Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 11

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:Xugust 23, 1934 W.ILMRTTE LIFE Il A gna. EntérsIs Represented j,, Theater, Art Show' Aligna Enters, dance mime wbo will :appear in concert in the New Trier, Highi scbool auditorium Monday eve- iig, October 22, is represented by a group of water colors, inth e current exhibit of stage settings and costumes coniprising the International Exhibition of TÉheater Art at 26 S. Michigan avte- nue, Chicago. The exbibit, which will he show,î iintil September 26, bas been assembled from many private collections, as well as theaters and -museums of Europe and America, and contains over five lîundred designis for costumes and stage settings, and many miniature model stages, ecdiindividually ligbted. Miss F.nters is exhibiting water colors frow: lier thieater, with designis for costumes and settings. At present she is iii (;reecc, studying un(Ier the Guggeiiheiiîî scholarship recetntly awarded lier. Sonle -44 lier sketches w~ere showîx in Chlicagi last faîl, wbeîî she appeared at the Punch and Judy theater for a week. The collection of theater design .:s thte largest ever assembled. It n-a slîow.n at the 'Museum of Modern Art ini New York, and is now on a tour of thé country. Witb practically no gaps. the exhibition gives a history cf the development of theater art f rom thec Renaissance to the present da%, one- fourth being historical and the rest representative of the modern school of ilie United States, Russia, and thirteen ELuropean countries. ,'rie works contributed byý the Amnen- catis are considered the best of moderni ilî.eater art. In addition to designs for plays already produced, each designer ï, rerpresented hy a project for'a pro- p-osed production. There are designls 1wv Robent Edmiond JonesJo Melziner, Angna Enters, Virginia Dalton, Nor- mal Bel Geddcs. Cleon Throcknîortonl. and others. Tbus nortb sbore residents mnav see designs for a "compositioýn* which Miss Entens is, considering for lier programi at New Trier Higlh school fptî ()ctoher 22. CAR DRIVER FINED 14. . Woolfolk, 1917 Wesley ave- nue, Evanston, a colored taxicab dIriver, vas arranged befone Police M\agistrate John J. Petens Tuesday oni a charge of reckless driving. He -was arrested on july, 17 ivhen bie *.ýtruck and injured Ray Brummonld at Maini street andl Oakwood avenue. He w.as fined $25 and costs. ,Judg- aient on anothier charge, that of driving a taxicab witbout bond, wvas dcferred until Monday of next week, to give the defendant an opportunity to secure bis bond and also to settie l'on the expense, amounting to $50,,ini- curcd ini care of. the injured boy. Mrs.- Fred Little, 514 Essex road, Kenilworth, accompanied by ber son- iti-law, Dr. Roy E. Brackin of Win- uietka, left Saturday to motor to Douglas, Mich., to join Mr. Little and their daugbten, Virginiia, and Mrs Bnackin (Helen Little), wbo bave been spending the past tivo weeks at \Vest Shore lodge. PASHION-DRAWING. magazines, Covers, Newspapets, Posters, Coor, Layots, etc. DRESS DFSIGNING. Freehand Cutting, Draping, Miiiinery, Sketching, Color, Ideas. STYLING for buvers, consultant, reportzng. INT. DECORATiON. Period Styles, Color, Arrangement, Estimates, Rendering, Stylilil. Entrance Dates Sept. 4, i0, 17, 24, Oct. 1 Personai -Training: individual Advancemeft. I GYPSY DANCERJ lac qteliin Richter, 7, of 'svlc west of JEvainstoit, does a gy/'sy dance in his of Roffiany at thte Horticultural exhibÎt at A Centutry of Pr-ogress. This is t/he type of dance sçhe u'ill de in the ail-Anmeri- can amateur dasice co>test whe tte finals are heId in the Free Lagoont theater at the Pair, Septeniber 29. RETURN FROM BOAT TRIP Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peake and son, Tom, 935 Michigan avenue, have just completed a three week's boat trip on the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence and the Saguenay. Altbough they touched at many points, their longest stops were at Murray Bay, Quebec and Montreal. Tom 'returned from Camp St. John's at Delafield, Wis., to make the trip with bis parents. His sister, Judith, who has been at Camp Oak Openings, Saugatuck, Mich., for the summer returns home today. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Ridel and daughter, Jean, 1018 Tentb Street have recently returned 4jrom Eau Claire, Xis., after visiting Mrs. Ri- del's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ridel entertained at a bouse partyof Chi- cago people at their sutnmer home on Lake Cbetek, Wis., tbe first part of the nîontb. Betn Kittredge arrived \ehsa flying from bis home ini Fairfield, Colin., to visit the Bently McClouds, 338 Kenilwortb av'enue, Kenilworth, and to attendthe weddling of Rently, Jr.. on Saturday. NEW FACES FOR OLD NO SURGERY -NO ACIDS PATNLESS AND HARMLESS. F'ree your skin ot freckies, Sblackheads, ugly pores, red Snose, acne,. eczemaan The improved Slebert Meth- "J.- d of acquiring a lovely clear complexion lsaccomplished wlbthe use of speclal creams and lotions -and' requires only four days' 'time. Silebert's scalp process takes only six days, while other treatments require months. Sixteen years of successful prac- tice in New York City. Highejst references.> Consultation f r e e . Reasonable. F. W. SIEBERT' D. N. S. 2970 Sheridan Road, Weilington Arms CHICAGO PHO'NE BITTERSWEET 4600 UNEEDA BAKERS FIG DAIS 2 LB&23I C NORWEGIAN SARDINE (IN PUJE OLIVEOIL) RAJAH SALAD DRESSING PINT 5 JAR WHITE NOUS! DOGGIE DINNER 3è-le25C KREMEL DESSERT 3 PKGS.10 SU LT'ANA Red Beans 5 2! 5 s AssoRTED WHOLE SIPICES PKG. u'l u I OtSPÉLE 25Se MASON JARS ai 79e KENTUCKY WINNERq Cigarettes QUART 29 IONA% BRANcO GREEN INO. it Cu Ban, CANS-1M IONA @PAND SLICED OR HALVIED Poaches . 2 "&J&29c IONA BRAND Sweet Pc ."O-ë5 Pineapple .3 »J i49c COLO STREAM Pink Salmmon N 2 SPAGHETTI OR MACAROI Red Cross . 3'@'«20c soup chips 3 3uou19c Ut ~k25c Family Soap 5 bARSI*5c WHEATIES PABSI-EI Arn dlwam weMdm &@" nda w mma bremkfmue food. Seve .-ep.ààây uu4o wieh bananes. weok a 12PIKIQ&21c 2 "e 5c FIRM, RIPE 3 LBS. 1 7c CALI FORN lA Juicy Lemons 4 FOR 1lOc CRISP White Celery NEW GREEN Cabbage MILK FED, Stewing Chickens Vecal Roast STALk Sc e LBS.lOC * **LBI. 1 7c e e e eLB. 17C Short Legs of VeaU. Veau Rump Roaist' LB.l2C LB. 14C . August 23, 1934 NIL ME T TE " L IF E lomb-

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