Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1934, p. 38

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WILMETTE tIPI! Auguet 30, 1934 FOR SALE-Nu4oUU North Shore's BEST VALUES Priced to Seli EVANSTON 6 rooms, slpg. porcli. Want offer. Price $10,000. EVANSTON 7 rms., 2 batha, Ige. Wooded lot. lnvestment $30,Ô00. Price $20,000. WILMETTE. 6 rm., brick, attractve. Investment $15.000. Price $9.000. KENILWORTH Attr. 9 rm. brick, 3 baths. Invést- ment $50,000. Price $32,500. WINNETKA Charirnvr *9 rmq., a baths. Invest- ment $37,000. Price $19,000. GLENCOE White Colonial 7 rms., 3 baths. Investment. $35,000. Price $22,000. HIGLAND PARK 2368 N. Deere Park Dr., 6 bdrme., 5 baths. Make offer. ALSO MANY OTHERS, ALL SIZES & PRICES .OPEN EVENINGS BAIRD & WARNER.uInc. LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 522 Davis Street, Evanston Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 523 Park Drive, Kenlwortli Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 ____________ 11LTN17-lt, FOLLOW THE BUYERS Buy at Present Low Prices BRICK HOUSE IN EXCELLENT condition. 6 large rooms, also, break- faat room, enciosed sleeping porcli; wood-burning fireplace, large tile bath with shower; attractive powder rooni with toilet and lavatory on tiret fInor: wooded lot; execellent neighborhood. Near transportation, shopping and schools. Attractively priced; easy terms4 If desired. 'A genuine value, OPEN BUNDAY 3-6. OR BY APPT. 717 GREENLEAF' AVE., WILMETTE QUINLAN . & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Avenue Univ. 2600 _________ il1LTNI 7-lt'ý EAST KENILWORTH ENGLISH beamed stucco, with 10 attractive rooms, 3 baths and extra lavatory. Sun parior and screened porch; 2-car garage, ohl heat; lot 100x75. House lias been. completely retinished inside and out. Prieed to ieet present mnarket (Nndi- lions. NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. S28 Davis Street University 9500 111lLTN17- ltc ATTRACTIVE PRICE DISTINCTIVE BUFF BRICK SIX1 room home, 3 bdrms.. 1% batlis, two porches, oil lieat, 2-car garage, large yard in beautiful Lfrncolnwood section.1 Cash required. The BILLS REALTY, Inc. 5629 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON <ireenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740t _________111LTN17-Ite DUTCH COLONIAL Beautiful brick home of 7 rms., 3 baths, owner leaving city. Excellent - condition, near sehools, and transp. May be inspected at any time. Must be sold. Mr.. Harris. 14AIRD & WAR NER, Inc. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE elencoe 1554 Briargate. 1855 11LTN17-lte NEW ENGLISH BRiCK HoME WITH * slato: roof In secluded and wooded sec- tion oi Giencoe.* 4 bcd. rooms, 3 baths, qcreened porcli. 2 car.attached garage;c oil heat, large wooded lot. Very special prie $16,750.00 on very easy terms. SMITH & GOSSý 25Elmù St. Winnetka 3600, 111LTN17-ltc -A CHARMING SIX ROOM HÎOUSE 1N 8. E. Winnetka consisting of -6 rooms with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath brk. nook, basement, celing insuI&ted, H. W. H (011), gas .water.heater, à real buy. at $8,500r.00. Bulis Reaity, Ine., 718 Vernon, Ave., Glen. 777. ask for Mr. Lundquist. 1i LTXl7-ltp4 *7 RMS., 1 BATH. TOI. AND LAV. ONà lot floor. Convenlent location. Easy -terme. $7000 L. C. ODH REALTY CO.1 ,933 Linden Avenue Winnetka 115 _____111L17-ltp Col. lise. on private Rd. WInn. Ni. Indien Hill grdls. 