Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIP.E Let the WatAds:asityodi ouhve anythingý CILASSIFIRD, AD VER TÎSEMENTS, Qeneral Noie- Ciassified advertisemen ts will b. charged only Glencoe, Inclusive, whose fiames appear in the telePhone directory, on who are negular subscnibens to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TrALK or GLENCOE NEWS. ' cents a lifte., Advertisemnents run In ail three papen.. RaesM'IN1MUN CHARGE 0OE. DOLLAR. Average of fOve word. te the -lie. No black face type used. 20% diseount on ail cash advertise- mente wben brought te our ornce at 1232 Central Ave., Wiimette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10% discont on ail adventlsementi run tour consecutive Issues. Deajin fo InertonsL lasfied advertisements wilI be fo- WILMÈTTE LIFE or ail three Papers; Wednesdny 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TrALK and Thursday 5 P M. for GLENCOE NEWSj. Télephonem: Wilmotte 4300, Winnptka 2000 (Winnetka 500 atter 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 1214-1217. LOSBT AND FOUNO_ GENEROUS REWARD FOR A C C U R A T E INFORMATION leading to recovery of 'diamond ele- phant and, rings taken froni Giencoe home August 17. Please write A-162, Box 40", Wllmette, 111. 3LTN18-ltp LADY'S INITIALED GOLD WATCH- Lost August ..28 near Oak. and Birch streets, Winnetka. Reward offered. Ph. Winnetka 1364. .3LTN18-ltp ANTIQUES LARGE COLUECTION 0F ANTIQUES, glass, china, furniture. Appt. only. Phone Glencoe 206. 7L18-ltp DBINESS SERVICE FOR SALE - HARDWOOD FIRE- place loge, eplit and cut any length. Seasoned,. $8 ton, flot . easoned, $7 ton, dellvered. Samples to be seen at 514 Blrch St. Klndling wood, 1,000 lbs. $5. Bla.ck dlrt, A-1, 3 yards, $5. Compost manure, 4 yards $8. Weil rotted cow manure, 4 yards $10. Rubblsh removal. E. G. HAGLUND WINNETKA 2108 I 6LTN18-1 tp FURNACE AND SHE M 61 work. 25 years' experienc ;e. e c ean and repair ail makes of furrnaces.' ents for Waterman and Waterbury finaces.1 SIMCOX B 0OS 6021 NORTHIWEST HI AY Chicago Newcastle 1290 I 6LTN 18-1tp HARDWOOD, $8. TON, DELIVERED; black dirt, 3 yards, $5; sod, 4c a sq. foot. GUST ANDERSON 1006 RIDOE RD. Wilmette 452 16LTN18-4tpt Plastering and Stucco 1 GEORGE A. THURSBY 1716 Highland Wilmette 3387 16LTN17-4tp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN, EXTERMINÂT- lng ongineer. Ph. Wllmette 3867. 16LTN15-tfc C H I M N E Y S. FIRtPLACES, FLAG stone and ail brick work. Also plaster and cernent work. Done by Otto Otton, 625 Exnioor Rd., Kenilworth 1307. 1 6LT1-ltp DRESSMAKIO DRESSMAKING DESIGNING AND CUTTING IN YOUR home or mine. Ph. Wilmette 2158. 22LTN î8-ltp FARM PRODUCE- APPLES -WEALTHIES, $1 BUSHEL. Fox Rivers, $1.25 bushel. No deliveries. Otto, Kempe, 418 Ridge Rd., Wilmette. 24LTlN18-1 tp EXPER. MAN WANTS TREE » TRIM1 - ming; also take down trees. Other work around yard. Reasonable. WINNETKA 3248 27LTN18-ltp) INSTRUCTION PAULINE MANCHESTER, PIANIST, will resume teaching Sept. 15. Private instruction includes class work if rhythm, ear training, harrnony, interpre- tation, music hlstory. Small charge for class work without privato Instructiîon. Phono Winnotka 3499 mornings4 or Winnetka 264. 3OLTN18-Itc! PIANO LESSONS AT YOUR HOME. Chlldren or aduits. Modern methods. Best N.. S. refs. Katherine Winifred Mclnerny, 2507 Ridgeway, Evanston. Phone Davis .2444. 30LTN17-2t' LAUNDRY Cal ndLAUNDRY Caladdeliver. Wilmettt' 1482. 34LTN18-lte WE DO WET WASH, ROUGH DRY and sppcial prices on-faniîly wash. Phone Wilmette 368î. 34LTN18-Ilp WA-SHING AND IRONING TO TAKE home. WIII call for and deliver. Phone Wilrnette 3479. .34LTN18-lte MASSAGE GRADUATE SWrEDISH MIASSEUSE .o! .wide experlence. Best of references. Reasonable' rates. Hfelga Hall, Green- leaf 5125. 38L18-Itp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE-WFI3ER DUO-ART BABY grand piano in good condition, at bargain price. Phone Winnetka 623. 40LTN18-ltp PAINTING AND DEcetAIrNG Paint, Paper 5 Rnis.ý, $31.501 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS .AND CANVASING WORIC. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathrooni enamneled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 Up. 5 nm. firs. Washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish , outide painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Refs., Free estimnates. Materiais furnlshed. MEL VIN, Wilmette 3413 DECORATING 5 RMS. $32 CEIL. AND WALLS COMPLETE Ceil. cale., $1 up; kit. ptd., $6; bathrxn.1 enam., $5 up; rm. papered, $3.50; an- tique walls washed and starched, $2.50. Good workmanship. Refs. if req. Louis, IVil. 5034-Winn. 2511. 42Ll8-ltp DISTINCTIVE PAINTING * DECORATING. Old tloors made new with Electrie ma- chine. Special sumxner rates. Broberg Briargate 1061 42LTN16-4tp FeOR SALE-PEDIGREED SPRINGER Spaniel puppy, beautî fully marked. Low price to good home. 548 Gray Ave., Highland Park. Phone H. Pk. 548. 44LTN18-ltc FOR SALE - BOSTON TOY TR riers. Perfect marking, champion stock. 3 months old. Reas. Private par- ty. ]Phone Winnetka 2635. 44L18-lttp PIANO TUNiNSc Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARÂNTEED Faàctory,, Deaer, Acoustie Laboratory experlence; good references. E. I. VAN HARLINQEN Wil -mette 1323 Wilmette.Ave.. Wlmette 2744, Chicago--4218 LIowell Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUININO $3. RE- pair, work guaranteed. 22 years Chlck- ering,'Boston. H.' C. Thomas. 517 Fair- vlew, Park Ridge 699-R. 4iT1-t SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALL klnds rcpalred. Establlshed more than fIfty years ago. Now located ln Wil- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 63LTN29-tfc WEARING APPAREL FOR SALE-GIRL'S FALL AND WIN- ter coats, sîze 10., Boy's blue suit,. size 16. Phone Winnetka 534. 59LTN18-ltp WEARINQ APPAREL FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repairs, but uncalled for; Black-'pony coat, $18; brown caracul, $24; gray caracul, $28; leopard cat, $32:, American broadtall, $26; black caracul, $34; raccoon, $34; Hudson Seal, $58; gonuine mlnk, $150; and many others worth four times their price. Also 20 Jacquettes at $13 and 38 fur scarfe at $4. Economny Section, Miller Fur Co., 166 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, open Pefings. 59LTN18-ltp FOR SALE - BRoWN FUR TRIM- med coat size 14. Boy's icather sheep iined coat, 9-year s 'ize. Boys hightop "!hoes size 41/42. 2 misses' fail coats, 14-16. Franw for hooked rug making and bcd spring, 48x72. Phone Wii. 3251. . - 5!9LT'Nl8-tp FOR SALE - S E V E R A L SPORT, afternoon and evening dresses, size 14, suitabie for high school girls. Reasonabie. Winnetka 1698. 59ITNI-ltp FOR SALE.-CLOTH FUR TRIMED wifter coat. Day and evening dresses. Gray skirt, sweater afd knitted coat. Ail size 16. Phone Kenilworth 4743. 5)lýTN1-ltc FOR. SALE - HUD)SON SEAL COAT, reinade $75. Tweed Suit $10. 3-piece brow-n suit with henna blouse. Ail like few. Size 18. Rust drapes. Phone Win- netka 3548. 59L18-ltp LOANS LO;ANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidontiai service, legal rates MOTO R LOAN CO. State Bank Bidg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE E IXPERIENCED HEI4P WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE Idomestie heip, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. References in- v'estigated. Under State supervision. Reinhar t's Emi. Agency 748 MEm St. Winnetka 3399 68L'rTN.25-tfe. COMPETENT HEJ4P NO -CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REPERENCES VR, ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Ageney WILMETTE, 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite #'L" Ter. 68LTN47-tfc German, 29-5 years' exp. French, 33-4 years' refs. Norwegian, 24-2%/ years' exp. German, 30-2 years' ref s. ----------ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WITH GOOD REFS. 