Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1934, p. 3

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August 30, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE WOUD.EXTEND AUTHORITY 0F TAX OFFICERS Country Towns Body Insists Local Collector Should Func- tion Througbout Each Year In a letter to mrembers of the Subur- ban Area and Country Towns associa- tion of Cook county, the executive committee of that body recommends the immediate establishment of a per- mnanent office at 409 Madison« street, Mfaywood, and sets f orth that "we ,houid undouhtedlv, add to. our estab- lished policy, under, the State constitu- I. tion, of opposing compulsory consolida- t ion. several constructive features. -We should work effectivelv to: -1l. Put a stop to the practice of the cotnty colector withholding fifty cents (uniauthorized) as costs for everv (lelitiquent special assessment item. -). Secure for local assessors actual independence from the Cook countv assessor, so that they will be real asses- -;ors,iot onilv in naine but in fact. Want Local Tax Collection %.Obtain for township collecturs the power to collect general taxes al vear *r(,und ( instead of for 21 days, as at present). ". Estahlish more effective co-oper- ation between the police departments of Cook county, working ont the plan already adopted. .5 Establish a clearing bouse of iinformiation for the sale of tax antici- pation w~arrants and other securities. A clearing bouse of this kind would aI- -waYs inake it possible for any munici- pality to ac(Iuire very valuable informa-. tion which would enable it to obtain S the best possible price for its securities. Reconunend "CIlearing House" - Generally, ourý office would serve1 akso as a permanent clearing bouse of information on aIl matters of interest to Cook county governing bodies, and w%%heniever called upon would give di- rect and positive assistance in meeting tlhe pectiliar problems of eaclîi memrber. I'very governing body in Cook couinty, iincludîiîg school districts and towvn- shîips, as well as cities and villages, wotil( receive direct henefit finianciallv an(l otherwise f rom such service, and wvoul(l be hrought into contact more frequently with each other." The letter explains that to estalisli and( maintain such. a permanent office wol.of course, add expense to the association, "but this additional cost spread over the governing bodies- of- Cook county,.would he negligible com- pared tu the benefits that would con- # __ stantl y accrue from the tremendously inicreased service," it is pointed ont. Cite Broad Purpooà * ~ Wilethe Suhurban Area and Coun- try Towns, Association'of Cook County las been in existence onîy a'compara- tivelyv short time," its executive com- mittee explains, "the questions pre- sented to it for consideration have been so many and so varied, 'deaîing with so miany phases of public interest and pol- ic y, that the committee has come to realize more and more theever-increas- ing nleed for widening the scope and activities and influence of the associa- t ion, that it may the more accomplish its objective and achieve the supreme purpose for which it was founded. and prove -a spurce of economy to aIl its members." President William B. Moulton, of Wînnetka, is chairman of the judiciary committee of the association. CALLEDES Bettin Stafing, 617 Washington aveimeu, who has been appoint cd chic f attorney to the Renmodeling div-ision of the Federai Homte Ou-ners' Loan corporation. With his famsily he Ici! Saturday for [Vashington, D. C., zîherc lie z&411 be s! a!ioned for thje îext several mont hs. Car Crashes into Tree; Two Passengers Injured Shortly after 10 oMcock Tuesday night as J. A. Farmer, .1632 Pratt boulevard, Chicago, was driving east on Lake avenue, just west of Skokie boulevard, biýs car left the pavement and crashed into a tree. Ridingwith Farmer were Mrs. Catherine Strom, 225Lunt avenue, Ciicago, and El- liott Williams. 1237 Granville avenue, Chicago. Mrs. Strom received a badîy sprained ankle and Williams a severe head wound. Both were taken to the Evanston hospital. The car was towed to a garage. Farmer claimed to be driving at a spee(I of 35 miles per hour. Odd Fellows Lodge to Sponsor Dance Tonight With promise for real autumnal weather, prospects were excellent for a capacity crowd at the initial autumn dance scheduled to be held this eve- ning (Thursday) in the hall of A. T. Sherman lodge, No. 8921. I.O.O.F. in WVilmette. The dance is sponsored by.the lodge and is open to members and guests. Music for the occasion will be provided by Frank Christen- sen and his orchestra. Constitution League to. Hold Meeting Sept.' 10 The Wilmette League for Defense of Consititutional, Government will open fail activities with a public meet- ing Monday evening, September 10,, particulars of which will be announc- ed late!r. The league 'adjourned for the- summer vacation months, and is now preparing for a busy winter season. 