Wl; .Avr-r v i toSei to. Buy, Repir ha're, Ren.to Hr HELP WANTED-FEMALmE WILL GIVE ROOM AND BOARD TO high school girl in exehange for serv- ices, Phone Winnetka 2511. ______71LTN18-ltp îYôUN G W -1 G I RL FO R G-E-NERAIA housework. Assist with cooking. 988 Elm St., Winnetka. 7ILTN18-ltp GIRL, WHITE, 30 TO 35 YEARS. Plain cooking. Laundry sent out. Phone Winîîetka 1437. 711,TNI 8-ltt WHITE GIRL, FOR GEN. HWK. 4 in faniiIy. 710 Laurel Ave., WH-ý mette, 111. 71LTN18-1teý HELP WVANIED>-MALE AND FEMALE DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED .Good Openings at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 73LTN1-tfc RegisterNow. for Good Positions No charge for this service. Pauline's Emip. Agency 4th & Linden Opp. 'IL" Ter. 1 Bik. Linden Sta. N. S. Line. 73LTN18-ltt- PART-TIME A11TST BY THE HOUI R» able to do aios and ail type,-, f merchandise. Write, stating experience. A-ltiQ, Box 40,. Winette, 111. 73LTN18-ltc FOR SAL.E-AUTOU 1929 PONTIAC CABRIOLET. A-I CON- dition. Good tires. C.01ilatter 7 o'clock. Phone Winnetka 1029. 77LT18-ltp FOR RENT-ROONS ATTRACTIVELY FURN. ROOM»t SUIT- able for 1 or 2. Kitchen if desired. Also modern 7 rmi.. furn. home. Good location. Iteas. rentai. Phone Wilmette 2158. 82LTN18-ltp TWO' LARGE PLEASANT FRONT rooms suitable for couple or smafi famiiy. Kitchen privileges. Reps. 1416 Isabeila Street, Wiimette, 111. 82LTN18-ltp LARGE ROOM. 2 CLOSETS, -TWIN beds, private porch, private bath. A14o single room. Private home, near lake and transportation. Winnetka 2144. 82Ll8-ltp) BEAU. RM., PRIVATE HOME. SUIT- able 1 or 2. (Or rmn. with adj. sip. pch. Exci. nelghborhood, nr. N. W. and N. S. express. stops. Piano. Reasonable. Winnetka 3139. 82LTN18-ltc WELL FURNISHEI) FRONT ROOM, neasoîîable. Private famiiy. 4 blocks i L.1hune .Wiliiiette 2541. 82LTN IS-I tp 2 VEIIY Ci7iOiUEii'OOMS, SINGLE or en suit e. Excellent Iov., private hoe. i 'one Wllnette 1940. S2LTNl8-lte FROINT IROOM NFOR 1 Olt2. ½ BLK. from 'L"' terminai also near C. & N. W. train. Phoune Wilimette 2001. 82LTN18-lte ONE PLEASANT B EDROO,0M, 1 block fromn transportation, 720'Eini St., 3rd floor, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 2480. 82Ll8-ltp NICEI>LEASANT AIRY ROOM, 2 blocks fronu stations. $3.50 week. Board -if wanted. Caii at 514 Iirch St., Winnetka. 82Ll8-1 tp LARGE ROOM WITH PRIVAISE EN- trance. for l or 2 empioyed. Express stop. Garage. Phone Glencop 160-5. 82Ll8-.tl VERY REASONABLE ROO.MS FOR single person or couple with or with- out llght hskpg. privileges. Phione Win- hetka 2844. 82L18-ltp NICELY 'FURN ISHED ROOM IN privats home close 10 transp.' Young man preferred., Garage optionaL. Phone Wilmette 1848, 82LTN18-ltc ATTRACTIVE, FURNISHIED IROOM 1lncluding fireplace and lav. Central location. Phone Wilmette, 2399 or 2427. 82LTN18-4tlp PLEASANT SUNNY ROOM IN PRIV- ate home. Excellent east side location. Convenient 10 transportation. Phone Wilmette 1015. 82LTN18-ltp 2 ROOMS. ONE LARGE. WITH DOU- ble bed; other single. Business people preferred. 529 Eider lane, Winnetka 258. 82LTN17-3tp CLEAN, AIRY SINGLE ROOM NEAR business, school and transPortntitli. Winnetka 3558. 82L18-ltp FOR RETlÉ4-ROONS PLEAANTROOM, FOR 1 OR 2 EM- ployed persons in,.smtall aduit faily. Also single, room. Light hskpg. if de- sired', very reas.. Phone Wilmette 3206. 