Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1934, p. 10

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Hiday Tour over Labor Day MAMMOTH CA' LOUUS VILL Es Lv. Chicago 1:30 P. m.,Saturday, 1 Sept. lst. ". Home Monday, Night, Sept."3rd. VEI KY.1 For descriptive teaftes aad fulil iaformation, cati or write yoiar Local Ticket A gent, any Tour Agent or Pas. ses ger Represesa- tives .1 BIG FOUR ROUTE III and I L. &N.R. R. SPECIAL Bunte's delicious Home Made' Sweets 59cu. WILMETTE L1P~ August 30, 1934 I I ECONOMY SHOP NEEDS, The needs of Economy Shop are sô, me.ny and so varied that Ithis wéksplia will 'be a, request o just anything tb4t canù be. spared. Perhaps there is special need for. school necessities--current schodl books, cbildrWsn'scoats, dresses, sboes, stockings, caps, suits. Anything that your icbild, bas outgrown can be used by a smaller child. Economy Shop is so grateful for your belp-Mrs. A. L.. Grinnell, chairman. Note: Economny Shop is conducted by the Woman'a Club of Wilmette. Mrs. Peniek Returns From Nevis, Minnesota Mrs. M. M. Penick, 609 Central avenue,. returned on Tuesday of last week from a three weeks' motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sawyer anà Mrs. Robert Sawyer, wbo bad heen Mrs. Penick's bouse guests motored witb ber to tbe Sawyers' home in T ren- ton, Mo., wbere Mrs. Penick picked Up ber cousin, Mns. R. S. Grant, and together they drove, to Nevis, Mi., wbere tbey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George McGee. The Penick cbildren stayed witb tbeir grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mns. William.B. Mont- gomery while their mother was away. 1~> *lems. If you need extra cash for mortgage interest, taxes, bis or worthwhile purposes ... cou aot Our M office today. Our service is prompt and courteous. FU RNITU RE LOANS AUTOMOBILE LOANS CO-MAKÉR LOANS COMBINATION LOANS PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY 70 Chanci Street, Evanston. WiImette 4mt4 Gremleaf 6081. YOUR, CAR Lests, Longer when it is regularly serviced aTHE OIL WELL This isàfbefor. and affer" sfory that; is really true. No, car .can be. *xpected fo ride smoothly and look lik. new if if rceOives no car.. A p.rioédié- Gu.aslmg $1000 Main Street at Linden Avenue Washimg $1000 Phone WiIm.tte 3334 I - -- LANDMARK GOES INTONEW HANDS"I - * ***- w i t .~ t 1 *'*. .. J. B. Wiiming, wvho for the past 24 y-ears lias qonductcd the Wilniy pharrnac'y (aboie). ai 120 Wiliiette avenue, al the 'rop»ner of Main street, 'so!d thé busines.s Thuirsday of last week to R. W. Bullock, who for the past ive years lias bccn identificd zvith the drug bisincss on the north shore. Mr. Wilming bas inade n o definite plans for the future, beyond that of taking a much needed and well de- s erved'rest. Many friends and the commercial circle .with whicb lie bas so long been identified express -the hope that ýthe change will not seve.r' bhis. connection witb eitlier tbe village, or its business activities., The store wliicli bas Just passe(l into new hands was the first drug store openied in Wilniette. and en- twined with its history are thie names of several pioneers among tlie busi- ness intenests of the village. It was establisbed by a man namied Boyd, in a frame building at wbat is now 619 Main street, the exact date flot being known. Thomnas Reddy, a well known early resident, was manager. Mr. 'Boyd 801d the store to W. H. Sage, irom wbomn it was purchased by:LéRoy Conger. In the meantime the building inwbich it is now located was completed in 1892, and the, store mnoved there. It was taken oven b3y the Peter Van Schaack wholesale drug çompany who operated it for some time, with, various* managers and clenks. Oîf tbe second floor of tbe new building were located the officers of B. C. Stolp. M. -D. and C. H. Eldned,. D.D.,S., In 1895 the store was sold to Sam- uel Sexhauer, wbo conducted it until )7 WASHINGTON AVE. ( m* ou ceE~NU£.) WL. 3242 1VO1, when it wvas purchased by Dr. s. H. Eldred. During tbat year tbe ý-cond (lrug store, now operated by C., E. Renneçkar as tbe Renneckar Dnug company , at 1138 Central ave- nue, was opene( 1 w F. N. Gather- Dr 'Eldred 'Sold, the \Vrilniinig store in 1903 to H. K. Snider, wbo operated it until *1910. A partnersbip wvas fonmed h)y Mr. Snider and E. C. Cazel, his pbanmacist, and in 1909 the store now knownt as Snider-Cazel Drug company, at 1167 Wilmette ave- nue, wvas opened. Mr. Snider, bow- ever, retained ownensbip of the Wil- Ming store until 1910, wben he dis- posed of it to Mn. Wilming, wvho now surrenders it to other owner- ship. BACK FROM MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Schul- 1er and daughten, France s jane, 502 Washington aven~ue, have, retunned from a two weeks' stay at New Ulm, Minn. Mrs. Frieda Funst, Mrs. Schul- ler's mother, also of 502 Washington avenue, is at New Ulm at the present time' on. business. She bas with ber ber granddaugbter, Marguerite Julia Schuller and will return ini time for Marguerite to enter school. Mr. and Mrs. Hadiey Kelsey, and Miss Kathenine Gallagher of Omaha left Monday'after a visit of a few days witb their c ousin, Mrs. R. F. Feagans, 872 Burr avenue. Mrs. Henry R. Hale of Sweet Bnian, Va., came. Sunday to visit ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. San-. born Hale, 610 Rosewood avenue, for two weeks. REGISTER- SEPT.EMBER 26 aad s.rvicing ber. WiI keep your car Iooking and riding hlke. new. THE -OIL -WELL.I 4 Bb 'W Mac August 3 0, 1934 W ILMETTE LIPÉ

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