Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 32

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32:-W ILMETTE LIFE cictivi ties ocilEZcs Bu VERA MCDERMID Rose H-ues Form CoIor Sch~eme in Fry-FarIey Wedding September1 Miss Marion Fry, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Fry o 811 Clinton place, Evanston, be. caine the bride of Preston Far. ley, -son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K< Farley, .Jr. of KenilNorth, oi Saturday eveniing,, Septeiniber 1 at the First Congregationa' church of Evanston. xvith th( Rev. HugliF.Iner Bro%%n of- fi ciating. The bride's sister. Miss Elizabetl- Fry,, was maid of hionor, and th< 'bidesmaids wvere Miss Josephine Far- ley, sister of the groom. Mrs. Ed- ward Fisher, Mrs. Lloyd Griffin, Misç Helen Brewerton of Libertyville, Misr Betty Brown and Miss Alice James of Wilmette. Richard Macalister of Xilmette served Mr. Farley as best man, and -the ushers were Charles Howe, Harding Gilkey, Ted Burgess, and- Frank Watt of Evanston. Gene Husting of Wilmette, and Howard Packard of Chicago. The bride's gown was fashioned of white satin with a long train. Her tulle veil, which felI from a cap -of lace wvas caught with orange blos- soms. Her flowers were ait arm bon- quet of gardenias, sweet peas. and liles of the valley. SThe mnaid of lionor wore a gowi'n -)f crepe de chine of the deepest sîade ini talisman roses. Nvhile the biridIes- rnaids wore gowns shaded to the lighit- est color of roses, Ail carried arni b)ouquets of talisman and1 johanna Hill roses., Mrs. Frv wore Pale blIte chiffon and an oichid shoulder bouquet. Mrs. Karley liad on a gown of sheil Pink, lace and( triple sîteer. and a sîtoulder bouquet of orchids. Decorations ini the church ývere uvhite gladioli and ferns. anîd several taîl candelabra with ligllte(l whte tal)ers. A reception followed the cere- îuony at the honme of the bride's piar- ents. and hiere (lecoratiolis were talis- nman roses aln(l matching colons of gladioli. Whlen Mr. and Nirs. Iiýarlev re- tunn froni their lionéYînoon thievý will inake thecir honme at 909 lEliwNoodj aveimne, F.vau.ton. To Speak af Luncheon Mns..Edith M. Lewis, of the Wonî- en'sCollege. Information, and secre-. tary of the Woman's College Board, will speak briefly 'at' the, Radcliffe, luncheon to be held in the Trustees lounge of the Hall of Science at A Century of Progress, Tuesday, Sep- tember 11, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Edward McDermott, , president of the Rad- cliffe Club of Chicago, %vill preside at the luncheon. Mn . and M rs. Harold Sîinnvy 92" Ashland avenue, entertaineci at a bridge dinner Tuesday in honor of Mns. Hai ry Knickerboc:ker. Auxiliary Prosident Balfour, Photo .11,-S. A'lfred II. Iavf',- of Gien- 1"04, /'resideni of fithe n raur --J*)I ofthe Faull<n, il >n"n club, will /rcsilc at flic ope'u g il<erti.lmio, 1fo Sav 'i-Pember 2-1, at theliencuîT ie-w Cu vclub. 1 Thtis 7zt'cc lIr. .ohi .1. Loilis of I1",,lllsf<)flcillIctfainel il th c .cu c boardl for iuuchcon al her homcù. fh lic et,ùlcf SO</ bi,,> 'oand.m<c ,/<,I pailvb,1smnces.. List Labor Day Events ai Sunsel Ridge Club A busy week-end vas,1)aiiiie(l li Suniset Ridge Country club for the Labor day holiday. ,Th1lere vas a dinner dance Saturday niighit itli a cocktail hour from 8 to 9. precedïing (limier. Eddie W'oodward and I-is Nine Romancers played for the dancing. Monday the meni of the club playe(1 thirty-six hioles of golf, an(I th.e womien hiad a luncheon and bridge party, arranged by Mrs. Howard W. Jordani of Kenilworth and .Mrs. Conrad T'. Frykmani of XVil- muette. Luncheon wvas served at 1 o'clock, and play began at 2. Also at 2 the children hiad a party, with gaines, prizes and refreshmnents. M rs. .Herbert' L Zipf hiad charge of the party. Wellesley Picnic Mrs. Bruce MacLeish wiill Open lier home, Birken Craig, 85 Wentwortliv avenue, Huhhard Woods, Friday, Septenîber 7, for a beach 1icilic to7 lie held liv the Chicago Wellesleyv clubI and the North Shore Wellesley i circle. There will be swimming aild bridge, and menibers are asked to1 bring tlheir own box lunches. Lunch-F eon will be at 12:30 o'clock. t Announce College Board New Yorker Marries riostesses at C.. of r. Milis and Randolph-Macon col- leges divide the hostess duties at the WVoman's College Board booth at A Century of Progress Friday of this week, the wonmen in charge being Mrs. R. M. Dunn and Mrs. Williami J. Baker, Saturdav Milwaukee-Down- er bas its day and is to l)e represented 1wy Miss Vera Zutternieister, Miss Martha Rodgers, Miss Irenla Bariies. and Mrs. FP. N. Barr. Miss Helen McKenzie, Miss Helen Monchow. Miss Julia Drake, and Miss Katinka Ioeser are the hostesses Mt. Hol- voke college is providing Sundav. Mondav's hostesses, ail Pemibroke alunae, are Mrs C. G. Hobart. Mrs. E. E. Chipman, Mrs. Harold Abbott, and 'Mrs. Merrill Hewitt. Those on Tuesday are Mrs. Walter Crowell. Miss lizabeth Singleton, Mrs.