Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1934, p. 10

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I ELPS TO BUILD TWO FAIRS RETURN ýFROM MAINE. Robert and Martha, children of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Merrifie1d, 1014 Eim1wood avenue, returne d Fni- day from a mionth's.,-visit. ith their- maternai grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. WV. F. Brooks of North Lowell, Me. Mrs. Basil Peterson of Madison. Wis. ieft Monday after spending last week with the Clyde Smiths. 1756 Highland avenue. 1207 WASHINGTON AVE. (< cst NO E.POUCo) MIL. 3242 J, K Hold Pater-Filius'Day at Sko.kie Club Aug. 29 Skokie Contry club s eighth, an- nual Pater-Filius day will be beld- Wednesday, August '29, and* will in- clude two-balI foursomnes. in the 'morn- ing, four-bail foursomes in the after- noon, d inner, and entertainment.' The events will be 18 hoies low gross and 18 holes iow net in the morning, and the samne in the afternoon. There is to be a driving contest for sons, un- der twenty-one years of age. The longest drive on the fairway from the first tee ini the afternoon gaine will win. Anothier featuire will be an ap- proaching and putting contest to the practice green, father and son play- ing omie bail each. I ovuebaolk Riding ISpeeial Vacation Bates for Chldren j Instruction, Group Rides, Entertainment LONGMEADOW FARM On Hibbard, 3/-mile south of Winnetkra Rd. Telephone: Wilmette 978 You should 1ry this Weeks Special Butterscotch, Orange Ice and Vanilla 45c Regular 60e value (QUART) PEoACOCK*S [CE CREA[.1 413 Linden Avenue Wilmette 4120 From $200 l'o $300 aif REDUCED RATES!'. THIS is a good opportunity for you to catch up Iw th old'debFs, taxes, mortgage interesi- or other obligations... .even to buy new clothes or make nec- essary home improvements. We'U advance you the full amount of your loan in cash, in 24 to 48 hours. If you need Iess than $200, welII gladly arrange a boan of any amount for you at aur regular Iawful rate. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 0 708 Church Street, Evanston Wilmette 4042 Greoudeaf 6081 First Churcli .of Christ,ý Scientist Ten th 'Street and. Central Avenue Wilmette, 111 SUNDAY SERVICES-il1 A. M.. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. AUGUST 26, 1934 Subject: "MIND" READING ROOM - 1148 Central Avenue Open Daiîly (except Wednesdlay) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.* Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may b. read, borrowed or purchaied et'. the Reading Rooxn. THE PUBLIC NS CORDIALLY INVITD TO ATND THE CHURCH SERVIE AND VISIT THE READING ROOM H ENRV JOSHUA JEwErT, 93 years old, the time of the Chicago fire, and, as a veteran carpenter residing at. 847 carpenter worked at, rebuilding the dev Cherry street. Winnetka, went downi to astated city. "do" A Century of- Progress iast Fni- 'There were lots of Indians around day and enjoyed it so mu ch he did not here when I first came," he said, "and return home until Il o'clock. that night. thîe north shore--well, it wasn't very He îlot offli took ini ail the sights at much in those days, 1 can tell you." the Fair as an honored. guest of the "Grew Up!ý1. Witl Chicago exposition management, with. a speciai He- saw Chicago rebuild after the escort and an officiai car at his com- great ire and lias wvtnessed the growth rnand, but was aiso permitted to drive ai developmit of the city and its vast the last tiail in the job) of repairing tlit suburban area. industriaiized barni at the Henry Ford He has foilowed the carpenter's trade exposition which was recently damage'! 1 throughout ail those years and stili by ire. Mr. Jewvctt wvas 22 years old works at it. wlhen the barn was built ini 1863 by He lives with his daughiter. Mrs. Henry Ford's father, Wiliam Ford. Glenn Spaulding, at 847 Cherry street. "It seenied just like old times," Mr' On the rear of the lot, Mr. Jewett has Jewett said in relating the picasures olî his shop which is iiteraily filled with bis trip. carpenters tools of every description. Helped Erect '93 Fair with which, despite his advanced age. * lie proudly says, "I can make or rc- 'You sec, 'back in 1893 I helpcd erect pair ainything."' some of the buildings for that fair," lice__________ expiained, having worked at that timci on the Eorcery b)uildinig and, the Nia -iOptî mists Entertain chinery hall. Underprivileged Boys He caiie(i at the Adm instrat ion office The Wilmette Optimist club, of Friday %%,lien he wvvnt down, and was which Aider R. Tighe is prcsident. relatiing some of his experiences at the gave its midsummer picnic for under- 1893 exposition giving ntes of con- privileged boys Wednesday in the tractons, dates and incidents with a pre- Forest. Preserve on Harms road. In vision that interested the present -fair cooperation with the Boy. Scout troop officiais. which it sponsors, :the Optimist club He toid them about a storn which sought out. a goodly number of l oosened a 218-foot rooftrtuss which was ohybsadgvete tetie thneatening life and pnoperty until li of their 'lives. The prograin includefi conceived, a method of reaching it tomaygms ndctet da t secune ih temporariiy. His revarýl, h.le ihhatad h ersmn expiined was$10.booth was heavily stocked with food ani sweets dear to boyish stomiachs. His orkNs ow istry Thie affair was one of the most suc- Records of this incident and other csfita h lbhsgvt.A details of the work in which he was Christinas.each year the service club then engaged wene found by the official is e upr n etraneta of the 1934. exposition, all recorded ingîaepaofisuppr a etentienpbostoa the files of the big fair of 1893. apart of iandprora mptovheboto Mn. Jewett was bonn in Burnham~ hsciadmrlipoeet Maine. He came west, locating at [.ih-. Mrs. Hubert Hoidoway, 723 Forest ertyville when he wvas about 20 years of avenue, was hostess to her bridge age. He wvas living in Lihertyville at club) at dessert luncheon Tuesdav.« lifil sioloil, liti il lifil! iligil lielliii Ill 1 August 23, 1934 WILMETTE LIF E

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