"'Jv aWTIM&vaT& JLI a A6.r , 93 WILMETTE LiFE wrTUiWHICR 16 COABINE» WELxzrrx ANNOUNCELMEWTZ and Toit KExidLWORtTiHTimu PUDLISHED THURSDAYS BY. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. 1232-1236 CENTRAL AvENuE, WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Telephone WILMETTrE 4300 MEMBER CF CHICAGO SUBURBAN QUALIT GROUP Chicago Offices - ioi 6- zo 8 WILLOUGHBY TowFR Telephone CENTRA~L 3 35 5 SUBSCRIPT IONS $2 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS Ail communications and contributions intended for publi- cation must bear the name and addàress of the author, flot necessarily for publication, but for our.files. Such material must reach the editor by Tuesday noon to be in timne for the current issue. THE VALVE 0F YEARS Initulerance of the opinions ()f utliers is perliaps the niiostiniiexcusable fatÏli that ever distnirhed thec niin<l ()f mail and plague(l his felluovs. u t is re- slîoisîle for nmore contentioni and iinharnunviiioi% l c<inniuiity life, in religini. etIucationi.thie: profes- sions and politics lian al l te resi (of lhunian imi- perfections put together. It is a miaster <of di.,cord ini lionehfe. It severs friend(sipsý. separaies famn- ilics. (ivides --romps and creatcs more Un(ldiltlte(l troublle than crimie. iuteiiperauice andl puveriy. Souiîeonie lias saîi tlat bhe four seasunis of ife. <'lil<lloo<l. youitl, iaili<>«l and o41( age. ecdi lias its compensations, cadi ils indivihual pleasuires and l)ro)lems If this be true, mne of the, compensa- tions of multiplying- years inînst lie iii thie waing. if tiot thîe complete vanîshing. ()f intulerauicc. Iiîtoleraîuce begins witii«voulu. hecause voulu is, cocksttr of itself. t lias îîol lcariied bu differ- eut jabe betweeîî ils owiu opinions and knowledIge. bieuce falîs easilv mbiitote error of mnistaking tlhe former for tbc latter. Beiîîg full of courage and daring 10 express iîscîf, voubli discoutsthue xis- dom of older beads, rejecîs xlat others' experiences have îaughî, and cannot even imagine - Ilat ,vlat he tlîinks is rigbt is actually wrong. But youlb gives way 10 f ull, maturily. anud ini the riper years of middle age, it is f ound Iluat in- tolerance bas also gr-own and become more fixed. Opinions, tbro ugh frequent ulterance. bave become more settled, stili more firmly sel. In slrengtbi of mind and vigor of body, thie other fellox's tlîouglîts and ideas and opinions do not loom very large or very important, and are likely 10 be scoffcd aI and -- ridiculed wibb scant cercmony and less courtesv. Up 10 now intolerance bas ridden bigb, wide and bandsomne. Ilblbas had fulIl sway, witb littie re- sistance and. no effort at ail at cbccking. But tbc sustained years of maburity also draw to a close, and the cbadows of age can be discerncd iin tbe offing.. It is at this..time that inlolerance. begins, to, feel t he sing of opposing blows, For as the mellowing influence of the years is more and mnore felt there cornes a softening of bbc attiude toward bhose of opposite. opinions, a finer, keener, sym- pathy for the problcms of others. The suspicion even creeps in thal iu thc hurried, journey along the, pathway of life sorne grains of knlowledge may have been overlooked by cocksure youtb and- posi- tive, maturily, and garnered by others. There is a disposition to respect bbc opinions of those who bave had equal ýopporbunity 10 learn; 10 be more tolerant of those of differenl religious faibli or- political affiliations; 10 give a litIle credil here and there 10 business rivaIs, and 10 condemn less string- ently the frailties of neighbors and f riends. If, in treading tbe upward steps of the years, an eminence is reached f rom