Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 46

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WILMETTP LIPÉ~i FOR SALE-HOUSES F oRt SALE-HOUSES North Shorie's FOR THOSIE BEST VALUES DESIRING H0MSPie oSl DISTINCTIVE OEPrcdt S i EVANSTON Ideal location, bedrmn. and ýbath. first floor, 7 rms.,. wooded lot, This sélection offers splendid buys to Investment $30,000. Price $20,000. disériminatlng home seekers now cern- Make offer. ing into the miarket. KENILWORTH Attractive English style, 9' rms., 3 baths, brick and stone. In- RIPARIAN vestment $50,000. Price $32,500. RICHTS Immédiate action. ON THE LAKE WILMETTE Charniing brick Colonial near lake. 7 rms., 2 baths, or 8 rms., 12 Room- Italian Villa on wide and very 3 baths. Investment $37.500. deep property, Price $19,500.4 il Rooni brick Colonial set back ln WINNETKA spaclous grounds. Attractive brick. 9 rnis., 3 bathis. 13 Rooni Colonial, large lot with beau- Investment $37,000. Price $22,000. tiful gardens. GLENCOE French Provincial. 7 rnis., 3 baths. Very attractive. Invest- INDIAN HILL ment $37,500. Price $25,000, or COUNTRY CLUB offer. SECTION HIGHLAND PARK il rnis., 3 baths, lge. lot, choice 1Ioce a t i o n. Investnîent $60,000. 12 Room Norman F'rench in two acre Price $35,000. 011cr. park-like setting. Exclusive homesite, overlooking Large and roomy brick Colonial onf deep lake. Approximately 31,245 sq. landscaped lot. ft. Immediate sale. Investment- $23.000. Price $12;,500. ALSO MANY OTHERS SKOKIE ALL SIZES & PRICES COUNTRY CLUB OPEN EVENINGS SECIONBAIRD & WARNER, Inc. d LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 b 10 Rooni brick timbered stucco 0o1 well 522 Davis Street, Evanston wooded property. Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 11 Rooni Normian French with every- 523 Park Drive, Kenilworth thing to make an ideal home. Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151r Il Rooms cf brick and timber withpool 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe fi in terraced garden. Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICA- p1LN8-t TIONLNCLWOI INSPECTION BY APPOI NTMENT LNON OD.a ON A STREET 0F BEAUTIFUL tz homes this mioder'n seven rooni bricklr R. . W IICO.- residence is offered for inîmediate sale. 841 Elm St. Phone 3250 First floor -Living rm., dining rm., F WINNETKA breakfast rm., kitchen, lavatory, and2 Open Week Days 9 to 9. toilet - 111LTNIS-tc Second floor-Four bedroonis (3 will F -acconimodate twin beds>, 2 tule baths, Hot water heat, oul burner, attached ta garage, large yard. S M Price cf $22.500 is in keeping with the ai 457 ASH STREET Irsn akt CORNER SHERIDAN RD - BLOC7KThBLSRE TY c.i from lake. The outstanding offering 529DAIS . EANS16 imTON B74 on the North Shore today. 10 roonus, 3 Genef16 imte34 baths; solid brick tile-roof residence. ___11LNS.t 2-story detached. garage with 4-rooni Cc apartment. Large grounds, attractive East Keîîilworth Wi landscaping, fine trees. Clear of in- COMPLETELY RENOVIZED ENGLISHW cumbrance. Will be sold at less than1 timbered house. Four large master- half cost te owner for quick sale. bedroonis with two modern baths. Mi Show byappontmnt oly.Servants' quarters and bath on 3rd floor. Library, sunparlor, open porch br] McGUIRE & ORR and extra lavatory. Oil heat. Prîced r DaisXCLUSIVE AGENTS> far below replacement value. Pi 5040 years of dependable serviceN R'H V TE - 53 Dvi S.,Evanston Gre. 1080 N R H E T R 316 Park Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13 REALTY & BUILDING CO. n 404 Gree» Bay Rd. Kenilworth 228 528 Davis Street University 9500 i 111LTN18-ltc 111LTN1-ltc wlh A RREHOE1 THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLAR il A AR H ME BUY home can be bought for the original t, $15000lst mortgage, Eng. brick, four bedroonis, rifi Modern White Brick & Stucco, East -9 exquisite batha, tavera living room a Winnetka - has 4 bedroonis large and den, recreation roomn, H. W. OILlr ownrs ithpri. bth;two others heat, 2 car garage, Ige. wooded lot. nuaid'as . & bath separate but on 2nd Bills Reaity, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave.: $1, floor); liv. rooni is large, bas fireplace, OIen. 777, ask for Mr. Peistor. and large adj. -sunrooni; sleeping porch 111LTNl81ltc off owner's bdrmn.