Invite Villa gers to A ttend Opjera Recital Sept. 1; An opera recital. of Gouniod' "Faust" will be given. by Rutheda L Pretzel: M onday. evenling, Septembe 17, àt the home of Mr. and Mns Lynil Loyd. 1035 Bluff road, Glencoc at 8 :30 o'clock. On the followini Monday eveuiug Miss, Prelzel *il g ive a recital of Verdi's 'Traviata.' Tliere will be tbree soioists eachi eve ning. lýolita Bertliîîg, soprano; jobi Eliot, teixor, anîd Ludlow White, bani toule, will sing arias and scenies f ror *'Faust" on, September 17; Helei Hedges. soprano; John Eliot an( Ludlow White, will sing "Traviata' on Seplemiber 24., The recitals arg opeil ho the public at a nominal fee .Youthful Singer& In the first scenle of the first aci of "Faust," Mr. Eliot is 10 sing th( long aria in wbich Faust voices hi wearness of life, and bis curses ol science, prayer and faitb. In 1ht second scene, Mr. White is 10 sini the well-known farewell of Valentinie anîd Mephisto's mnocking aria, "The Caîf of Gold." Miss Bertling allé Mr. Eliot will be beard in thle meet- ing of Marguerite and Faust. Iu the second act, Mr. Eliot wili sing the< famous "*Cavatinia" of Faust. follow- ing whicb Miss Bertliîîg will sing the "King of Tliule" folk song-, and the famous recitative and aria *'The Jewel Song." AUl îbree artists ivill sing the rest of the act. Mepbisto's "Serenade" -iii the next act will be sung by Mr. Wbite, and the tbree artists will be beard iii uearly aIl of the last act. Dramatizes Opera Miss Pretzel wiil play motifs and songs liot sung, and will carry along the story of tbe opera dramatically. Miss Bertling, who is a resident of Wilmette, is young aiid vivacious, and already bias sung before local and national organizations here and in the West. Last winter she sang roIes witb tbe Medison Opera coin- pany.- Althouglî still inîlber early twenties, she lias -received almost sensational praise f roi citics be- cause of lier inaily talents as an artist, and also because of lier per- sonal charm. Gain Wide Acclaim johi, Eliot, il will be reeinbered, sang the Faust -Cavatina" with trio accompaniment iii June, wben tlhe Swigart Trio was beard iin a musicale in Glencoe. Mr. Eliot is uew in Clii- cago, but already lias becoîie popuflar here iin concert aînd radio work. Mr. .White, a resident of Evatîstoti, lias been heard in opera recitais for tlîe past two years. He possesses a bari- toue voice of uîîusual beauty. He returned last moiith afler touring the country with a quartet alnîost con-, tiuuously since lasI January. LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. Judson Large, 1942 Thorîîc- wood avenue, was bostess' at a luncheon'last Friday. Her guests iii- cluded bier mothier, Mrs. W. M. Ward of Evanston,, Mrs. Bently McCloud and lier mother, Mrs. Robert Olmsted of Omaha, and bier aunt, Miss Mary Olmsted, and Mrs. Charles Tyler of, Omaba, Mrs. Robent Olmsted , Jr'.. of Glencoe, and Mrs. Alfred McDou- gai of Kenilwortb. Mrs. C. F. Roberts, Peggy, aîîd Scott, of Clancînont, Cal., left Thués- day of last week after a visit of three montbs with Mrs. Robents' sister anI ber family, tbe Fred Spinneys of 619 Forest avenue. The Spinney chli- dren, Bill and Sue, have returiied f rom a summen spent at camp, Bill at Owakonze, in Ontario, and Sue at Camp Neecar-is-a--B-ld4in, Micb e, After a grue liîîg 3 race series and g after disqualifications had beeti se+- Il tied, 'Neo" 'anîd "Twiukle Ditto' enîerged, ii a tie for the Shippiii1 Board troplîy sailed for by 18 Star chass sîoops off Sheridan Shiore Yacht ý. clubs aîîcborage ai Wilmette biarbon "Neo" was sailed by Tom Waage anîd SFred Price and "Twiiikle Ditto" by ýn Gordon Jones and Max Hayford. The A former boat captured two firsts .aîda éfourîhi for 51 points anîd tlhe latter etbree seconîds for the sainîe total, "Franîk Manegold witb Wesley Bow- mai as ýcrew sailed "Fram" 10 tlîird tplace with 44 points. eS Saturday's race was lîeld ini a vers d lighît, flukey wind wvbichî altered the ýe positions of tbe racers frequently, causîng exlîausted îîerves 10 skippers .and crews. "Neo" wvas first, "Twiîîkle e' Ditto" seconîd, and Howard Jones' d "Glider," third. Sunday's race,wo - again by "Neo," Was sailed iii.a driv-. eiîîg nain anîd heavy soutbwest blow. e"Twinkle Ditto" was second and 'Fnam" tbird. Moiîdav's wveathîer was the same as tlîe previous day aiid jthe