street, Wilniette, 111. 82LTN19-Itp LA-%RG E, ATTRACTIVE, WELL HTD. room, separate entrance. For 1 ni- 2 emnployýed. Garage. Express stop, east eide, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 1605. 82LTN19-1 t. FURNSHDR.M. WITH CONNEC'r- ing sun rm. if- desired. Garage op- tional. Phone Wilmette 1671. 82LTN19-ltp NICELY FURNISHED ROOM SUIT- able for, 1 or 2. Home privileges. Near transp. Phone Glencoe 976. 82Ll9-ltp ATTRACTIVE ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2. Ht'd garage. Near Skokie school. Prîvate family. Phone Winnetka 3459.1 82Ll9-ltp 1-OMELIKE IPLEA-$AlNT FR ON T room in attractive Hubbard Woods home. Quiet wooded street. Phone Winnetka 66. 82Ll9-ltp 2 LARGE PLEASANT COMFORTABLE r(><ms fine for 1 or 2. Cooking privi- leges. Phone Winnetka 2669. 82L19-Itp ONE PLASANT BEDROOM, Ï1/2 blocks f rom transportation, 720 Elm St., 3rd floor, Winnetka. P'hone - Winn. 2490. 821,19-ltl) 2 ROOMS. ONE LARGE, WITH DOU- hie bed; other single. Business people preferred. 529 Eider lane, Winnetka 258. 82LTN17-3tp PLEASANT SLEEPING ROOM. $10 A month. Phone Wilmette 5056. 82LTN19-ltlp FUTR.NISFfED R-M., CONVENIENT TO transp)ortation, also garage. Phone Wilmette 2764. 82LTN19-ltlp WANTED TO RENT-ROOMU WANTED-QUIET SLEEPING ROO'M, also. garage, near .'L" station, by business man, Sept. 15th. Write A-176, Box 40. Wîlmette. 83LTN19-ltp FOR RENT-LT. HSKPG. ROONS LARGE H-OUSEKEEPING R'M. WITH gas, light, bot water, private entrance. Al"so pg. room, 1230 Wilmiette Ave., Wilmette, evenings. 84LTN19-ltp PLEASANT LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, electric refrigeration. Ph. Wilmette 3804. 84LTN'19-ltp BOARD AND ROON ATTRACTIVE RM%. FOR TWO. EX- cellent mieals.- Private family. Near t ransportation. Reaszonable. Phone XViI- imette 2117. 861,INI 9-Iti) There's a world ,of savings in a 4-lIM:E WANT-AD! l TO PLACE WANT-ADS. *AND. RESULTS, too! It is, a fact that consistent advertising pays greater dividends than randomh, one-t ime shots. To make it worth while to adveroise for four wèeefs in WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK end, IGLENcoE NEws, mwe are adding to our regular 20% discount an additional 10% on, four time Want-Ads. That means a real savnlg! WII.METTE LIFE, WINNETKA TAI.K and GLENCOE NEws are rend in nearly every home on the north shore and reach every logical prospect for your Want-Ad. IP HONE. WILMETTE 4300. I[ask for A-ae * MOARD AND fRoom KENILWORTH INN. offers you clean, homelike irooms, suites wvith bath. Excellent mùeals. Reason- ablle. ý315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth 5491' 86LTN19-ltc FOR RENT-APARTMENTS WIIMETTE'S- Most Beautiful Building THE LINDEN CREST See our Desirable 2-3-4 roomn aparêment homes Kroll & Smith, Agents 424 Linden Avenue Wilmette 600 92LTN19-tfe NORTH EVANSTON 2525-2537 Eastwood Ave. (Near Central) BEAUTIFIJL 4-5 R13. APARTMENTS i niodern building, convenient to C. & _N. W., Elevated, street cars, and 1-aven sehool. FREE REFRIGERATION These apts. appeal to familles who ap- preciate a cornfortable home in pleas- ing surroundings. Attractively priced at $50 and up. See thern at once. RE$;[DENT AGENT 92LTN19-ltp A BRIGH-T, SUNNY, 4 ROOM APART- mient with cross ventilation. Newly decorated. Price reasonable. Phone Wil- mette 500. Linden Crest Building, 424 Linden Ave., Wilmette. KROLL, & SMITH, Agents 92LTN19-tfc -TPHE LINDEN. MANOR HUBBARD WOODS 4-5 Roomn apartments; tile bath, r*- frig., roll-a-way bed. Reas. prices. FRANIC A. REID 954 Linden, Hubbard Woods Wlnn. 1300 92LTN6-tfc 2 ATTRACTIVE NEW APARTMENTS ýin brick garage-one 4 rm. with bath, one 5 rmn. with bath, furnished or un- furnished, heat and hot water, space for 1 car each apt. In country west -of Winnetka. Tel. Glencoe .1483. 92LTN19-ltp, WELL, ARRANGED 2 RM. APT. WITH liv. rm., bedrm., tule bath and shower. Electric icer. Apt. ini A-i cond. Close to transp. Very reas. Phone Winnetka 1800. 92LTN19-lte VERY ATTRACTIV iNUN-FURNISZD .apartment, 2 or 3 rooms. Humphrey Bldg.* Wlnnetka. Aloo welI loca.ted office. Phone Wlnnetka, 97 or Wlnnetka 3328. S2LàTN4-tfe 1706 ELMWOOD AVE., WILMETTE- 5 rooms, lst tir. Light. Large yard. Near schools and transp. $45 heated. Phone Wiîmette 1704. 92LTN19-ltp 6 ROOM APARTMENT ON 2ND floor with garage. Hot water heat. 709 Ridge Rd., Wilmnette. Phone WiI- mette 496. 92LT19-ltp 5 RM. APT., HWH INC. NICE LOC. Gar. att. Elec. refrlg. Oct. 1i base. $35. 3219 Lake Ave., cor. Skokie Blvd. Wilmette 4263. 92L19-itp 111R%. APT. ON 2ND FLOOR, BATH, 1-car gar. Gas and elect. light. Near sehîs. Vacant Oct. lst. Reasonable rent. 1730 Walnut Ave., Wilmette. 92L19-ltp 4% ROOMS, 2 BEDROOMS, 4CLOSETS, and inador bed, $45. 3%~ room, $37. Tower Court Bldg., 894 Linden, Hubbard Woods. Winnetka 1517., 92LTN18-2tp 5 ROOM APARTMENT WITH HEAT. Newly decorated. 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. 92LTN19-tfe FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTUB. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM PURNISHEID or unfurn. a.partment, newly dec- orated. Central location. Reasenable. Phone Wllmette 2399 or 2427. 93L;TN18-4te 3 ROOM. FUJRNISIHED FPLAT FOR 2 adults. No chýldren4 Private bath. private entrance, garage. $30 month. Ph. IVilmette 707-R. ý93LTN19-2tp WAN4TED TO RENT-APARTMENgTs- s M A L L, UNFURNISHED -A PART- ment. Hleated. 'WIlI pay $25 to $30 nionth. Write À-175, Box 40, Wilmette, Ili. 94LTN19-ltp FOR IMENT-HouSES EXCELLENT HOME 0F 7 ROOMS and1 2 baths, sun porch, 011 ht., large yard, 2 car gar. Near lake and "L." $90. OTHERS FROM $45 UP ALSO FURNIS&HED HOUSES Caîl Flood, Wilmette 608 97LTN19-lte 6 LARGE RMS.. AND SNPRH tle bath lav. lAt fI- completely re- decorated, 2 car gar., large lot on Cherry St. ln Wlnnetka, near schools. Phone Wilniette 3898. 97LTN19-îte . %%y v v IL E " - - - ý - . - ý

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