Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1934, p. 8

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W!.LMFTTF IIPP September 6, 1934 IN NWS 0F' TUHElCHURCHIE s Watch for the xany unadvertised 'ive and ten-cent values in our stores, tool LOUDONS Tonato Juice OVEN-DAKED Haejuz Reas 0s. Kiteen Kieuzl PALMOLIVE OR Caniay Soap SVOCAN 5c osCAKE 5 HERSHEY's SU NNVFIELD Ghocoiate Syrup 5%-Oz- Se Pea Beans.. SULTANA RAJAH SALAD Red Be. .. ]P.Scressing . BAKER$ MREAKFABT RAJAH WHITZ Coeoa ....... 3 CAN5e Vinegar I 2-oz. PKG., .PKG. se 3-oz.S JAR B10oz-L 5c Packed in DlI;cious Syrup GRANDMOTHERS FRESH ~ Plain or uoUgiiliUiS NO.2 10eq» NO.1IL 10e DOZ L 10 WRIGLEY's AND OTHER CANNED SWEET Cbýpwing Gum. 3 PKGS 10e Potatoes.. 17mZ.l5 RIVAL Dog Food...- CMN 10e RAJAH KRAFT'S FRENCH Vanilla Extract "z-. 10e Dressing 10ez.lo B. BM. SANDCANDY Fish F'Iakeg. 7½. - 10e Jelly Beans.... L 0 NEW GREEN CpABBAGE Z. LOS* 5c TOKAY GRAPES LB.1 lOC MIU< FED STE WINC HENS LIC 0F LAMB3 Lb 9c Pirime Beef Ribs SiN AND L.i9 15T TO STH, LU. 23e Metkodist. Chur'ch 'Rev. Oscar Thonmas Oison, D.D., ihiister The ninisters Sernmon thènme for. the Ill ock worship service, next SundaY morning wiii he -,Divine Guidance.", The music for xiext Suniday niorning wiîli be as foiiows: Organ Prelude: ,TheBeils of St. Amie (le Beaupre" .. Russell Miss Marie Bniel Anthemi by the Quartet: "Fierce Raged the Tempest" ...... ... .... Candlyn Orga n Postinde: "Carillôn-Sortie" ... . . . . . . . . . . .ý M ulet. The Wonian's Aid society wiil hold- Its first meeting of the year today, Thurs- day, September 6, at 2 o'clock. Donald Prisbie ivili give a lecture on bis 193.1 European trIp. Miss Marie Briel xiii play several p iano selections. AUl wo- men of the church are urged to attend. The church sehool will resurnie ts sessions Sunday morning, September 16, at 9 :30 o'clock. There are classes for al ages from the nursery to the aduit de- partnîent. The Womian's Foreign Missionary wo- ciety will meet with Mrs. E. L. Waldorf. 941 Sheridan road, Thursday, September 13, at 2 o'ciock. Mrs. R. L. Marquis, branch president, will give an address. Mrs. Harold Sherman wiil sing, acconi- panied by Miss Marie Bniel. Mrs. WVal- dorf wili conduct the Installation service for the newly elected oflicers of the so- ciety: president, Mrs. M. H. Bickhain , vice-président, Mrs. J. C. Martin; secre- tary, Mrs. Ralph Moulding; Correspond- ing Secretary, Miss Laura Colen: Treasurer, Mrs. Thomas C. M.%oulding. A large attendane is expeeted at this meeting. Ail wonien of the church are Invited. The Fourth Quairteriy conference will be held Thursday evening, Septernhcr 13, at 8 o'clock. Ail members ire ir-ged ir. lie lresent. Kenilworth Uni on Keniiworth avenue and Warwick road. Dr. Herbert L. Wiilett, minister. The services of the chur-ch i il be resunîed Sund(a,, eptenîber 9, Dr. Wil- lett*s subject willl e, "The Opening of the Door.s." The ehur-ch service is at il 'clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to t hosc flot a tteiîding eclinrh elsewhere to cone and w(rshil) with us. This is a union church. Its menibership In- cludes people froni various denomiina- tions. It liroelainis the essential truths of the Christian faith. It desires to provide for- the cominunity the service of worship, religious éducation and so- cial feilowsAlîip. It weiconies the co- operation of ail people of good will Wvho wisi, t< pronote the welfare of the neighiborhood, the realization of ef- fective nîethods of philanthropy, and the extension of the Gospel into ail the world. The Sunday school will ineet at 9 :41 wvith departnients for ail ages-the primary department, includîng pre- sehool kindergarten and first and sec- ond grades; the junior department, In- cluding third, fourth and fifth grades; the senior department, includlng slxth, seventh and .eighth grades through the high sehool. Ail chlldren between the ages of 3 and the high sehool are cor- dially invited and urged to visit and becore regular inembers. English Lutheran Seveîîth street at Greenleaf "A House of Worship», The Rev. David R. Kabele, i)astor. SUNDAV SERVICES Eariy service .................8a: n. Sunday school........... ...... 