I ' 1' o This Knox Cruise and Travel Hat goes places with a dashing air. The brm is medium wide, the .crown has flaitering folds in front and a+theflicde. In ail the newest Fail cotors. Top off your Fait sport costumne with a chil-proof suede, jackét, Smart and practicael pocket. Zipper fâstener. They are only $5.95 Your- wardrobe is not complete until you have one of these sporty brown tweed skirts. $4-95 Thé new "Beret" bag of fine btiack suede wiiI flatter your ensemble. Unusual, value$3J0 Fine French suede slip-on gloves in black or brown ....... Smart and youthfut-You wiII look your best in this black velvet dinner dress witk ifs vestee of shimmery silver lamé. Jusf the. dress for fown or. country wear-a two piece w oolen.' Dress of checked carioca and brown, wifh jacket of -brown brushed 95I Edigar A. Steveushc EVAN STON I SEPTEMBIER 13, 1934 ,-$29.75 $[9.35