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 Reinhart's Emp. Agency 71LTN13-tfe 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 WATn-WIE ;R OHL with generai housework, cookinq, ironi- 68LTN18-ltc !ne. No wa-shing. Two children. Small *~~C b1, T~ ouse. Phone Winnetkaý 198. Carles. ' -411rpl A gn71TN8rt 804ý ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 WANT GIRL TO TAKE CARE 0F 3%- R ELIABLE HELP year ohi child. Go nomne nigh s.N, Ail omesie ositonsSunday work. Phono Winnetka 2690. No CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS WN 11-t 68LTN18-tfc WA- Ï:ELDERLY WOMAN OR girl, to cane for 2 children, while DOMESTIC HELP mother is ompIoyed. Caîl between 7 and Reliable Efficient 8 P. M. Wimette 3839. 7lL18-ltp SHAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- Established 20 years work. and children. Stay nights. Two Offices ln Chicago -wdih o-inihpeferred. Phone 10 E. Oak St. 1 .Wsigo Wilmette 212M.71LTN18-ltp Sup. 6608 central 9800 68ýLTN18-ltc WANTED - COMPETENT WHITE girl for hswk. No laundry. 4 in POSITION W A N T E D AS HOUSE- faniliv. Phone Wilmette .3993. keeper by woman 25, with 2 small7TN81e childron. Neat. and good plain Cook.71T 8lt $4, per wk. Write A-158, Box 40. Wil- WHITE IRL, GENERAL HOUSE- Motte, Ill. 6L18-ltp work. Sinail home in Hubbard Woods. NEA COORD GRL WISESNo Iaundry. Phone Glencoe 151.. cookîng or~ laundry work full or part'.7LN1-t tume. A-1 refs. Phone Greenleaf 2369.* WHITE MAID, GENERAL HOUSEý _______68LTN18-1 t1> work. Must be neat and thoroughly experient'ed. Furnish N. S. references. ('OMPETENT,;rC'OLORtD GIRL, EX-i Winnetka 1829. 71LTN18-1te perîenced cook, desires cooking and- ____________ first floor work. Can do- general work. %IIITE GR FOR G M N E-R A L P'hone Uni ersity 1735., 68LTN181ltp housework. 4 in family. Phono Glen- WOMAN WANTS WORK BY TEee14.7L1-t dav or hour as lady's maid. Will do EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR sewing an d mending. Phone WiI. 2952. gen. hswk. Phone Winnetka 3365 68LT18-îp after Friday.7LN1-t WVHITE GIRL WANTS LAUNDR--O MAIl> FOR GEN. HSWK., LAUN)RY clenlng by the dnv. Referendk-.. Mar- cind cookinir. Housema<n kept. Phono tha Brown. Uni. 7613. 68LT18-ltp Winnotka 2283. .71L18-ltp EXP. COLORED MAID W'T GN GIRL FOR GENERAL HSWK., AND wvork. No laundry, 4 years nefs. Phono washing. Aduits. $6 per week. 619 Gleneoe 73. 6L1-t Central Ave~., Wilmette. 71LTN18-ltp j' German, 31-37, 4 years' exp. Bohemian, 31-28. 3% years' nefs. German, 25-26, 1%k years' refs. Danîsh, 33:-35, 2%> years' exp. MANY OTHER COUPLES WHITE AND COLORED 1-2'h YEARS",REFS. Reinhart's Eml. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 Carlson's Empi. Agencyv 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA -3328 RELIAJ3LE HELP Ail domestlc positions NO CHARGE TO EMNPLOYERS 70LTN I-tfc HEL.P WANTED--FEMALz WE NEED HELP! Couples, cooks, mnaids and 2nd inaids. Experienced. With good references. Cail in person (fliy. CARLSON'.S EMIPL. AGENCY 804 E111. St. Winnetka 3328 71LTN18-1 t(. COMPETEINT WHITE HELP WÂNTED with good references. Apply in person. 44 I j sITuATioN wANirED-MALE FILIPINO, N]eW.TRIER' H. S. STU-' dent desires part timne job in private famlly. Good eook, butier, and house- man. Good refs. Ph. Delaware 1430. c/o Mrs. Berg, ask for George. 69LTN1 8-ltip EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND houseman wants full or part Urne en- gagement. Winnetka ref. Terms rlght. Cali W. L. Rogers, Winnetka 862. 69LTN1S-ltj> CARE 0F' FURNACE. TAKE DOWN TRZES. Experienced man. Price reasona bic. WINNE'IKA.1813. 69L18-ltp Garden and Housework WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or hour. Phone Wlnnetka 1552. 69Ll8-1 tp EXP. FILIPINO WAN'PS A PRIV. family job as ehauff., cook, housenian or butter, N. S. refs. For interview pho ne Delaware 1430, Apt. 2. 69LT18-ltip EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR ANI) gardener, 5 years on north shore. Best of ref. Phone Winnetka 2549. 69LTN1S-l EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, houseman and gardener. Best N. S. refs. Write A-161, Box 40, Wilinette, Ili. 69LTN18-ltp EXPERT CARPENTER WORK, 40e per hour. Phone Winnetka 1691. 69Ll8-ltî' sur. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Sebtember 6, 1934.

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