7 bdrms., 4% ba., lge. I -open ncr. porch, libr., 2-c. att. gar. Beaut. lot. $35,000. Kenilworth 4790.1 po.u Au[-H@lUUES THIS WEEK ONLY-, OUT, OF TOWN OWNER WIRES a pecial reduced price on hie attractive Engîheli brick home ln choice ea.et Kenil- worth. Special.features:. SteP-down liv- ing room with beani-celilng, fiagstone screened tenrace. 4 bdrmsi., 2% bailis, sewlng rm., oit lit., attached garage, beautifully landscaped. Quick action required. Caîl Mrs. Mead., The BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS ST.,ý EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wilmetie 3740 l11LTN17-lIt IENGLISH HOME NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPEC- tion ai 299 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe. This modern brick home, quute new, lias been recondithoned tlirougliout. Many unusual features, such as, shhp's-cabln bedroom for small boy, library ln strik- ing color combination, powder-roomn wiih vaniiy. 6 bedrooms, 3% baths. Aiiached garage. Oitlieat. Liberai terms, $5.000 cash, bal. over 139 mnontha. Come and sec hi. OPEN 3.TO 6 SLJNDAY, OR BY APPT. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Avenue Univ. 2600, AN UP TU t.èATE 11 J111LTÀN1-tio location, offered by niortgagee for iess than haîf original cost, 3 good size bcd- rooms, 2 tiied bailis, huge heated sip. porcli, attaclied garage, 011 heat, only $1,000 cash required and balance pay- able ln 15 years, only $12,500. Bills Realty. Inc., 718 Vernon Avenue. Glen. 777, ask for Mr. MeLaughlin. ____________________111 LTNI7-1 tc ONE 0F EVANSTON'S REALLY FINE brick homes ai a bargain price. 10 loveiy roome, 3 bailis, library, recrea- thon room, oul heat, 2-car gar. About 14 acre. Witt accept amali trade. SMART & GOLEE. mc. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 ILTN17-ltc IDEAL HOME IN EAST KENIL- worih, fine iawn and garden, 9 liglit rooms, 3%k bathe, extra htd. s9un and sipg. rooms. $32,000. Terms or trade for Evanaton 10 Whnneika. Other homes $12.000 and over. Tell me your require- mente. F. Wanner, 19 S. LaSalie Si. State 5111 or Kenilworih 5111. l llLTN17-ltp A THIRTY THOUSANI> DoLLAR home can be bought for the original lsi mortgage, Eng. brick, four bedrooms, 2 exquhsite batha, tavern living room and den, recreation room, H. W. OIL heai, 2 car garage, Ige. wooded lot. Bills Realty, Ine., 718 Vernon Ave., Glen. 777. ask for Mr. Peistor. IllLTN17-1tc- NEARLY AN ACRE, BEAUTIFULLY landscaped. Charmhng 8 room house near lake, 5 bdrms., 3 baihs, lbrary, rec. room, oit hi., 2-car gar. $30.000. Rentai $125. ATTR. 7 ROOM HOUSE. 4 BDRMS., 2 baiha, ou hi., gar. $8.500. Mrs. Lang. Winnetka 1194 111LTN17-1 tp OLD COLONIAL HOUSE IN ËX- cellent condition, 5 bedrins., large formai garden. Close to achis. and tranap. $15.000. GRACE E. GRANT 397 Park Avenue .Giencoe 844 111LTN17-1te OLD HOME WII'H MARVJiLutJzhS £'- ting on 80 fi. bluff ovcrlooking the lake wiih 100 ft. niparian righta having a beautiful sand beach. 4 bedrooms, 1 bathe, excepiional price for quick sale $20,000. Bille Reaiiy, mec., 718 Vernon Ave., Gien. 777j aak for Mr. Tucker. FORECLOSED BARGAINS Ail ases and prices. $4,500 - $60,000. L C. ODH REALTY CO, 933 Linden Ave. WhInnetka 115 111LTN17-ltc WANTED TO UUY-HOPJsES WANTED WB RAVE INQUIRIES FOR MOD- ern homes,6-8, roome, ranghng ln prices- up 10 815,000. If. you deaire to seli your property, please sec us at once, McGUIRE &..ORR 530 Davis St. Gre. 1080 404 Green Bay Rd. Keniiworih 228 316 P&rk Ave., Giencoe Glencoe 13 113LTN17-ltc WANTED THE BEST à-& ROOM home ihai $500 down Payment wil buy. Phone Buckingham 9012. 