Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1934, p. 15

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REAL. ESTATE:f N'EWS August 3Ô, 1934 I M.T L É j TOUR 0F EAST BRINGSATTRACTÎ VE CAPE COD COTTAGE DESIGNI E NI)E'AVORING to ex- L.press. the relaxed charnm oif titis friendly architectural style. J aines J. (;athercoal <il \\ilnîiettu fias (iesigned this l1 'tue'ylbuilding Ni 'gt eiîougbi interest bas licei ieit ini these fast-goirg' ii~ i the warnith and coziieýs o(>. our bouses hv the carciiîl students (À tbîs work, M r. (jatîjercoal asserts. -Vie lione if tonmorrow~ is essei- tiallv tii he practical ini main1- tuie h iss iii the iinie-revered sp rit oi love and iiappiness. 1111 e designer of this Cape Coul Ci iîîatge lbas just returned frîinua. îbree weeks' tour thirîgh tul te ast witb bIis iie in thtir vacation. The col- 41ial lai1wp of houle ik their- .avorite. ni t alotie from the ancteetrat relation sie l)ut as well ir>i i thte beautiful puritv iii tý expressiont<>oti ue. "itetirst floor plant incîtides h rCcItiittstair hall leadittg ti te livitng rootil, kitceet. garage. and< stairs 10 recrea- tion ron tss. etc., iii the base- ment. as w~el1 lii Ptbe secondi< fliîir. 'l'lite iitîgi rootni, library ailf gitesi rî onî lad froinlte liîviîng ro(it. n the second thiirkIe tnaster's dressing _t rooiii. sleepiingrootui and bath t it 111esute with.thie maid's - rootu anîd c b il (1' s rooîn v attother. 'lcimportant wnlvsare looking to the gadnside more tban to the frot anîd Tie ease of care of children and the dren of a different toue. In a word, Hewitt wvile in and around Boston. A wiIlcertainly )e i)uilt Nvitlî everv consideration of guests of ail kiîîds is each roomn bas been carefully thougbt keen appreciation bas been'expregsed niodem c<,constructioni irlrvetttettt avaii- the assurance of certaini happiness as out and delightfully assembled to make for the intimate insight of many of able. time goes on. . I a niche off the càrd a bomne of fine character." Cape Cod's treasures Ithat were djis- "'A jarticular interest is found in roon iii the basement is a built-in bar, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gathercoal closed tbrough the careful guidance of the anticipationi of life ini tiis bionse. and a separate play rooni for the chil- were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C Mrs- Hewitt. $16,000 Permit $22,500 Home Recorded Leads Wilmette*'s in Kenilworth Permits Recod fo A uust le only building permit issued in Perrnits issued by' the WViltnette Kenilworth during the past inonth b)uildinig commissioner during the past mvas for a two and one-haîf 'story montb tîumbered eigbt, the. largest of residence which N. Chase Flint of whiclî was to the Rev. Bernard Brady, Evanstoît is building on the east side 912 Linleti* avenlue, in the amlount of of Warwick road, betweetî Oxford. $16,000. The complete list is as fol- road and Xoodstock avenute.. The Is:building is to be of brick veneer Auguist 7-Mrs. Louise Cederburg, constructioni and will have an at- 714 Prairic avenue, colonial porcb. $1550. ta .éhed two-car garage. The cost is August 7-Joseph Schmnitz, 1930, $22,500. Ground was broken this Schiller street, alterations. $200. week. RaymiondEF Houlihan of Chi-ý Augut 8Cosos rothrsaltra-cago is the architect, and C. A. Hemp- tions iin store at1143 Wilmette avenîue' hrc.ilo Hihad ar tstec- $2,000. tatr August K-Village Cleaners. 1209 W'ashington avenue, addition t îsuler IJ. R. Foote Broadeasts ron,$200. Over WGN On Saturday Augut l-I'le Rv. ernad I Jd.J R. Foote, 1341 Scott ýavenue, 912 Linden avenue, frame atîd stticci:: Hubbard Woods, well ktîown land- a.ddition to bouse, $16,000. scape service expert who bias been Atigust 20-S. C. Klock, 1109 (,reeni i a frequent contributor to t tr Honie leaf avenue. remodel garage, -$300. !atnd Garden section, will broadcast August 27-Emma Scbreiîîer, 1110 .' over station WGN Saturday aftér- Greenleaf avenîue, remodel garage, $300. noon, September 1, at 1 o'clock, o11 August 27-Ralpb W. MoodY, 123z5 the Garden Hour sponsored by the Ashlaîtd avenue, alterâtions to garagz- Garden Club of Illinois. His subject S200. %%îll be "Our Hardy Native Fertis." New Residence Features Glencoe Permit Recordý Two building permhits for improve- nient totalling $20,500 were issued iii. Glencoe during the past month. One was for a new residence costing $18,000), which H4. G. Clark is build- ing at 586 South avenue, and the other was for a two-story addition, including a porch, bedroom and bath- roomI which F. M. Hoffman is makýing to bis residence at 745 Grove street. The cost is $2,500. The new residence whichMr. Clark is building is a two- story brick veneer structure, with, siate roof. Lynn C. Jones, 809 Noyes street, Evanston, is the archi<ect and A. P. Bradley, 587 Lincoln avenue, Glencoe, is the general contractor., Winnetka Has One Permit During Month of August The building industry ip WXVinetka during the past rnonth was practic- all y at a standstill* iisofar as the inauguration of new projects are concerned. The oie buildingpermit îssued was taken out by A. H. Bar- ber, wvho is reimodelling bis residence at 1214 Scott avenue at a cost of $2,500.: Baird and Warner Announce Transfers Sales closed recently by Baird and Warner, Inc., Chicago and north shore reaitors, include the following north shore properties: Wendell G. Griffith and Mary 1. Griffith purchased the west 50 feet of lot ý95 in Manus' Lake Shore High- lands. from James C. Brooks. Baird & Warner, represented by Byron Smith of their Kenilworth office, were the only brokers. Mr.- and Mrs:ý Salim B. Elia D Ur- cbased. the property at 1716 Washing- ton avenue, Wilmette, from Feulx Dolder.. Baird & Warner, represent- ed by Byron Smith, were the oniy brokers in the transaction. Williami J.' Henderson purchased an! attractive horne at 585 Stonegate ter- race, Glencoe, from Mr. and Mrs. George H. Givan. Baird & Warner, represenited by Milledge D. Bullard of theii Glencoe office, were the only, brokers.- Spenîcer F. Adams, .69 West Washington street, Chicago, handled the legal details for the purchaser. REGISTER- SEPTEMBER 26

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