.;SHLESSER' S 402, LINDEN AVENUE PIenfyof Parking Space, WILMETTfE 150-151i No Woting-Prompf DeIIvery CANNING? THEN, LET US HELP YOU CAN ALL YOU CAN Whi te, Meat Tuna Deliciousiy tender meat. Nothing bet- ter for a luncheon saiad, for sandwiches or creaming. 19 C LAKE TROUT Delicately. tender meat-best when baked or broiled. lb.2 7c PERCH FILETS No bonies, no waste-ail ready to #f fry a delicate brown. lb. LiC GENUINE CALVES8 LIVER Fried or baked and served with browned enins te. always.a weicomne . 9 ontons. it's9 IIEG of SPRING LAMB Here's a fine buy'for the lb28 Sunday roast.lb28 SUMMWER or SALAMI -SAUSAGE For a tasty sandwich, or the cold plate. ILb27c Theres a wealth of good things.in the mar- ket now to b. "put up." Pickles. preserves, jams, joliies and the 1k, are such a treat al tkrough the winter months. W. not only have the fruits themnseives but aiso ail the necessary ingredients and equipment. Jars. glasses and the like. Ail priced a$tractiveiy low, delivery indluded. TOKAY RED GRAPES Big, red, sweet, juicy ones. 3îs.25c Olde Homes*ead Orange Ma rmaelade Just tart enough and just sweet enough to be qood. this Iow price. 2 jars 35 CELERY CAIBAGE For a different, crisp salad or a tasty cooked vegetabie. lb. 5 C OId Heidelberg Beer 24botflie 25 2 case'25 Plus depost ORANGES for JUICE Sweet and refreshing, especially as a mornng - eye-opener. 3 0.. c Carpenter Fresh Figs Whole, rpe Texas figs. Skinless. A treat for breakfast, served with cream, or fine for dessert, * with creamn cheese. I 5-oz. tin 19 WHITE SUMMER SQUASH Unusuaily good with fish. L bu. 5C RADISH ES Crisp, fresh and3 lO tasty. L nhsl c BROCCOLI Brush the tips, trim the stems, soak in sait water; then cook .uritil tender and serve with drawn butter and lemon juice-bunch, around 2 lbs. 19 New Jersey Sweel' Pol'a*oes Um, are they good when they are bak ed just right and served with2 b.li Ioads of butter!21.17 YeIIow Crook-Neck Squash Cooks quickiy and -tastes good., always. 2îbLsC Decker's Fraonkfurters LIME RICKEY Raffelo Truly the finest "hot dor Also Dry Ginger Aie,. Root Beer, Cremre Grenadine Syrup we hâve ever salon. v Ihem and you are sure to SdOag oaadSakî9W4r For delkcately delicious flavor, in cock- think so. too. Theoy are oli, cooked' Just need re- lre >,,tils,' cordiais 'and the- 1k, 1 CDoz. 85c-Ptus deposit 4 cetn.J2-z ID Pi1 j IV. Delle. te Yom No C#ryiug go Do WILME 402 Linden ,Avenue WHmette 160-161 WINNETKA 718 EIm Street~ Winetika. 61 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway Ble*1ngbsm 2m ROGERS PARK 19011 lav ESSORS Pawik elle Orders Dr.ught go Yr Deer A Il Along SA. N"riASh... SEPTEMBER 6. 1934