Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1934, p. 20

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20wlcrc c etmbr1,13 -WANTED- PURST MORTUAGE LOANB We havé, funds available for eOmsrvative mortgag.s on North ,Shore,,Property in' umounts from 5$2,000 te 10,000. Jmeph C. Cornack & Co. Real Estate Loews and Im<urance 15"g Sherman UNI. 33 53 ~ On Sale Friday and Saturday 33e 13e Bake Shop-Street Floor WIEBOLDTSESTIýrON O. Davis Street Wilme*1'e,1100 &vat4 Oadoonis Cie away from the grndfo ahie~Brathe =u loair in the Quachit Mounins where orsback ridhia 6oIffBoating, Swim- mnFishlnq end ail out- doo sprtsare at their v erybet Niqh ithe Ozark M«ounWins whee MedidnaI Waters Brin5 Hecrlth While 'yvu play- while ru enjyvery otdoor sport at s perb.best drink an oh n the heafth qivinq = feHo lotSprinqs. Find relief and cure f rom rheuma- tisn~ neuritis, kidney trouble, high blood pressure and kdi- ied ailments in the 46 world fdaous Springs. Even a week ortw atthi reownd Spa willdoyou o world of goo M IEW LOW RATES: of 2,3 ad 4rom<k WRADT MANNINO, /Av& ]BO ýSC UTNIEWS N. S. -Scouts SAsuT Wsc um..to Hold Rally SHIP OUILMETTE ~. Septem ber 22 BAHA'I LECTURE "Life's Imuer Mexning" is the sub-~ ject of the talk to0 be given at Foundation hall, Baba'i House of Worsbip on Linden avenue and Sher- idan road,' Wilmnette, at 3:-30 o'cloc.k, Sunday afternoon, September 16. Phiilip .Marengello, ýformerly, of Maine, and now of Chicago, will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ketcham, Peg- gy Lynn and, the twins, Tom and Frank, 611 Abbotsford road, Kenil- wortb, arrived home Wednesday of last week after a montb at Green Bay, Wis. Ail the Cubs, Boy Scouts and Sea. Scouts of the North Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of Amnerica, wili hold a kick-off rally, beginning at 10 o'clock Saturday morninig, September 22, at the Teatro del Lago. The first évent on the program wxll be the tak- ,ing of several hundred feet of full size moving pictures of scouts in ac- tion, 'hich will be shown at the Teatro del Lago on days following the event. After the mov ing. pictures have been taken, ail the scouts are invited, with their leaders, by Sam Meyer, manager of the theater, to he bis guests at the sho-wing of the first epi- sode of "Young Eagles," a serial pic- ture of Boy Scout activities, ini tweive episodes. Besides "Young Eagles" there wiIl be a feature picture, -Re.x. King of the Wild Horses," a M'Nickey Mouse" and a two reel co medy. All of this will be free to registered mcm- bers of the North Shore Area couincil. Ail of the boys will bring their, lunches and will go down to the beach to eat. At 2 o'clock evervone ivill have a chance to participate i games and field events. The %vboie party xviii be over by 3 :30. 1This programn wiiI be in the nature of a kick-off raliy for fali activities of the North Shore Area counicl. Scout Troops Planning Sea Scouts. Wire Busy Pro gram for Ral That Ali Is Well .\ithough several troops have been meeting and carrying on1 siecial out- Word has been received daily door progrýai al suinmer an(], many from Gerald W. Shipman, skipper scouts liaxe.becn at Camp .\Ia-Ka- aboard the Sea Scout ship "Aibat- j.a-Wan and other camp)s, the troop5, ross," that ail is wveii, crew is fine of the North Shore .\rea coluncil and that much is being gained in reai vi onb na ulfl rga Sea Scouting. Real Sea Scouting, xVith iot( <tactin..fl all oueniîî it is explained. includes much more ~î eîid ~010 eîiculi thani mere ability to sail, but entait sj activîities Whîih iii assist in the ail of the thýings included in land buildinxg UP oi .