20w M--W~I ~ etme ,13 RESIDENT OWNERS ABSENTEE OWNERS NORTH- SHORE HOMES The National Housing Act is in operation and you may take advantage of the loans now made available. The Act bas made it possible to modernize many of our dwellings and make them more livable and more rentable. CREDITS 0F $100 to $2000 FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT The Remodeling, Reeonstructing. and Recon- ditioning work, so mueli needed and so long neglected, ean now be done. That modern kitchen or colorful bathroom, new heating plant or air eonditiorîing are now within easy reach. DO YOU KNOW HOW AND WHERE TO APPLY FOR A LOAN? Let us tell you how and where anid give you al details. We have prepared a special service for this purpose. Brmng us your problem, whether it be the Re- financing or Modernizing of the Old Home or~ the Building of a NEW ONE. WMITA 841 Elm Street, Winnetka 3250 Winnetka BUILDING REAL ESTATE1 IN$URANCE town lias grown to be a pleasantly etedvlae, and wilI ere long con- tain a large population. 'M.Nr. Garland, desiring to build a monument to the memor-of bis de- parted wif e. and also seeing the re- ligious wamts of the community, con- cluded to erect a sanctuary for the worshipers of, GOD, instead of a miarble monument to the family name. He desired the bouse to be dedicated to the 'cause of our common Chris- tianity. Accordingly, on Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock, November 14, the bouse was filled' by a most re- Mr. and Mr s. Charles Southward, 306 Oxford road, Kenilworth, re- turned on Saturday, August 25, from a ten days' visit at Connors Lake, Wis.. On their way up there they ac- compamiierl friends from- Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bouscarian of ' Washington, D. C., were recent guests of Col. and Mrs. Howard IHodgkins,. 431 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Bouscarian is a niece of Mrs. Hodgkins. Skoki*e Valley D. A. R. Ghapter tà Mark Site ofFamous Landmarksl Bronze Tablet, to Be Placed at spectable and grateful audience, and Winneka Curchwas dedicated to divine worship in the 'Winntka Curchfollowing, order of service: Rev. Mr. Wrenni, pastor of HbldPark Tlhle Skokie Valley chapter, Daugh- read a psalm, the congregation re- tersý of the American Revolution, is sodn;Rv r ono int completing plans to, place a bronze ka read select Scriptures; Rev. Mr. tablet on the lych-gate of* Christ Noyes. pastor of the Presbyterian church, Winnetka, September 21, to church at Evanston, offered prayer; mark the site wbere the .first churcb Rev. Prof. Hemingway, of the, North- was luit the first cemetery estali- western university at Evanston, lished. and the first tavern buiît preached the sermon; Rev. Mr. (facross the road from a church, a Clarke. pastor of the Baptist church, 1littie to the -north), and to mark thie Evanston, offered the prayer of dedi- Old Green Bay Indian trail between cation. The hour was delightful. the Ft. St. Francis Xavier, (afterward Ft. services solemn. Howard, wvhen the English captured Describe Edifice it f rom the French) and the site of "The bouse is 32x52 feet. Steeple *Ft. Dearborn, which trail was said to oin one corner, 65 feet high; vestibule, have been used by the early. French with gallerv over it; retiring rooni, explorers. back of thýe pulpit, 8xl2; ceiling 24 Miss Suie Garland, grand-dauglTter feet; stainied glass windows, and ev- of John Garland, bas sent the cbap- ery department finished perfectly:-.a ter an interesting account of the dedi- good bell. books, etc., ail done . h% cation of the first church, afterwards Mr. Garlanid, at a cost of sornethin'9 replaced liv the present edifice,' the over $5,000. This bouse we regard Hoyt Memnorial. This accounit, pub- as a noble monument for the dead. as lisbed in Novemiber 1869 in a news- a beautiful Italian marble slali in the paper. follows: vestib)ule recordy, the nanie of the (le- Record Historie Eveut iarted Nvif e and mother, as does the *li a beautiful rural town, sixteen Bible ini the pulpit,. It is an ornamient miles north of Chicago. on the shore to the town, as we trust it will bce a Of L.ake M.\ichigan.4 there stands a ne%\ great llessing to a grateful conm- churcli edifice, nestled among. the munity. 'He loveth our nation, and trees that adorn and shade the graves ibe bath built us a synagogue." of loved ones. This cburch edifi ce1 John Garland boughit the Patter;(unI -was bujît and iurnishied in every part, tav-erlî (built inl 1830)> andl noved -,vith for divine worship, by one mani. He bis fanuily inito it ini 1847. M oses I>ait- conceived the idea, 'and caused it to terson hiad died, and wvas l>urie(l just l)e luilt under his direction, as a across the street east of the tavern memorial to bis beloved wife, whose in %vhat %vas afterward used as the dust reposes in - this quiet familv churchyard. Mrs. Garland and a gaeard. This man was boen in daughiter were buried there. the citv of London ini 1803, was 'rhe Mr. \Vrenni f ronm High- brought liv bis parents to this country land Park mentioned as assisting at wleihe wvas l)ut 13 years old, was the service of dedication wvas the Rc. apprenticed to business in New York George L. W~renni, president of the jCity %\lien 14, and left there alone Highland Park Religious association, 1 wNhen bis parents returned to England. organized in 1869, October. with varn- He wvas mnarried when 19. During ous ministers of different denoniiima- much of the time while ini New -York tions preaching in turn. ln 1871 the hie sat under the eloquent preaching Baptists withdrewv, orgamizcd lM 1871, of Spencer H. Conie, D.D., froin and mext year buiît a church. -Ni r. wvbose sermons and prayers lie re- -emî~as first pastor. ceived (deep impr essions of divi en_________%\____ tbmngs. Ilus parents were Episcopa Mis ithlOp s "Il 1830 lie rernoved to Westchester Kindergarten Classes Countv, N.Y., where hie engaged in Trhe Village Kindergarten of Kemn- farmînig untit ini 1845 hie renoved With ilw,,orth under the direction of NMISS. bis fanîl to Chicago. Nvbich then Marjorie Mitchell of Glencoe. s nunîbered about 14,000 souls.. Ili less opening on Monday, September 10, than two years lie left Chicago for a h hrho h oyCmotr thi no beutfulspo, Vinet aProgressive methods of the primary then ani almost unliroken wilderness. scoloh nvriyo hcg * Build Log House colothUnvriyfCiag -Herc- Mr. John Garland and bis as presented by Marjorie Hardy are used by Miss Mitchell, and the ai iWif e. Mrs. Susan M., toiled together of the school she states, is to clevelop) ta. niiake a home for theniselves an. ntecididpndene ntaie 1,their family. They soon opened their indte hl needne ntaie io oueto1hepeahngo te andaspirit of cooperation. gospel. whicb xvas faithfully occupied Ms icelepan btthe by oe o those ioner Mthoistkindergarten school is designed flot iiiiisters w-ho wvent everywh .ere only to develop to the fullest the ini- preaclîîng Christ. In July, 1865 dividuality of the child but to make. ldeatb removed f rom bs id the difficult adj ustmnent fromn the home bis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i fatflwfslvdb I fo to the first grade easily an.d happily. lier. work's sake, and deeply lamented The limited number of.students, she bv b,'iiuî who bas now reared:this mn further states, allows bier ogv n , imient ta bier miemory, so that she, be- dividual attention to the special nee(ls sf54 av cona ,~,tnue S. t o sme. The. *~ r' of each child-. ,qeptember 6, 1934