September 6, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE Near Season Close in A nnual Battie. A gainst Skeeters Thle North Shore. Mosquito Abate- nient district whicb has been exceed- ingly favored during the past season insofar as weatber conditions are con- cerned, ias accomplishied a vast arnJount of work and is now looking forward to a close of the season's activities. As a rule, the battle against nîosqui- tocs is suspended about the middle of September,. but the actual time of ces- -sation depends entirely upon the weath- er. it is announced. Th'lere liave been very few nMosquitos in the niorth shore this summer. There lias heen littie ramn and the drainage facilities hiave béee carried to such a degrec of perfection that thiese pests hiave heen unable to find the usual nuni- lier of hreeding haunts. If the weather remns cool following the recent rains, Superintendent A. H. Meier says, the niosquitoes will continue to le scarce. Should'it now turni warni for a tume thiere May be some work to be donc in the form of oiling cer- tain sections to keep down a late cr01). The drainage work throughout the dlistrict. howvcver. is said to he.well in hiand. A force of Emergency Relief work-crs under the direction of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement dis- trict is now engaged in ditching along Wilmette avenue, between Skokie boule- vard and Hihard road. MR.SUSIE Donald Vahi, 2-year-old soit of 1fr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Yahl of 2039 Lake avenue, Wilinette, trundlcd h is curly-headed smziling self out to the Park recently to have this attractive Photo taken by ait admtiring fricnd. The picture was sui'nitted for publication by Miss Alice Coutre of Winnetka. Mrs. Mary Wagner, 68, Is Claimed by Death Mý7 Private funeral services were bedNj last Friday at St. Athanasius church in Evanston for Mrs. Mary Wagner.,, EAUII widoW of the late John Wagner, who I died Tuesday morning, August 28 Mrs. Wagner, -vho was 68 vears oîd F nqer l Powder was born in Germnany. Shie is sur- Wavi ni Blendina vived by seven daughters, Miss Kitt% 9 0 1 Wagner, Mrs. Margaret McCrickert. Beauty Culture in aIl ifs Branches Mrs. Mary Eckenberg, Mrs. John MS~ *U Moore, and Mrs. Roy Beeman, ail of > MRS1137 cENTRAE.11 Evanston, Mrs, William Sargent of p 4reii Wilmette and Mrs. Henry Ziemski of Me. ONE W1LM Chicago, two sons, Jacob and joseph a.- Wagner, botb of Evanston, and twen- ty-thrce grandchildren. Burial took place at Memorial Park cemctery. i Mrs. Amelia R. Schuber Taken by Death Friday MNi s Amelia Richter Schuber. mnther-cf Alfred R. Schuber, 832 Park avenue, died ast Friday at the Evanston hospital at the age of 67 vears. For a number of years Mirs. Schuber had made her home with her son 1i11 Wilmette. She is survied also by anothecr son, Roland Schuber of Denison, Tex., and by a sister, 'Mrs. Henrietta Burkhardt of LaGrange, 111. Thle funeral services wcre held Tues- (lav afternon at the Rosehili cene- terv chal)el. VISITING COLLEGE FRIEND Miss Martha Tencher of 828 Ash- land avenue is the bouse guest "of her Smith college room-Imate, Mfiss Patri- cia Jones of Kalamazoo, Mich.. Last Saturday Miss, Jones and Miss Tencher motored 'to .Morthport, Micb., to attend the weddinig of -Mis Catherine Xitting of Kansas, City, who also attended Smith. Mrs. Mary. Louise Fabian and (laughter of Los Angeles, Cal., have been- visiting at the home of W. B.- Robinson,, 1026 Asbland avenue. They left for the west coast Labor Day. Rudolpb Tencher'and bis son John oi 828 Ashland avenue have returned f rom a two weekg' camping and fishing trip in the Superior National Forest, Minn. 1l GILSTRUCK BY CAR Theresa Margaret Logan, 13 years old, 1315 Gregory avenue, on ýher way to register at St. Francis' Xav ier school,. ran into the side of a car driven by Fred L. Q'Keefe, 936 Sheri- dani road, Evanston, Tuesday after- noon! shortly after 2 o'clock at Lin- den avenue and Main street. Mr. O'Keefe was driving south on Main street when the accident occurred, the'Wilmette police report. He took the girl to the office of a physician, where it' was f ound that she had suffered a sligbt scalp wound. 1~ *.1 featuring Latest Fal Styles in the New Fabrics for Daytime.,. Afternoon ... Evening. id_ STE TSON Il14BANTA'M" Here is a hîgjtweight Stetson-a-- rakish knockabout hat that is as Iight as air. Just what you wjil want for the early days of autumn and Indian Summer. selling$0 at g$ -) Other Stetsong-it-$6.50 Emerson Hats .. . $3.50 Duras Toggy THE W ILMETTE STORE FOR MEN I1164 WILNMETTE AVENUE Phone WILMETTE, 2435 That After-Summer Check-Up Is Due Now! Your car deserves a liffle ex- pert mechanical car. right now. The s um mer adjusf-, ments sho'uld be changed for cooler weather. W. offer expert service. Z~.. ~ SHAWNEE SERVICE GARAGE Sf orage* Repairing 515 Fourth Street : Phone WiImett1e 636- Greasing, Gas Oil Tires LINDEN GARAGE Accessories 332 Linden Avenue: Ph one WiIme'e 2111 (Body and Fender Work AI RODENKIRK- SAM MARVIDIS GEORGE SCHAEFER ýkpteîx&r 6, 19,» Wl LIME.TTE LIFE* .'. 1