înterestin 1g troop scouting. having to do witb good porii n ieby ioetig citizenship and real living with one's xvhich thcv expect to get ve they fellws.conie into scouting. Sonie four lîun- To supplement the telegrams, miany dred menî definiteiv are activelin i- are the letters wvhich are received terested in scout xvork on the nortlî from Mr. Shipman, telling of the shore and give of tiîeir time and adventures of sailiiig the 45-footasit te aitiîgothsou schooner ini the- waters of Lake porm fram~ xotosn Michigan Scouts from three states bov,ý elrolIe(I in the ýéounciI. have sailed aboard the ship this sum -____ mer and ail have reported a happy, adventuresonîe, profitable and safei more and more opportuniities are be- experience. Just now the shop is at iiig given that enterprise. The Alpha anchor'in the Chicago Naval Reserve Phi Oniega which is a -scout hionorary pier, baving just returned with the fraternity for college meni. one Sea Scout Ship "Clipper" crew of organizatioli assisting greatly iin keep- Chicago. ing up the interest, of college men ini Rod Smith -of -Highland Park-lias scout leadership, it is. observe(î. î been mate and ship's cook aboard the "Aibatross" and b as kept the crew haie and hearty with bis "cbow" served three times a day, except in rough weatber-an.d then when con- venient, sucb convenience being con- tingent.upon the digestive, disposition of the.,crew. North Shore'Boy Scouts Attend Varlous Colleges Witb classes starting in scbools all over tbe country, many scouts on the Inortb shore bave left, or are leaving, to resume studies in various col- leges. Eacb year finds a large per- centage of those who are leaving, for colleges bave been, and in many cases, are scouts. Many of tbem carry on their scout actiyities 'in their respective coliege communities where RETURN FROM HOUSE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tideman:' 138 Abingdon -avenue, Kehiiworth, re- turned on Tuesday of last week f roim the Lanid-O'-Lakes, \Vis.., where they had, been guests at a bouse party given at the summier place, W\ee Wanchu, lodge, of Mi;. and Nfrs. Frank Ketcbàm. Other gue*sts were Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Starr, MNr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward Starrett, Mr. and Mrs. *Samuel Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Landoni Hoyt, Jr., of Winnetka, and Mr. and Nfrs. Alfred \Wiltberger of. Evanston. Mrs. Merritt Dement, 337 Abbots- f ord road, Kenilworth, entertained at a luncheon bridge foursome last Wednesday. ICE BOATING.. As the. navigation season draws to a successful close, the Wiimette Sea Scouts are iooking forward to the com- ing winter activities. Being under the speil of the sea and saiiing (going at one's will xith the four mighty winds under one's control) thev naturally turn to a sport of that type, a sport that is (Juite -the fastest x'et encountered. Ice Boating-now only dreamns of building several one-man hoats, to he transported by traiter to the inland lakes in the vicinity. Several com- panies have been approachied for plans -what the winter brings forth ini this mnagic art of sailing--ti me a lone xiii tell. SNIPES The two Snipes under construction, and heing directed bv Mates K. R. Borgen and F. Ma\Iss, are progressing rapidly, but the way the weather mani is hurrying things aiong, it iooks dubious whether they wiil be iaunched this season. They have a chance to be the first and the hest ini the vater next season. The 'Nor'easter xvas dismasted iast lyeek, but will enter the remaining Sfiipe races sponsored by the \Vil- mette Harbor Snipe Fleet. -R.D. H. DANISH COFFEE CAKES Assotedcakes, crisp mnd f resh DELICIOUS LAYER, CAKES Generous 2-layer cakes with various icings ............... MAPLE PECAN ICE130X COOKIES And other dainty butter cookies, Lb. . . FRUIT CABBAGE 2pS PIES 23e SLAW BUTTER FLAKE DINNER ROLLS Light and f resh and appetizing, Doz .......IE BAKED LIMA 13EANS Prepared with salit pork, Lb. Ï70-TÀ =#2 MOT SPRlNGSý NATIONAL PARK ARKANSAS sý September 13, 1934 T T u ip ir Ir ip 11 ip IP il

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