August 30, 1934 Better Film Group Pleased at Wealth of Family. Pictures (Contributed) l'he Nort 'h Shore Better Film court- cil held its monitbly meeting Monday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Rober~t Halliwell, Wilinette. The cmuncit is happy to announce tiîat most of the bookings of the local theaters-for the coming nonth were unusually wholesome and the great majority of the films rated as family pictures. The Wilmette theater lias booked ine family movies out of eleven, and the other two were fine films, but Letter suited to aduit appreciation. -Cockeyed Cavaliers," "Sorreil and Soit," "Circus Clown," "We're 'Rich ..gaini," "Harold Tecîî," "Operator 13," *"BabyN Take a I3w, Here (Comes the Navv" and "C harlie Chan's Courage- are A well thotiglt of by' t lie varouis organizations ju(lging picttureý, tlroughouit the United St ate s 'lle chairînen and îuenmer,~ of the (l)artnienlt of motion pictures of the variotus north shore organizations were cordiallv înn'ted t() visit HoIlv- wnood at the XVorlds fair TtiesdaN afteriîoorn, :\ugtst 28. Thusc %%*Il" vent enjov cd a delicionis luniclîconi at the NIalibu chcl. andi \I rs. \lary Carr. star of the mrmdîl love(l picture, "Ov er the Hill," %vas loiort'd guest. A special demonstra- tioti of naking screen tests vas given aitiug with other interesting features t he clubi. and after tis programi the miembers of the Better Filmn Cimui('l adjourne<I to the large audi- toriiiii where set-buildimîgs. micro- phîone a(justing, ligliting, rehearsals, director's troubles and other tbîngs incidentaI to the nîakiîîg of pictures %%*Crû (lemonstrated. PoIIy Spiegel Returîis From Summer in Italy' Nirs. '\,. J. Spiegel and hiem- (aligli-. ter, Miss Polly Spiegel. 140 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, r e t ti r ni e d on Thursday of last week f roi New'. Vork here the former liad gone to' mecet PoIly who bad heen ini Italy for' two. nionths. Polly wvas with M1iss' Frances Ladd of Riverdale, N. Y.. Miss Pizzona the Italian teacher at Wellesley, and Charles King Howardl of Larchmont, N. Y. Trhé party ship-i l)ed a Ford f rom Boston to France.: w-hence Mr. Howard (rove to taly.ý 'ie group then motored througlhout 1, Italy, returned on the S. S. Roma: wvhicli had N'ussolini's lblack %irt band aboard. RETURN FROM WEST Mrs. 'Conger Reynolds, 602 1-Larl.s- toit road, Keniiwortb, returtied Satur- day froru an eight weeks' tour of the west. She met bier mother, Nirs., Mary Goodenough who is National Del- phiian supervisor ini Denver, Colo., andl together they motored to Sait Lake City and tbrough Wyoming.J M[r. Reynolds and their soit, Conger II, ruade a motor trip througli XVis- consin and stayed at Red Crown lodge on Trout lake. IREDALE M0VINGib PACKINQ AND 8111F. PIxNG 0F HOUBEHOLO QGOODS UNI. 3100 Wllmette 183£ New Addres LBRTY LOAN CORP. F to -Personal -Furniture WILMETTB L*FE 27 Illinoi0 Counr I Club Bvents Saturday, Sunday and Mo nday, Septemnber 1,. 2 and: 3j wiil sec the big club championsbip tournamnent in progress for. three full days at Illinois Country club this. week-end. The' club championship and the class cbampionship will be decided. 1'here will be 72 boles of- medal play. The first 18 holes will be played Sat- urday afternoon, September 1. The second 18 boles will bc played Sunclay 5IF '-Op-îg morning,, Septemiber 2, and the final 36 hoes wlIb played Labor day, Monday morning and aff.ernoon, Septmber 3. Ail Class "A" players with handicaps îfrom 1 to 1I LWjll comzpete. 'Members and their guests can make up their own game for S aturday aftçrnoon's play. Sunday and Monday, however, ail players will be grouped according to their scores. This is to be the most interesting and actively contested three-day club plyever to be staged at Illinois Country club. The entire list of Class "A" players is expected to com- Iaaamab IUOUSUUUèUSqB r r,: 'I 'Il aS me 'i il S S :1 i ~J' pete for thé, club chainpionmsbip aàid al class handicapsproidefothei entire membership's partucip*aurm '! a great three deys of fine golf. n REGISTER- SEPTEMBER 2,6 OU FINE LETU Arn Acc"redt nchool Pull a mmdPa ime Couum Day ami Evealng Cima saturday Muiim iiiiiiiu: b10 Umm%' " *nomW ~. ,Sol LAKE cRU ISE THOUSAND CRDIE Ch.icago t. Mokinao. The Saiiii g Chkisa go te Mackiuuao, SaIllng Se., Isle teyah, slubti or .NaaaFls Fi. Willi, Canada, and' SEPT*D T oteil bg-rî FîIh, EPI leturL e u eI tedsand -tu id & * Ue Great 'Gala Cruise - the as low ~ Ihd m oi.Aow as. llth of the season over More' than 3,300 miles, this most.thrilling and in-" completely covering four teresting itinerary.W ' of the five Great Lakes. Chicago to Milwaukee, then up Neyer before bas -anv Lake Michigan to Mackinac cruise offered so much at Island: On thru. the bril- uhalwpie li.antly lighted giant locks atsuhaIwpce Sauit Ste. Marie by nigbt. a Froru Chicago Up Lake Michigan to beautiful mxagnfficent display [nto Lake Mackinac Island: Thru the Mackina.- Straits inté Superior and on to Jskt Royale, the Lake Huron: Down Lake- Huron past Saginaw Bay. Most primitive spot in. the U. S. thru St. Clair River and Lake to Detroit.> Thru the Duluth, the wold's greatest wheat Detroit River into Lake Erie. 'Ile Ieigth of Lake and ore port: A daylight cruise Erie to Port Coibourne, the entrance to0-the New 6 along the wild Canadian shore to Welland Canal. Niagara Falls; then thru the vsit Ft. William and Port Arthur Canal into Lake Ontario; across Ontario to visit in Canada: Baek to Isle Royale, Toronto, Canada: The. lengtb of Ontario to the St. '" thrm the Soo Lecks, by day. with L awrence River and The Thousand Islands. visiting ample time to see thms quamnt spot. Alexandria Bay and Ciayton.- then back to pOn to Mackinac: A dance at the Chmcago,, debarking Sunday, Sept. lGth. Gorgeous Grand Hotel, then [ake Michgan scnrfmous and hstoric ports, social gaietmes, and Chieago. new frmenilships. RATES INCLUDE EVERYNECESSARY EXPENSEý rhe mîinimum rates shown for these runnmng water. More luxuriou% staterooms,. Cruises cover every necessary expense, also parlors with private batbs available Tranaporîation: 3 Delicious Momie Daily, at proporionateiy low rates pronounced by everyone the equal' of the Entertainmentm Sotnethimîi doing contin- food on the greatest ocean liners. with ually: Dancimng, music, clec'k sports, bridge rnorning hroth. afternoon tea and sand- tournaments, the Captaimî's dinner. . . al wiches in between. the features of a trans-Atiantic crossing Big Conifortable Berthe in cabins with are inciuded in the price. Book NOW. Thra-Any Trovel or Ticket Agent, or CHICAGO, ISLE ROYALE, CANADA S. S. LINE E... 202, 333 M. Michigan' Ave.. Chicago Phene STAIe 3290 f..ALABAMA .cruisng AFMoWWWU or fée 6rmiýatA. 1 ki:k