RýEA DY FýO.R FALL inT THE, HUB'S Evanston Sho> les. going to be a colorful Fasu for Mon and Boys-and we're ail set w'Ith the most inter- esting collection of clothing and accessories we have ever prosented. As always, de. pend on us for the bout ideas in style-and the quality necessary for wear and value. A Value A ehievement 1AND 2 TROUSER FA&LL SUITS For Mens and Young Mens *$35 Society Brand St yl1e to n Suits, F a mi o u s Worsted- Tex Suits, Timely Clothes M o d e r n Suits, Charter House College Suits and our own Lytton 2-Trouser Suits-the largest variety of Suits in Evanston. 0f e v en greater importance to each man and Young man is the assurance that here in this vaut selection, hoe can find exactly what lie bas in mind-tho bout value possible. NEW FALL TOPCOATS $25 -.$30 $35. $40 STETSON FALL HATS $6.50 -$8 * $10 SOSTONIAN SHOES $6.50 - $7.50;1-$S.50 HENRYCwLYTTON &SONS Orringlon and Church-EVANSTON -,-Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Eveneéga SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 y HUB