10WILMETTE LIFE A WORD TO THE WISE There Is NO SUBSTITUTE fer Qualy COFFEE~BROOK Lb.I19c 3 ibs. 5csea TbUraday, lftlday. BatUrday OnJY JEWEL Down ln Brazil they'iA tell ybu 110w fussy Jewelist about quallty. Coffee ban beenau .ewei spe- ciaity for 35 years. DIME DDIEr» Nationally advertised toods for PEA P E3 Cens25 over 50 years--6O kitchena and ait ~other units located inluin U" oCuE CWUed wbere each Libby food grows. P, r JeweJ AIRY FÂIRY 5 SpeciaI- Choiceut soit winter wheat from CA KE. FLO UR Pkg. 23 c Golden River Valley. Sifted and Tb* tBDd24 0k Pour or Ckes"23 renlfted. producing a white. -TheOtadar Cae Jour or oodCaks- iguher, more deicate cake flour. ~A ~ hI Jewel FOULDS M A A OI 3Spatial « only real macaroni w bi e a t. @»&wU or Nofdies 55 Packed with umusual care la trip e-sealed dustproot packages. IlPer - ewel CÂM4PIULLS UKsMU.K D 5 Prepared by world amons ches O MO O P Con 7c - trom glorioui sun-ripened toma- c growingthgens world. AM~No. 2 Sire * Jewel STOKELYs spcirThe world's iargest vegeal SA E R LT 2 Cens 1 C îg canners-pa c k d l ldn= ..Nade ]Prose Criffl oung crlbbt . Bws name ined cans for your DDE ED IE O PRELarge 7JE DWARDS HONNI 0-Or. ar -ý Fruits front the famous North- PRES RV E BON 200z. l.,19c 3g, West ValleY, packed similar to DIUup-to-date chens. d ««~Jewel 9AE QUAK R O TS 8c SPOcia The unimate In a fine flot Q UA K R O A S Pm 8Ccereai for the* klddles in <oid 14e. Pk Illewa t he r - makes healthy Qsle St aguir Lg. Pk fichfidren. LEA E . Pks 2 c secir Oigi1te for aluminum by an ai==nu ware salesman-now iligggsoldtImm coa3t te, coast for ait .Mg mlgPade i ouseboid cleaning. ")eWel RIVAL D 0G F0 D3 en 2 c Pecliar A pertectY balanced dog food. DO C FO O D 3Cans5c J Dd o ruaed and designed bY leading. veterînaraans and dog Contains No iMorase eat fotnciers. 7eIwel Special'-SALERNO FINEST -Jewel Specil"-BLUE JEWEL Ginger Snaps "B 9c Pickling Spices23-0.Ik -J.wel SpciaV'-FANCY QUALITY -Jewei Special-MICHIGAN CHOICE HAND PJCKED Blue Rose Rice Lpb k1 cPea Beans Lb.41c Garden Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES. NEVER .old frous the street, where dust, dlrt, sua and wlnd dcstroy thrlr fresinse FANCY QUALITY EXTRA SPECIAL RED CRA&PES SEECEDVALENCIA Oranges G2î2' FANCY WISCONSIN Cabbage SONidHeads Ail items merked 'MeweI SPOCIaI" Ce SALE in 97 JEWECL FOOD. WKIJORM ntAl Wed- ne.day nigbt, eptember 12. mookc for thi yeliow ,peciai tag--thev signAL y Extra Savlngs.» 25c Ibs. 2.5c EXRA FANCYt Celery Hearts Po . r FAN4CY YELLOW Per 2eONIONS c 3 Lbs 1O 15 Central Avenue .~u I LIAI I sHppNG. Serve Yourseif and Save NO WAITINIG -Septemiber 6, 11934 LAY, PLANS TO COMMEMORATE1 CONSTITUTION Committees for Wilmette Ob- servanc Meet Tonight; Seek Outstan ing Speaker Command/ D. J. L. Walther of Wilmette ePst No. 46, American Le- gion. general chairman of the commit- tee ini charge of preparations for the observance of Constitution Xeek, states that plans for the hig mass meeting tu bc hield in Stolp school gymnasiuîn Monday cvening, September 17, are go- ing steadily forward and rapidly round- ing into form. TIhis meeting will ini- augurate a one-week celel)ration o)f the 147th antniversary of the adoption of' the constitution. tu bc carried ont throughiout ail America. Committeet Meet Today A meeting of ai! comrmittees is calle(l for toniglit ( Thursday). at the Villagc hall. at wvhiclî final plans ,ill be con- si(lered and formuiated. These are ex- pected tu he ready for pubtication next week. SIt is impossible at this time tu gi-e the name of the speaker, according to Mr. Walther. The speaker committee has determined that only a man of nation-wvide reputation, known for his unswerving devotion to the principles of libertv as set down in the constitution. and thioroughly versed in every provi- sion of that imimortal document, will i)e satisfactory for this opening meet- ing. The committee, he added, is ini touchi with two or three meni who incas- ure up to the requirements. and is momientarily expecting to receive an acceptance that will permit public ait- nouncement. Civic Groupa Cooperate Sharing sponsorship of the celebra- tion with the American Legion are the- Chamber of Commerce, Rotar%: club and Optimist club. Through the contact committee, of which Paul Rensch is chairman, the civic and religious organi- izations of the village are being in- vited to joinin making the affair une of the. greatest patriotic demonstrations ever staged in Wilmette. The program committee. of whichi Mrs. A. E. Klunlder, president of \V:l- mette Woman's club and Mrs. Harrv L. Barker, president of the Catholic Woman's club, are co-chairmen, is hus- ily engaged in arranging a prograni of patriotic music and other features. Want Flage Displayed Every business bouse and private citizen of WVilmette is urged tu displa: the, American flag during the entire week, beginning M.Nondav;, September 17. and otherwise to, assist in making Con- stitution Week, observance in Wilmette an event long to bc remembered, said Mr. Walther. It is hoped that. in coin- pliance with the proclamation issued last week by the Village board, the public schools will join in the celebra- tion by arranging special prograins in. commemoration of the signing of the constitution that will bc of especial -- terest te children. RETURN TO ARIZONA Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis and their son Jackie have returned to their home in St. john, Ariz. after speiid-, ing ten days with Mrs. Lewis's par- ents, Mr.* and Mrs. Frank Ward, 504, Park avenue. Mrs. Lewis is the former Virginia Ward.of Wilmette. -Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robinson, 504