82LrNl8-ltp FOR RENT -COMFORTABLE ROOM with bath. Very reas. Near ail transp. 1018 Oakwood Ave.. Phone Wil- mette 3355. 82LTN18-1ti) FURNISHED ROONI AND SLEEPING porch for 2 men. $6 week for 2. Board if wanted. Winnetka 2108. 82LTN18-ltp NI('ELY FUIZNTSHED ROOM, SOUTH and west exîxosure. Single or 'double. Private famnily. i block Indian Hill sta- tion. Winnetka 2678. 82LTN18-ltc LARGE ROOM .l WITH TWIN BEDiS, lîrivate bath. Near C. & N. W. and N. S. trains. Phone Wilmette 3850. 82LTN18-ltc 2 PLEASANT ROOMS, NEWLY DEC- orated. Modern convenienees. 3 blocks; to Elim Street stations, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 415. 82LTN18-lti) COZY WARM ROOM NEAR BATH. Instant hot water. Breakfast. Ga- rage. Phone Wilmette 855. 82LTN18-1tî) WTrD. TO RENT-LTr. HsKPG. RmU UNFURN. SUITE 0F 2 OR MORE rooms in private home. Near "L" Rea- sonable. Phone Kenilworth 1865. 85LTN18-ltp BOARD AND ROON KENILWORTH INN offers you clean homelike rooms, suites with bath. Excellent meals. Reason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth. 5491. 86LTN1-ltc FOR RENT-APA RTMENTS5 VERY BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL 4 rmn. apJartment with 5 rmi. eficieney. Beauti fui large roomis wi th desirable exp)(>uIre5. Frecû refrig. Close ob L, stores, etc. 1rice reasonable. The Linden Ci-est. Kroll & Smith, Wilmette - 500. 92LTN18-l te XILMET'IE'S Most Beautiful Building THE LINDEN CREST See our Desirable 2-3-4 room apartment homes Kroli & Smiith, Agents 424 Linden Avenue Wilmette 500 92LTN14-4tc TO IZENT- 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE, Wiliiette, 5 romnsfl and bath, heated, $40.00. i\1cGUIRE ,*& ORR 530 Davis St., Evanston <ire. 1080 ________________________92LTN 1 -i te VERY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHEDJ apartment, 2 or 3 rooms. Humphrey Bldg., Winnetka. Aiso well located office. Phone Winnetka 97 or Winnetka 3328. -92LTN4-tfc WELL. AIIRAN(;ED 2 RM. APT. WITH liv. 1-11. l)drmn., tile bath and shower. El,'eetrie lecer. Apt. ln A-i eond. Close ,, tan sp. Ver,'ras Phone Winnetka 1800. 92LTN18-ltc ô beurlivs., -1v. mn.Elec. iretrig. Suitable for Teachers Ayres B3oa], Jr. 725 Elm, Winn. 3500 92LTN1 8-ite 3 Htoo.N A'T. ON 2DFOJLIV. rni., 2 lar'ge %vindowvs, kitchen %vith pantry, unnji ng wvter ' enclosed I)(orch, gar. if desired. 730 Central Ave., \Vil- mette. 92LTN18-Itp) CHOICE 3 RM. APT. HTI). MODERN home, ile bath.,newlY decora.ted,, ga- rage optionai. Close to transp., 1520 ýWilmett;e Ave., Wilmette. 92LTN18 -Itp) Gar. att. Elec . refrig. Oct.' 1' e $1,5. 3219 Like Ave., cor. Skcrkie Blvd. Wilmette 4263. 92Ll8-ltp FOR RENT -- FIRST FLOOR Ai-AIZT- ment, 3 blocks f rom séhools, shops, and. transportation. Winnetka .1671. 92L18-ltp 5 ROOM APARTMENT. LIGHT AND airy.. Pleasant large yard. Reason- able rentaI. 1706 Elmwood Ave., Xi- mette. 92LTN18-ltp uÉ!;. n±SJRABLE APARTMENT, 5 rooms, exclusive front and back en- trance. $45 wlth heat. 1008 Oakwood Avenue, Wilmette. 92LTN15-tfc 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE garage. No chlldren.i Avrenue, Wilmette. i APT. AND 929 Central 92LTN18-Itp1 ,--i . pou N-PA WET 'rHE LINDEN MANOR HUBBARD WOODS 4-5 Room a.partmnents; tule bath, re- frlg., roll-a-way bed. Reas. prices, FRANKC A. REID $54 Linden, Hubbard Woods Winn. 1300 92LTNG-tfc 41/ ROOMS,' 2 BEDROOMS, 4 CLOSETS, and inador bed, $45. 