WILMETTE LIPE. August ý23, 1934 Ifyou are a tenant or -wish; to! be'a property owner, CLASSIFIND AD VER TISEMENTS General Notie- t'rsdns o h ititfri vn nt Qlucoe. nIcusiv* whosee mes appear ln t . telephone directory,.or wl. ane regular aubcribere tw sithor WILMETITE LIFE, WINNWTKA TALK, or GLEaNCOi NEWS. Rates- 2j conta a line. Advertlsments runaln &Il three papere. MININI CHARÙE ONUB DOLLAR. Average of v words to the lino. No black face typenuaed. 0US <iscont on ail cash advertlae- monts when broutht to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. or 581 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10% diseouent on aIl advertlaementa run tour 0onnecutivé tenues, Deadiuefor Insertio cs'fied advertaements wIho mc f"ý_ePtd u to uesay P.M. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail tbree papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thuraday à P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wiimette 4300, Winntka »600 (Winnetka 500 atter 8 P. à[. p GreelSt ft 0or dEheldrako lU-lilY. 1PIERSONAL WILL PERSONS WITNESSING AC- cident of woman hit by North West- ern on May I., at 10 P. M. in Wilmette, please communicate wIth Misa Anna T10«. 339 West ll4th St.. Commodore 0798. 4LTN16-ltp VERY OL.D WALNUT SPINDLE settee. $35. Small matching dropleaf, 2-drawer sewing table, $15. Both ex- cellent condition. Tel. Winnetka 2572. 7L16-ltP Rug and Carpet Dyeing TO SUIT YOUR DE-CORATING scheme, using U. T. L. dye. Can be donc right on your floor,, Special treat- ment for fýdog spots." 4<,ean antique and modern furnituro, Oriental, domestic rugs and carpets. E. W. CLOCKERS HOME CLEANING SERVICE 2124 Amusie, Chi. Sunnyside 3080 16LTN16-ltp FOR SALF,-HARDWOOD FIREPLACE loga, split and cut in 2-ft. lengths. Other sizes by order. $14 CORD, $8 TON, DELIVERED Samples. to be seen at 514 Blrch St. Kindling *ood. C. O. D. coal orders. Black dirt. Manure. Rubbish remova.i. Any trucking or moving. I. G. HAGLUND WINNETKA 2108 16LTN16-Itp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P.J. UEDELHOFFEN. EXTERMIN AT- Ing enginecîr. Ph. Wilmette 3867. 16LTN1-tfc UPHOLSTERING IN YOUR. HOME. Davenport rewebbed, $6; chair,. $2.50. Boit references. Write A-139, Box 40, Wilmette, Illinois. 16LTN15-4tp CLOCK REPAIRINO CLOCK EXPERT, CRIME, HALL, AN- tique dlock repairing. Loarned trade In Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and Fl's)Wiil call. Free estimates. David Johanoson. Phone Diversey 2041. 20LTN9-9tp SMOCKING ON CHILDREN'S DRESSES. WRITE Mrs. Wm. Martins, Westlake Ave. Glenview or phone Gienview 92M-1. 22LTN16-ltp DRESSMAKING DESIGNINO AND CUTTING IN YO1UR home or mine. Ph. Wilmetto 2158. 22LTN16-ltp LANDSCAPE SERVICE BLACK SOII., 3 YARDS $5. PLANTS TRES SHU1 LeRoy D. Durni. Kenilworth 4797 271LTN16-ltp EIXPER. MAN WANTS ýT1MZRIM- ming; aiso take down trees. Othor work around -yard., Reasonable. WINNETKA 3248_ 27LTN16-ltp INSrmUCTon BEYE AND BEYE SCHOOL AND Camp. Boys-Girls b-15 years, $30 a nionth. 8 grammar grades, accnedited, Iligh achool students, aise. Write- Marcellus, MiI., PK No. 1. .30LT1"N15-ttp GE.ADUATE SWEDISH MASSEUSE etofwlde expenlenco. -Bfof etrenrices. Eesonablo rates. Helga Halit Green- les ts2. 38LTNII-ltp MUSICAL INSTRUMNTSI WANTED TO BUY - USE'D STEIN- way baby grand piano, mahogany or ebony finish. Must be reasonable and first clais condition. Write A-143, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 40LTN16-ltp NURSINO Capable *Practical Nurse FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE. N. S. REF- erence. Reasonable. Winnetka 290. 41LTN16-ltp PAINTINU AND DECORATINQ Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1- UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK.1 Rm. walhpaper cleaned, $1 ; bathroom .nameled, $5 up; kitchen painted., $6 Up. 5 rm. fins. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finiah, outaide painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Rets. Free estimates. Materiaha furniahed. MELVIN Wilmette 34131 42LTN16-ltp.l DECORATING.5 RMS. $32 CEIL.'AND WALLS COMPLETE Ceil. calc.. $1 Up; kit. ptd., $6; bathnxn. enam., $5 up; rm. papered, $3.50. an- tique walls washed and starched, $2.50. Good workmanshlp. nefs. if req. Louis, Wil. 5034-Win. 2511. 42LTN16-itp DISTINCTIVE PAINTING DECORATING Old floors made new witi- Electric ma- chine. Special.summer 'nFates. .Broberg Briargate 1061 42LTN16-4tp PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR lst dlais work guaranteed. Reasonable. SID OLSON WILMETTE 4357 42LTN415-4tp PETS_______ FOR SALaE- PEDIGREED 'WIRE .Haired Pup. Male. $25, Phone Wil- mette 3158. 44LTN16-itc PIANO TUNINS Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED F'actory, Dealer. Acoustic Laboratory experience;ý good references. E. I.. VAN HARLINGEN Wilmette 1323 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Lowell Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- ering Boston. R. C., Thomas, 517 Pair- view, Park Ridge 69-R. 45LTN13-4tp SEWINC MACHINE REPARiNO SEWING MACHINES A ND1)VA CUU ÜM CLEANERS,. ALL kUndi repalned. Established more than fi fty years ýago., Now iocated in Wl!- mette. LU E. Blunt, Tel. Wllmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29mtfe PUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repaire, but uncalled ton: Black pony coat, $15; brown caraéul, $20; gray caracul, $24; leopard cat, $29; American broadtail, $24; black caracul, $28;, raccoon, $25; Hudson Seal, $50;- genuine .mink, $150;,and many othens worth four times their price. AIse 20 Jacquettes P t $10 anid 28 fur scarte at $2. Economy gâction, Miler Pur Ce., 118 North Mlohiganz Ave.. .Chicago. open evenagu.59LTN16-2te CAPAB3LE, REFINED, WRITE WOM- an wishes te manage household, do cooking only, or general housework. For years with one Evanston family. Can furnish excellent reference.,. Cal! Univercity 01.12. 6SLTN16-ltp WOMAN,' COLORED,(;D 00, hswk., by week or 12 days by week. N. S. Rets. Can aise work as couple. Phone Glencoe 758. 68LTN16-ltp WASHIING OR HOUSEICLEANING by the hour or day. Winnetka 2794 68L16-itp COOK OR GNERAL HOUSEWORIC Thoroughhy -expenienced. $10-$12 a week. Phone Winnetka 2917 on or atter Aug. 20. 68L16-ltp EXP. LAUNDRESS, TWEINE YEARS' s;ervice on North 'Shore. Cleaning, $1,80 per day. Phone Wilmette 4313. .68LTN16-ltp CAPA13LE YOUNG GIR-L WSHES cane cf chihdren 'A4 days or w!!! assist in home. Phone W1.lmette 2995. 68LTN16-ltp SITUATION WANTED-MALE CHAUFFEUR- A-i.. EXCELLENT refs. Pauline's Emp. Agency 4th & Linden Opp. "L" Ter. 69LTN16-lte SIT. WTD. - BY NEAT COLORED man, all around houseman with ist chais rets. 7% years lait plae. Robert Strickland, 1725 Dodge Ave., Phone Univerîity 6318. 69LTN16-ltp Garden and Housework WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or hour. Phone Winnetka 1552. 69L16;-ltp SET. WTD.-MAL9 AND FEMALE WE HAVE WELL-QUALIFIED' housemen,,chauffeurs, butlers now avaihable. 3 A-i Cooks. 2 Couples-Ï Seandinavian and l Ger- man-Amenican, who have over 5 years' expenience as couples. .Cahi at once for funther Information. FRE DS EMP. AGENCY, 8 N. First St. Over Walgrecn's 1,. Highland Park0;T1-e YOUNG. GERMAN COUPLE, WIFE good cook, man experienced butler and gandener houseman. Oood 'refs. Write P. O. Box 135 , Ghencoe - 111. Ldindgr.en Empi. Agency 'EStabiished 25 years ' 799 Elm st . Winn. 1047 73LTN1-tfc WANTED -COUPLE -NO, CR11,- dren. Man muet be expenienced gar- dener, with good references. Woman assistt ln reuidence. Permanent. $100 per month and unfurnished cottage. Write A-150, Box 40. Wilmette, flI. 73flTNý16-itp pou SALE-AUTOS CADILLAC 914. 7 PASSENGER SEý- dan. Newly oiferhauled. $250. Keni!- worth 2051. 