"Gas eatibas endeu frnace wories forever". Read why Otto Spilka, 1622 So. 6lst Ave., Cicero, endorses gas heat. WE asked Otto Spilka what he tbougbr of gas heat. Here is what he had to say: '"We would neyer think of ging back w cthe old days - the old beating merhods. We insralled gas bear when our coal bin was fiR-à and neyer for a minute have we regrerred ir. Gas beat is wirh us to stay." These are Mr. Spilka's own words. Yer, if -you were wo ask any of- the 20,000 orber users of gas heat in the Chicagoland area, you would probably get the very same answer. No furnace worries, no soot, no diri They know jr is clean-absolutely clean. There's no soorTe nwtecnfrsgs erbsbogrr hi hoes J cover walls and curtains. No ashes ro get furnirure and woodwork dusty. No dirr ro cdean in the bouse or basement. Just uniform, clean hear, day in and day out, any rime of ~ ...~ the year. And wîffi gas hear you can forger you -ever had a furnace. No running up and dlown stairs to fix the ire. Al you do is to set a lirne thermostat on the wall. Get he actsnowSayi lMr. SpiIka, "FVe woa-id neyr :hink *J*ging bsck t. the .14 days-the .14 heat- Invesrigare gas hear now-before you srarr the worry about ing met"od. IPith gai boat :bere's no bother winrer hearing problems. Ir cosus you norhing ro rry ir. You . hvlqcahurgahso en rry ir for one monrh, rwo monrhs or a year before you decide. Wbîle you are trying jr youi pay only a small renral -only $3 a monrb for the burner during the heating monrbs in the average borne. This charge is included with tbe bill for the gas you use. If ar any rime wirhin the year you decide you don'rt like gas bear, we'll remove jr and Mrs. Spi/ka 1 happy replace your former bearing equipmenr in good workman- about gas hea. t Soot Order gas hear now and save yourself a lot of worry and ourcurains andwalis The Spilka home at 1622 S.. 6h: M Ae., extra work this winrer. Phone your Public Service office any more. Gas heat is Cicero, is another one of the 20,000 homes roday, for fret estimare and full derails of our srarrling off er. n ia .i th#? Chicago area heated with gas. TIEESS EXPERTS In the. laboratories of Public Service Compas»' , acôrpa Of chemises and nagineers constanetly searches for new sud berter vais of suppliing and utilizing gas. An impotant Phase Of lT 0 T R Y GA S H E A T eerwoklse etesninofnewsasrangeu. waeer heiçers, bouse hetingequipmnentmalohrasapace osumhi Gas heut can be installed without vour je. muni efficic#cy and economy for PUblic se£v, usoes vesting one cent for equipment. Topoe Theyuei tyangout the gaiMurges, Water heaters, and &Ili hat every home can no* afl'ord téo hoe other sas appliances which. if ehey pas esci etisCE. iIIY 'ith àas.,we'il instali k t .oui exPense- lae upycmfort la your home. mvî turepne f o o' Ik Tii. 'uniricgreseaLrch of ehese ;;en bas àeveloPed impor- eoekeouepns.iyoonrik n.emnuacu dinrbuagnd itilization improveats. it. Accept iittIin~g off«r. Ph one your le upeanua d eqi ymeccaiofguaplane nearest uts office TODAY.I 1'tu helpbpan lav. hundzods of dollars for Public Service ___________________J custounoru. Gas Heating Division PU13LIC SRVICH COMPANY Or NORTHERM INOIS SEPTEMBER 6, '934