31/2 room, $37. Tower Court Bldg., 894 Linden, Hubbard Woods. Winnetka 1517. 92LTN18-2tp FOUR ROOM FLAT AND BATH ON first floor. Hot water heat. Phone Wilmette 368-7. 92LTN18-Itc FrOR -RENTi-FURNISHED, APTS. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNISHED or unfurn. apartment, newly dec- ora ted. Central location. Reasonable. Phone Wihnette 2399 or 2427. 93LTN14-4tp SEPT. 10TI- 3 ROOM FURNISHED apt. Bath, heat, light, gas; $40. Near R. R. and electrie. 1330 Central Ave., Wilniette. Tel. Owner, Winnetka 2869. 9 3LTN1 8-ltp ATTR. 1 R1M., FURN. APT. WITH kitchen and bath, hot and cold run- ning water, east side, near transp. Phone Wilmette 3082. 93LTN18-ltp FOR *rENT-HOUSES Attractive Rentais EVANSTON Lincolnwood, brick, 6 rms., 2%4 baths, refrig.......... $100 KENILWORTH Fine location, 5 rm. bunga- low, gar., nr. schls., transp.. . $50 WILMETTE 10 rmns., 1000 Chestnut St. Must seil or rent. WINNETKA 10 rm. brick,* 6 bedrms., 3 bath.s, near schools ........ $175 G ýLENCOE. 8 rnis., 3 baths, hangîngs included, near lake. Per- fect in detail .............. $175 9 rms., 3%> baths, recreation rm., terraced porch, out- standing location .......... $135 HIUHLAND PARK 2368 N. Deere Park Drive, 6 bedrms., 5 baths ...... $175 ALSO INANY OTHERS, ALL SIZES, AND PRICES OPEN EVENINOS BAIRDý & WARNER, Inc. LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 522 Davis Street, Evanstoxi Greenleaf 1855, Hollycourt 1855 523 Park Drive, Kenilworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855- 97LTN18-ltc 1334 Elimwood. 7 rnis., stucco, 1 bath, oil, garage.. ............ $ 75 723 County Line. 6 rms., brick, li/.½ baths, breakfast nook......... 80 845 Locust Rd. 10 rms., Colonial, 2 baths, brkc. rm., 1-car gar....... .90 1163 Greenbay Rd.' 7 rms., stucco, .212-baths, sun pch., 'oi..... ...... 100 1129 Hoefelder Lane. 9 rnis., Eng., 31/2 baths, ib., brk. rm. ........... 125 970 Elm Ridge Dr. 7 rms., Col., 1 31/2 baths, recr. rm., oll....... ... 140 550 Cedar St. il rms., 31/2 baths, H. W. H-. Excellent location_...150 Ilhe BILLS REALTY, mec. 718 Vernon Avenue Glencoe 777 97LTN18-ltc FURNISHE D OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE NEAR LAKE. 4 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS, 2 MAIDS' ROOMS AND BATH. SLEEPING, LIVING., AND DINING PORCHES. OIL H7EAT AND OIL HOT WATER HT. 2-CAR GAR. GARDEN '.fUST BE SEE N TO BE AP- PRECIATED. OVER WINTER OR LONGER IF DESIRED. CALL GLEN-, coe 1048. 97L18-ltp SUBLEASE- COMF. HOME WITH fine yard in East, Kénilworth' (164 Oxford Rd.). 4 bedrms., ht'd slpg., pch., 2 baths on 2nd fir., 2 bedrms. and bath on 3rd. -Gas ht., '2-car gar. Can be rented for 19 months from Oct. lst at, $120 month as is. Kenilworth Realty Co. Wilinette 966. Exclusive Agents. 97LTNI 8-ltc I.N WIL1'IETTE - 8 ROOM HOUSE, gc.od transp., gar. $60. Aiso 6 rm. apt., ht'd, newly decorated, transp. $50. C. H. BRETHOLD Wil. 65 1 97LTN18-ltp 934 ELMWOOD AVE., WILMETTE_ 4 bedrms., 3 baths, tile kitchen, 2-car garage. Completely reflnished. Extra large living room. Phone Wllmette 2216. 97LTN18-ltp EVANSTON 3 bedrms. 4 bedrms., WILMNETTE 3 bedruis., 5 bedrms., 1lbath ... 