Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 48

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WILMETTE LIFE Soetember 6. 1934 i I "HE Y, WHA T'S UP?" SA YS TA FF Y Taffý, oi t/he qitî.zzîctal mienoILthie left, and the alt ogether co,,z placen'lt ýTootsie, arc owncd by1,V. . 1? opityopiwry of 640 Gregory ave:ne. Taffy is a zery arislocratic Seul vhan terrier, wil Tootsie boasts. a long fine of distipiL uis/Led ancestors of tihe Toî' Poodie persuasion. IFAIR, DOUBLE 4'irector Ofthte j unior auxiliarv. ILa"'e ait excelent caricatufre dl-( . -J GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS VISITS IN KENILWORTH 'Miss D orothy Pettinger, president, by bis exact double. It was doinî' Next week's guide-lecture tours for Nîrs. E. 1). Parnilee of Utica. N. Y., of the club, expects a large attend- l'y f al/v koacli flrio>ette oper- the general public at Field Museuni whlo lias heen visiting cousins ini Mil- ance and cordially invites ali those ato, ahtte bridge, oJten. iinistak,',;i of Natural History will begin Mon- wakee, retuirned iast Tuesdav to vi- to corne xwho are eligible for and ini- for I)eIainarter. day, September 10, with "Chinese Ex- sit MIrs. Rufus Stolp, 336 Warwick terested in the club. -_______ hibits" at 3 o'clock. On Tuesday and road. Kenilworth. MOVE TO CLEVELAND Thusda a th sauehou threVISITS ON FARM Mlr.nd Mrs. William D. Gralîaîu will be general tours of antl1ro)olug- 'l'lie William O0. Belts, 202 Abinig" Mfr. and Mýrs. Thompson Wakele3.Ian aml,110 oakra.li ical,, bot4nical,' geological and <Ion1 avetne. Kenilworth, have a niew 730 Elmwvood avenue, wvho recentl3 ria',Agut3,1o Ceelni zoological exhibits. On Wednesday i grandson born on August 24 at the returied from Booth Bay Harbor. 01.io, where Mr. Graham vas trans- the subiect will be "Prehistoric Life, iF:vanstoîî hospital to Mfr. an(l NrsIf. where they visited Mfrs. Wake- ferred and w~ill take charge oi the and on r u.ý _ _P a t and Ther Robert Beit of H ighland Park. [ e ' ot e ,'rs. A .Re.,k rs n Uses." by mothtouMrs, A.nR.Nickerson.office of Carrier Engineering Cor1>. staff lecturers, are open to al -0 spent a week-end visiting Nirs. Te illv t37 laI))il( museni vsitos, nd n chage i NIr. and MIrs. Edwvar<I E. H1ender- Claude Burhami and sons, David andl r1 d hae -Iihs mad. Prtes ssebl inideth son and their daughiter, Edde. of 1200 James, On the farmi tliev have leased north entrance. aeuetrdSuday nNw Milford, Colin. I:gut26. froin a tetu dav< mnotor 31Mr. and Nfrs. Staver Mfouldiîw. (934 MNr. and Mrs. George Bolletiscn. tour to Yellow~stone Park. Mfiss Marjorie ;mvtlie, 43. Kenil- Oakwood avenue, returnied. Sundavx 311 Fourth street- returned Fridav io- worth avenue, Keniiliorthi, enter- froni I )elavan lake, Wis., anàthte from a five and' one-hiaîf months' Nir. and Nirs.. Emnil (;ilberg, 233 taiied twvo girl friends and thieir es-i I)eIls. Thev a ttenided the wedding of tourof uroe. hey isied ng-Wood court, recently returlle( froni corts at a lhouseiiarty over Iaî)or dav rNir.Nonldinig's cousin on Fridav lan, rean, coladDemaka two-week, vacation at Penîbinie. at lier parents' summier hiomie Port- at l e r lparents' sufimier home at Dela- Sweden, Norway,. Germanv aîd aePit nkmMc.Ivn France. - Mary Jo.Daily,, daughiter of the J. D.Dailys, 1238 Ashland avenue. wvîll celebrate lier first birthday Saturday, S$eptenuber 8. .