Piries iii "Gemiiii" sailed ars e heline eiiifirst place. "Twiiîkle j Ditto" was again second anîd *Huîîi- 5 mer 11" piloted by Eanl DeM\oe camie Il in third. c Veteran Pays Visai f A feature of Ibis year's series m~as the presence of Commodore George A. Corey fnom Port Washington, Lonîg Island. ",Pop" Corv is the >father of the International Star class whicb be fouîîded iii 191'1 and lias lived to see il becoîîîe tlhe largest one- design class in the world witb over one thîousaîîd boats. He oi lis aîîd still sails Star class boat No. 1 iii spite of bis 72 years. After watclîing thie first two races of the series,:lie wvas rio longer conîtentîtho l)can observer, s0 took tlîe lelmn of lJane II' aînd ývitb George Harvey as crew, fiîîislîed ii Si place, but 'vas uiifortunlately disqualified for lîitting "Silver Spravr" Ill spite of thie rougli goiîg îno serions' casualties occurred. altlîouglî oîîe or two boats Nvere towed iii by the Coast Guard wlio patroiled thie course uiiider thie Iersoiial supervision of Capt. M. A. Jacobsoîî. Go to Detroit Inmediately after Moiîdav's race "Neo" Nas loaded on1 a trailer andl started lier trip to D)etroit where Toum Xaage anîd Charles Kniglbt %ill sail ber i i" lie Great Lakes clianiilioiislip series for -Star ciass yaclits, Septeni- b)er 5-7.. The sail-off for firstplace iii the- series just caiîleted wvîll take place withî "Tw..iiikle Ditto" .upoîî *'Neo's" return. "'Geiii' is already loaded oun lier trailer for thie trip ho Sari Franicisco %wlîere Saiîi- aîd Woody Pirie will coîipete ini tle iii- ternational$, Sepleîîîber 14-21.' Ill the followiîîg list of eîîtries al hoats are froîn Sheridan Shiore Yacht club witb the exceptionî of the "Bee" which is froiniChiicago Yacht club, and "Jane 1l" whichi is from Coluixi- bia. Yacht club. .Ordler of Finish 1. Neo--Tom Waage and Fred Price Fir8t race, I-st; second race, -Ist; third race,. 4th. Total points, 51. 2. Twinkle Ditto-Gordon Joues and Max Hayford. First race, 2nd; second race, 2nd; tliird race, 2nd. Total points, 51. 3. Frm-Fr-ank Mianegold and Wes- leY Bowvnan. First race, 4tlî; second race, 3rd; third race, 6th. Total points, 44. 4. Humiler II-Banl DeMtoe and AI Barker. First race, 9th; second race, th; third race, 3tti. Total points, 37. 5. Carol-Sam Goss and Hall Elliott. Shore tz tf 1 ý «.- 40 3 Unusual Books Varied Cares N ew s 17lnt Lb'rai Whtdo women who live ini other loclitesdo with themselves? What Firet race, 1 lth; second race, 4th; significance do their lives hold for third race,.Sth. Total points, 34. te swl sfruTrepr 6, 7 and 8. Hermes-Al Bingharn andteraswlasfruTeep- Mead Montgomery. First race, 5th ; sonal narratives of how other wonien second race, l2th; third race, llth. 'rotai live have appeared Ibis fail, and nias points, 29. be obtained at the Wilmette public 6, 7 and 8. Gemini-L.. Pirie and lbay I fteebosaeitr S. é. Pirie, Jr. First race, 8th; second lbay Uo hs ok r itr rae;- DSQ; third race, lst. Trotal points, estîng, and ail of them tforce the 29.- question, "J-ow do they do it?" 6, 7 and 8. (lider-Howard Jonees and "The Barter Lady," by Evelvni Har- F. Boynton. First race, 3rd; secondI race, 6th; third race, DSQ. Total points, rii' 1itéi erii h ieo 29.'Maryland fruit grower: *'The Cowv- 9. Bee-Ed Roth and V. NeweIl. First mians\Wife," by Mary Kîdcler Ral4, race, 7th; second race, 7th; third rave, is the four seasons on an Arizon a DSQ. Total points, 24. nintain ranch ; and "I)esert \Nife," 10. Silver Spray-Bob Kendig and B. bv Hilda Fauince, is five years as a Chapînan. First race, 1th; second race, 5th ; third race, DSA. Total points, trader's wife to the Navajo Indians. 23. "The Cowman'a Wife" il and- 12. Walrus-W. T. Stockton 0f the three "The Cowmiaî's and R. C. Stockton. First race, 6th;i te second race, llth ; third race, D%78. I\if"i te ittiest and miost Total p)oints, 21. hiunorous. It is filled with thec detail il and 12. Blue -%ist-Dont Bergnian of caring for cattie, feeding theni and S. Frauzen. First race,,l7th; sec- througlh bard winters and dry sumii- ond race, 9th; third race, 1Oth. Total points, 21. mers, driviug îhem from one rangc bo 13. Alil Baba - Charles Knight and another, branding tbem iii corrals, Bill Noble. First race, 13th; seco>nd dcosiiig themi when they are sick, fos- race, DNS; third race, 5th.Toa ter-miothering the orphans, and mar- points, 20. ktn hm wt coiayn 14. Pegasus-Layard Mace and W. '% ei.tem xih aconayn Gathany., First race, l6tii; second race, pains and vexations of spirit. It is 14th; third race, 9th. Total points, 18- packed with illuminating anecdotes 15. Cora K-Harry Richter and J. 0. ol n nmlsadtelte Spotswood. First race, l4th; second of peolan imsadth ate race, DNS; third race, 7th. Total points-, are just as much personalities. 