wbicb a clearer view. reveals that, in a world ini wbich, truth is so diffi- cuit 10 find, intolerance is but a hindrance 10 human progress and must be cast aside, that should be compensation enough. WHY THE SILENCE? On Augusl 6 the Board of Auditors of -New .Trier township.passed: a resolulion directed. to thec State* HighWay departmnent and the Cook County board, in whicli the whollv reasonable reques t as made bliat police officers maki îg arrests on, the hiigbxays ini New' Trier township inake the arrest warrants relurnable to the justice of the pecace in the township wbhose office is locaîed nearesl the point of arrest. Up to Ibis time. w hile state bigli- xvay officiaIs bave indicated a williligness 10 co- operate. no reply lias been received from couiy authorities, and the strahige silence wVould seern lu 1l(ce(lexplaining. 'l'lie practîces wvlicli led 14) ithe passage ()f ithe tres duition are n101 uily irks nue 1(4 residenis Cuf the r <x sîî wlîu niay hle arrested fo r traffic v a tin <s. butt tîlîglît eailv be taken lu îîîdicaie an tîdur- Z staîuling hbeîxeeîî arresting ufficers anîd justices (tf thle peace in localities far rcnîuoved froni theliI( r Ibusie;s()ut he defendant. luInlte old davs 01 the Justice slilI) racket tîlis meîlîod xvas cmploycd ti< x miot defendants in civil suils, coutnuances heinîg takeuî wlîcn 111ev appcared on thîe possibiliiy Ilîat îlîev xv >11(1 fail lu appear, %wlîen judgnîeiînts xv nhi1 reîidcred as uulcouiteste(l. 'l'le Buard ()f Audiiors is xveli wvithixîils riglîts anud te 1)4induols(4 reason ini askiiîg Ilat citizens lue 1 put top as litile incoiiveience as possib)le ini resp(>il(- ing fie arresl xvarrants. l'o igniore thie request is lu 1 place bthe cmnî- board of comîmissioners ini the p îsiti <n <()f bcing ulîrespunsive b uthexvill of tuev cîtizens u)f \ewvrrier. It is tobu Uc oped tlîat Ilueir, cooperai< n inc. rrectîîîg an evil \%-Ill lwhe nîpl f< rîlîci miuîuîig FEDE RAL RELIEF. 'lue exuiense of cariîîg for thue needy uneniployed of tlhe country is mounlilig inu figures of sîartliîug prprtions. Thîc l)trden, flrst assume(l by privale individuals blirougli charitable anîd civic organiza- ti(41s, then slifted b bbce states and finally to tlhc federal governmenb, bas beconie heavier rallier thani lighler during tlîe passing montlis, anîd is levy- ing a considerable tax upon the people of tlhe nation. In tluis: situation Illinis bas 'madle a c(>mnud- able record ini caring for ber own. Duriîg thie frst tbrec months of Ibis -xear this state drew oiilv 18.3 per, ccnt of ils relief cost from tlie goverli- nient. Tlue figure for Newx York, is exaclly tbe sanie.,xvhile Ibat for Massachusetts is 2.9 per cent, the lowest of an%, stale, ib e union. Twenty-twô states gol f rom 75 10 100 per ceiit of blîir relief cost from tbe federal, treasury. t is not surpris- ing tbal among tbose sbabes not paying a diîîue for relief of tbeir poor, but drawing 100 pcr cent f ronu the federal lreasury, sbould be 'found Louisiana, whose people bave recently stuck their nccks, mbt tbe yoke forgcd by Huey Long, and surrendered tbeifr liberlies 10 bis- diclalion. JusI xvbv laxpayers of other stabes sbould provide bbe moncy 10 f eed and clotbe tbe poor of a slabe that is spending ils own money 10 maintain an army for the protec- lion of a demagogue wbo seeks 10 seize al Ibe powers of state and become a diclabor, is beyond us. The Illinoils Manufacturers' association is pro- tesîîng against governiment relief 10 the. textile. stîrikers' on the grourtd that il will encourage addi- tional strikes. And, a Vox Poppig New Dealer, wbo says bis failli is stilI str .ong, as serts thal if those same sîrikers are