Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 28

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citiites. in Social 6?ircles. BVERA MCDERMID An nounce Winne rs of Golf Events Played in Championship Week Mrs. John A. Sidney of(I- cago is.the nem- woiman's chani- pion at the North Shore Golf club, and Mrs. Andrew D. Collin s of Evanston wvas runner up.-The championship was layed off during August 21 ani August 24 inIithree fliglits. The various wininers of the fliglhts are as follows: Miss Beige Driver of Kenilworth. first flighit; (Mrs. Charles E. Ellis of Chicago. runtier up); Mrs. Harry H. Wolf of MiI- mette, winner of the second flight. (Mrs. Charles A. Crane of Kenil- wvorth, runner up'). Mrs. Albert T'al- bot of Evanston. winner of the third flight, (Mrs. Lloyd Hess oif EN-anstoin. runner Up). Iow net for the wveek Nvas %von l>v MNrs. Gardner Henderson of Kenil- worth. Mrs. George Wolf of ýNin- netka won low putts for the week. Mrs. Wolf tied with 'Mrs. P\obert F'ell- ingham of Evanston. b)ut the former had the lower haiîdicap. Low 'score for the week wvas %von lw Mrs. Andrew Collins. .Winners of other eyents duriîîg championship week are as follo,,%s: Mrs. Roger Little of Evatîston, the consolation prize in Class A, (Mlrs. Gardner Henderson. runtier up); Mrs. James Mý. Brooks of Winnetka. consolation prize for the first flight. s. (Mrs. John Vickey of Chicago, ruti-p lier up); Mrs. Charles Barrows ofE Evanston, the consolation prîze for t the second flight. (Mrs. Neill Rich-b ards of Evanston. runner up):; Mrs. Charles H. Xarner, Jr. of Evanston. consolation prize for the third flight. (Mrs. Robert W. Avers, second place). In the match. play agaiîîst par Mrs. Gardner Henderson w-on ini Class A; Mrs. John Vickerv ini Class B. Mrs. Charles H. Warner. Jr. wonî baIl and sweepstakes for the day ini both Class A and Class B; Mrs. Norman Col- lins of Vilmette wvas the witîner iii Class C. This Fridav, wh ich is to be Lad and Lassie. Djay, the vwomen will eti- tertain the meni for. dinner, cards. and dancing. Wesfmorelmnd Club A medal play championship iii three flights . was held at Westmoreland Country club froni August 29 to 31. Miss Dorothy Bell of Evanston won the championship With her score of 280. This is the second consecutive vear that Miss Bell lias achieved that honor. M rs. J. H. Bucklev of Kenil- worth was runner-up. Inu Class B Miss Helen Grimes of Wilmette won first place and Mrs. G. 'Heding of Chicago second place. In Class C Mrs. N. E. Crullof Evanston ivas the win- ner and Mrs. Wayne R. Bennett of Evanston, was runner up. On the third Friday of September the club will have Ladies Guest Day, and the fourth Friday of the month is to lie White Elephant Day when the sea- sons' prizes and championship cups ~li e awarded. In Opera Recital Rut/mcda 1, Prrcfre1 ill gqîve ail opera recitail on Goiunod'.s "Faitst" I fondi vev enin *(1 Septellibepr 17. at 8:"-30) o.clock ai dit, homie of Mr. anid Vlrs. Lynuii Llo 'yd. 1035 Bluff roald. iqv. oi Bertli,,gso- !,r-ano;. John liliot. lenor. and Lud- I<nc' fl 'litc,. I'<rjton"'. a<i be o- Lisi.. Wilmette Man WiIl Wed Evanston Girl Ini the Lady' chapel of St. Luke's pro-cathedral. Evanston, Miss Cecile [)orothy Stern of Evanston, daughi- ter of Mrs. Ehi Swayne Stern, will )e married to Llewellyn Bowen of 809 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, at 5 o'clock Saturdav afternoon, Septem- ber 15. The bride's sister, Mfrs. Laurence E.Oliphant, Jr.. of Chicago, will be lie on]%, attendant. Serving as best nan will be the groom's brother, Cromwell Boweîî, and the ushers are o be Hugli Campbell and Thomas Hardwick both. of Wilmette. The bride will be given awvay by her brother-in-lawv. Lautrence Oliphiant, t tg b j NIr. andl M rs. Bowen will motor east anid to Quebec on their honey- incon, and will be at homne after Oc- tober 1, at 2050 Ridge avenute, Ev- atîston. Givo'Cocktail Party. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ilintz. 