17. There wvas little Salomon, the orphan 16. Jane IL-Fred Porter and George~ calf; and Scooter, the dog, wlio Harvqy. First race, 12th; second race' lth; third race, DSQ. Total points, N. played nursemaid to the îîeglecîed 17. Nereid-E. Raymîond and Dorait. Indian baby; the Mexicani wife w~ho First race, lSth; second race, 1)NF; learned to read "cat" 10 inîpress her third race, 121h. Total points, 8. 18. Aquilla - Tomn Wolfe and Bill motber-iii-law; the lost deer-hunter; Friskey. Firist race, 151h'; second race, the governmeut wolf-trappers. DSA ; third race, DSA. 'roti points, 4. "The Desert Wife" DSQ Disqualified;L)NS - Did Not "The~ Desert Wife" is a storv of ail Start DSA =1)îsa bled; ON P îuid extreînely reticenit man and his wiic Not Finish. iii a -trading post arnong the Navýa- joes. It begins with an overland Caroline H err Wed 1 journey with, a tearn from Oregon to to A. B. Dem-mon at- The years betwcen are 71~ ~ filled witli tlîeir associations withthie S t. John's tutheran lndianis-îhrough limes of prosperity, Standing before an arcli of aIl- of pain and sicknless, of feastîng and white flowers, Miss Caroline Herr. praying. The author tells it all %vell, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Herr but slie lacks thie understanding and o f XVi mette, was married Saturday sympathy .tîtat Mary Austin brinigs at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran to somîe of the same situations iin church to Ainsworth B. Denion of "Earîli Horizon." Evanston. Large white asters, white "The Barter Lady" button chrysanîhenîns and ,w hile "'ieh Barter Lady" is au ardent gladioli decorated the altar, before a story of the dilemnia s of a widow background of palms. withi three fruit farmns and four chiil- The bride wore a white lace wved- dren to rear and edlucate. Lt is filled (ing dress, with a high collar, and a wilh plans for the future of lier jacket from which hung a lhree-vard farnis and children, and the frustra- train., Her lace-trimmed tulle veil lion causeti by the disorganized mar- hung from a halo-effect cap, aind shie ket for farîners' products, and the carried a spray bouquet of whîite handicaps placed by nature. It is a r oses anîd lhues of the valley. year 'round, record-January with plans, llossomn montbs, and s0 on The maid of honor, Miss Pauline through sprayîng, cultivating, liar- Haus of Wilnîelte, *wore a blue lace vsigau aktn ihtî e dress with blue acc .essories and car- resuil ofndlossefrtheg year. ne ried pink roses and blue larkspur. hestnarratves fremineote o One bridsemaid, Miss Betty Kaspar others-An,îe Ellis' "Slory of an of Wilmette, was in nmIe green lace Ordinary Wom,ýan," and., Elinore with apricrot accessories, and the olb- Stewart's "Letters of a Woman er, Mrs. Mary Dietrich of Chicago, Homesteader," botb cheerful, records in apricol lace with ilile green ac- of %vomen who domiiîaled their cessories. Tbeir flowers were Talis- pian rosesand larkspuir. "evrme Mrs. lerr,, mother of the bride,; Mrs. Robert DeVinny, 1760 Was h- was in beige lace with white acces- ingloni avenue, and ber, brother, G. J. sories and wore an orchid corsage, Barr, and bis wife mo6tored to Detroit M~rs. Demmon, the.- bridegroom's over Labor Day to visit a niece, nother, wore white crepe and an or- Mrs. Robert 0. Braman and ber fami- cbid corsage. ily. Katherine DeVinny returned re- A large group ot approximalely cently from Delavan Leke. aftr five hundred were present at the spending ten days with her-grand- church of wbom about one bundred mother, Mrs. Kaîherine E. Barr. and fifty atteuded the wedding diii- -o0 ner and receptioîî at the Herr borne. Mrs. L. Elliotî of Moselle, Miss., Summer flowers in pinks and whites bas returned 10 the soutbland afîer a a k i n g p te la c t b i n t h e b o u s a n d in c o sin, - M rs A .e- L e _. c C o r .. k,. 3 3 September 6, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE