Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 42

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44MTELIEAgst2,13 "Twiinkle Ditto," sailed by Max Hayford and Gordon Jone *s of Sheri- dan Shore Yack club, won the Star class invitational regatta sponsored by the Jackson Park Yacht club in a tbree-race series held Saturday and Sunday, August 18 and 19. "Twinkle Ditto" with two firsts and a second place amassed a total of 62 points. "Geniini" sailed by S. C. Pirie, Jr. and. L.. M. Pirie of Sheridan Shore a second with two seconds and a third totalling 59 points. "Fram" of Sheri- dan Shore and Chicago Yacht clubs. sailed by R. K. Lowry and Palm and Rundle took third with.58 points con- sisting of a fourth, a first and a third place. AIl races were held off the Jackson Park Yacht club harbor.. The Sat-' urday afternoon race was sailed twice around a triangular course; the Suni- day morniing race was windward-lee- ward and the Suilday afternoon race,ý wvas a repetition of Saturday's course. Every contest was sailed ini a heavy ý wind and althouglh several picces of rigging parted, there were no inasts i lost. Win Silver Saiboat The hosts left nothing undone ini providiiîg for the comfort and.enter- tainmient of the guests from Sheridan Shore, Chicago and Columbia Yacht ,clubs, even to tlhe extent of .towing their boats to Jackson park from the respective anchorages at Wilmette, Belmont and Randolph street. Those' wishiîîg to follow the1 races werc taken aboard Otto Dice's 65-foot cruiser Ottmar, wlience the tactics of the sailors could be watched throughout the regatta. The grand prize for tlhe series was the Moninger trophy, presented to Mr. Hayford and Mr. Jones Sunlday evening. This trophy xvas a silver sailboat nîounted on a hiandsome modérnistic silver b)ase. The second' pr ize wvas a silver sailboat, the third a silver cigaret hiolder and the fourth, wbicb vent to Toin Waage of "Neo" was a silver match box bolder withi a silver yacht niounted thereon. In addition to the above prizes,1 E. L. Thonîpson presented the wvin- ners of lst, 21ld and 3rd places of each race witb hams and bacon. This Star fleet of twenity-one boats was the largest ever to sail together on Lake Michigan and aithoug1i there are an additional fifteen Stars within the four clubs, nieyer before had a fleet of this size been assembled. JACKSON PARK YACHT CLUB IN- VITATION REGATTA STAR CLASS YACHTS. AUGUST.18 AND 19, 1934. Place 'l, No. 412-Twinkle Ditto- S. S. Y. C., Miax Hayford, Gordon Jones, lat race, 1; 2nd race,, 2; 3rd race, 1.1I Total points 62 Place .2,1 No. 652-OemliIi-S. s. Y.. C., S. C. Pirie, Jr., L. M. Pirie, lst race, 2; 2nd race, 3-, Srd race, 2. Total points 59. Place 3, No. 673-Framn-S.- S. 'Y.C, R. K. Lowry; Chi. Y. C., Palmi and Rundle, lst race, 4; 2nd r;ae,, 1; Srd race, 3. Total points 58. Place 4, No. 98-NeO--S., S. Y. C., Tom Waage, Bd Brandriff, lst race, 3; 2nd race, 5, 3r d race, 6.,Total points 52. Place 5, No. 355-Humilier Il-S. S. . C., John Denkison, Earl. DeMoe, lst race, 8; 2nd -race, 4; 3rd race, 4. Total points 50. Place 6, No. 257-Jane IIL-Col. Y. C., Geo. Harvey, Fred Porter, lst race, 5; 2nd race, 6; 3rd race, 7. Total points 48. Place 7. and 8, No. 725-Smack- S. S. y. C., Wesley Bowman,- Chas. Floyd, lst race, 9 - 2nd race, 9; 3rd race, 5. Total points 43. Place' 7 and 8, No. 162-Spinster- J. P. Y. C., 'HarrY B. Vested, R. .A. Vested, lst race, 7; 2nd race, 8; 3rl race,' 8. Total points 43. Place 9, No. 704-Al Baba-S. S. Y. C., Chas. Kni9ht, Bill Noble, lot race, 6; VISITS PARENTS -HERE 'Mis. Allen Pearson .