fed by Mr. Hopkins wiîb government money, he will be.fully convinced that bis failli has been misplaced. Now,,who is going 10 f ced the strikers? Tha t's rigbî. The governmenî. The records seem 10 show thal about bbe worsl tbing that can bappen to agirl in Ibis wonderful country of ours is 10 be chosen "qucen" of this. that or tbe ollier thing. She would be luckier to be born ugly. ..NEWS- COMMENT-I Rosita Royce, ' who is thàt kind of a (lancer at the hig Fair. car.elessly openied ber vanity box. ini wbicbi she carried ber dancing costume. and, a nauighty hreeze bc it awav. So. she just liad to dance withiout it. W'lien arraiqned ini court bier attor .iey set uip the pica that the mishiap wvas ail act pf God for wvbich bis client was flot to) banie. Ve (lotit believe il. If God liad biad a nytliiiig lu do xitlî it Nve are sure H-e would hlave h î Rt< sia a, v in a(1left thc costume. 'l'lie late Nirî. 1)111 igers niifting I- K '~arc inl th1e to il of 1'n clt- Sai.as îs'als lis atturnev. *l'lat Intelligence <eparînientlit as a 1< nî. long arnti. ( )nl his11011i irtlhdaN ;unhihitrsar\ a\\i na NI nn.~ a.nian gaxc lic w' rlol t his adv ict,: )mn .\ fier a iiight (f ifill slinmber w\e 1tinall\ <.(,t ztNxt\ a()in our atnnal vacatin n iaxl'rînîîg Neyer lîaving irav<'lcol ifi reign lanîds we iiC( n tule qui vive, if vo m vxlîat we nîcean. Th'le feel (ef (ethcr t han native s<nIl heneathl()tu-ir fet NWî nl<l iîîdeed lie a liovclty. At the end (if a d(laf t xeari- 'Oule liin xe crussed Isabella street. vîc 1' the i oînîdarv line Ihet\\veeî lich U'niîed States dfAinierica anîd a couinry called Vvaîîsto ni. And whiat a country' Also. xvhat a ' lwople ! 111 aan atteliplt UI ii- (luireounr xvay xve disci jveredl lilait our dilcati n iniithei lauîguages bafi heen 5adl nieg)- lected, for xve cuuld not uuîder- stand a sinîgle person to whomni_ý we spoke. It xvas oîlv by en- listing the aid of anl interpreter- that \ve succeeded in securiîîg tbe desired information. Thcy speak Northwesternese. wlîich is newer tban thec New~ Deal or older thaîî the Sanskrit, we are flot sure wbicb. As %ve were about to get going again we were accosted liv. a person belonging to the constabulary, who expres>ed a desire to. detain us for. questioning or something. But we escaped by runniîîg imb bte jungle an(] biding unitil be vent tb sleep again. At last wve reaclîed bhe soulierui provinces, satisfied that uxe bad tboroughly "donie" one of the worldsis i itt mntcresting and least explored coutitries. At dawn tomorroxv we expect 10 cross the border intoanl- other sîralige land, siiownt on the mails asHi- ard avenue. The governinenb lias just put seveniy million (lol- lars' worbb of gold bricks in storage in Denîver. How conie? We bbought we boughb the last gold brick back in 1929. ait A California nian 78 ycars old bas been sentcnced to life imprisonmient for killing another man1 in a figbt over a wonian. The older tbcy get tbe rouglier the course of truc love becomes. "Count tbat day lost "wbose low.descending sun" marks not a Hollywood divorce case cither enlded o r hegun. W'listened to the broadcast of the, big football game Friday night with complebte impartiality. The, only times we gasped were when.bbc Bears reached the Ail-Stars' 9-yard uine. Tbey were breatbless moments. A Century of Progress adjourns sine die on- the last da y of October. That gives us just lime enougb 10 sec everything-if we don'î spend 100 mucli tinte (or money) in one place. Crowds poured int Chicago for Labor Day, and crowds poured out of Chicago for Labor Day. Weil, that ougzht to satisfv almost everybody. Sçptember .6, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE