Septemnber 6, 1934 uuVI pA I Y'r i V n 6~~~I M Wà à is ma~ a VISITOR FROM WEST Mrs. C K. Blackwood. of Pasadena, CaL., formerly of Kenilworth, arrived. ini the village Iast Tuesday to.-visit Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Stolp, 336 War- wick road. Mrs. Blackwood bas been visiting a niece in Detroit. You get the Latest and Best Books in our RENTAL LURARY KANDY KUP3ARD 924 Spanieh Court lauNo-Man's Land F C.Hou 1ghton,Feormer Resident, Passes AWay F. C. Houghton, formerly of 5151 Eleventh1 street, Wilmette, 'where he resided twenty-five- years, died sud- denly ýAugust 10, in Kenosba, Wis., bis home the past three years. Mr. Houghton had been ili only a shor t time. His birthplace was Bowmnan- ville,- Ontario, Canada. He is sur- vived by bis wife, Lida, one son, Sherman, one grandcild , Robin Hougbton, a brother, H. J. Houghton of Rockford, Ill., another brother, Frank Houghton and a sister, Lucy,' of Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Katharine Idier, 932 Asbland ave- nue, wbo recently returned- from a visit witb relatives and friends in Los Angeles, is leaving Sunday for Denison university at Granville, Ohio- BEFORE YOU GO RACK TO SCHOOL Have a PERMANENT For OnIy $5 You'II have more lme for the botter things of college lfe, if you go away with, a new- Permanent. For our special wave is as easy fo care for as 'fis good to, look at, and we can show you how to, set if. quickly. For Appointment Phono Wilmete 45117 Albright Benuty Shop 1 193 W;imete ."U 'The North Shorese Smart Reatly Saloa," LYMAN'S ICE CREAM a dessert fit for a king A king could tek no better than this uiCw rich.amd-creamy Ice Crnam we have made ready for your table. ie'.pre- pmrd'according te Mr. Ly- mans private formula. Special Foursoie package (Serves 4) 25e SpeciaI This W.ek Tontnsai nd Apricot Whip, 42 quart brick............. 42 Vu widi delir'er prom>otly ai an, tieue yen stecify, SHli BROUGHT PLEA SURE AND: WOE Do vou rememnber this stauiach cra.f of aliother et-a that for seve ral yeurs lai' at anchor in Wiltiette harbor, servi» g as the homne of the Butc- caneres' club? .She broke awoy fromn her titoriings durisng a storm tiot so inany years ago, and threateaned to destroy a siz-ea.ble fleet of stnall pleasurc craft uearby. As pupiish menlt for this unsceinly conduct she was ra4her unceremtoniously consiqncd to Davey Jonics' locker. Picture sibritted bi' )Pred Aschbachcr. _____________ RETURN FROM NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bull, 612 Warwick road. Kenilworth, returned on Wednesday of last week from To- mahawvk, Wis., after spending the month of August at their summer cottage. -fURNACE 0 REPAIRING * PARTS *CLEANING *PIPE NEW INSTALLATION M illeu Hardware C.. .1 1219Wilmette Ave. WII. au# BAHA'I LECTURE "Baha'i Faithi, the Renewal of ail Religion" is the subject of the talk to be given at Foundation hall, Baba'i House of Worshîp, on Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, Sun- day afternoon, September 9, at 3, o'clock. Dr. Zia Bagdadi of Chicago will be the speaker. Mr.. and Mrs. F. B. Gellatly, john- ny and Peter of Darien, Conn., ar- rived Sundayto spend aweek visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. George D.yer, Jr., 344 Woodstock' avèïýue, Kenilworth. $30 tOO-0 L.amued WiI 'acash lm" oesidetheHoehl Loa Plan. Loans Of $30 o $30 lban h.lp aravibe to failleskepg 1rdfnance housewhdahavesufficientiacoà go makeregular monthly repay your debts»? menus over 20 months. Only sig- natures required are ehose of hus- bandandwifc.Quick,courteousbusinesslikeservCe- Reasonable cost. Visit, write, or 'phone the onices of ladFl., 1737 HOwamdSt. weat oetfL", Chi cage ?heae: Gwoenhof 32m Phns Fmnkin 000