9 a. mi Second service....... ...... :..ll a. ni. The Woman's society will nieet this afternoon (Thursday) at 2, o'clock at the parsonage. Mrs. Q. S. Klngswood will present the topie "The Christian Physician as a Builder." The program will also include a Recognition of New Members Service. We invite the wormen to meet with us. Choir rehear-sal Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Durlng the Sunday sehool hour next Surixay, the pitures on the Life of Christ wil be -His Going Up to Jeru- saleni." Ail are invited to view-these pictures. The Pa'4-or's Sermon subjeet. next Sunday. will be Sinzieness of Purpose." Services will be held at 8 and 11 o'ciock. Beginniing Sunday, Sé-ptenîher 16, we wiil resume oiir rezular sehedule of services with Sundav 'sehool at 9 :45 a. ni. and morning worshlp at il a.ini. St. John' s Latheran Wiirnette and Park ave-nues, Wilmette Rev. J. H. Goeke'i, pastor ï :15 a. iii.-Flrst service. 9 :30 a. i.-Siindn' eholand Junior and Inteirmediate Bihie- classes. 10 a. ni.-qenior Bible ciass. Il a. nii.-Second service. The subject of Sunday's sermon will be "Worr-v-ts Curse and Its Cure." The Ladies' Aid societv- will mneet this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Meetinz of the Junior Walther league society Frlday at 8 p. in. Cînsqes for the Christiai i cat ion of chiidren will i e r'isnied Tuesrlay at 4 P. ni., and the foiiowing Saturday at ,1:30 a. ni. This; Includes -tlgo the con- firmation clasq. The voting me.mbers of the congre- gation re.sunie their nîionthlv meetings- on Ttuesdety evening at 6 o'clock. A cordial welcorne awaits you at St. John'-,. Conie! Babtist Church Wiiniette and Forest Avenues Dr. George 1). Ailison, niinistex'. All departnients of the Church schooi wiii resunîr activities at 9 :30 on'clock Sunday morning, September 9. Dr. Ailison wil preach at the Il q'ciock niorni ng worship this Sunday. Tonight (Thursday) the choir wili hoid its first rehearsai and close with a fareweii party for Madame Gilderoy Scott,. the director, who Is leaving to commence duties eisewhere. 'NFr. and i Mrs. L. H. Vogel, 1033 Greeuwood avenue, andi two (lauglil- ters, Dorothy anti Katherine, hiave returneti from a stav o.f se':eral weeks at Excelsior 'Springs, Mo.. wliere MNr. Vogel underwent treat- ment ini the sanitarium. M.\iss M1argaret Pjicklami. 429 Ninth street, Ieft Montiav for Peoria, Ill.. %viere she attentiet the w'%eddinig of .Miss Mi-arthia Hazzarti to -the -Rev. Theotiore Maver wh1o. Nvas assistant pastor. at the WVilnîette MIethodist chiurch,. at one time. Miss Dorothy Perry. iwho lias hati a position as librarian at Rice lake, returned Moîîday to her parents' home,. 11-n Greenwood. avenue, to prépare for hier approaching mar- riage, Septemiber 25. to the Rev. Charles R. Jolhnson of Kiel, Xis. Dr. and Mrs. J. F.' Bidwell, thleir daughter, Suzanne, and son, John, of Tampa, Fia., ,have returneti home after spending the week-end as the guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Frank A. PolloC, 140<> Washington, avenue. Douglas Smith anti Charles South- ward of Kenilworth and Bud Owen of Niles Center, formerly of Kenil- worth, returneti Sunday from a week's -cam ping trip) at Connors Lake, Xis. Mrs. Carnie L. Brown of Michigan City, nd-., is makçing a short 'visit with lier brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Melville Brown, 99 Robsart- road, Kenilworth. CANNED Hominy RAJAH WHOLIE NO-2 S SiCes CAN Juat a. few of many fine foods that ten cents wîiI bqy at A&P. WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN BANTAM RED SOUR Pifted Cherr....e.. CALIFORNIA Apricots ANN PAGE Baking Powder MÈ-LB 10e .---à September 6, 1934 WIL METTE LIFE

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