SCHLQESSER' S.' 402LIN DEN AVE. Plenty of, Parking Space WILME1TE 150 No Woting-Prompt Delivery PLAN YOUR WEEKS MENUS FROM THIS WEEKIS APPETIZING SPECIALS j-,ýYoungberries A new sensation in canned fruits Large, sweet, ruby-red bernies with a truly delectable flavor and scarcely i any seeds No.2 2 tins 2 c IL- WHITE BASS Fry, a golden brown. Serve wt new peas and cole slaw. lb. 1 7c HALIBUT STEAK So good when baked in miIk or fried in butter and served. wtb b 9 creole sauce. DUCKS Just the thing for Sundays d ner. Weigh from 5 to 6 lbs. 'lb .2 4c SPRING CHICKENS Sweet and tender. Weigh frorn 28c~ 11/2 to 3 Colonial Dry Ginger Aie Also Root Beer, Creme Soda, Spar- kling Water, Orange Soda and Lrne Rickey. elarge 24. oz.25 Doz4-85c-Pls D2 5c j GENUINE CALVESI LIVER A delicious entree, either baked 7 or f ried. lb.3 >7tC SMOKED BUTTS Serve with mashed potatoes and new cabbàge. lb.J3 C EGG-PLANT Best when fied in deep fat. eacb 5c There are so many good. things on sale this week, planning meals ougbt to b. a pleasur.. Tom-Kraut cocktail wilI prove a delightful appetizer before ail meals. Youngberres, cbilled, are a most inviting dessert. And, of course, there is a variety of fresk vegetab.les and meats from wbich ta plan main courses. Ail priced attractively low, delivery included. SPA(-xHTTI,,ý,MEATBAL majoy the Mont Delicieus spaghetti Mmd beat DBa1 Dina.: Toutve ! Tatedi Jim boat Mmd serve. neai Italimn Spaghetti Mmd tour delialeus Meat Balla. liberal uervng for two. The dieh that won the Grand Prize et thej Internamtional Ezpomi. tilin 1932. 2f.23cI CountryClub Beer 2,e25 WATERCRESS Fresh and dewy. ReaIIy needs no dressing. Good with just3bucesIO salt. ,uce c BRUSSELS SPROUTSý A fine vegetable. Priced '3 especially low. qt. boxLJC Potato Chips Crisp, fresh and crunchy- Fine with c old. beer or for the picnîc lunch or supper- -oz-I71l 24-bottie case Plus Deposit Tom-Kraut Cocktail Here's a splendid combination - To- mato and sauerkraut juice aIl in one - No additional seasoning required - Just chili well before serving. 2 15-oz. tins 15 VALENCIA JUICE ORANGES Very sweet, full of juice. 3, doz. 79c "' MICHIGAN CELERY ~ White and cnîsp. Fine for fîllîng If too. bundel. oC TELEPHONE PEAS The big, sweet 2Is 5 variety. 2ls Commodore Mayonnaise Creamy and smooth as velvet- Makes any salad course the real ]sen- sation of the entire meal- Q. 43C .23c RED RASPIERRUES Sweet, ripe and2try 9 BAVARIAN BLUE GRAP ES Delîciously sweet and - juicyt lb.25c The new cabbage is so goodc and c ook in boiling saIt water for 7 or 8 minutes. cooked. 2 Is Shred 5c We Deliver te You No Carrying te Do WILMETTE 4021i ndpn Avenue Wilmette 160-151 WINNETKA 71 R ElrmStreet Winnetka 51 LAKE VIEW 391;9 Broadway Buehlnghs.m 2000 ROGERS PARK 1 FO8.1arvîs Rogers Park elle Orders Rroughi te Your Door Ail A long the Norths Shore AUGUST 30, 1934