2 CONTAGION CASES The Wiîmette Health department reports unusually favorable conditions from a health standpoint. OnIy two cases of contagion were noted for the week, one of whooping cough-and one of mumps. Constitution Week Will Be Big, WilmetteEvn WE WILL PAY ONE DOLLAR FOR YOUR PICTURE WItMETTE Liit, in order to create a record in pictures of the village. wiIl pay ONE DOLLAR for the privilege of reproducing a ny un- usual picture which it considers of general public interest. In response to our announce- ment Iast week several photo- graphs have. been submitted. But there are more-hundreds more- wbich our readers would enjoy. So bring them in at once. If you have an unusual photo- graph of the baby-of cbildren at play-of famiîy pets-of individu- aIs or groups-in ýcommemorat ion of important events-of local bis- toric value-of oîd-time residents or scenes-pass it along and if it is published we wiIl pay you one dollar and return the picture ini perfect condition. Bogus Check Passer Defrauds Local Stores A "rubber check" artist visited Wil- mette Saturday and defrauded at least two stores of considerable amounts. Giving his namne as Ernest Frame, and bis address as 921 Lindeni avenue, lie presented c.hecks drawn on the WVilmýette State bank, signed by him- self, in amounts of $18.50 each, to the Boulevard Drug company, 1101 Cen- tral avenue, and the Hammond Ice Cream Kitchens, ý727 Main "street. Falsely representing himself as an employee of Lloyd Hoîlister Imc., hie induced the stores to cash the checks, whicb turned out to be worthless. Both checks were made out to "cash,' and both were dated and passed on Saturday. The address given, 921 [Jinden avenue, is a vacant lot. ENTERTAIN. GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pollock, 1406 Washington avenue, had as their guests fobr several days last week Mr. and Mrs. Howard McNamara of Cleve- latid and Mrs. E. W. Andersen and daughter, Irene, of Litchfield, Minn. Thev spent part of their time at the F'air and part with the Poilocks. American Legion Securen Co- operation of Civic Groupa for Special Observances Preparations are now under way for an inspiring observance of Con- 3titution Week, September 17-2, marking the 147th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Observance in Wil- mette will take the form of a.great public mass meeting in the Stolp school gymnasium Monday evening, September 17î in which an address by a speaker of national reputation will be the outstanding feature. The local celebration is being spon- sored' by Wilmette Post No. 10, -merican Legion, the Wilmette Op- timist club, the Wilmette Rotary club, and the Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce. D. J. L. Walther, commander of the local Legion post, is general chairman. Committees repeesenting the other organizations are as fol- Iows: Chamber of Commerce-AI Jensen, Aram K. Mestjian, Albert A. Mc- Keighan. Optimist club-E. H. Kerr, James MagilI, E. C. Cazel. Rotary club-AI Jensen,ý Arami K. Mestjian, Paul Rensch. Aramage Progran A joint meeting of these commit- tees %vas held in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday morning, at which plans for the pro- gram were discussed. D. J. L. Walther was chosen general chairman, and E. H. Kerr was elected secretary. The following chairmen of subsidiary com- mittees were appointed, with power o select sncb otber members as tbey may deem advisable: Hall-AI Jensen. Decorations-Aram K. Mestjian. Publiity-Lloyd Hoîlister. Contact-Paul Rensch. Soeaker-Albert A. McKeighan. Programn-Mrs. A. E. Klunder, Mrs. Harry L. Barker. Seek Wide Partcipation General plans discussed at the meeting caîl for the' securing of the cooperation of various organizations of the village by the Contact commit- tee. These will include the Woman's club, the Cathoîic Woman's club, North Ridge Woman's club, North- west Men's club, Peter f. Huer- ter Post, American Legion and its 'uxiliary, Wilmette .Post auxiliary, and mgny others, including the Boy and Girl Scouts. The churches "Il :ilso be invited to participate. .A meeting of the.complete commit- tee will be held in the council cham- ber of the Village hall Thursday eve- ning, September-6, at which time the work of aIl committees is expected ta be wellcon the way to completion., Want PFI" Display.d AIl business bouses and citizens of, Wilmetie are ta. be requested to, dis- play the Ameriçan flag during the. entire week, and to !end assistance,. by presence a nd otherwise, to make the event an 'unqualifiecJ success. Stirring patriotic music, will l.e a feature "of the meeting, with some special numbers of a particularly in- spiring nature. In'speaki'xig of the arrangements Mr. Walther said: "AIl that we nlay do in arranging an -interesting pro- gram and bringing to Minmette a speaker, of nation-wide reputation wiII be of no '-avail wjthont the en- thnsiastic and- spontaneous participa- (Continued on Page 6). At Big àavings, 0 Now is the tëIme tg pur- chas. the fur cou4 ion Win Wear this winter at an unbelievably low price. *Take advantage of the many bargains ini new and used wearing ap- parel offered in our Glas. sified Section. Or place your ad by calling Wilmette 4300 August 30, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE

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