113LTN17-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT 2 CORNER LOTS3 ON WASHINGTON and l7th streets, Whlimettc. A bargain. Phone Owner, Wilmette 909. - l41.,7-ltp ____FOR SALE-VAkCANT BNAUTIFUL WOODED CORNER LOT In East Winnetka, 2 blks., from lake, grade and high scliools.. WiII divide. Bargain. SMART & GOLEF, mc. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 114LTN17-ltc 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO,15 TEARS We are ln a position to represent you ln obtaining Insurance Company Loans at very low rates. SMART1'& GOLE, hc. LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave. Evanston University 0283 Rogers Park 0271 127A-LTN1O-tfc We Desire Applications FOR -$3.000, $5.000 AND $6.000 FIRST morigage residential loans for imme- diate requirements. Owners must live on premises. McGUIRE & ORR 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St. Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN17-ltc *A&.L-ilOUSEOIOLD GOODS CHICKIERING GRAND GOOD CONDITION, $335. S MAL L down payment, balance at $8 per imo. CÂBLE PIANO CO. AT. IREDALE STORAGE CO. 1723 BENSON AVE. EVANSTON University 9300 Ask for Mr. Lord 129L17-ltp FINAL SALE 0F E. V. PRICE, FUR- niture, at 1201 S. Sheridan Rd., High- land Pk., Ill. Inciuding drapes, den set, desk, dlning rm. set, smail dresser and a number of rugs. Sale Friday and Saturday, between 2 and 6 P. M. Phone Highland Park 3763. 129LTN17-ltp GEN-UINE C A B LE MIDGET UP- riglit. Will-transfer for balance due at original terme, $6 per month. Ire- dale's Storage Wareliouse, 1723 Benson Avenue, Evanston. Phone University 9300. Ask for Mr. Lord of Cable Piano Company. 129LTN17-ltc FULL SIZE SOLID MAHIOGANY BED witli box springs and inattress, $A. Antique wall hanghng, $10. Antique piano scarf, $20.. Two pairs antique gold satin drapes, cost $250. Wili seli for $35. Wlmette 2520. 129LTN17-Itp FOR SALE-RED WICKER PORCH 1furniture, 2 chairs and chaise longue; dining room table and 6 chairs; Console Victor Victrola, and various other household articles. Ph. Wilmette 3617. 129LTN17-ltp WILL SACRIFICEii~,LAxiiià*iu.uu, chest of drawers $5.00, reed baby bug- gy $9.00, play pen & pad $4.00, curtains 25e pair. Winn. .1385. 129LTN17-Itp I 29LTN17-ltp BABY GRAND PIANO. BREAKFAST set whth 6 chairs. Porcli furniture. Porch beds. Dresser. Desk. Crystal wear. Large Bohn icebox. Reasonable. 1161 Chatfield Rr., .Winnetka 1428. 129LTN17-ltp For sale THOR MANGL.E 45 Inches. $20, Winnetka 1956. 129LTN17-ltp UPRIGHT PIANO, ORIENTAL 1111, child's dressing table, cheat, kitchen cabinet, table and chairs. Large daven- port. beds, dressera. Cali Glencoe 1506. 129L17-ltp PRESERVING JARS; BOOKS; RUGS; desk; costumer; dlocks; andirons; chairs; porch shades; screen and swing, etc. 622 Forest Ave., Wilmette, 111. 129LTN17-ltp. HIGHBOY, CEDAR CHEST, DROP leaf table, end table, chairs, lampe, bric a brac. Winnetka 1035. 129L17-ltp FOR SALE-DOUBLE BED. MAHOG- any, 4 poster complete with springs and mattrese. Phone Kenilworth 4371. 