- Benjamin Buis, and Miss Marion Daughiaday of Winnetka, aIl representing their aima mater, Rad- cliffe college. Rockford's day is Sep- tember 12'and its hostesses are Miss Donna Doukie, Miss Marjorie Mc- Lern, 'Miss Virginia Grant, and Miss Peggv Osborne. :.immons college is in charge of the booth September 13, an(l on the fourteenth .Smith wvill senld Mrs. Rov F. Webster, Mrs. Byron I.. Pond, Miss Mary I. Curtis, -ind Miss Anna Louise Squire. Next week Saturday S-weet Briar college is in charge. Horace G., Smiths Wed Twenty-Five Years Dr. a nd \I r..I lorace G. Sinitî. (,I( (Gregory avenue, Wilmette, celc- l)rate(l their tcitvfift eddiiilg anniversary last Saturday night at a fa iilv dinner party at their home. at which the familv gift of sterling sil- ver, xas used. During the past t'.vntvfiv vcr~ vitlî the exception of three vears. D)r. and NIrs. Srnitl have resided on tîhe north shlore. Dr'. Smith has boen l)astor of the Metho- (list church ini Glencoe as NvelI as tlie .Nfetlîodist churcli of \Vilinette. 'lhle Smith s' thre daughiters.\I a rci a, Bettv, and Grace, helped their moth- er and father to celebrat.e their anniversaryi and joine1 in the fam- ily dinner party. This faîl B etty will enter De Pauw college -at Greencas- tle, -Id., froin which Ma 'rcia gradu- ated la.st June. Dr. Smith is, now president of the Garrett-' Biblical institute' in Evanston. .Enterfain Eastern Visifor M r. and Mrs. Russell O. 1Lund of Evanston gave a dinnler party- on ,Tuesday night of la _week for Miss Laura Fleck of Read ing, Pa., who wvas the house guest last week of Mrs. Lund]('s mother, Mrs.' Maud Sterrett, 726 Eleventh street, Wilmette. Last week-end Miss Fleck and ber travel- ing -companion Ieft on a motor trip along the south shore of the Great1 Lakes, visitin' eni route ini Buffalo, s Rochester, and the Finger Lake dis- trict of New York. t at Home of Relatives in Wilmette Sept. 1 The Francis L. Dailv. hoine, 221 CGreenleaf avenue, wvas -the scelle, Saturday, for the niar- niage of Mrs. Daily's nie.ce, Miss Marv Ella Bickell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph '. BIickell of Ne.w York City, an([ George Francis Jamnes jr., son of Mrs. George Francis James. of Kimn- tiark avenue, Chicago. M1iss Bickell's home wvas foriiicrlv% ini the middle w~est and as the nmcmi- bers of l>otb families were hiere.' it wvas decided to hold the wedding iin XVilmiette. Among those who caie front out-of-town were the bride's grandmnother. Mrs. Joseph Fishier of Peonia, ber aunt, uncle. and cousin. Mr. aiid, Mrs.* H. H. Baumigardner and Joseph, also front Peonia, and. Mr. and Mns. R. A. Rearwin and sons, Rovce and Kenneth. of Saunla. Kansas. The bride's parents, who .were here are- remaining for several days this week. to visit the 1)ailv fanîily. The ceremony was read 1w IDean FÉedenick Grant of Seabtirv-Wýestenîti Theological seminary and wvas fol- lowed by a reception iin tîe gandetîs of the residence. Miss Bickell wore a Nv edding g>WIil o)f whlite chiffon made princess style. with a cascade of ruffles down tîtile l)ack, a square neck andI long lee. Her veil was caugbt with orange hies- soms and she camnied lilies of the, valley and gardenias. NI rs. Richard H. ast. sister of the briditgroomn, and Miss Suzaminie Rickell, inatron and i îaid of honer, wvore deep bie chiffon and carried gladioli and(l ellow daisies. 'l'lie hridesnîaicls, Miss Dorothiv XV>» >ev ani 'Miss Edith Howell of, Ne\% York City, wvore dusky pink cliiffoii and carried gladioli and delphiniu m. Ernest Stevens served '.\r. laines as l)est mani, and the ushers' %vere Louviaii Simons, Phililp Canipbeil amnd Bouton McDougal. «Mr. and Mns. James are ini nortlint Michigan on a two weeks' weddinz trip. after n «hîcch thev will niake their home in Columbus, Ohio, where 'Mr. James is a, member of the la\". facultv of Ohio State university. To Have Business Meeting For tlie quarterly bus.,inleý-S nîeting of the. North. Shore branch of the Chicago Junior school, Mn>s. Edward .\. rion of 181 Beach road, Glencoe, will openi ber home. on. the aftemnoon o f Ttmesday, Septenîber. 11, at 2:30 ()cloclç. George W. Kilburn, supermn- tendent of, the school, and Mrs. Kil- )tmrn. and Harold Moiter of Wilm-nette vilI be guests of honor. Miss Elizabeth Freuiidetnreiclî. '314 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, left Wednesday for Norman, Okla., whîere *lie will aid in the organization of a chapten of Alpha Phi. She expects o he gone a year. September, 6, 1934

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