September 6, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE 37 - Club Women Make Fall.made Law s Arts guiki, 62 E. La ke street, Chi- A n , l al isi to illThrie B st.cago, Friday, September 14,, at 12 WB l hrv Betoclock. Many horticultural prizes Gardens ýof Shore B1, the Master, Gardener have been clonated by prominent While, it does hot -seem: quite nat- members of the society, it is an- On August 31, the garden depart- ural, it is a, proved fact that.-fait is nouniced, Tickets for the. luncheon, ment of the, Illinois Federation Of the 'best , ime to miake nlew Iawns. and card .party may be obtained from Womnen's Clubs, under the leadership Thi4 is due to several reasons. In of Mrs. Wallace B. Combs, again the fal the moisture contenît of the m toured north shore. garédens. Dis- soit is more uniform. Few weeds' tricts 1. 2. 3. 6, 9 ani 10 were repre- germinate, at this seasonl, minim izing____ sented. Thé tour was arranged and the weed problem. Grass growth in (hrecte(l by Mrs. J. W. Foote of1 cool weather is more favorable for tio oftbe buili an exr ins-of Til s tis blsga deplantsrfn-L.R Glncof. tebugaldi iann exams Tina(IiVestablshiga delntsae iturf.R lucenwsejyda h rigthe Evanston Xoman's club, then ie1;niedtci. tool (out fhlr;nT cool eath luicheii asenjYedat heOrrng-1 e. orming lowv-spreading crowns or ton hotel. tuj s Speaerswer Mr. Cmhsand If you have niot had success with district chairmen; Mrs. J. Diekmann lawns made ini spring, try putting in of the Gardens of Elm Grove, W.i a lawn this fail. Besides being the Va., and Miss Grace Tabor, gardeti ideal time from thé plant's stand- editor of the Womani'sý Home Comi- point, fail lawvn making works in panion, wvho was the guest of 'Mr. much better with the home garden- Fratnk Lambert. sixth district chair- er's program. In faîl there is plenty man. of time to do the work right. Miss Tabor stressed.the sociability It is time to start planning the of g a r d e ni i n g. Mrs.- Diekmnanii work if you intend to remake your eniphasized the personal pleasure and lawn this faîl. Is the grade of the profit to be derived f rom gardeing. present lawn right? Is the drainage Mrs. Lambert announced a district satisfactory ? These are things flower show to be hield September 8 which should be determined between and 9 at Garfield Park conservatorv. now and the time actual lawn making Mrs. Combs invited evervone inter- is to start. A soil test, too, is very ested to attend the first state garde"x important, for when you know the meeting September Il at Il o'clock at condition of your soil, you can intelli- Federation headcîuarters, as wvell as a gently proceed to develop the proper Garden, Conservation and Indian degree of acidity. NVelfare fiesta which is being plan-l Lawns are most successfully grown ixed, and a boat tour on October 5 and easiest to care for when the soul through Fox lake to Wilmont, \Vs.». is neutral to slightly acid. Such soil with a dininer -of fish or wild duck.! is favorable for grass growth and .After the luncheon the party pro- tunfavorable for the growth of weeds. ceeded to view the following gar- When you know the condition of dens: your soil you will be able to correct Museum garden of R. F. Gloede, it, by the use of lime if it is too acid, 1405 Central street, Evanston ; home or bv the use of aluminum sulphate if grounids of Mrs. Charles R. Bull, 612 it is alkaline. The constant ilI- WVarwick road, Kenilwvorth; sunken advised application of lime is respon- gardens at the G. J. Bicli home, 1108 sible for the flourishing weeds on Chiestiunt avenue, Wilmette; Pales- many tawns. Before usinig either tine in miniature at the Church of lime or aluminum sulphate have your' the Holv Comforter, Warwick road lawn. tested. Your garden supply and Keiiilwvortli avenue. Kenilworth; dealer cati make this test for you or rock garden at the home of Mrs. D. arrange to *have it made. G. Barrv, 2417 Central Park avenue, Eveni if your lawn looks hopelessly Evanston. and the garden adjoiing burnied from the sun it may be pos- it on the north. sible to revive it throughi an applica- tion of complete plant food and regu- ",Remaking a Garden," lar soaking with water. You can, Center Lecture Theme trig to save the lawn by pulling The North Shore Garden center onit a tew inidividual plants. If the will have an interesting programinin roots seemi fresh and alive, I'd rec- its rooin at Winnetka Comimuiiitvý ommend the plant food and water bouse Monday, Septemiber 10, at treatment 'as a means of reviving the 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Marion Burckk lawn. of the C. D.« Wagstaff company will i lecture on "Remakinig a Garden." LUNCHEON, CARD'PARTrY Another feature of the day will be an The recently organized Midwest exhibit of seasonable blooàms. The Horticultural society is to. have a Wîlmette Garden club and the Eve- luncheon and card party at the Home ing Gardeni club of Wilmette will ______________ have charge, unider the direction of van EVANSTION ACADEMY Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm. She OF FINIE ARTS will be assisted by Mrs. H.. E. Ge- An Accredited Art Schooi bert, Mrs. A. E. Wells, Mrs. C. D. CAP.!.ScirKFtLER, Directe Ew1and Mrs. C. R. Norman. Mrs. Fi and Part Time Courses EwerD« and Evening Cliese Montague will act as chairman of the Chlluren'e Classe center's library, and will be assisted Saturday Morninga by Mrs. Scheidenhelmn and Mrs. WÎi- «4 Cburcli St O re. 104 iam Sutherland. - In the three months since its inception the Garden center hias greatly increased in size and in importance, nineteen clubs now bc- ing members of the organization. AIl its programis and services are 0 off ered to the public free of. charge,lu it is announced.,I isAa'UWAY U5M"-i àaà.àLU Entrance-Sept.'l 017.24; Oct. 1. 8 kmw'aaIDlDI$ MA FASHON PAWIr,.Magazines, Covers, * ~ Newspapere, Posters, Color, Layouts, etc. NE*UWU. UNR1UV P R E S 5 DESIGNINO. French Cutting, ____ ~ NLY2MOU SUM Draptflg, Millinery, Sketching, Color, Ideas. -- ~ Faeeeovlo.Iwlre.DSfdt. STYLING foi buyers. consultants, reporters MM UUToledo. Cleveland. Aktrom.4 INT. DECORATION. Perlod Styles, Color, Pin.buoueocoAmhIslfl" Arrangement, Estimâtes, Rendering, Styling. Personal Trainings individuai Advancement. IUPGn~ADAIf'7l4116SOUTH MICHIGAN Mu N.,i Shffl. Travel S.rvice.-vanst@ Boulevard 0 Chicago 0 Depir. S1 but it ISN'T his Mrs. W, M.. Oison, 1617 Central ave-. nue, Wilmette, who is a member of the social committee. The regular monthly meetings of the organization have featuired illustrated lectures and, a garden question period of unusual ýinterest. 'i A-A 's EYES Eyestrain creates onergy Ioss in the delicat. Bye muscles,' which contro1 the focusing of the eyes. Loss of oye-muscle en.rgy croates blurring of print and objects and seriously afF.cts concentration. Wh.n this occurs if is difficulft te rad -or study for any lengtk cf time and the eyes must b. rostod frequently te allow recovory cf muscle energy- J. order te foroistail beadaches. Now'is the time te have the youngstors' eyes choclced up, beforo schôol starts, te avoid interruption in school work later. Jf.t*~iuom6 £ftdoeS g Septeniber 6, 19343 WILMET"TE LIPE 37