77LTNi6-îtc $125 CRNJDIT ON N]WFORD CAM b. purchaaod' for $100. Phions. Wli- mette 2758. 77LTS18-1to POR SALE--WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' soholattrnonevening and sport clothes. Berets, coats, sweaters, knkek- ers, hats and shoes-53. Boy's coat. Fine.condition. Excellent values. Win- nctka 2934. 59LTN16-Itp. LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Ore. 3200 65LTN36-tf.c SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REF'ERENCES VVE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite '1P Ter. 68LTN47-tfe EXPIERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic help, all nationalities., No charge to employers. References in- vostigated. Under State supervision. Rèinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 DOMESTIC HELP Reliable Efficient SHAY' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY' Established 20 years Two Offices ln Chicago 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6668 Central 9800 68LTN16-ltc KENILWORTH WELFARE COMMIT- tee wishes to place refined middle aged woman who wil! serve as house- keeper and cook ln return for rooni and smali wages. Urgent. Women for laundry and day work. Phone Mrs. H. B. Taylor, Kenilworth 2820. 6ARTN%16#-tfn) Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET. WINNETXCA 3328 RELIABLE HELP 1Ail dombestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS' TOLTN1-tfc COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTIID with good references. Apply ln prorin ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN13-tfo STENOGRAPHER. E X PER I ENC E flot necessary. Full Urne position ln Winnetka. Smali saiary to start. State age and education, write A-142, Box 40, WJimette, 111. 71LT16-ltp WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN. hswk. Must be neat and orderly. Go home nights. Rets. required. 1031 Greenwood Ave., Wiimette. 71LTN16-ltc SALESLADY, YOUNG, IN HOME miade candy shop on North, Shore. Appiy Thursday or Friday-Ring-Ting, 1553 Sherman Avenue, Evanston. 71LTN16-ltp WANTED G I R L FOR GENERAL housework. No washing. 701 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, 111. Phone Wiimette 4069. 71LTN16-Ité WANrED- EXPEUIENCED WHITE maid for general housework. Must be good cook. Rets. rlequired. Phone Win- netka 83. . 71LTN16-ltc EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted. Steady. Cal! Winnetka 119. 71LT16-îtp WANTED WHITE GIRL 'FOR GEN- eral hswk. Fair cook. Stay nights. Phone Wiimette 240. 71LTN16-ltp MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKC. References required. 110 per week. Phone Winnetka 2450. 71LTN16-ltp HErLP. WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE PO0S I TION S RECEIVED AT THIS offer exceed the number of applicantq qualifie(! to fil them. 5 MOTHER'S HELPERS, $5 2 COOKS, $12-115 3 GENERAL MAIDS, $10 OTHERS AT $8 FRED'S EMP. AGENCY 8 X. First,.ct. Over Walgreen's Highland Park 7MLTN16-lte DOMESTIC HELP REGISTER NOW FOR GOOD POSITIONS. NO REGISTRATION CHARGE. Pauline's Emp. Agency 4th & Liniden Opp. "L" Ter. 1 BIk. Linden Sta. N. S. Uine 73LTN16-ltc EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL, NON- surgical, facial rejuvenator business in New York-16 years established- desire openfng branch Chicago. Will teach business, $500 required, no can- vassing, no special equipment. Semni- professional men and womnen, such as nurses. beauticlans. References ex- changed. F. W. Siebert, 2970, Sheridan Road, Bittersweet 4600. ý73LTN16-ltc ALL GIRLS AND COUPLES DESIR- ing domestic Positions should call at our office Inimediately. Bring references if you are flot already .registered. FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY 8' N. First St. , Over Walgreen'î Highland Park1 DOMESTIQ HELP EXP. AND WELL IRECOmMEND)ED. Good Openings at Once 1 - ý 1