1291LTN17-ltp BECKER PINO PONG TABLE, ALSO Simpiex honing machine. Cali at WII- mette Bowling Alley, 1159. Wlmeite Ave.. Whlmette. 129LTN17-ltp BREAKING U P HOUSEKEEPING. Muet sel* furniture, all or part, before Sept. 10. G. E. refrigerator Included. Phone Wlnneika 266. 129LTN17-ltp LARGE THOR WASHER & IRONER, also Airway vacuum cleaner. Cheap for cash. Phone Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN17-ltp ANTIQUE CHEST 0F DRAWERS, glass, pewter, etc. Child's violin, desk and rocking chair. 517 Cumnor Road, phone Kenilworth 3109. 12914!N17-ltp FOR SALE-ýCHILD-S SLIDE, SEC- FOR SALEL-HOUSEHOLD SOODS VELVET RUG WITH PAD. 58.6x1L2. Practically new. $A.. Hartnett., 2038 Washington Ave., Wllmette, 111. 129L17-ltc FOR BAI. E-M1 5CrLLArcOUS iFO-UR SN;GLISHBR(ONZE ELieCTR 1wali ixtures, $12.,,Two crystai drop wali fixturea, $8. Materials fromý large davcnpori chaise longue, and wing chair., Lifie new-cheap. Wilmeite 2520. 131LTN17-ltp KINDERGARTEN TABLE ï~2 INCHES long and four chairs, Fairbanks Morse baby scales wlth weights, folding baby bath t-qbIe. Wintn. 1949. UIILTN17-ltlp Green Reed Baby Bugrgy GOOl) CONDITION. 883 ELM ST., 1'Winnetka. Phone Whnnetka 698. 131LTN17-ltp MOVING, MUST SELL ENTIRE COL- lection of tropical fieli, will make spe- chaI price on entire lot wth equipment, Glencoe 380 fllL'rN17-Itp BABY BATH PLAY PEN WINNE'rKA 1207 1I1LTN17-ltc WTD. TO *UY-MISCELLANKOlIS $ $ $OLD CLOTHES $$ $ Will buy men'a used suits, shoes, overcoats; also fui coats. Blest prices. Prompt service., ,A. MARTIN UNI. 0347 132LTN$9-tfp Goldman-junk Dealer Hhgheet prices pahd for junk. Wilmetie 5417 Whnnetka 3720 .132LTNS-tfp Bob Joslin, Bob Nelson, and Wells Simmons ail of Kenilwortb, witb their partners had a, Dutcb treat party ai the dinner dance ai Exmoor Country club lasi Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. tigel and sons, Jarvis and Buddie, 412 Tenîh street, bave returned from a three weeks' vacation spenit ai Eagle River and Phelps, Wis. - Dr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Fox, 507 Greenleaf avenue, are motoring to Springfield, Obio, over Labor Day to visit Dr. Fox's family and rela- tives. Marjory Wyatt wbo makes ber home witb ber aunt and uncle tbe Howard Jordans, 320 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwortb, is returning f rom Kansas City nexi Monday. 0o- Mrs. Tbomas Reyen of Atlantic City bas been spending the summer montbs witb ber sister and family, the George W. Niestadis, 805 Green- leaf avenue. 0o Mr. and Mrs. joseph' Kutten, Bob- bic and Joan, 1201 Chesînut avenue, have returned f rom'i a vacation spent ai Maxwelton Braes, Bailey's Harbor, Mis. _-o- Mr. and Mrs. Porter Fox and. daughter, Nancy, 626 Warwick roàd, Kenilwortb, returned Tuesday from a two weelcs' vacation at Diamond G ranch in .Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Moritz and son, Burt, 226 Warwick road, Kenilwo1rtb, returned Saturday from a two weeks' vacation at Camp Franklin, Wood- ruif, Wis. Jack Cassin, 326 Oxford road, Ken- ilworh, -'IlI return to tbe University of Illinois ini September. He will bc graduated in February. Mrs. Joe Cantillon of Hickman, Ky., là spending a f ew days witb her daughter and family, the Willis But- lers, 718 Forest avenue. -janice and Joan Guthridge, 917 -August 30, 1934 WILMETTE * LI.FE

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