UIIL<P-TTD i Yn _________________________________________ -..-- . -lia - illini Club WilI Entertain Incoming OnFreshmen Sept. 1 OnSaturday afternoon, Sp tember 1, f rom 2 :30 to 5 o'clock at the Edgewater Beach Iiotel, the Chicago Illinae club, com- posed of women wvho-have at- tended the University of Illinois, will be hostess to mé*mbers and guests in honor of Miss Maria Leonard, dean of wornen at the university, and of inconming, en- roiled freshmen. At 3 o'clock, Miss Leonard will give a speech of welcome to the freshmen. After that, tea will be served and a style show will be presented through the courtesy of the college shop sponsored hy Princess Aleka Rostislav. Miss Virginia Gunderson of Oak Park is president of the club. Miss Jessie Viehoif of Chicago a nd Miss Ruth Drayer of Wilmette are co- chairmen of- the tea and will be as- sisted by the Misses Silvia Cawthorne. Sara Brook, Marion Parker, Verginia Webber, Margaret McLane, Barbara Hlynes, Laura Lou Reichmann, Mar- tha Etzbach, Virginia Hewitt, jane Evansý Alice Donahue, Gladys.Novot- ny and Jane Prettyman, and the Mes- dames Everett Shaw, George McKay, Fred Morf, jerry Haley, Ralph Swan- son, Paul Stewart. Miss Janet Brown and Miss Anneý Sherwin, recent graduates., will con- duct special information groups. AUl alumnae of the university are cordially invited. To Give Sang Program Frida Savini, soprano, formerly of the Chicago Civic opera and of La Scala, Milan, and well known as a radio and church singer, is to give a concert at 4 o'clock Sunday after- noon, August 26, at the home of Mrs. Rose Viviano, 261 Linden Park place, Highland Park.. Tea will be served after the musicale. Mrs. N. Russo of 149 Glenwood avenue, Hubbard Woods, has charge of ticketsales in Wilmette, Winnetkà, and Glencoe. I Aids FoIIi.s Malcolm Balfour Photo Mrs. Richard C. Uhlimanit, w/rose hontre is in Wilinette, is a inc'm ber-ai -large of thcerectitive coninitte for tihe Evapiston Junior I.eague Follies to be give)t in No- venber in the Glencoi' School audi- toririM. Entertain for Bride Esther McKeighan, Amy Crumlish, and Gladys Steffens ail of Wilmette were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower- last Thursday evening in lonor of a recent bride, Mrs. Rich- ~rd C., Norris, the former Frances Hoffman of Wilmette, 110W of Win- netka.. The party was given at. the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Fred Hoffmran, 327 Park avenue, Wil- mette. Mr.. and Mrs. Norris were marrie(I on Auigust 6. Back From Camp Elsie and Doris Paterson, 1625 Cen- tral avenue, and Muriel Kenney, 1709 Washington' avenue, returned re- cently from a three weeks' outing at Camp Daniel Boone, near Valley View, Ky. Miss Elsie wvas assistant director, counsellor, and athletic in- structor at camp. 1 EDune Comfortably on the hottes+ days Air Cooled hy Frigidaire Luncheon .35c l'o 60c Dinner .... 65c to $1.10 918 Spa nish Cout No Mans Land @Imm i August 23, 1934 AUGUST Cam Yeu buy sce REMARKARLE COATS nt Handsome soft woolens. Furs are Persians, Fox, Kolinsky,. Fitch, Beaver, Caracul, Squirrel, Badger, Jap Mink, and Raccoon. Priced for A ugust. onlyl Edg VrA.N S Teve0 , N ŽE72 Gais ou1y la'