7.5 3 baths ....... 100 1lbath ... 76 2 baths .. .. 9n WINNETKA English brick, , east side, 4 bedrmns., 2 bathi, 011 ht... $1là English brick, west side, 5 bedrms., 3% baths, oil ht., 2 c. g., Ige. grounds ... Offer The BILLS REALTY,, me. 529 Davis St,., Evanston Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 97LTN1S-ltc 4 BEDRMS., 3% BATHS.* 1ST FLOOR: Sun rm., liv. rm., din. rm., maid's rm. and bath, breakfast rm., and lavatory. 2nd floor: 2 bedrms. and bath, Master's suite and bath. Finished attie.; o11 ht., and OIL HEATED DOMESTIC HOT WATER. Beautiful grounds, near school and transp. Mrs. Max Greengood, 1096 Laurel Ave., Wilmette. 97LTN18-ltp BARGAINS 1-7 RMS., 1 BATH, GAR., 2 PCHS., nice lot, near schools and transp. $55. 2--Charming mod. brk. house. Tile bath and lav. Excel. condition throughout. Gar. Beaut. trees. Cut to $85. Compl. list. 'MRS. FULLER & WM. PICKARD. Winn. 3603. 97LTN18-lte FOR RENT OR SALEd-BY OWNER: new 5 room residence ln Ravinia.; 2 blocks from station; ail modern con- veniences. Hot water heat, planter bjasement celllng, fireplace, tii. bath. 1721 Broadview Ave. Inquire, ln garage. 97LTN-Stp FOR RENT OR SALE. - 6. ROOM brick bouse, Glencoe. Two baths, ti1e kitchen and porch, breakfast room. Wooded ravine lot 50x324. 011 heat, Frigidaire, electric stove. Apply owner, 225 Sylvan road, Giencoe. 97LT18-ltp 4 RMN. COTTAGE AND BATfH. 1-CAR garage store. Heated. Immediate pos- session. 108 Sixteenth St. Phone Wil- mette 2489. 97LTN18-lte 6 RM. BRICK HOUSE, HOT WATER heat, in Wilmette. Phone Uni. 9212. 97LTN18-ltp FOR RENTr-FUItNISHED HOUBE$ $75-CO.NPLETELY FURN. 1%-STORY bung. in E. Kenil., 2 blks. from grade, hîgh school, and transp. 5 rms. and sun parlor lst fir., 2 slpg. rms. and store rm. on 2nd fir. Basement gar., oil ht., elect. refrig., fireplace, and grand piano. Refs, re(i. Owner's phone, Kenilworth 1904. 98LTN 18-lt p WANTED TO RENT-HOUSEs HOUSE IN W1L ME T TE, KENIL- worth or Glencoe. 4 bedrms., 2 baths,. 2-car gar. Near transîî. and svhools. Give full description in letter. Roorn 1828, 333 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago.' ______________________99LTN18-lte WANTED TrO SHARE-HOUSES MO'THER AND SON WILL SHARE furn. 7 ri. bouse, bath, gar., nice yard with adult family. No. reas. offer refused. Refs. req. Phone Wîlmette 852. 100LTN18-ltp WANTED TO RENT-FURN. HOUSES CLIENT DESIRES FURNiSHED HUOME with library, six bedrooms, 3 baths, In Winnetka. Will pay $200) per ino. for 9 or 12 nio. lease. Buis Realty, Inc., Wilimette 3740. 11LTN18-lte FOR SALE-HOUSES $7,000.00t BUYS A TWO FAMILY, HOME. IN east Wilmette wlth- a monthly Income, of $80 per mo. whlch brings a net re- turn of. 10%- on the Investiment. Cali Mrs. Hollister for further details. The BILLS REALrY , mc. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 111LTN18-ltc AN UP TO DATE HOME IN GOOD location, offered by mortgagee for less than haîf original cost, 3 good size bed- rooms, 2 tiled baths, hug, htiated slp. porch, attached garage, oul heat, only $1.000 cash requlred and balance pay- able in 15 years, only $12,500. Billî,- Realty. Ine.. 718 Vernon Avenue, Glen. 777, ask for Mr. McLaughlin. lllLTN18-Itc FCM RENT-H«OUSfl OCT. 1ST RENTALS 1 -- - - -- 1 - . 1 - Septeniber . 6, 1934 , 1