50 'Crescent. placée, ente rtaitîed sixtv guests at a cocktail' party Saturday. .August 25, preceding. a barnt datîce given by the Interfraternity club at Jack Childs' home in Libert.vville. Sororty Luncheon. The North Shore Alumîti society of Gamnma Phi Beta sorority will have its regular monthly luncheon and bridge Motîday, September 10, at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harold Lundherg-, 622 Washinîgtonî avenue, Wilmette. Missionary Society Meeting September 1 3 Mrs. E. L. Waldorf, 941 Sheridan road, will ientertain the Women's Foreign Missioniar%7 societv of the Wilmette Mfethodist church at ber home Thuirsda%-, September 1"), at 2 o'Clock. Mrs. R. L. Iliarquis, president of the northwestern. branch. who is a vigorous ani entertaining speaker., wlI give the a(l(res s of the afternoon. Mrs. Waldorf will conduct the in- stallation of oficers for the comingz y'ear. Mrs. Harold Sherman, accom- l)anied by Miss Marie Briel, wvi1l sing. The oàicers to be installed include: M rs. M. H. Bickhanî, president; Mrs. J. C. Martin. vice-president; Mrs. Ralph N[Iouldînig., secretary; Miss L.atra Collen, corresponding secre- tarv. and Mrs. Thomas MNoulding, treasurerî Sept. 10O, Opening Date of Mothers' Club Dr. Gustave F. Weinfeld of Ra- "illa îill speak at the first fail meet-' ing on Septemiber 10 of the Young Mothers club of Wýilniette.,Dr. Wein- feld is assistant professor of pedi- atrics at the Uniiversitv, of Illilnoi.s College of M1edicine, and is on the staff of the Children's hosp)ital.- His subject is to be *'Mental Training of the Child."' The meeting will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. WVilbert Chapman, 2214 Chestnut ave- ntue, Who lias chosen as her assisting hosteseses -Mrs. Linas 0. Smith and Mrs. Rav Stephens. Weds Winnetkan * Koehne Photo Thé<' .nIarria>e of Miss Flva Litel of Hlighland Park apid Theo- diore , BersbacJ, * of Winnetka took place on lihe afternoon of Augus.' 2.1 aitIhe Triniîv fEpiscopal church iii Highland Park. The bride and groom. wcho arc ili Bermuda on fizeir lianeynmo on, icill returii about Sept.nber 1.5 fa make their home in Nules cnter. We iss-Scott Marriage Solemnized Sept. 1 at St. John's Churci, Miss Bessie Weiss of X'il- mette wore an ivory satin prin- cess gown with a bow knot of seed pearis at the V neckline, when she becaine the bride last Saturdav afternoon of Scott S. Smith, also of-Xilmette. Her tulle veil made in three tiers wvas lield in pllace by a twisted peari hea(lband, and the face veil wvas caught with a band.of seed pearîs. The bride's bouquet -%as coml)osed of -white roseýs, gar- denias. lily of the' vallev. aîîdl *Miss Kathryn -WVeiss, wlîo xas lier sister's only attendant, wvas gowned in soft mnoss green transparent vel- vet. She wore a hrown velvet tricorne liat withi a sheer brown velvet veil, and inatching accessories. Her hou- quet ivas of talismian and Johanna Hill roses., Mrs. Weiss wore deev burgundy colored crepe and a corsage of gardenias. iMrs. Smith's gown wai bitte elvet, and hier flowvers -were laven(ler orchids. Both wore b)lack vel- vet accessories. The ceremony took place at 4 o'clock at St. John's Lutheran churcli with the Rev. J. H. Goeckel oficîat- ing. The altar was decorated witlî ferns, white gladioli, baby's breath, and white asters. The bride was given away in marriage by hier cousin, Har- old Beike of Wilmette. Attending Mr. Smith as l)est mani was bis brother Normani, and the usiiers wvere C'harles Knowe, John Robertson. anid Thiomas I arlington. A reception imnîediatelv followed the ceremony at the hoe f - groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'Scott S. Smith. 525 Lake avenue. The bride and groom with.the bride's mother and N[r. and Mrs. Smitlh received their guests. before the fireplace ini the living room, which was decorated with urns of white flowers. The bride's table wvas adorned with -the wedding (ake in the center and a.bowl of white roses and1 haby's breath on each side. as well as crystal candie sticks witll %'vhite,.ighted candles at each end of For lie' goitng aw,%ay. costume the bride mwore a green sheer wool dress witlî a green tweed, coat, 'a brown lbat. l)rown slîoes and gloves, and a sl1oul(Ier corsage of gardenias. Mr.. and( l rs. Smithi are .motoritîg east ont their honeynxoon, and wheîî they returti theY will make their homte on Ridge avenue, Evanston. to Tell of N. S. Gardens The Kenilwortlî Homne anîd Gardeni club) will meet for tea Mo.nday, Sep- teml)er 10. Mrs. Johni Olesoti, 240) Woodstock avetne, will be hostess. Slides wvill be shown of peonies and iris, aînd gardens along the north shore. September 6. 19,34 1 WILMETTE LIFE

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