(Avis. Lundahl) of Goshen, Ind., left Sunday after a visit with ber paren.ts,, Mi. and Mrs. Herbert Lundabl, 224 )Raleigh road, Keàilworth,ý while 'Mr. Pearson was on abusiness tnip in Cleveland, Ohio. Marion Hledrick, 3()4 Melrose ave- 2nd race, 7,; 3rd race, disqualified. Total ne eiwrh h a envst points 31.inue, nilawrh, Wbos benvsit Place 10, No. 802-Pegas-S. s.xy-.C.,i- ii awr, i. sreturning W. V. Gathany, L. R. Mace, lst race, August 30 to prepare for rushing 13; 2nd race, 10; 3rd race, 15. Total parties at Northwestern universitv. points 28. Place 11, No. 899-Star Dust- J. P. Y. C., E. Willis, Fred Reutter, lst Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burch and race, 16 ; 2nd race, 12; rd race. 12. dauighter, Barbara, 163 Abingdon Total points 26. Place 12 and 13, No. 437-Sea Star- avenue, Kenilworth, are visiting the J. P. Y. C., F. Byrne, P. Alford ' st iDe\Vitt Stillmanls of Winnetka at race, il; 2nd race, disquallid; 1 3rd Ldntn ih race, 10. Total Points 23. -ý 'iigoM c>- Place 12 and 13, No. 25-Be-0i Y.. C., Ed Roth, Il. A. Requa. lst race, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Neir ot Mo- 10; 2nd race, 11; Srd rave, disqualified. unie, Ill., who were recently înarried, Total points 23. Place 14, No. 107-Nereld-S. S. Y., wilI spend the week-end and Labor E. E« Raymond, Don Bergmnan, lst race,: day visiting Mr. Neir's parents, Mr. 14; 21nd race, disqualified; 3rd race. 9. and 'Mrs. E_ýarle Neir, 201 Ninth street. Total points 21. Place 15, No. 599-Barnacle-J. P. Y. C., o E. Barnard, D. Barnard, Ist race, 19: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burpee, Pa- 2nd race, 14; 3rd race, 17. Total points lyma Lec, Eleanor and jean, 815 Uni- 18. diavnear evn audyt Place 16, 17, 18, 19, No. 377-Hermes- dc vne r evn audyt S. S. Y. C., AI Bingham, C. Dautel, 1stI motor to Cass Lake, Minn.. to spend race, 11; 2nd race,. disqualifled; 3rd a mionth. race, Il. Total points 16. -o- Place 16, 17, 18, 19, No. 824-Aquilla-- S. Sý. Y. C., Tonm Wolfe, Bill Friskey, Nlrs. 'Earl Nýeir, 201 Nînthi street, lst rave, 15 ; 2nd race, disqualified ; Srd etertained sixteen guests informally race, 13. Total points 16. at dinnier Friday at Shawne Countrv Place 16, 17, 18, 19, No. 674-Kathleen, lb i onrobrhsbn'1brh i. P. Y. i., J. Stanton, W. Christenson,clbi onrflerhsad iW Ist race, 12; 2nd race, 16. 3r(l race, dis- day <ualified. Total points 16. I- Place 16, 17, 18, 19, No. 438-Nancy Pe-J.1. Y. C., W. W. Woods, W. Nlr.. anîdNirs. Edwin Hiunt Badger, Steck, lst race, disabled;' 2nd race. 910 Lake avenue, left Tuestlay for a 14 ; 3rd race, 14. Total points 16. weck's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Place 20, No. 577-Starlight-J. P. Plochmian of Evanston at their Y. C., -4. C. Rasmussen, J. L. Ruzichi a lie Vs Ist race, 18; 2nd race, 15, 3rd race, stininiuer homeiiEaClre\i. (isabled. Total points 11. -0 Place 21, No. '1049-Sans Blaque- wlanO et 0 bndnae .. P. Y. C., R. Greenlee, Hl. S. Vested, \ilan0 et 0 bndnae lst race, disabled; 2nd and 3rd race, nue. returned Monday f rom a two disqualified. Total points 0. weeks' visit with Mrs. BeIt and Miss S3. S. Y. C.-Sheri.dan Shore Yacht club. ,riia tthrstiiiehoen J. P. Y. C.-Jackson Park, Yacht club.Viina ttersumrh eii Col. Y. C.-Columbia Yacht club. Tomahaw'k, Xis. Chi. Y. C.-Chlcago Yacht club. 1-0-1 Next Saturday Star sloops f rom Ms F. W. Burpec, 129 Dupec the above clubs will compete ini the pilace, and bier gra.nt-datigliter, Jean aninual Daily Newvs regatta off Nav'y Burpee, 815 Linden avenue, returned Pier. Chicago. Satuirday f rom a visit to Fort Fair- fiel«, Me., and New Brunswick. Conîîi. Mrs. *E. A. Cassin and familv, 326!-o- Oxford roa(l, Kenilworth, are miovinig Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake ave- the middle of September to 3200 Lake niue, will have the next meeting of Shore drive, Chicago. Mr. andiXlr s. Uic Reading circle on M.\oiuday after- Kenneth Barnaid of Evanston have noon, August 27, at 1 :15 o'clock. leasc<l lier home.- - 0 ~Miss Nellie Prestoni of lnîw,%ood, Buirt A. Crowe. 234 Raleigli road. MI., is spending the Weck withlber Kenilworth, left Wedniesday on a girlhood friends, Mrs. Albert A. Mc- b)usiness trip to Buffalo. Keighan, 1025 Greenleaf avenue. "&BEEGLE HME JIMBEE&LES.i NAIS4 oID vou kTNE T« I. OD PIPE OUT. M4D CLEAM l'I Why 'lot take a moto trip' this L abor Day? Get outinto the open country and enjoy the beauties ,of niture. For per/ect enjoyment, though, be SURE your car is in proper condition. Corne here fi rsi and get SILVER FLASH CAS... QUAKER .Mr, and Mrs. Harry Allen,.541 moor road, Kenilworth, spent week-end visiting Mr. and Thomas Hoyne of Winnetka have a cottage at Land o' Lakes, 0o- the M.Nrs. wvho. Vi s. Hughiston McBain of Winnetka spent the week-end with Mrs. àMc- Bain's inother, Mrs. C. A. Keith ini Kenilworth wbile Mrs. McBain and the children were at Keith's Island. -o- Clinton Howard of Rochester, N. is visitinghis niece and ber famnily, the W. A. Richardsons, 1233 L.ake- avenue. Mr. Howard has been giv- ing lectures at W'Vnona Lake. mnd. Miss Imogene Kaufman, 1029.Elhîî- w Ad avenue, returned last FridaN from a month's vacation at Lake Kezar, Maine. Miss Amnelia Geyer of Ihîttfal(>. 'N. Y., left last Saturday after a visit with the Ernest Fleischmanns (if 235ý Leicester road, Kenilworth. -0- Mr. and Mrs. Philip N!av. 131&~ Ashland avenue, returned \Wednes - dav, August 15, from a week's visit at Walhalla, Mich. 0o Ora Clapp and Jane Crawford of, Seville, Ohio, have been visiting John andl Lucie Dix, 236 Oxford road. Kenilwvorth. SHARP proudly CORNERRUSSEL CORNERKOBOW'S INN Orchestra \sCor ner d Playing every nigh 1 i Gross Point Roadg except Mlondav Presented by BRAUN BROS. Service Stations W14Y WNT fLL N~~ Wilin.tt. ru ru Sle l Produis Avtlable at 12" central Avenue 1909 Late Avenue M6 Gre.nha.Y Bod Phobe WLimette 8212 lut e et lad e) Phone Kenlwo'th 4710 piton. W;nnette 167& WlHaetto Avenus and i Bitge Bod (Sotliea.t Corner), Wil. "06 hve' a much better tinte! ]godera Gara.,., min W. BaIIroad ÂTeuUR' Phono University 8410 SIL VER FLASH 1 MOTORt TO LAKCE Phyllisg Richardson, J ane Horsting, Annamarie and -Helen Booz andi Mary Sperr, ail of Wilunette, ieft Tuesday. to motor to Goshorn lake. near Saugatuck, Micb. 0.: Mrs. Paul Renscb, 1639 Highland avenue, and Mrs. Walter F. Schur of Evanston motored to ISIew York last week. They wi11 be in the east -for several weeks. -O0 Mrs. Claude Burnhamn and sons, David and Philip, formerly of Kenil- worth, are spending the sunimer at à1 farm they ieased in New Milford.. Conn. August 23, 1934 WILMIETTE, LIPE

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