Augst23 134WIL«METTFn Y-lrlpp-.3 IriS/z Pageangt IS idea of thebreal Ireland or thebackc-' - Next Big Feature ýof lieland,' which we will present for, World's Fair 29, will bie tbe initial activity'oflIrish People of Irish birth orextraction cultural movement in the1 Chicago. in *the Chicago area are uniting for district.. It will serve to reveal in a. the purpose of presening "The visual way, the past! glories of Ire- Pageant of* Ireland," a bistorical land and the part wbicb this littie dramatic spectacle at Soldier's Field island bas played ini helping to make on the nigbts of August 28 and 29. the histor'Y of civilization." Xith John V. Ryan, a Chicago at- torney, as president, an organization RETURNS FROM TRIP known as Irisb Historical Produc- Mrs.. R.* H. Palenske, 226 Tenth tions, Inc., bas been formed and it is street, bas returned from a two under the auspices of this body that weeks' mnotor trip to Minnesota witb *'The Pageant of Ireland" will be ber son, Jobn. In Minneapolis she produced. The organization bias was joined by Mr. Palenske who was opened offices at 105 West- Monroe on bi% way borne from Banff and' street. 1 Lake Louise where he had been vaca- SIr. Ryan, who is tbe son of the tioning with bis daugbter, Betty.! late Francis J. Ryan, one of the Betty remained in Minneapolis to -reatest Irisb scbolars in America visit-friends while Mr. Palenske Mo- and tbe autbor of "Ireland's Crown tored borne with bis wife an'd son., of 'rborns and, Roses," bas bimself Karl Palenske has recently returned dcvoted mucb of bis life to Irish fronti a fishing trip in \VWisconsin. cultural and bistorical research. He is the autbor of tbe scenario of "The HOUSE PARTY HOSTESS Pageant af Ireland" wbich, underlBraa agtro b rh. professional direction, will be pres- aees 31eietrrai ente bya cst f narl a bouandentertaining- at a bouse party at her ;fctors, dancers and musicians. aet'smebononLkG- Plan $50,000 Production iteva tbis week. Among ber guests Tlhis will be tbe first time tliat an are Dorothv Starr, Joani Hatbaway,' Irish spectacle bas ever been givenj Canoline Johnson and Sue Weese, al on a large scale in Chicago. Irishbi of Kenilworth. H-istorical Productions, Inc., is plan- ning a $50,000 production wvhich 'viii MOTOR TO NASHVILLE include a large anray of nationallyl Catherine and Site Ellen, daugbters known talent. It will be offered of Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Loucks, 2341 primarilly as entertainment, but, will Sheridan road, are leaving Sunday likewise serve to acquaint the public1 to niioton with a friend from WVin- with Irisb, culture in its vaious' nietka to. Nasbville, Tenn., wbene tbey phases fnrom pre-histian tirne peCs1 will visit tbeir grandparents, Mr. and <liw to the present. 'Its episodesliNirns. S..W. Burton. wilI -be based on the many chapters .(-f Irisb bistory as these have beeri BACK FROM MICHIGAN autlicnticated by world scholars, as'1 Elizabeth Stover, 1044 Asbland %vell as on tbose legends of the Irisb avenue, returned WVednesday from lieroic cycles fnom wbicb tbe poets 1 Alden, Mich., wbere sbe spent tbe ani'd prose writers of many lands have'summer in Camp Founway lodgé. drawvn inspiration. These naturally She is leaving today to visit ber lend tbemselves to colorfttl dnamatic grandmotben, Mrs. Henry M. Allen, action and stage pictunes which will in Troy until scbool opens. inake an appeal to the eye. The aicting will be in pantomime but will Mrs. J. J. Large wbo lbad been h)e interpreted by a. narrator. visiting ber son and family, the Jud-. Costumes Depict History 1son Larges, 1942 Tbornwood avenue, "lie costumes worn bv the lîun- left Fnjday, -after a week's visit, for <(lreds of actors will be representative Minneapolis where she will visit ber ()f Irish dress from the time of the daugbten, Mns. K. C. Gifford. earliest ktiown inhahitants of the 0 pagait era down to the present day. Mrs. Mary Isham and daughter, 'rie miusic, pnesented by a choir of Joan, of Denver, Colo., were week- 1.500 voices, an orchestra of sym- end guests of the Albert Pages, 901 phionic proportions, an ensemblle of Ashland avenue. Mrs. Isbam is pub- Irish harpers and a 'contingent of lisher of the Brighton Blade in Colo- pipers. will I>e typical of the tonal rado. mnedia tbnougb which the Celtic peo- - pîe have expressed thein 'emotions M. ndMr._. C. Lang, 933 Asb- f rom the days wben the druids chant- land avenue, anrived home the first e(l their ritual in oaken groves to of the week from a conducted tour those beart-stirring ballads of patni- tbrougli the soutbwest, visifing cities o)tism tbrougb which subjected, but in Mexico, California, along Eagle uinconquered people kept alive in tbe river and the Royal gorge. centuries of oppressioû, tbeir fervent, 0- love of race and country. Irisb.niusic, Mn. and Mrs. Val Sinithi, 1309 it is pointed out, by students of tbe Cbestnut avenue, motoned to 'Celina, subject, is tbe Most individual music Ohio, to. spend the week-end witb of Europe, neyer baving been af- Mr. Smitb's relatives. fected by continental influences. Organization Pe wannt "It is tbe intention of Irisb Histor- Pabst Blue ïcal Productions, Inc., to remain as a permnentorganization devoted to Rib n B e testimulation of interest, here in the Chicago district, in- Irish bistor- ical, literary musical, and dramatic and. researcb. Our obectivé is purely cul- 'b l trland bhas no -political or re- Blue Ribb n Ai ligiou s significance. ,Tbis: move- nient was launcbed quietly somne are sold b>' the nmontbs ago and it is gratifying that it bas already aroused the entbusi- following dealer: asim of scores of Chicagoans wbo are not only anxious to aid in tbe Wilmette Irisb cutural renaissance, nbuTeeCompan have been engnered itemnds c Ço p n ieof e eleb tndher'staeoismen' ilittc5 . a~ a~aa~ CHILDREýN D on't blame.the chldren wken ev.ry littie noise tbey make irnitates your husband. Chances are hes tense, "on!edge." lt's finie to relax. Serve him a bottie of cool refresh ,ing Pabst, Bue Ruibbon boer. Watck what a differenoe it maires . See kow if soothes and rests hum. Make sure that you. don't spoul your remedy by serving liii ordmaory beer. Insist on Pabst Blue Ribbon. It is pure, fulI-flavored and lias thai dis- tinctive faste that maktés it Anirica's f irst choioe. See that. your dealer delivers a case today. Always keep a few botties in the refrigerator. SRIBBQN BEER August,23, 1934