\mong the guests.wil be Mary Eileen and JosephSll>, jr.. of x W ilette. M r. and M-rs. George S. Bollenséen, 311 Fourth street, who liave been tra- veling througlh Europe an(! England1 for the Past month arrived ini New York last Thursday, and returnied to.i WVilmette durîiig the week-end.. Lois MI. Wolfe, daughiter . (f Nir. and Mrs. Frank Wolfe of 718 Shier- idan road, .W,\ilmette, lihas returned from Camp Bryn *Afon n.-ear Rhine- lander, X\Vis., where slue had spent the summer. Mrs. John P.. Schaefgen, 800 Park avenue, entertained fourteen guests at a formaI party last 'Thursdav in celebration of lier daugliter Geral- dine's eighteenth birthdav. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Little, Billv, and Jean of Richmond, Ind., left last Saturday after a visit with Mrs. Lit- tle's sister's family, the D. Porter Empfields of 915 Greenleaf avenue. I "BEGLEHIMSLF" Presented by BRAUNBROS. Service Stations U.L ' .1 . g li-i, tt . mith SlI2.FR FL.Sl t', jAilinette Bratin Bfos. Silver Flash ,:I.l., lrv,, :t li., i, the i.as u.u've bh.ii 1222 Central Avenue 1909 lake Avenue 560 Greelny Rond ~atigfr h gi tz, :vt ter' Pon ilete822 (Just west of Ridge) Phone I<eililvorti4776 VI,P > Ck-Ulp, ,îd 'n,,,,.. t,, ' ,ur e t,, .Phoneie 1l IIIette 0 -i Tr lmmi TD.Y al taIBRAUN BIROS. SERVICE Williiete iv~enne a.od Rld e Rond (SOUtiteilft Corner), IVII. &40& FIREsýroNE rIREs QUAKER SrA«rE ()i, North Evanston -Modern Garage, 2à32 W. Raliroad Avenue, ]Phone University il70 SILVER FLASH DRAUNIII ROS. Service Stations 4 1Catho lie Juniors to Give Tea on SUncay A reciprocity tea Sunday, Sep- tember 9, will.inaugurate the 1934- 1935 season of the 'Junior. auxil iary of the Woman's Catholic club. Al presidents: of clubs whîch compose theTenth district have been invited, together with prospective and present rne:bers of the Wilmette club. Niembers of the board of directors ai-d the directors will be hostesses. They are as follows: Misses Lorraine Mcore, Aniy Crurnlish, 'Margaret B3enz, Jane Normanî, and Clara M.\eter, who comphlose the board. and Vivv- entie Morin, Marion Ortseifen, and Laura Loti Reichmann, wvho are the di rec tors. The liours for the tea, which is to be hield at the Womuan's club at Il'enth street and Greenleaf aveaue, Wilmnette, are from 4 until 6 o'clock. Miss Lorrainie Moore, first vice- president, and M.\iss, Amy Crum.lish. second vice-president, will pour froml 4 until 5 o'clock; Miss Mlargaret Benz aud Miss Jane Norman, re- cording and correspon<ling secre- taries, respectively, -will pour froni 5) until 0. The club is to be decorated iii. autumun colors with faîl flowers, andl a string trio will furnishi the miusic (luring the afternooni. lu addition to those issued to the groups mentioned al)ove, invitations have also been extended to the Rev. Bernard Brady, pastor, and to the Rev. John C. Keenan, spiritual di- Mail h3~ () l a î . -c' doubles, anid >nai' have 1)Cielt/Le subject of caricatures, but I)r. Eric I)eLamaritcr, cnndhcýtor ofIlt/j Cl: ica.a' o 5VI:LpLo>Lorchestra, îw/i ,l p/a vs, dailY, free concerts frai Ii,, Swift bridge at Ai Centur.1- of Pro qress, is probably the irsita WILME, TTE LIPE September 6, 11934

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