-oil heat, 3 batha, OLD HOME WITH MARVELOUS SET-' lC hp.ated'garage? This offerlng is frankly ting on 80 ft. bluff overlooking the h a distress sale and sb.ould bie investi- lake with 100 ft- riparian rights havlng gated at once.v Ai a beautiful. sand beach. 4 bedrooms, 2Al HILL & S ONEbaths, exceptional price for quick sale ce HILL &STONE$20.000. Bills Realty, Inc., 718 Vernon WÉ 543 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1544 Ave., Glen, 777, askfor Mr. Tueker. 01 111L18-ltp 111LTN18-ltc tor f s1rcuc EAST KENILWORTH HOME, FINE j ~pJ'Jlawn and garden, 9 light roonis,3% d( DOWN. PAYMENT BUYS, THIS AT- baths, extra htd. sun and slpg, roonis. tu rE tractive six-room. clapboard Colonial $32.000. Ternis or trade for. Evanston 185, bouse. Balance cf. $6,000 payable in to Wînnetka. Other homes $12,000 and - eazy installments. Modern house on over. Tell me yoùr requirements. PO Iovely wooded lot 50x200, with 2-car Wanner,. 19 S. LaSalle St.. State 5111 fi garage. or Kenlworth, 5111. 111LTN18-ltp ]ptle NORTH WESTERN RESIDENCE $9,000. 4 BDRMS., 2 CAR ~o att. gar. 2 scr'd porches. Desirable, 28REALTY '& BUILDING CO. location . 4% bîks. transp., sehîs., ~ 58Davis Street University 9500 churches. No brokers. 958 Pine St. Win-_ a.m. 111LTN18-1te netka. Phone Winnetka 1484. 111LT18-ltp WIÎ LOKIT HS COUNTRY ESTATE NEAR MUNDE _q( 8rooni bouse on 6 acres of ground with lein overlooking. lake and golf course. Par] Iibrary, ex. lav., glzd. pch., bedroonîs, Beautiful Rambllng English home with 2 battis, slp. pch., H. W. heat, and 2-car garage and stable. Original cost $65.000,FI garage. price now $24.500. Cail at 718 Vernon ful AN UNUSUAL INVESTMENT-$15,00(). Avenue, Glencoe. 111LTN18-ltc Ae M¶EINSEN REALTY CO. FOSAE - BEAUTIFUL CORNER =%e, - - - 4J~.y~~.fltUt tF, = MUST SELL IN SIEPT. MOSqT ATTR.ACT. UP TO DATE BRK. house. Lot 100x300. 5 bedrms., .3 bths., ol1p. pch., rumpus rm. On, ht. 2-c. gar. Excel., loc. ÇGreat bargain. Winnetka 3603.* 111LTN18-ltc A CH-ARMINGeIX ROOM HoUSE iN S. E. Winnetka conslsting of 6 roirns with 3 bedroorns,, 1 bath, brk. nook, basernent, ceiling lnsulated, H. W. H. (nil). Las water heater, a7real buy at $8,500.00. Buis Realtyý, c., 718 Vernon Ave., Glen. 777. ask for Mr. î.un<quist. l11LTN18-1tc FOR RENT - MODERN COTTAGE, lot 135x210, bearing fruit trees. a- den. 862 Greenwood avenue. Glengeoe. Anply to owner, 225 Sylvan rnRd. Glen- ce, 111LT18-1tpr REAL ESTATE LOANU 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO 15 YEARS We are In a position to represent yoi in obtaining Insurance Comnpany Loani at very low rates. SMART & GOLEE, Inc. LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave., lEvanston Eniversity 0283 Rogers Park 0271 127A-LTN1O-tfg FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS F'URN. 10-RM. HSE., MUST SELL BE. fore Sept. 15. Upright piano, twin bds., springs, mattresses, chests, Murphy mn-a- lor, 2-picce parlor sets, library table, >ookcase, books. tables, lamps, day bed, lounge chair, drapes, brkfst. set. Frigi- daire, white enamel stove, Thor wash & ironer, garden tools, stone bench. reed furn., new ridlng habit and boots. fur coat, mason jars and wood. Phone Wilrnette 328. 129LTN18-lte PORCH FURNITURE AND GRASS rug. Sofa. Bedroom Chair. Mahog- .ny desk and chair. White enanel table. Seven pairs drapes. Bunny baby robe. Ermine Jacket. BRAND NEW~ Pactory Rebuilt Underwood Typewriter go. 4, real buy, _$20.00. Caîl Winnetka 561. 129LTN18-1tp rOR SALE, REASONABLE. TWIN beds complete; vanity; odd chairs. ýbles, refrigerator; ping pong table: ime glass, china; lamp shades: fine Lurist's electrical massaging machine: nan's Ice skates;. auto chains; desk: tigh chair, etc. Winnetka 3885. .129LTN18-ltp EAUTIFUL SOLID MAH. DOUBLE bcd, box springs and mattress, $12.' .wo pairs antique gold satin drapes. ost $250, will seli for $35. Antique sIlk ral hanging, $10. Four Ftnglish bronze rail fixtures, $12. Wilrnette 2520. 129LTN18-ltip [APLE BDRM. FURN., MH BDRM. furn. Slant top walnut desk, maple rkfst. set, office glass top desk, silver, rRpes, lam'ps, china, glaa.sware. stove. lany antiques included. By app't only. 'one Glencoe 206. 129L18-lti» -PIECE DINIiNG RM. SET, 1 MAH. and 1 painted gateleg table, 1 dress- tg table with large niirror. I small bite rocker, spinet desk. 619 Central ve., Wlmette. 19T1-t JST DISPOSE 0F BEDS, MAT- .ress, tables, chairs, etc. Absolute sac- fce. Caîl at -851 Glencoe Ave., High- id Park, Ill., .12 to 4 p.rn. 129Ll8-ltp 000 -PLAYER PIANO WITH ROLLS. $25 IF TAKEN THIS WEEK Phone Wilmette 3077, 1129LTN-1 8-lt» kRGE MIRROR, 53x78-in., $35. MA- hogany dressing table, $35. 2 lamps. 1antique. Oil painting, $10. Glen- e833 129LTN18-lti» E MUST SELL ALL OR PART OF )ur furniture and our G. E. refrigera- before, Sept. 11. Phone Winn. 256. LIGIDAIRE. 2 GAS STOVES.FE lelco wasbing machine. Porch. furni- e..Reasonable. 535 Willow, Wtnnetka 6. 129L18-ltp )RCH PURN>ITURE, BEDROOM trniture, armchairs, tables and odd ,es, rugs. Phone Glencoe 1.321. 129LTNI -1tc >R SALE - HousEHOrLD GOODS. mrne antiques. Cali between 9 :30 rand 5 :30 p.m. Wilmette 1091. 129LTI1R-ltn» L,SELL at %6 ORIGINAL COST. ëautiful grand piano, termns If desired. Il at 851 Glencoe Ave., ileland rk, Il., 12 to 4 p.i . 129L8-ltp R SALE: 3-PIECE IVINýG ROOM arniture set. Bargain. 1431 Lake WiImette. Phone Wllmette 1588. UM918-ltp LLLEST FitidGIDAIRE, USED ON- 9 mofiths, $70. Gas range and plate. b. tce box. AUIl n good condition. inetka 827. 129L18-ltp MUST SELL AT ONCE! BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE,- ONLY one year old, including -Kashan ruir (16.8x1.6); biand carved radio, cabinet and desk; bedroom suite; unusual.9-pc. walnut din. rrn, suite. Will sacrifice for legs than 3% of cost. Leaving town. FOR SALE-MISaCELLANnOIIs BICYCLE, MAGIC LANTERN. MOVIE projector, doil house, sand box, print- ing press, bird cages, garden furniture. work bench, day bed, rnason jars, etc. 1096 Laurel Ave., Winnetka. 13 1LTN1 8-lt»: FOR SALE $22 RADIANT AS HEATER $10 PHONE GLENCOE 569 131L1 8-lti FOR SALF,-VICTOR ADDING MA- chine, ln excellent condition., Capac- ity to 1,000,000. Telephone Wilmette 1891. 131LTNI8-2tu) FOR SALE-M ISCELLANOUS $$OLD CLOTHES $ Will buy men's used suits, shoes, overcoats; also fur coats. Best prices. Prompt service. A. -MARTIN UNI. 0347 1 32LTN39-tfp Goldnaîi-Junk Dealer H-ighest prices paid for junk. Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720. 132LTN8-tfD ENCYCLOPEDIA Children's or Brittanica. Winnetka 1725 132LTN18-Itp GOES TO CHAMPAIGN î Miss Jean Scarrett, 520 Kenilworth sr avenue, Kenilworth, left Tuesday for r Champaign where she attends the rUiersity of Illinois. Jean is house manager of the Aiphi Phis and left Fearly for the rusing parties which are s tarting. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nord and the former's' daughter, Alice, 829 Park avenue, motored last week to New >Castie, Pa., to spend Labor Day week-end with Mr. Nord's son, Robert. - Miss- Elizabeth Gillett of Superior, Wis., who wilI teach school ini Kan- -sas City is the guest of the Frank Nasons, 733 Cummings avenue, Ken- ilworth, and will leave Sunday. - Whitaker Baer, Jr., known to his friends as "Bugs" Baer, 2115 Beech- wood avenue, returned Wednesday of last week from a seven weeks' stay at Camp Echo, Freemont, Mich. Herbert L. O'Connell, 933 Linden avenue, has returned fromn a week's lake trip to Buffalo and Mackinac Island. 0o- Mrs. Delle Corum of Sweet Springs, Mo., is the guest of Mrs. George Pritchard, 102() Miami road. Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility with its Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnished Without Obligation Telephone 521 Main Street, Wilmette Phonses WlLmgrni 32 UNIVERSrry 7317, FOR SALE-Hous» ý 1 FOR, -GOODB .qpntd.mllpr fi_, 1914

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